Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1910: Shoot yourself in the foot

When Qin Shaofeng knew that Zhou Shuokun was looking for him again, it had already happened in the past ten days.

Sure enough, Shuokun didn't give up this week!

Although Zhou Shuokun did not exhibit any extreme behavior because of the relationship with Elder Xu.

But Qin Shaofeng could fully imagine how angry Zhou Shuokun could not see himself from Elder Xu, when the other party left.

"Oh, don't give up!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head disdainfully, and said goodbye to Elder Xu directly.

With the buffer of more than ten days, Qin Shaofeng felt that it should be possible to take out the five hundred perfect-level transforming pill directly.

Of course, for this reason, Qin Shaofeng deliberately raised his aura a little again, reaching the realm of the late stage of God Refining.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng had not suppressed the spirit energy of the gods and demons in his body at all, and all of them were revealed.

In the past ten days, Qin Shaofeng has been busy strengthening those elixir, and has not continued to hit the acupoints, and continue to improve his realm.

But even so, the aura of the gods and demons that Qin Shaofeng currently possesses is comparable to the aura of most cultivators in the perfect state of the gods.

Qin Shaofeng had thought that after taking out five hundred perfect-level transformation **** pills this time, he began to continue to hit the acupoints.

But after not wanting to see Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion, an accident happened.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng again, the first sentence of the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion was to say with a smile: "Your kid has refined those five hundred perfect-level Transformation Pills?"

Qin Shaofeng just nodded without any surprises.

Because when he saw the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion, the other party noticed him, the spiritual energy equivalent to the perfect state of the **** of transformation, seemed to know that he had finished refining five hundred perfect level of the **** of transformation.

But then the words of Elder Pills Pavilion made Qin Shaofeng speechless.

"Does your kid have a lot of aura?" Pill Medicine Pavilion elder asked with a smile.

"Well, there are a lot of them. Now it is enough to be equivalent to the aura of the generalized god's perfect state."

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then explained: "This is all about cultivating the "Pill Taobao". After all, there is enough spiritual energy to refine a more powerful pill!"

Regarding Qin Shaofeng's last words, the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion nodded with deep approval.

Indeed, the more aura alchemists possess, the more advanced elixir they can refine.

However, for Qin Shaofeng’s previous sentence, the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion did not quite agree with him. He shook his head slightly and smiled: "General? Oh, your spiritual energy, I am afraid that most of the cultivators of the Transcendent God Realm can't. Owned, this "Alchemy Book" is really extraordinary!"

In the last sentence, the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion said very quietly. After speaking, the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion looked at Qin Shaofeng and said in a serious tone: "By the way, this time the action, the meaning in the door, is to let you Go there too!"

Ha, what?

Qin Shaofeng was stunned for a while, and asked involuntarily: "Elder, what do you mean by this, and what action?"

"Ah, what's the point, isn't it the action to go to the secret realm of the spirit world in the underground space!"

Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion said disapprovingly.

But Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts, go to that spiritual world?


Qin Shaofeng never really thought about it!

Although the secret realm of the spiritual realm has almost been confirmed to be a secret realm evolved from the spiritual power space, it contains very rich spiritual stones.

But for Qin Shaofeng, he has no shortage of spirit stones now!

Well, there is no shortage for the time being!

Qin Shaofeng also thought about going to the secret realm of the spirit world once and getting a lot of spirit stones from it.

But the problem is, this is not going now!

Although Qin Shaofeng's spirit aura of gods and demons was already equivalent to that of a cultivator in the perfect state of transforming gods.

But this does not mean that his cultivation has reached the realm of God-Transforming Consummation!

His current real state is actually just the state of concentrating on the consummation of the gods, and it is only two realms away from the consummation of the gods.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had the information, he could defeat some weak masters in the God Realm.

But the problem now is that the secret realm of the spiritual world connected by the underground space is very dangerous.

And most importantly, he now has the resources to impact the eleventh and twelfth levels of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

Although the eight-star nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't refine a lot, it wasn't enough to fill all the acupuncture points that came out of the attack when it hit the twelve-layer realm, and replenish the spirit of the gods and demons.

But he still has 30 million spirit stones in his hand, and with these spirit stones, this is enough.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng thought, after handing over 500 perfect-level transforming **** pills to the elders of Pill Medicine Pavilion, he started to excuse that it would take a longer time to practice in retreat.

Anyway, in the eyes of the elders of the Pill Medicine Pavilion and the others, he could have a lot of medicinal materials left when refining the Huashen Pill this time, and he also had hundreds of millions of spirit stones in his hand.

In this way, you can directly retreat and other people will not care much.

But how can I think that the elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion actually said, let himself go to the secret realm of the spiritual world in that underground space?

Qin Shaofeng naturally quit.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head for the first time, and said, "Elder, don't be kidding. You don't know much about my situation. After practicing "The Taobao Book of Alchemy", although I have a lot of spiritual energy, my combat power is very weak. Yes, even if I really fight, I’m afraid I won’t be able to beat some powerful cultivators at the concentrating mind level!"

Qin Shaofeng once again used the excuse of "The Alchemy Book"!

