Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 202: Back to college

"I wipe! What's the situation?"

Qin Shaofeng, who hurried back all the way, was shocked by the situation in front of him.

How did this fight?

Looking at the situation before him, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong!

However, Qin Shaofeng soon noticed that it seemed that the Lianyang State and the Black Martial State on his side had joined forces to attack the Yinyue State.

Although I don't know what the situation is, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly when he saw the students of Lianyang Academy who were also on the battlefield, holding a sharp sword, and rushing up.

Because of Ziyueye, Qin Shaofeng had no affection for Yinyue Country.

Besides, how could Qin Shaofeng miss the situation of beating a dog in the water to increase his experience?

And Qin Shaofeng is also looking for a place to vent his anger at the moment.

They were all directly sent out, and obviously they couldn't exchange medicine beast spar for medicine pills.

Then, how could he complete his alchemy mansion mission?

No, it can still be done!

One-star completion degree: successfully return to the task to complete, reward 100 points and 1000 experience points.

Correct! It can be completed, but the degree of completion will only be the lowest one star.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't accept such a result.

He risked his life, and even in the end he was seriously injured by the purple moon night. Although he had an adventure later, that was not the point!

The point is the medicine beast spar he snatched from Zi Yueye, what should he do now?

That day, the storage ring seized from Zi Yueye's subordinate, the medicated beast spar in it, plus the medicated beast spar owned by Qin Shaofeng himself, happened to have more than 100,000 medicinal power points.

This can be exchanged for a heavenly five-star pill, so that he can directly achieve the completion of this task to ten stars.

Unfortunately, now that the inexplicable is gone, how can Qin Shaofeng feel good in his heart?

Of course, Qin Shaofeng couldn't have imagined that it was because of him himself.

But even if he understands this, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng will complain about the little things, why not prepare the medicine in advance!

Uh, that seems to make sense!


With fire in his heart, Qin Shaofeng frantically killed the people of Yinyue Kingdom.

Since ten-star completion is no longer possible, kill and kill people and get more experience.

Before doing this again, Qin Shaofeng's directly recovered, the medicated animal spar worth 10,000 points was directly purchased, a one-hour five times experience bonus card.

Then, using the bonus card, Qin Shaofeng specifically sought out those martial arts masters who were born with eight levels or more.

Qin Shaofeng is now only a martial artist of the Seventh Innate Realm. With a five-fold experience bonus card, a leapfrog killing an eighth innate martial artist can bring him 1250 experience.

It was just a short while before Qin Shaofeng heard the system prompt more than a dozen times.

When the battle came to an end, Qin Shaofeng upgraded.

Innate eightfold!

But that's it!

Although one hour of the five times experience bonus card still had twenty minutes left, Qin Shaofeng could only slowly waste it.

No way, who called the people of Silver Moon Kingdom, they were all killed!

That's right!

Under the union of the Lianyang Kingdom and the Black Martial Kingdom, all the people in the Silver Moon Kingdom were killed.

That's a lot of people!

Although ten days ago, many people were rejected because they were unqualified, this also caused many forces to go back.

But at this moment, the total number of the three parties here is nearly two thousand, and they are all people of high strength.

There are even a lot of masters in the spiritual vein.

After this killing, I am afraid that this is the battle of the three great nations who have lost the most Spiritual Realm masters in the past 100 years!

And after today, I am afraid that the relations between the three countries will be even worse.

The battle below is over, and only the legendary masters who fought know whether the battle in the sky is over.

It didn't take long because of those legendary masters that they fought farther and farther, and finally disappeared.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these things.

While killing the enemy, Qin Shaofeng met Tang Qijian.

Then Qin Shaofeng realized that it hurts, Tang Qijian upgraded again.

However, what pained Qin Shaofeng the most was that Tang Qijian's first glance when he saw him was actually: "Shaofeng, your strength has actually improved again!"


This sentence was originally what Qin Shaofeng wanted to say, but unfortunately it was preempted by the other party.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng shut up in the end.

After the battle was over, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian returned to the gathering place of Lianyang Academy.

"You finally showed up!"

When Qin Shaofeng arrived, there was a pleasant sound in his ear, and then a fragrant wind came.

Unable to raise his head, Qin Shaofeng also knew who came.

"Oh, senior sister has not seen you for a few days, you are beautiful again!" Qin Shaofeng smiled when he looked up and saw the slightly agitated, familiar and beautiful face.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng already knew where his senior sister was during the time he entered the secret illusion.

He already knew from the little things that he had a senior sister, and when he discovered that the senior sister was named Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sighed: fate!

Now, Zhao Yuner really became her senior sister.

So Qin Shaofeng did not call Senior Sister Zhao Yun'er at the moment, but called Senior Sister directly.

But Zhao Yun'er didn't notice this, but looked at the familiar hippie smiling face, and suddenly recalled the words left by her old alchemy master.

"Yun'er, remember what I said, don't take my old path!"


A trace of shame flashed in her eyes, and Zhao Yun'er's face was blushed, and at this moment, Zhao Yun'er suddenly felt that because of her own emotions, the star-like power in her body suddenly throbbed.

