Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1900: Tianyinmen's plan

Although the naming is somewhat arbitrary!

But this book "The Alchemy Book" is a powerful technique with real materials!

If someone really cultivates, it's exactly the same thing, and it's absolutely no different from the description in the "Alchemy of the Dao".

This is why, after the Sixth Elder and the deputy master of the alchemy hall studied, they didn't notice the slightest problem.

Not only the Pill Refining Hall, but also many experts in the entire Tianyinmen are studying this "Pill Dao Book".

But for the "Alchemy of the Alchemy", which does not have much power, the six elders and other strong people would not choose to practice.

Unless it is a way to develop a normal combat power, otherwise the Six Elders and others will not easily try.

But this is impossible!

You must know that this "Pill Dao Baodian" is a practice created by Qin Shaofeng based on the ancient sanctuary and his own perception.

Qin Shaofeng's realm?

The real state is not far from the Tao state.

But the Six Elders are at most the Void Returning Realm, and even the monks who crossed the Tribulation Realm.

In the cultivation world that now includes a large number of spiritual realms, they are strong.

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it wasn't the crossing of the Tribulation Realm. Even a monk in the He Dao Stage Realm would still be weak and pitiful before Qin Shaofeng's real realm!

Want to modify the "Alchemy"?

Oh, this is just a joke!

However, the Six Elders and others did not give up, and they still studied hard.

At least the six elders will not give up if they have not studied thoroughly.

However, during this period of time, after studying the "Alchemy of the Alchemy", the Six Elders have gained a lot, and they have a deep understanding of the "Alchemy of the Alchemy"! ~

Combining the situation at the moment, the six elders felt that if Qin Shaofeng had enough elixir to keep refining the pill, his cultivation speed would be absolutely terrifying.

When I thought that Qin Shaofeng might refine a perfect level of transformation of the gods, the sixth elder raised his head and said to the elders of the pill pavilion: "Brother, wait for you to inform the spirit medicine area. During this time, you will develop some powers on Qin Shaofeng. Let him get as many medicinal materials as possible!"

"Okay, I know this, I'll go there later!"

The elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion nodded and said: "I just gave the kid my token to get 200,000 copies of the concentrating pill. It is estimated that after this time, the kid saw that he could be promoted to the concentrating state. As long as the "Alchemy Book" is really so magical!"

"This point doesn't need to be questioned!" Sixth elder said, "I have studied for so long, and I estimate that there are 200,000 copies of the concentrating pill. If Qin Shaofeng can refine half of it, it will be enough to step into the concentrating state! "

"Really? Is the "Alchemy Book" really that powerful?"

Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion moved in his heart, and a slight movement flashed in his eyes.

This situation was instantly noticed by the six elders, and he immediately said in a deep voice, “Brother, don’t mess around. Now I and Master and other strong men have already begun to study this "Alchemy of Alchemy." How to use the cultivation base of "The Alchemy of the Alchemy" before the application breaks out, don't try to cultivate this "The Alchemy of the Alchemy"!"

"Oh, I just smiled like that, I won't go to practice!" The elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion smirked, a touch of embarrassment on his face.

He was really heartbroken just now, and he planned to go back and start practicing "The Pill Dao Book".

But after what his junior brother said, he naturally woke up immediately and didn't dare to cultivate.

Although he is obsessed with alchemy, if he is asked to completely abandon his own strength for alchemy, it won't work.

Then, in order to change the subject, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion seemed to think of something, and asked the Sixth Elder: "By the way, is that time set?"

"not yet!"

The Sixth Elder shook his head slightly and said: "Now the master and the two deputy masters have begun to contact those forces for this matter. After all, there is a powerful dragon roar in that place, you can't be careless! "

The place they talked about naturally refers to the underground space in the United States.

"It's been so many days. I haven't decided when to attack that space?" Pill Medicine Pavilion elder said.

"Well, after listening to the master, it seems that Promise Sect advocates another trial of that underground space to thoroughly figure out what the dragon chant is all about!" said the Sixth Elder.

As soon as he heard the words Promise Gate, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion also became serious.

Because the strength of the Promise Gate is completely the same as that of the Tianyin Gate.

And the most important thing is that recently, the secret realm of the Wuji Sect has been extremely fortunate to merge into a space with monsters.

You must know that the Promise Gate is a force that started from the imperial beast, and the disciples in the gate are very good at cultivating and subduing monsters.

Getting a space like that is a very lucky thing for Infinite Gate.

It is even said that because of the secret realm of the spirit world, even the sect master of the Promise Gate personally came forward and directly led the top powerhouse of the Promise Gate into the secret realm of the spiritual realm, and directly suppressed the monster beasts in it.

Now the entire Promise Sect disciple has subdued many powerful monsters.

This made Tianyinmen naturally a little nervous, and it was withdrawn for the first time, and it did not support the disciple's request to break through with medicine.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng, the alchemist who can refine the perfect grade concentrating pill, was naturally taken care of by the Tianyinmen.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng now has more than 2 million points. Even if he has such an ability at Tianyinmen, he has directly gained more than 2.26 million from the beginning within a month of entering Tianyinmen. integral.

