Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1903: 10 million points

When Qin Shaofeng left the customs again, it was already seven days later.

The retreat went smoothly and at least accomplished Qin Shaofeng's goal.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's body's acupuncture points have been stimulated by 360 acupuncture points!

It is worth mentioning that in this retreat, Qin Shaofeng originally thought that it could end in three days at the earliest and five days at the latest.

The reason why it was extended to seven days was because when the acupuncture points were stimulated to 360, there seemed to be a number of weeks, which brought Qin Shaofeng's body into a perfect state.

Of course, this so-called perfection is just a small perfection in the realm of the physical body.

However, it is precisely because of this state of Consummation that Qin Shaofeng's physical state is in a saturated state.

This meant that Qin Shaofeng couldn't continue to temper his body with the Nine Spirits gathering the fire formation in a short time.

However, the tenth level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" with these 360 ​​acupoints allowed Qin Shaofeng's cultivation to reach the level of concentration and perfection.

The combat power is comparable to the cultivator of the gods, not to mention, even Qin Shaofeng discovered that he could have the power to unlock part of the seal of the Feiyu Sword.

To put it bluntly, even if he is a monk who encounters the gods of transformation, he can defeat most people.

Without the cultivation base of Returning Void Realm, he can't keep him!

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that he was finally emboldened.

After this retreat was over, Qin Shaofeng went directly to the Pill Pavilion, intending to replace the 100,000 Concentration Pills on his body.

On the way, Qin Shaofeng just heard the news about the Promise Gate exploring the underground space of the earth.

Then, Qin Shaofeng knew that after their first exploration, the second exploration of Promise Gate had suffered heavy losses.

With a team of nearly fifty people, the lowest among them is the cultivation base of the early stage of concentrating, and there are also seven disciples in the early stage of refining.

But it was just such a team. Under the sound of the dragon's roar again in the underground space, except for a half-remaining disciple of the Refining God Realm, everyone else was completely wiped out.

And what caused all this was just a dragon chant.

The previous time Qin Shaofeng and others should have been just a warning, but this second time of Promise Gate was different.

Kill directly!

According to the surviving Promise Sect disciple, they did not see the existence of the shot, just the sound of a dragon's chant, which shocked them to death!

In an instant, under that dragon roar, except for the seven Promise Sect disciples in the early stage of God Refining, all the others were directly exploded into a cloud of blood.

Even four of the seven disciples who were in the early stage of refining gods fell directly to the ground with serious injuries and couldn't get up.

In that case, even if you are still alive, if you can't get up, you don't need to say more about the ending.

Must die!

Even the three disciples in the early stage of refining gods who were still able to move, used the secret technique of blood escape for the first time, and after they were lucky enough to escape to the ground, two of them ran out of oil and didn’t catch a breath. It just died.

The last disciple, luckily, was rescued in time.

But he who survived was completely crippled.

Because the inside of his body has been shattered by 90%, even if he recovers, it is only a state of saving his life, and it will not reach a complete recovery. It is already a complete waste.

This time the Promise Gate can be said to have suffered a heavy loss.

But for Promise Sect, the loss of these forty or fifty disciples is nothing at all.

However, this time the exploration of the Promise Gate has let other forces know that the underground space has a very strong existence.

After Qin Shaofeng learned of this, he didn't care much.

If it had been in the past, he would have found a way to figure out the situation in the underground space because of lack of spirit stones, at least to get a lot of spirit stones from there.

But now, that is no longer needed!

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, after joining Tianyinmen, he doesn't need to worry about not having enough spirit stones.

Even now he has more than 2 million points. After some luck, whether it is buying medicinal materials to refine pill, or buying restricted materials to sell to other Tianyinmen disciples, he can earn a lot of money. Of Lingshi.

Since there is no shortage of spirit stones, do I still need to care about the underground space?

And the most important point is that Qin Shaofeng knew that his points would immediately rise again by a big margin.

Inside the Pill Medicine Pavilion, the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion looked at Qin Shaofeng with a helpless expression.

"Is the refining of medicinal materials finished?" the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion asked.

"Well! It's done!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

I knew it!

The corner of the elder's mouth twitched slightly. Ever since he saw Qin Shaofeng again and felt the aura of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation that belonged to the concentrating and consummation realm, he felt a pain in his heart and a burst of enlightenment.

This is the purpose of concentrating on consummation?

How long has it passed?

Then, um, since he has reached the state of concentrating perfection, then this kid must have finished refining the 200,000 concentrating pills.

After waking up like this, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion felt another movement.

The realm has progressed so fast, am I going to also practice the "Pill Taobao"?

Although after practicing, he no longer possesses strong combat effectiveness, but the Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion really doesn't care much about this.

Because he was obsessed with alchemy, even if he didn't have any strong combat power, it didn't matter.

However, considering that the secret realm of the spiritual world on the earth recently began to merge, and there was a faint tendency to merge into one space, the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion finally gave up.

