Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2127: Dragon Corpse Reappearance

Six million points, that is six million drops of spiritual liquid.

On average, five thousand low-grade elixir pills, one low-grade elixir is worth 1,200 drops of spiritual liquid.

These are twelve high-grade elixir of heaven.

And the cost of those low-grade elixir?

Very rarely!

The low-grade elixir can raise the golden immortal in the peak realm to the initial state of the emperor, which is actually an eight-star principle elixir.

Moreover, this low-grade elixir is not a true eight-star rule spirit pill, a high-grade elixir of heaven can only refine an eight-star rule spirit pill.

But if it is used to refine lower-grade elixir, after adding a large amount of earth-level elixir to a high-grade elixir of heaven, it can produce five lower-grade elixir!

And in this place of Immortal Realm, heavenly lower-grade elixir can be seen everywhere, and the ground-level elixir is already a weed-like existence.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng, five thousand low-grade elixir was just the cost of one thousand low-grade elixir of the world.

In this auction, a drop of spiritual solution is a point.

One thousand low-grade elixir of the heavenly rank, that is, one hundred thousand points.

The cost price is only 100,000 points!

But the price of the last transaction, let alone five or six million points, even if it is three million points, it is 30 times the profit.

This is too exaggerated!

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this was just a good start!

After the auction of the lower-grade elixir, the auction of the middle-grade elixir did not continue, but other items were auctioned.

In this auction, many things will be auctioned. According to the original plan, it will take 30 to 50 days.

However, for those who are at least the Golden Immortal realm cultivation base, thirty to fifty days is not a big deal.

Even for people in the Golden Fairy Realm of the fairy world, there will be dozens of hundreds of years of retreat, or even longer, these thirty or fifty days are really nothing.

In fact, on the third day of the auction, Qin Shaofeng's points had already been auctioned for the lower-grade elixir.

Even Qin Shaofeng directly asked Wu Feng to exchange a batch of Heavenly Rank best elixir.

One hundred points is equivalent to one hundred drops of spiritual liquid, which can be exchanged for a high-grade elixir from the Marshal's Mansion.

But if it were to be replaced by the Heaven-Rank Supreme Elixir, it would require 100,000 points.

Even in the immortal world, the best elixir of the heavenly ranks is a very precious resource and extremely valuable.

This time, the ten groups of low-grade elixir that were auctioned together were auctioned for nearly 50 million points. Because there were 50,000 low-grade elixir that were purchased in advance by the Marshal's mansion, they were still the highest price among the ten groups of low-grade elixir.

The highest price of the ten sets of low-grade elixir was 6 million points, and all the Marshal's Mansion had to pay Wufeng, which was Qin Shaofeng's 60 million points.

However, in the end, due to the rake, Qin Shaofeng's points were just over 100 million points.

One hundred million points seems to be a lot, but if you only change to the best heavenly elixir, it will only be possible to buy a thousand heavenly best elixir from the Marshal's Mansion.

Ten heavenly top-grade elixir can make an 11-star magic pill, and one thousand can only make one hundred.

Before, Qin Shaofeng had a way to refine a thousand eleven-star law spirit pills from a thousand heaven-rank top-grade elixir, because he still had one million in his hand besides a thousand heaven-rank top-grade elixir. A high-grade elixir of the heavenly rank, and one million to white middle-grade immortal energy.

If only refined with the best heavenly elixir, one thousand heavenly best elixir can only produce one hundred twelve-star magic pill.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't exchange his over 100 million points in his hand to convert Wufeng into the best elixir of heaven.

The auction continues!

Although very irritable, to Qin Shaofeng, it was not a big deal.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also pays great attention to the auction, because perhaps there will be something he wants in this auction.

It's just that for now, nothing is needed.

In this way, the auction went on unconsciously for a month, and more than half of the auction items have been auctioned.

Qin Shaofeng has always been in retreat and nourishment. He doesn't have the slightest elixir in his body now, and there is no eleven-star magic pill.

He can only practice continuously by absorbing spiritual energy.

Not to mention, in such a month, his practice still increased the acupuncture points in his body by three or five.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation was finally interrupted.

"Next, we will put the Jinxian's auction item, which is the spoils of the Golden Light Fairy King in a spiritual world, eight special corpses!"

On the auction stage, Old Crane was still red, and the constant auctions for a month were nothing to him as a powerful immortal emperor.

Golden Light King?

Upon hearing this name, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something in his heart.

Could it be...


At the same time, there was a dull loud noise on the auction stage, adding a huge figure.

As soon as he saw that huge figure, Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed such a look.

It really was that dragon corpse!