Such a situation is simply not allowed in Tianyinmen!

It's just that now is an extraordinary period, and Qin Shaofeng's situation is naturally an extraordinary situation.

"Then what's the situation of that space channel now?" Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion asked again.

Because not long ago, the space of the entire secret realm of the spirit world oscillated inexplicably, and then Tianyinmen discovered that the space channel leading to the earth had actually stabilized a lot.

And this is not only happening in the Tianyinmen, as long as the other secret realms of the spirit world have a spatial passage to the earth, this situation has occurred.

"Well, it has stabilized a lot, and now the disciples of the Focusing Realm can pass!" said the Sixth Elder.

"That's not clear, what caused the spatial shock this time?" Pill Medicine Pavilion elder asked.

This kind of spatial shock is not the first time it has appeared.

In fact, such a spatial shock occurred long ago.

Then, it was precisely because of these spatial shocks that the secret realms of the spiritual realm that had been in other places in the Tao realm came to the earth inexplicably.

Then, it was just because of these spatial shocks that many of the secret realm spaces of the spirit world appeared channels to the earth.

In the end, it was because of these spatial shocks that the secret realms of the spiritual world that appeared on the earth began to merge inexplicably.

Everything is because of this spatial shock, and everything is inexplicable.

It's the same this time!

Thinking of this, the Sixth Elder couldn't help shook his head and sighed, "I don't know, it's the same this time. It's still impossible for people to know what caused this spatial shock. But..."

Turning the conversation, the Sixth Elder said: "After this space shock, the Great Elder seems to have found a special place. With the help of the formation method, the disciples above the Refining God Realm can be sent to the earth!"

"Refining God Realm?"

As if thinking of something, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion said: "Is it because of this situation that a large amount of God Transformation Pill is needed?"

"Yes!" The Sixth Elder nodded with a smile, "According to the Grand Elder's statement, after seven or seventy-nine days, the space channel can be expanded with a formation method to enable the late stage of God Refining to reach the Consummation Realm. The disciples of the past. And once these disciples are allowed to pass, things are much easier."

This is naturally a lot easier!

Because Tianyinmen's plan is to send at least some disciples who have cultivated to the realm of the late stage of God Refining to go to Earth.

But this is not the strongest force to send disciples!

Because they can wait until they are on the earth, take the pill, and break directly from the realm of refining the gods to the realm of transforming the gods!

If it is at most only a disciple of the realm cultivation in the late stage of God Refining, then it can only be promoted to the God Transforming Realm with the help of a perfect grade of God Refining Pill.

And if it is a disciple who cultivates to the perfect state of refining gods, it may not be impossible to directly rise to the middle stage of transforming gods with the help of the perfect level of **** transformation.

According to the estimation of the Tianyinmen, other spirit realm secret realm forces are almost like this, at most they can only allow the cultivation base of the refining **** to reach the earth.

Then, most of them will ascend to the realm of gods on earth!

At that time, the real contestants are still the disciples of the gods of various forces!

Therefore, at this time, if you have a large number of perfect level transforming pills, it is definitely a good thing!

This is the reason why the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion asked Qin Shaofeng whether he could refine the perfect-level God-Gathering Pill, Refining God Pill, and Huashen Pill.

Because he knew from the Sixth Elder before that there would be a situation where he would let his disciples pass through the earth and then upgrade his cultivation.

Now it seems that Qin Shaofeng really needs to refine a batch of perfect level transforming pills.

But the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion did not know whether Qin Shaofeng could successfully break through to the concentrating and consummation realm during these seven or forty-nine miles, and refine a perfect level of transformation pill.

I hope so!

After the Elder Pill Pavilion and the Sixth Elder chatted for a while, they left directly and went to the spirit medicine area to grant Qin Shaofeng permission.

Before leaving, the Sixth Elders and Elder Pills Pavilion also spoke.

If Qin Shaofeng had finished refining these 200,000 Concentration Pills, he would let Qin Shaofeng start refining the God Concentration Pill, or even the Refining Pill.

As for the Huashen Pill, let's talk about the situation!

Concentrating on Consummation?

Refining the perfect graded **** pill?

Regardless of these two conditions, in fact, to Qin Shaofeng now, they are not a problem!

Because he is now at the level of concentrating and perfect cultivation level, and if he only refines a **** transformation pill at a time, then Qin Shaofeng is still extremely confident that he will refine a perfect **** transformation pill!

The reason why he said to wait a bit longer was that he planned to prevent others from seeing that his cultivation base broke through very quickly.

Slow it down a little bit, so as not to cause too much commotion.

And now there are 200,000 Concentration Pills of medicinal materials, Qin Shaofeng can fully excuse, refining so many medicinal materials, so that his "Pill Dao Baodian" advances by leaps and bounds, and finally promoted to the state of concentrating perfection.

It won't be too sudden.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to slowly refine these 200,000 pills of concentration.

Now that Tianyinmen knew a little about the "Pill Dao Baodian", and knew that the condensing pill technique could sacrifice a part of the pill in a pot to maintain the birth of the perfect grade pill, then Qin Shaofeng was more relieved.

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