Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1936: Zhou Shuokun who is crazy

A very secret base, in the empty underground square, Zhou Shuokun looked at the team in front of him with a burst of pride in his heart.

At this moment, in front of Zhou Shuokun, there is a team of more than 300 people.

These are genetic warriors modified by those with supernatural powers, and each of them is very powerful.

Among these genetic warriors, the lowest level possesses a cultivation base equivalent to the God Transformation Realm, and many of them have reached the Void Refining Realm.

Even the three strongest genetic warriors had already reached the monk realm equivalent to the Void Realm.

Transmigration Realm!

This is very powerful!

To know that Zhou Shuokun's father, Zhou Shuran, was the cultivation base of the Returning Void Realm.

Now that Zhou Shuokun actually has three subordinates of the Void Transformation Realm?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuokun felt excited, but he also shook his head quickly, looking like a pity.

"It's a pity. Although it is equivalent to the realm of the Void Transformation Realm, the lifespan of these three genetic warriors is only ten days, which can only be regarded as a one-time use item!"

Zhou Shuokun shook his head, his face was indifferent and cold, and he did not treat these genetic warriors as human beings.

In fact, these genetic warriors had been refined by him a long time ago, and they no longer felt like they existed, just like ordinary puppets.

If it had been the case before, controlling such a large number of powerful puppet-like genetic warriors would have been a big burden for Zhou Shuokun.

But now, after he received a large number of seven-star and eight-star nine-layer spirit pills, his cultivation had already reached the perfect state of transforming gods, and he was not far from the realm of Void Refining.

"Well, after slaughtering Qin Shaofeng this time, he will directly retreat and practice, and strive to be promoted to the Void Refining Realm as soon as possible!"

Zhou Shuokun said, his tone full of confidence.

Whether it was killing Qin Shaofeng or being promoted to the Void Refining Realm, he was full of confidence.

The next moment, as if he felt something, Zhou Shuokun looked up and saw a figure appear in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the figure, Zhou Shuokun asked indifferently.

The figure walked, revealing his face completely, and it was He Zilin, Zhou Shuokun's eldest disciple.

Uh, it's not right, because it's an evil blood Taoist!

Because he had obtained enough Nine Layers of Spirit Pills, Zhou Shuokun wanted to improve his cultivation level, so he called the Evil Blood Daoist.

In Zhou Shuokun's view, the evil-blooded Taoist was He Zilin and a loyal disciple.

It's not a big deal to let him know his plan to retaliate against Qin Shaofeng.

On the contrary, he can even help him, and he is going to take the Nine Layer Spirit Pill to improve his cultivation level.

Therefore, during this period of time, Zhou Shuokun had ordered the evil blood daoists many things.

"If you go back to Master Master, everything will be done!"

The evil-blooded Taoist smiled slightly and said: "The people in Qin Shaofeng’s Fengya Villa were also arrested by his disciples, and even his woman and his disciple were also caught. Moreover, the disciple also sent a message, telling that Qin Shaofeng’s direction. Come here."

"Then Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate when he heard that his woman had been arrested. He completely obeyed his disciple's words, and rushed here without bringing anyone!"

The evil blood Taoist said, but in his heart he had extremely contempt for Zhou Shuokun.

I'm sorry, this week Shuokun is so stupid, to provoke someone bad, to provoke his master.

Do you think that his genetic warrior army is already invincible?

This is really funny!

Zhou Shuokun didn't know what the Evil Blood Taoist was thinking at the moment, nor did he know that He Zilin, his loyal and eldest disciple, was already dead.

"Well, not bad!" Looking at the evil blood Taoist, Zhou Shuokun nodded in satisfaction, "This time, after Qin Shaofeng is resolved, I will help you break through for your teacher, and then become the inner disciple of my Tianyinmen. , Even an elite disciple!"

"Thank you, Master!" The evil blood Taoist shouted with a "surprise look", but he understood very well in his heart.

Not to mention that he will not talk about He Zilin, even the real He Zilin, I am afraid he will not survive tomorrow.

Because of this time of getting along, the evil-blood Taoist already knew Zhou Shuokun very well.

He is sure that once the matter is over, there must be him who will kill Shuo Kun this week!

For this, the evil blood Taoist did not guess wrong.

This Zhou Shuokun really thinks like this, because in his opinion, He Zilin already knows too much.

And most importantly, now Qin Shaofeng's position in Tianyinmen is getting more and more unusual.

Another point is that when he received a large number of Nine Layer Spirit Pills from his father some time ago, Zhou Shuokun got a hint from his father that there is a special place in the Tianyin Gate. In his current situation, Some hope to join.

As long as he quickly breaks through and is promoted to the Void Refining Realm, it is possible to join that place.

As for where it was, Zhou Shuran didn't improve significantly, but Zhou Shuokun remembered it.

Then, his father sighed with emotion, saying that Qin Shaofeng might enter the place faster, which made him understand that Qin Shaofeng was different from the past.

If he does not start quickly, there will be no chance in the future.

Of course, Zhou Shuokun also knew that Qin Shaofeng was injured, but he only knew that Qin Shaofeng was injured in that blew, and he didn't know that the blew was caused by Qin Shaofeng.