Is this the star resonance that the old alchemist said?

At this moment, the shame in Zhao Yuner's eyes became more intense.

"Uh, sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you flushing? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Seeing Zhao Yun'er didn't speak, but her expression was a little bit wrong, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but care.

Poor fellow, although he knew that Zhao Yun'er was almost considered to be his fellow senior sister, but Qin Shaofeng didn't have another major event related to Zhao Yun'er himself, and it was still a major event related to him.

However, it's not to blame him, the little things don't know now. The relationship between Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er is even more impossible to understand. The reason why the initial light of Zhao Yun'er's body of stars can be excited is because of Qin Shaofeng's existence.

Therefore, at this moment Qin Shaofeng only saw that Zhao Yun'er's expression was wrong, and asked out of concern.

But when he asked, Zhao Yuner felt like a deer, and finally forced her face and said coldly: "You need to control it!"

After speaking, Zhao Yuner left without looking back.

This made Qin Shaofeng confused for a while, and couldn't help turning around and asking Tang Qijian next to him: "Old Tang, what happened to Senior Sister Zhao!"

"I don't know!" Tang Qijian replied coldly, and the cold Tang Qijian returned.

I wiped, I would actually ask this ice cube?

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes, turned and left directly.

At this time, the large army of Lianyang Academy had already begun to rush back to Lianyang Academy.

This time, it seemed that because of the occurrence of Zi Yueye, the strong of the academy was very anxious, and let all the members go full speed, and soon everyone returned to Lianyang Academy.

However, the two legendary masters of Lianyang Kingdom on the way returned to the team when they were about to return to Lianyang Academy.

But the appearance of these two powerful legendary masters is not so good.

The legendary grandmaster of the royal family Lianjia lost an arm and was even seriously injured and unconscious and was brought back by the legendary grandmaster of Lianyang Academy.

And even the legendary master of Yang Academy was not doing well, he was also seriously injured, but fortunately there was no missing arm or broken leg.

But from his mouth, everyone knew that they were pretty good, and one of the two legendary masters of the Black Martial Nation had died this time.

As for their opponents, the three legendary masters of the Silver Moon Kingdom, except for the seventh elder from the Zi family, the other two were dead.

And even the seven elders are not easy.

Because the Seven Elders used the Zi Family's secret method in order to take Zi Yueye away, even if they returned alive this time, they would probably be a waste, and this is still the best luck.

However, this is not the point. When the legendary master of Lianyang Academy finally fainted, he told everyone something very bad.

Zi Yueye cultivated innate Ziyun!

This time, it's amazing.

The Zi Family’s "Zi Yun Wu Ji" is extremely powerful, it can be called the number one exercise among the three countries, and even the "Lian Yang Bao Dian" created by Emperor Lian Yang in the past is not comparable.

But in fact, not many people take Zijia’s "Ziyun Promise" in their eyes.

No matter how powerful it is, even the legendary holy-level technique is useless if you can't practice.

What everyone is afraid of is the strength of the Zi Family, not the Zi Yun Promise.

But now Zi Yueye actually cultivated innate Ziyun?

The ancestor of the Zi family, Zi Wuji, after cultivating Xian Ziyun, only took a few years to rise to the pinnacle of the legend and become the first powerhouse of the three countries at that time.

But when Zi Wuji cultivated Xian Ziyun, he was over middle age.

It is said that the earlier Xian Ziyun cultivated, the faster the cultivation speed.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but think of Zi Yueye, who is still less than eighteen years old.

When he was less than eighteen years old, he cultivated innate Ziyun, so how strong is Ziyueye's cultivation speed?

The royal family of Lianyang Academy's spiritual veins masters were shocked, and then they rushed back to Lianyang Academy and Wangcheng respectively without stopping.

However, these Qin Shaofeng did not care.

Purple moon night?

It seems to be getting better and better!

But at the thought of being thought of by so many strong people, Qin Shaofeng was gloating in his heart.

Hey cow! Bull!

The more bull you are, the faster you die!

I don't understand at all, it's low-key, I don't know how to shoot the shot!

Well, it’s still wise to know that low-key is the last word.

With this kind of psychology, Qin Shaofeng is not as impatient and worried like those masters.

Well, the sky is falling and the tall man is holding on.

I have small arms and small legs, so I should just stay on one side.

Like Qin Shaofeng, they were all such indifferent people, and there was another person, Tang Qijian.

Zi Yueye cultivated innate Ziyun?

Well, find a chance to strike him with a sword!

This is not Tang Qijian being arrogant, but that he is such a character.

Not enough cultivation?

Then I will continue to practice until one day I will hit the opponent with a sword.

I'm afraid no one knows, our old Tang is also very vengeful!

Just like this, it didn't matter to oneself to directly hang up high, one desperately cultivated and planned to lift it up, everyone finally returned to Lianyang Academy.

And just after Qin Shaofeng stepped into the gate of Lianyang Academy, a system prompt that surprised him madly appeared.

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