Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1864: Mysterious organization

"After all, this time, what is coming to me, I know, you Qin Shaofeng and Qin Daxian are not going to the Three Treasures Palace!"

After chatting for a while, Hu Xiaochuan said directly to Qin Shaofeng, and still squinted his eyes, I have seen through your eyes.

Qin Shaofeng shrugged without any ink marks, and said directly: "Of course I am looking for you when something is wrong. If it's okay, who is looking for you blind BB, are you Hu Xiaochuan a beautiful person!"

"I circled a cross, the third child, I now find that my second brother is less and less of the majesty of the second brother in front of you!" Hu Xiaochuan jumped.

"Do you have it?" Qin Shaofeng said unceremoniously.

Hu Xiaochuan: "I..."

I can't go on, um, I have nothing to say.

"Okay, I won't be **** with you either." Qin Shaofeng's expression became serious, and he said to Hu Xiaochuan seriously, "This time, I came here to take away your secret spiritual pool directly."

Qin Shaofeng said very straightforwardly. Even though he has made it clear how precious the spiritual pond is, with his understanding of Hu Xiaochuan, even if Mr. Hu is different, he will find ways to make Mr. Hu nod and let himself get that. Lingchi.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't take it for nothing, he had already prepared enough for it, even if Hu Xiaochuan and Old Man Hu would give it to him for nothing, he would take out enough to exchange it.

But unexpectedly, after talking about the pool, Hu Xiaochuan was slightly taken aback, and then his face became helpless.


"What's wrong?" Qin Shaofeng frowned and asked.

He wanted to use the secret pond of the Hu family to refine the spiritual energy from the Nine Spirit Palace to support those spiritual medicines.

Although the spirit pool of Hu's Midi was almost exhausted.

But if it is really refined, a lot of spiritual energy can still be born, at least it will solve Qin Shaofeng's urgent need, and there will be no shortage of spiritual energy in the Nine Spirit Palace, so that a large amount of spiritual medicine cannot be planted.

"There are some circumstances!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded, then smiled bitterly, and said something that Qin Shaofeng didn't understand.

"That Lingchi is not lost to our Hu family now!" Hu Xiaochuan said, his tone full of helplessness.


Not lost to the Hu family?

What's the situation?

Seeing Hu Xiaochuan's helpless look, Qin Shaofeng thought it was the spiritual pond, something was going on.

But now he is not losing to the Hu family, which makes Qin Shaofeng confused.

"What the **** is going on? Isn't that spiritual pond in your Hu family's dense land? Why doesn't it belong to your Hu family?" Qin Shaofeng asked in confusion.

"Hey, that's it!" Hu Xiaochuan paused, and then began to explain to Qin Shaofeng.

"This matter has to be talked about more than two hundred years ago. At the beginning..."

Soon, Qin Shaofeng learned from Hu Xiaochuan what was going on.

It turned out that the Hu family came out of a genius more than two hundred years ago. This genius not only has a good talent for cultivation, but also has an extremely fast cultivation speed.

But helplessly, those backgrounds of the Hu family finally caused him to be severely restricted.

However, at that time, the genius of the Hu family discovered by accident that the pool where Hu family was located not only cultivated medicinal materials, but also had excellent benefits for some warriors.

Qin Shaofeng knew this, because if he used a special method, he could absorb the thin aura in the spiritual pond.

Although it is rare, it is of great benefit to absorb aura from the spiritual pond compared to the earth's environment.

If you were to go to Wang Shengdong to know that the Hu family existed in this spiritual pool, I am afraid that the Hu family would have been destroyed by him, and then he who occupied the spiritual pool would have been promoted to a martial sage long ago by virtue of the spirit-seeking art.

But for the Hu family, there is no monk's secret technique like the spirit-seeking technique.

The martial artist is not a way of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Even if you get the spiritual stone, you need some means to use the spiritual energy in it, and only the monk has the way to directly absorb the spiritual energy.

The genius of the Hu family seemed to understand this, so he secretly searched for a way to directly absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual pond.

In fact, this kind of method is not completely absent. There is already a spirit-seeking technique in the Wang family. For other more powerful hidden families, it will naturally have the secret techniques practiced by other cultivators.

In fact, if it weren't for the aura of the earth today, it was too thin and almost non-existent, I am afraid that some powerful hidden families would have such existence as monks.

Therefore, after years of unannounced investigations, the genius of the Hu family really learned the existence of this secret technique.

But it was precisely because of this that he thoroughly understood the preciousness of the pool in Hu's family.

If it spreads out, their Hu family would be extremely dangerous.

Therefore, he was a warning to the descendants of the Hu family not to disclose the existence of the pool, and at the same time did not tell the other members of the Hu family the true value of the pool.

But the sky didn't follow people's wishes, and finally the spiritual pool of Hu's family was exposed.

The reason for this exposure was also that genius. Although he was already very careful, he was still targeted by some caring people.