And Zhou Shuokun also knew that Qin Shaofeng had an ethereal orb on his body, because he was worried that Qin Shaofeng would use the ethereal orb to escape. This was the design. Someone was sent to catch the people from Fengya Villa directly, and then Qin Shaofeng was brought here.

After that, Qin Shaofeng completely fell into the net.

Zhou Shuokun also knew very well about the ethereal orb. For this reason, he deliberately prepared a one-off magic weapon. When Qin Shaofeng arrived at this place, he would seal off the space here so that Qin Shaofeng could not use ethereal. Bead's power flees.

But Zhou Shuokun didn't know that his plan was correct, and it was very close. If he changed his personal terms, it was estimated that he would really succeed.

But the problem is that his goal this time is Qin Shaofeng, and most importantly, he used the wrong person!

At this moment, He Zilin beside him is an evil blood Taoist!


At the same time, not far from this secret base, a figure flashed out. It was Qin Shaofeng who came here after receiving the news that Liu Ya and others were'kidnapped'.

As for Liu Ya and others being kidnapped, this is naturally false.

This is because the evil-blooded Taoist deliberately confuses Zhou Shuokun, and even the evil-blooded Taoist excuses to better control Qin Shaofeng, making Qin Shaofeng feel jealous, saying that Liu Ya and others will be detained elsewhere.

Zhou Shuokun didn't have any doubts about this, and he even agreed with it. How would he know that the so-called detention in another place is nothing at all.

This is the plan of Zhou Shuokun, the evil blood Taoist commander, after all secretly notified Qin Shaofeng, the two discussed the strategy.

As a result, this week Shuokun was really fooled.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is here now.


Looking at the secret base not far away, Qin Shaofeng was actually very speechless.

He didn't expect that this time Zhou Shuokun would have such a thing happening, and Qin Shaofeng never expected that the other party hated him so much that he would have to frustrate himself.

"Heh, Zhou Shuokun, you asked for this!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and walked towards the base.

He has completely suffered this Zhou Shuokun, since the other party is looking for death like this, then he can fulfill the other party.

All the way was unimpeded, in order to deal with Qin Shaofeng, Zhou Shuokun had long asked the American military to completely withdraw all the power of everyone here, leaving him and his team of genetic warriors.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng came to the place where Zhou Shuokun was waiting.

Then, Zhou Shuokun also saw Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you are finally here!"

As soon as he saw Qin Shaofeng, Zhou Shuokun laughed loudly, with a frenzy in his expression.

Then, Zhou Shuokun raised his hand...


As if something was broken, an invisible force suddenly burst out.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng felt that his body sank slightly, but there was no major problem and he was not affected.

But Qin Shaofeng also felt that the surrounding space had been completely sealed off.

this is?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and he was speechless.

Space blockade?

This week Shuokun actually prepared something like this?

Regarding this matter, Zhou Shuokun didn't talk to the Evil Blood Daoist. Therefore, the Evil Blood Daoist didn't know it. He prepared an item to block the space.

But Qin Shaofeng quickly woke up, knowing that the opponent was using the power of the ethereal orb against him!

But Qin Shaofeng wanted to laugh!

Because it seems that Zhou Shuokun didn't even know the power of the Ethereal Orb this time, although the space nearby was blocked.

But this degree of blockade can affect some teleportation formations at best. If Qin Shaofeng wants to, he can still teleport himself out directly with the power of the Ring of Void Spirit Orb.

Zhou Shuokun didn't know this, because he didn't understand the ethereal orb, and he was ready to make the ethereal orb invalid, so he laughed proudly.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you're done, the space here has been sealed off, even if you have an ethereal orb, you can't escape, you just die here with me today!"

Zhou Shuokun laughed madly, his face turned a little savage.

This made Qin Shaofeng very puzzled, and couldn't help but ask: "I said Zhou Shuokun, is there such hatred between you and me? Need you to kill me like this?"

"Of course there is!"

Qin Shaofeng's words made Zhou Shuokun's expression more sullen, and his voice also brought a trace of madness.

"You Qin Shaofeng humiliated me many times. If Zhou Shuokun let you live, what face do you have, so you must die!"

When talking about the last dead word, Zhou Shuokun's eyes turned slightly red.

this is?

Seeing Zhou Shuokun's appearance, Qin Shaofeng seemed to understand something in his heart.

I circled a cross. Is this a delusion?

Qin Shaofeng had a sudden insight, and he immediately understood that something was wrong with Zhou Shuokun.

This is probably the effect of practicing the so-called "Nine Transformation into God Jue" before.

So Qin Shaofeng is just a random concoction of "Nine Transformation into a God Jue", although the cultivation technique of the transformation stage is true.

But at that time, Qin Shaofeng was looking for a practice method that was not a human practice in the ancient sanctuary for the sake of being more profound.

Originally it was not suitable for human cultivation. This week Shuokun was eager for success. Now it's all right, it's crazy!

This caused his hatred of Qin Shaofeng to deepen invisibly.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was very speechless, this seemed to be his own pot.

But Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't admit this in his heart, because in his opinion, it was Zhou Shuokun's nature, and it was all he asked for.

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