Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1869: Spirit Realm

He Zilin is dead!

Regarding what he did, Qin Shaofeng naturally couldn't let the other party live.

If it wasn't for the need to understand the Tianyinmen, Qin Shaofeng would kill He Zilin in the first place.

However, although He Zilin said a lot about Tianyinmen, Qin Shaofeng did not fully believe the other party.

Therefore, in the end, he still violently searched He Zilin's soul with his spiritual consciousness.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng discovered that He Zilin really had something to hide from him.

Although it is not necessary to say that what He Zilin said are all false, there is still a part of it that is used to fool him.

Tianyinmen is indeed very powerful, just as Zilin said. Under normal circumstances, if a warrior wants to join Tianyinmen, he needs to have the realm of Emperor Wu at the minimum.

And there are indeed three levels of low, intermediate, and high. As for becoming a true disciple of the Tianyinmen, that's easy.

As long as you become a monk, you can, and there is one difference, that is to become a disciple of the Tianyinmen, although there is a distinction between level 1 and level 10.

But unlike what He Zilin said, the disciples of the Tianyinmen need to be upgraded from level 1 to level 10 according to the degree of contribution, so as to be promoted to the level of deacon.

The deacon seems to have some reputation, but in fact, as long as you are a monk at Tianyinmen, and your cultivation reaches the Qi Hai state, you can become a deacon unconditionally.

The reason why He Zilin said that was to increase his position in the Tianyinmen, so that Qin Shaofeng would be jealous and would not kill him directly.

When it comes to a deacon, Tianyinmen will indeed upgrade a deacon according to his contribution.

This He Zilin is actually a name. With a master of the Law Guardian level, this makes it easy to upgrade to the level of a 7th deacon.

Privileges, after all, exist everywhere.

However, He Zilin lied to Qin Shaofeng about the protection of the Tianyinmen.

There are actually many guardians of a Tianyinmen, and there are differences between ordinary guardians and real guardians.

The so-called ordinary law protector, in fact, is that after the cultivation base breaks through to the transformation stage, the strength has surpassed the position of the deacon, and he will become a protector.

In other words, as long as you become a cultivator in the concentrating state in Tianyinmen, even if you don't contribute enough, you can still become a protector of Tianyinmen.

But such a protector deacon is the most common and common protector, because as long as it is in the concentrating state, it is a protector.

However, there is still a very strong and powerful guardian at Tianyinmen. This is the Thirty-six Great Guardian at Tianyinmen!

The guardian of the door seems to have the same name as the guardian, but the guardian is the gate of Tianyinmen, which can be regarded as a guardian.

Of course, you need to have extremely strong strength to hold such a position.

Therefore, it can be said that the thirty-six guardians of the Tianyinmen are definitely the most powerful 36 guardians of the Tianyinmen.

However, He Zilin's master was not as powerful as He Zilin said, he was a monk who cultivated the gods to the consummation realm, but was a monk in the middle stage of the concentrating gods realm.

It's just the cultivation base of the God-gathering realm. Although the many guardians at the Tianyinmen can't be said to be weak, they can't be said to be strong.

Therefore, He Zilin's master was just an ordinary law protector. What He Zilin said was nothing more than to frighten Qin Shaofeng and make Qin Shaofeng not dare to kill him.

But unfortunately, he did not know that Qin Shaofeng had already decided his ending from the very beginning.

Because this He Zilin's master can only be regarded as a stronger protector, and as an apprentice, He Zilin naturally has a lot of unknowns about the real power of Tianyinmen.

Therefore, in He Zilin's memory, although the Tianyin Gate he knew was powerful, it was limited to guarding the gate.

He didn't even know the existence above the Dharma.

He just knew that the Tianyinmen was above the guardian, and there were even more powerful elders, as well as the deputy master of the Tianyinmen.

As for the strongest person of the Tianyinmen, the owner of the hidden door that day was just a legendary existence in He Zilin's heart.

But even so, the strength of the hidden gate on this day was far beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

Originally, after seeing He Zilin, Qin Shaofeng believed that there were probably a small number of monks in today's earth.

But after getting He Zilin's memory, Qin Shaofeng completely understood one thing. There is actually no monk on the earth today.

Or put it this way, there are still many monks on the earth, and He Zilin and Tianyinmen are among them, but their activities cannot be regarded as on earth.

To be precise, it should be said that it is in a special space-the secret realm of the spirit world!

This is the first time Qin Shaofeng has heard of the word Secret Realm of the Spirit Realm.

But from He Zilin's memory, he knew that the so-called secret realm of the spiritual world was actually the ancient times, even the ancient times, created by the powerful monks one after another, and he understood something in his heart.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng knew from the inheritance memory of the Nine Spirits that there was no shortage of spiritual energy in the era of the earth, but some great abilities were sensed, and they opened up the secret realm of heaven and blessings, and moved the entire sect force into it.

Then, it was cut off from the world.

Even from that era, there have been so many powers and ethnic groups that have disappeared in the cultivation world.

This is so that thousands of years ago, at the time of the Evil Blood Daoist, the strongest monks on the earth were only in the God Transformation Realm, and those monks in the Void Rebirth Realm were not seen.

