Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1875: A powerful enemy is coming?

From the Wuhuang peak realm, he broke through to the mid-Qihai realm as soon as he appeared. This is enough to see how much aura Wang Shengdong has absorbed in that underground space.

But this was not over yet. After breaking through, Wang Shengdong seemed to feel that he still had room for improvement. He consumed a lot of spirit stones and continued to improve his realm.

Wang Shengdong did not have the cultivation technique of a monk, but the spirit-seeking technique he cultivated could still improve the realm, and it was still a monk's realm.

Therefore, the current Wang Shengdong is actually a warrior of Qihai Realm!

A warrior who is stronger than ordinary martial sages!

Especially in the case of possessing spirit-seeking art, Wang Shengdong, who did not waste any spirit stone, once again absorbed more than 3,000 pieces of spirit stone, his realm unexpectedly improved to the late stage of Qi-hai realm!

In the late stage of the Qi Sea Realm, Wang Shengdong had almost the same strength as the strongest Chinese Martial Saint in the underground space before.

A warrior in the late Qihai Realm!

This kind of strength is much stronger than ordinary martial sages, and even compared to some monks in the same realm, Wang Shengdong's strength is stronger than three points.

This is actually too!

After all, this Wang Shengdong has lived for two to three hundred years, and he has been stuck in the realm of Wu Huang's peak for more than two hundred years.

Although the cultivation base was stuck, he had invaded this realm for more than two hundred years and had already given Wang Shengdong a sufficiently powerful realm, which was completely incomparable to a monk like He Zilin in the air and sea realm.

No matter how good He Zilin is, he has only been a monk for more than 30 years. After all, he is only in his early forties.

Perhaps it is difficult for a martial artist to cultivate, and it is even more difficult to break through a more advanced realm.

But it is undeniable that for some warriors with aloof talents, under the same realm, they tend to have more strength than ordinary monks.

Unfortunately, this Wang Shengdong is a talented person.

If Wang Shengdong were to become a monk from the very beginning, I am afraid he would have already entered the stage of transforming gods.

After the realm was raised to the late stage of the Qi-hai realm, Wang Shengdong ended the retreat, and then the surrounding areas took revenge.

At this moment, in addition to the four brothers of Wang Shengdong, the elder of the Wang family also found this place a few days ago and was received by Wang Shengnan.

In this way, the four Wang Shengdong brothers naturally knew that the murderer who destroyed their Wang family was basically Qin Shaofeng.

Even if it wasn't Qin Shaofeng, it definitely had something to do with Qin Shaofeng.

If it had been the case before, the four Wang Shengdong brothers would still be a little bit jealous. After all, according to the Wang family elder, Gao Xinhan seemed to have been killed by Qin Shaofeng or the strong around Qin Shaofeng.

This can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng himself or there is a figure of Martial Saint level beside him.

Wang Shengdong and others are more inclined to the latter guess, after all, Qin Shaofeng is too young to be a martial sage!

A martial sage is a big threat!

But that was before, and now for Wang Shengdong, a mere Wu Sheng would not be his opponent at all.

In fact, during the several explorations in the underground space, Wang Shengdong faintly felt that he was in the peak realm of the Emperor Wu, already possessing the strength comparable to the realm of Martial Saint.

Especially after seeing the great battle in underground space, Wang Shengdong was even more affirmed of his strength.

Moreover, it was still before and now, Wang Shengdong has determined that the strength he possesses now, in the underground space at the beginning, may have been out of Johnny Brest, and the powerful Wusheng, other people are not Will be his opponent.

Therefore, Wang Shengdong was sure that he went directly to Qin Shaofeng now, no matter how strong the Martial Saint beside him was, it would not surpass him.

However, before that, Wang Shengdong felt that he should first improve his strength for his three brothers.

With Wang Shengdong's current realm, it was only an easy task to raise Wang Shengnan and others to the realm of Martial Saint.

Even when refining spirit stones with the spirit-seeking technique, he could directly increase the aura in the body of the three Wang Shengnan, and completely transform the innate energy cultivated in the body into aura.

This is equivalent to his own creation by Wang Shengdong, three martial sages in the air and sea realm!

Of course, this is actually related to the relationship between Wang Shengnan and others, who are already in the tenth realm of Emperor Wu.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy at all.

Wang Shengdong also did this to the elders of the Wang family, but this only allowed the elders of the Wang family to elevate to another martial emperor's peak state, but he could no longer carry out the conversion of the natural energy to spiritual energy.

Finally, the elder of the Wang family can barely be promoted to become a martial sage!

A family of five Wusheng!

If this were in the past, Wang Shengdong would be extremely excited, but after seeing the god-level creature, Wang Shengdong hadn't taken much of the power of the first-level Wusheng.

He now has an even stronger ambition in his heart, that is, to become a god-level powerhouse!

Of course, before that, he waited for revenge first!

Moreover, Wang Shengdong had a feeling in his heart that perhaps the young man named Qin Shaofeng possessed a pill that could improve the martial arts realm.

Even to go a step further, there may not be no pills that can be directly promoted to the realm of the gods.

As he grew stronger, Wang Shengdong became more concerned about the spirit-seeking technique, and he yearned for the monks mentioned in the spirit-seeking technique even more in his heart.