Because according to this kind of development, even the Tianyinmen will have a great influence. He is a cultivator of the virtual world and is also a master at the Tianyinmen.

If so, let him lose the powerful combat power that the Void Transformation Realm should have, which is not very beneficial to the Tianyinmen.

Therefore, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion had no choice but to give it up.

"Okay, take out the pill!" Pill Pavilion said with some interest.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion, he suddenly became a little... lazy, but he still took out the storage ring he had prepared.

This was the same thing Qin Shaofeng took with him when he obtained the 200,000 Concentration Pill from the spirit medicine area.

After receiving the storage ring in Qin Shaofeng's hand, the pill pavilion's consciousness was swept away, and he was immediately stunned.

Rao was somewhat prepared in his heart, but was still shocked by the pill Qin Shaofeng took out.

A little more than one hundred thousand Concentration Pills (In order not to attract attention, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not deliberately prepare just 100,000 Concentration Pills!)

Although this number is only half, it is already exaggerated.

Of course, this is not what really stunned Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion.


He thought that the words Qin Shaofeng said before, all under the excellent product were unqualified, and he would directly destroy it.

In the view of the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion, Qin Shaofeng's success rate in refining Concentration Pill was absolutely 90% high.

Calculating this way, it means that Qin Shaofeng destroyed at least 90,000 Concentration Pills!

Coincidentally, Qin Shaofeng said another word at this time!

"By the way, this time because I was eager to refine the pill to improve my realm, I produced a large number of unqualified concentration pills, and I destroyed them all!"

Qin Shaofeng said this sentence lightly, which was naturally an excuse to ‘swallow’ the nearly 100,000 pills of concentration.

But this was to make the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion more confirmation that Qin Shaofeng destroyed 90,000 Concentration Pills.

Ninety thousand pieces!

Even if this is an ordinary grade concentrating pill, it is worth 45 million spirit stones!

Doesn't this kid know that the unqualified pills in his eyes are genuine panacea?

Even if the alchemy hall appeared recently, many disciples began to concentrate on the pills.

But even if there are so many Concentration Pills, an ordinary Grade Concentration Pill is basically the same price, the appearance of five hundred spirit stones.

This destruction is 45 million!

Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much.

Because the one hundred thousand concentration pills in his hand had completely blocked his mouth.

The number of 100,000 Concentration Pills, a fraction of which has reached the perfect quality level, has reached 70,000!

These seventy thousand perfect-level concentration pills were enough to make up for those concentration pills that Qin Shaofeng destroyed.

The 200,000 copies of Concentration Pill's medicinal materials not only made a profit, but also made a lot of money.

Even the 30,000 high-grade and top-grade Concentration Pills are almost worth 200,000 Concentration Pills.

Seventy thousand perfect-level concentration pills were completely earned.

It is worth mentioning that now it seems that Tianyinmen needs a large number of disciples of the Concentration Realm, and the price of the Perfect Grade Concentration Pill has been drastically reduced.

Today, the Perfect Concentration Pill of the Pill Medicine Pavilion only needs 100 points, plus 500 Lingshi, it is enough to buy.

At such a price, not to mention those inner disciples of Tianyinmen, even those deacons in the outer area, are able to buy it.

But even at this price, 70,000 perfect-grade concentrating pills are still worth 7 million points and 35 million spiritual stones.

These are all earned, besides huge profits or huge profits.

Faced with such a situation, the Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion would naturally not be saying that Qin Shaofeng was wasting his life.

Even if it was a waste, it was Qin Shaofeng's own business.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng's Concentration Pill increased his points by 7 million points again, and his total points exceeded 9 million points.

Moreover, the elders of the Pill Pharmacy Pavilion also helped Qin Shaofeng exchange points for those high-grade and top-grade concentrating pills.

Originally, only the perfect-level Concentration Pill could be exchanged for points.

But for the sake of so many Perfect Grade Concentrating Pills, the Elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion said directly, this is a reward for Qin Shaofeng!

But after the conversion, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion felt that something was wrong.

Because after all this conversion was over, Qin Shaofeng's total points actually exceeded 10 million points!

This caused the corner of the Elder's Pills Pavilion's mouth to twitch, because such points are about to catch up with the elders of the Pills Pavilion.

Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated.

But the elite disciple with tens of millions of points seems to have appeared for the first time in Tianyinmen! ?

Even the core disciples who have tens of millions of points don't seem to be many!

This situation suddenly made the Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion feel for the first time, that the points could be obtained so easily.

Of course, this kind of thinking is just a matter of thinking.

Even if it was him, it was impossible to refine so many Perfect Grade Concentration Pills so easily.

Even at this moment, for Qin Shaofeng, it was a bit daunting.

The points came so fast and so many, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Although after refining those concentration pills, Qin Shaofeng knew that he could get so many points.

But when he really saw that his spiritual card's points reached 10 million, Qin Shaofeng's heart was a little complicated!


10 million points!

How to deal with this?

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