But the excuses made by Bailing in the past are not working this time.

"Ah, don't worry!"

Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion opened the mouth and said: "Your situation, the old man is worth it, but this is also due to a reason. It is like this..."

Soon, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion began to explain to Qin Shaofeng.

If it were an ordinary disciple, even the core disciple, Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion could not explain this to Qin Shaofeng at all.

He even went straight down with an order, and an elite disciple dared to disobey.

But for Qin Shaofeng, it was a little different.

Because Qin Shaofeng thoroughly demonstrated his incomparable value.

Even though Qin Shaofeng had only joined Tianyinmen for a short time, with the five hundred perfect-level Transforming Pills refined this time, Qin Shaofeng had already made many core disciples whose contributions could not be compared.

The most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng's value is more than just that.

Because once Qin Shaofeng grows up, the value he possesses will be even greater.

The most important thing is that the chance of Qin Shaofeng betraying Tianyinmen is basically very small, even almost impossible.

During this period of time, Tianyinmen finally began to train some disciples to practice the "Pill Taobao".

So far, those disciples who have practiced the "Alchemy of the Alchemy" have the same situation as described in the "Alchemy of the Alchemy".

Although he possesses aura beyond his own realm, he cannot have the corresponding strength to match his realm.

Absolutely pure alchemist!

But the same!

The high-level experts at Tianyinmen also discovered that the disciples who practiced "The Book of Pill Dao" are all talented in alchemy.

However, they were far behind Qin Shaofeng in practicing the "Pill Dao Baodian", so the senior officials of Tianyinmen naturally attached great importance to Qin Shaofeng.

But this time, the reason why Qin Shaofeng was allowed to pass.

That's all because the secret realm of the spiritual world connected to that underground space is really too dangerous.

Perhaps there is the treasure of the Promise Gate that allows tens of thousands of disciples to enter the secret realm of the spirit world without hiding the spirit dragon.

But what about after entering?

It can't be completely exposed after the maintenance of the treasure of the Promise Gate disappears!

For this reason, Tianyinmen took out a very powerful magic weapon this time.

Sky-level magic weapon-ethereal orb!

Even in such a powerful monk sect as Tianyinmen, the Ethereal Orb is also a powerful magic weapon in the ranks.

However, this ethereal orb does not have a strong attack power, it only has three functions.

The first is to inspire a special space to hide oneself or a certain number of people in it, making it impossible to perceive it.

The high level of Tianyinmen planned to use the power of the ethereal orb to hide the thousands of disciples who entered the secret space of the spiritual world after the treasure of the Promise Gate failed.

And the second ability of the Ethereal Orb is to transfer the attack.

Inspire the power of the Ethereal Orb, the powerful power that will attack you, and transfer it to other places, so that you will not be attacked.

The third is space teleportation!

Stimulate the spatial power of the ethereal orb, directly teleport to the designated area, or send it randomly.

In general, this is a powerful life-saving weapon.

The senior officials of Tianyinmen also decided to use this ethereal orb for this action after a long discussion.

But helplessly, the ethereal orb is good, but once used, it consumes aura.

The second transfer attack, as well as the third space transfer ability, can basically be used by strong people at the level of Elder Pill Pill Pavilion.

Moreover, even the Elder of Pill Medicine Pavilion could not fully exert the full power of the ethereal orb.

Fortunately, the ability to hide in the first space does not require that aura.

But this does not need to be so much, it is only corresponding.

Even some cultivators in the perfect state of transforming gods can only keep the ethereal orb hidden for a quarter of an hour under the full output.

Then, even if there were a thousand perfect-level transformation **** pill, and then there were a thousand early stage **** transformation cultivators, it might not be possible to maintain the ethereal orb.

And even for these thousand disciples, some of the disciples of the mid-stage transformation of the gods can appear, and in the end they can barely keep the ethereal orb.

But in this way, it is impossible to fight at all.

Therefore, the high level of the Tianyinmen locked their eyes on Qin Shaofeng, who possessed the spiritual energy of the God-Transforming Consummation realm just in the Divine Refining Realm.

Even after studying the "Pill Dao Baodian", the senior officials of Tianyinmen were confident that in this last bit of time, Qin Shaofeng's aura was raised to the initial stage of Void Refining.

In this way, as long as a few disciples cooperate with Qin Shaofeng, they can always maintain the spatial hiding power of the ethereal orb.

This is of great benefit to exploring the secret realm of the spirit world!

Qin Shaofeng was in pain when the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion explained all these things.

He originally showed more aura, just to make it easier for him to get more benefits.

But now it seems a bit too much!

Am I shooting myself in the foot?

Such a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, which made Qin Shaofeng feel even more helpless.

I circled a cross, it seems I asked for it!

Even if the elder of the Pill Medicine Pavilion repeatedly promised that there would be some powerful disciples of the God Realm to protect him.

But Qin Shaofeng still felt unreliable in his heart!

However, Qin Shaofeng knew better in his heart that most of this matter could not be rejected.

Because Elder Pill Medicine Pavilion's meaning is already very obvious, although there is no blunt tone to give orders, but this point has been settled.

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