However, that genius was not stupid. After knowing that the spiritual pond had leaked, he immediately found the force that was staring at him and threatening him the most, and then he had a direct showdown with the opponent.

As for this showdown process, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know, because Hu Xiaochuan is equally unclear about this.

He just knew that in the end his ancestor had forgotten his mind, so that the force did not attack the Hu family.

However, there is a time limit.

"... My old ancestor didn't know how they agreed with the other party. Anyway, they made a three-hundred-year agreement. When it comes to the Hu family's spiritual pool, it will completely belong to the other party!"

Hu Xiaochuan said this, and a trace of sadness flashed across his face: "Of course, this also has a price. The old ancestor has never returned to Hu's house since that moment. Since that moment, he has completely belonged to him. That power."

Although Hu Xiaochuan didn't say it clearly, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the genius of the Hu family might have taken the Hu family at the expense of being a slave and also kept the spiritual pond.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong, frowning and asked: "This is not right. Didn't you say that it happened two hundred and seventy-eight years ago? Then, if you count it like this, there are still more than ten or twenty. Time will expire?"

"I don't know!" Hu Xiaochuan shook his head, then smiled coldly, "This is probably the fact that the force can't help it!"


Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of something and felt very wrong.

Since the other party has waited for more than two hundred years, there will be no non-compliance in the last ten or twenty years!

This is not as good as at the beginning, not abiding by the agreement and directly taking the Hu family.

And based on what Hu Xiaochuan said, it seems that even if the other party came here early, it did not cause any harm to the Hu family.

The only difference is that the Hu family's midi field no longer belongs to the Hu family.

In the final analysis, this makes no distinction at all for the Hu family.

Because in fact, if it weren't for appearing by himself, the Hu family wouldn't pay much attention to that spiritual pond, at best it was only used to cultivate spiritual medicine.

However, this is not the point. The point is why the opponent suddenly appeared and directly took down the spiritual pond.

Something must have happened in this. For example, the Hu family genius did not die after joining the opponent's forces, and even cultivated to a very high level because of this.

Looking at the bigger picture, Qin Shaofeng thought that maybe that Hu family genius had already been promoted to Wusheng.

Then, it was precisely because of this that the Hu family's stability for more than two hundred years was preserved and the spiritual pool was retained.

Because once promoted to Martial Saint, no matter how bad the talent is, no matter how low the cultivation technique is, the innate Qi in the body can be transformed in an instant.

This was Qin Shaofeng's conclusion after he personally fought against Gao Xinhan.

It seems that a existence like a warrior can become a monk after entering the martial sage realm.

In this way, it can naturally absorb the aura of heaven and earth and strengthen its body with the aura of heaven and earth, so the life span can also be extended.

I dare not say too much, but it's okay to live three hundred years old.

Qin Shaofeng guessed that after the genius of the Hu family entered that power, he was eventually promoted to a martial sage with his own good talent.

And it was probably because of this that the force kept fulfilling the previous agreement and did not move the Hu family.

As for the sudden attack on the Hu family now, I am afraid that something happened to the genius of the Hu family.

Qin Shaofeng even guessed that most of Hu Xiaochuan's genius ancestor had already fallen, so that the power had no scruples, and then he came directly to Hu's family and attacked the spiritual pond.

However, these are only Qin Shaofeng's guesses, and the specific reasons and circumstances are still to be verified.

Now Qin Shaofeng wanted to see the personnel sent by that force.

Because according to Hu Xiaochuan, that spiritual pond has been completely occupied by that power.

Not many people came from the other side, only four or five.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng wanted to see it.

To be honest, Hu Xiaochuan was against it. He didn't want Qin Shaofeng to meet those few people, because the four or five people gave Hu Xiaochuan the feeling that the aura was so powerful that he was a little bit confused.

He was worried that Qin Shaofeng would conflict with the opponent because of the spiritual pool, which would be bad.

But he couldn't persuade Qin Shaofeng, so he could only tell Elder Hu about this in the end.

Soon, Mr. Hu appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

"Boy, do you want that spiritual pond?"

This was the first sentence of Old Man Hu when he saw Qin Shaofeng, and before Qin Shaofeng's response, the second sentence of Old Man Hu came.

"Then you should give up!"

Qin Shaofeng: "..."

I haven't said anything yet, you always persuade me to give up?

Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

However, what Elder Hu said next made him very surprised.

Because Elder Hu told him that those people came from a very powerful force, and this force was not a certain family, but a powerful organization, with strength far surpassing that of the hidden family.

It is a very mysterious and powerful organization!

Not to mention other things, just say that the four or five people who appear in the Hu family now have extremely powerful strength.

It is worth mentioning that the current old man Hu has broken through to the realm of King Wu after some nine-layered spirit pills sent by Qin Shaofeng afterwards.

And because Qin Shaofeng modified their Hu family's kung fu, this gave Old Man Hu the ability to detect that his realm was higher than his realm.

But under his investigation, those four or five people were all cultivation bases with the realm of Emperor Wu.

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