And the evil blood Taoist once told Qin Shaofeng that the so-called Dongtianfudi had already disappeared and became legends.

But in fact, these caves and blessings have not disappeared, but have been in a state of complete sealing.

Because according to He Zilin's memory, the secret realm of the spiritual world where the Tianyin Gate is located is actually a hole in the sky.

Qin Shaofeng guessed that probably long ago, the monks on the earth, no, not only the monks on the earth, but the monks in the realm where the earth is located, all noticed the state of the spiritual energy of the realm fading.

Or maybe it was an earlier event, as early as that in the ancient world, after the Seven Realms War that affected the seven realms, the Earth Realm was robbed of a lot of the power of the realms, and even the most important one was located.' First, the power of the Taoist world has also lost half.

Therefore, I am afraid that from that time on, after the power of the earth's Dao realm completely blocked the earth's Dao realm, it began to open up a space of heaven and blessings, bringing the descendants or doormen into it.

Moreover, when these great abilities opened up the heaven and blessed land, I am afraid they all used the power of the remaining Dao realm in the earth's realm.

Therefore, this allowed those heaven and blessings not to enter the end of the era of spiritual energy exhaustion like the outside world.

But that kind of blessed land has been in a long time without contact with the Dao laws of the Dao Realm, and each one has some changes, and finally evolved into a spiritual world.

In fact, according to this situation, such a secret realm of the spirit world can actually survive for a long time.

Even if the Earth Dao Realm is completely destroyed, it will break away from the Dao Law of the Earth Dao Realm, become independent existences, and eventually survive.

Perhaps those great abilities were based on this idea, even if the earth's Dao realm had perished, and the heaven and blessed land they opened up after breaking away from the laws of the earth's Dao realm, it would undergo independent changes, and it would be able to survive in the space outside the Dao realm.

In fact, in the entire universe, in addition to the Dao realms, there are many other independent spatial secrets.

This kind of thinking is actually not wrong, but the problem is that the missing half of the ‘one’ of the power of the Dao Realm was finally able to get away with Qin Shaofeng’s father, Qin Fei.

Moreover, Qin Feiyang was also a great man. He was able to use the power of the Dao realm of the Qiyuan Star to not only cultivate to the Dao Realm, but even forcibly split his soul into several parts and throw it into the ancient times of Qiyuan Star.

Finally, this gave Qin Feiyang enough time to save Qi Yuanxing and the Dao Realm where Qi Yuanxing was located.

And the first step in this is to absorb the power of the Dao World of the Earth to make up for the vacancy in the Dao World where Qi Yuan Star is located.

In this step, he succeeded, but also failed. That's why a series of things happened after Qin Shaofeng's soul splitting the earth.

However, when Qin Feiyang absorbs the power of the Dao realm on the Earth Dao realm, he does not know that the existence of the heavens and blessed lands in the Earth Dao realm, let alone those caves and blessed lands are attached to the power of the Dao realm. Secret realm in special space.

Because Qin Feiyang opened up on the earth by absorbing the power of the Dao World on the earth.

Therefore, when absorbing the power of the Dao realm, it is ‘sucking’ the heavens and blessings to the earth one by one.

Because it is a secret space, after those caves and blessings enter the earth, they are directly integrated into the earth's space.

Then, because of the absence of the power of the Dao realm, the heaven and the blessed land changed, and the originally completely closed state unexpectedly appeared to be loose.

It has even faintly appeared, the trend of all the heavens and the blessings merged into one.

This made all the big figures in the world faintly daring to make something wrong.

There were originally powerful monks on the earth, and many caves and blessed lands had been opened up, but there were very few caves and blessed lands that existed for countless years.

Therefore, when the seal was loosened, people were sent out to investigate.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that, in fact, among the hidden families in the Chinese martial arts world, the most powerful powerhouses were all forces built by the forces of Heaven and Heaven.

However, these caves and blessings are no longer called this way. Those who live in caves and blessings all call them the secret realm of the spirit world.

No one knows how many spiritual secret realms exist on the earth today, because if a spiritual secret realm is not completely unblocked, outsiders can hardly notice it.

As for the powerful cultivator sect of Tianyinmen, it is the strength in the secret realm of the spirit world.

Moreover, the original cave heaven and blessed land of the secret realm of the spirit world is not far from the earth, and has some contacts with the earth, and has a very good understanding of the earth.

However, there is still a certain seal in the secret realm of the Tianyinmen's spiritual realm, even if it can send people out, it is at best only a monk who can send out the Spiritual Concentration Realm.

But even so, not only the Tianyin Gate, but other spiritual world secret realms will also send some monks.

Because they discovered that today's human beings on Earth, without knowing what has changed, actually gave birth to some people with stronger spiritual roots. If they cultivate, they are definitely a genius.

Having said that, the current earth is actually an area of ​​ordinary people with a lot of geniuses.

Therefore, those spirit world secret realms were moved, and they began to send people out to search for geniuses.

This is why, when he knew that Qin Shaofeng might be a powerful monk, He Zilin tried to test Qin Shaofeng with the words ‘Which Spirit Realm Are You?’

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