In his opinion, what Qin Shaofeng might get is a monk's inheritance.

Therefore, after raising the realm of Wang Shengnan and others, Wang Shengdong took the four of them back home for the first time, and then rushed to Fengya Villa.

When Wang Shengdong and the five came to Fengya Villa, they looked at the Fengya Villa in the distance, and the murderous intent flashed in their eyes.

The hatred of genocide has left the hearts of five people with infinite murder!

Even a few people have already thought about it, and later that kid named Qin Shaofeng will regret everything he has done.

Do you really think that you have a Martial Saint-level martial artist, so you dare to attack their Wang Family?

Really reckless!

But Wang Shengdong and others did not know that their whereabouts at this moment had already been exposed.

I have to say that Andrew is really good at studying.

After obtaining a lot of technological standards in the ancient sanctuary, he continued to upgrade and strengthen the super detector.

This kid doesn't actually have any special requirements for the improvement of his strength.

Because his interest lies in technology!

But after being unable to continue to strengthen and upgrade the super detector, Andrew realized one thing, that is, a lot of scientific and technological knowledge that Qin Shaofeng gave him requires a certain level of realm.

It wasn't until this point was clear that Andrew began to improve his realm and strength.

In the three months that Qin Shaofeng left, this kid has been retreating and upgrading.

Qin Shaofeng was able to modify a practice technique for his own abilities and let him practice.

Qin Shaofeng is also trying this, trying to put the supernatural beings on earth, what will happen after they start practicing.

As a result, Andrew was also more competitive. While improving his powers, his cultivation level after practicing the exercises also improved a lot.

And after his attempt this time, Qin Shaofeng knew one thing, that is, for a supernatural person, if he chooses the right technique for cultivation, it is extremely easy to give birth to a special phenomenon after stepping into the practitioner.

That is, after the power is improved, the cultivation realm will be improved accordingly.

Moreover, after becoming a cultivator, the abilities possessed by the ability person will actually become something similar to a talented skill.

This can also be said to be innate supernatural powers!

It can drive the improvement of the cultivation base, and it can also improve with the improvement of the cultivation base!

Therefore, now Andrew has surpassed the old Xie and others, becoming the second Martial Saint level in Fengya Villa after Liu Ya. Oh, he should be regarded as a Qihai Realm monk.

But helplessly, Andrew is not good at fighting. Even if he becomes a monk in the Qihai Realm, he may not be able to beat the combination of the old scorpion and the black tiger and black panther once they fight.

Well, a Qihai realm cultivator can't beat a seventh martial emperor, plus a martial emperor of six and five realms.

This left Qin Shaofeng somewhat speechless.

However, he also knew that Andrew was not a combatant, so he didn't care.

But one thing that made Qin Shaofeng youthful from the attempts of a monk like Andrew was that after the monk became a monk, a very special phenomenon would appear.

This also caused Qin Shaofeng to develop the idea of ​​cultivating some supernatural monks.

After Andrew's retreat was raised, he began to work on those super detectors.

Then, because of the improvement of his realm, he updated and upgraded those super detectors and even created a super detector with more comprehensive functions.

At this moment, this super detector had already detected the breath of the five Wang Shengdongs for the first time.

Although it was only a new type of super-detector manufactured by the urgent version, it was also detected. Among the five Wusheng-level energy responses, four suspected Qihai Boundary monks appeared.

Andrew notified Qin Shaofeng the first time!

Qin Shaofeng, who was attacking acupuncture points in the Jiuling Palace retreat, also came out for the first time.

But seeing that among the five energy reactions, four suspected Qihai-level monks appeared, Qin Shaofeng immediately believed that they were monks from Tianyinmen.

However, he quickly denied it.

Because if it were the Tianyinmen monk, it would be impossible for the evil blood Taoist not to tell him clearly.

During this period of time, the evil-blooded Taoist who has broken into the Tianyinmen will send a brief message within three days to tell him if he is safe.

This morning the Evil Blood Dao sent a message saying that he was safe and not suspected by the people at Tianyinmen, so the people who appeared now should not be from Tianyinmen!

"Oh, no matter who it is, just look at it and you will know it!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, and went directly alone.

Although judging from the reaction energy of the five opponents, the five opponents are not simple characters.

But Qin Shaofeng is not afraid, because now he is much stronger than when he compared with He Zilin before.

The most direct point is that he has more than fifty more acupuncture points than at that time.


This is the number of acupuncture points Qin Shaofeng stimulates now, one is not more and one is not less!

Moreover, after consuming a large number of four-star nine-layer spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng's 170 acupuncture points are full of the inner energy of the gods and demons.

In terms of realm, perhaps Qin Shaofeng is still barely entering the Qi Sea realm.

The new "The Book of Gods and Demons" must activate all acupoints in a stage before it can completely enter the corresponding realm of the current stage.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng must activate at least 180 acupuncture points before he can be considered to be completely promoted to the Qi-hai realm, and it is also a one-step Qi-hai realm perfection.

Now he is not considered to have completely stepped into the Huaqi Realm, but even so, Qin Shaofeng, who has 170 acupuncture points at this moment, already has the total aura of 170 Qihai Realm early cultivators.

The aura of 170 monks in the Qi Sea Realm!

Even if this was just a Qihai Realm cultivator in the initial realm, it was very scary.

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