That's right, the huge figure that appeared on the auction stage at this moment was one of the nine dragon corpses that Qin Shaofeng had seen in the spirit liquid lake in the spirit dragon space that day.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng's current storage space also contains one of the dragon corpses!

It was a fairy king-level expert on the side of the immortal world who forcibly entered the spirit dragon space and swept away the spirit dragon clan in the spirit dragon space. Even the forces of the secret realm of the spirit world in the cultivation world sent to the spirit dragon space for training. The person was also driven to extinction by the fairy king.

If it wasn't for Qin Shaofeng's some ability, he might have been cold.

But it was also that time that made him come to this fairy world.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't forgotten that dragon corpse, and even brought some special things when he returned to Qiyuan Star this time and then returned to Earth.

Those were all prepared for the dragon corpse in his hand, but after returning, Qin Shaofeng didn't deal with it in time for a series of things.

However, seeing this auction stage at this moment, he actually took out the remaining eight dragon corpses for auction, which caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to move slightly.

Very good, anyway, those things bring more, even if it is used on the nine dragon corpses, it is more than enough.

In that case...

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed and he made up his mind.

These eight dragon corpses, I have to decide, even if they have to pay a certain price!

At the same time, Old Crane on the auction stage also began to introduce to everyone.

"This is a special creature with some dragon bloodlines. It is a product of a special spiritual world, and this dragon corpse is very special!"

Old He said: "I believe everyone feels it too. Although these dragon corpses look dead, in fact the dragon corpses are not completely dead."

"The current state of these dragon corpses seems to be equivalent to losing their souls, but their bodies are still alive. I even want to tell everyone that after some research, we found that these dragon corpses have been alive for a long time, and almost all of them are there. Millions of years."

After a slight pause, Old He said another thing that surprised everyone present.

"These dragon corpses are very special, and they don't seem to be contaminated. Therefore, as long as there is a trace of remnant soul, it can be reborn with the help of these dragon corpses!"

Once Crane's old saying fell off, the scene was thoroughly discussed.

"This... Borrowing a corpse to rebirth?"

"It is very clear that my spiritual sense has detected that the body of this dragon corpse is very pure, and it is very suitable for rebirth. This is really a treasure!"

"Tsk tusk, it seems that having a dragon corpse is one more life!"

"Cut, what's so good about this? Didn't you hear the old man say it? It's a trace of chaos. If I still have a trace of chaos, I still need this dragon corpse? The props cultivated by Yuxianchi are used to do What?"

"Yes, instead of using these dragon corpses for rebirth, it's better to use those props from the fairy pond!"

"It makes sense. Compared with the things in Yuxianchi, this dragon corpse is not a good thing, and I don't want to turn myself into a monster-like appearance!"

"You can't say that. The purity of this dragon corpse is much better than Yuxianchi's excellent props."

"Yes, maybe these dragon corpses are reborn, maybe they still have some special powers, or they have good potential!"


The crowd kept talking, some were optimistic about the dragon corpse, and some were not optimistic about the dragon corpse.

Because it was just rebirth, then Yuxianchi had many substitutes.

At this time, Old He seemed to see the people's thoughts, a flick of helplessness flashed between his eyebrows, but he still said: "Listen to me, these dragon corpses all have special dragon bloodlines. If they are reborn, they have There is a certain chance of inheriting a special talent, and it is even possible to obtain power such as bloodline supernatural power from his body."

"Okay, that's enough for the old man. Eight dragon corpses will be auctioned together with a reserve price of 10 million points!"

He Lao did not say how many points are needed for each price increase.

In fact, he is not very optimistic about this dragon corpse.

Because these eight special dragon corpses belonged to the Marshal's Mansion.

If this dragon corpse really had the benefits he said, it might have been researched out by those strong men in the Marshal's Mansion.

How can it be put out for auction?

And there is another point, that is, the aura of these dragon corpses is really too weak, just the realm of the fairy king, not even the general realm of the fairy king.

If it is more powerful, it is still useful.

But it's just a trivial fairy, that's not very useful.

However, Old He did not completely exaggerate, because if luck is good, he might still get some special bloodline magical powers from these dragon corpses!

But still that sentence, depends on luck!

After He Lao said the reserve price, the scene was slightly quiet, and there was no situation where many people bidding.

Obviously, everyone present also saw this.

Therefore, this dragon corpse is not very attractive to them.

And this is still a high price of 10 million points. If it is two or three million, then someone may still bid.

But for ten million, forget it!

"Ten million!~"

After calming down for a long time, there was a voice.

This surprised everyone, but when you followed the voice and saw the bidder came from the third floor, no one was paying attention.

On the third floor is the real strong, and where the big forces are, and those people are either rich or noble.

The other party’s bid is probably just to ensure a trace of interest.

Suddenly, some of the wealthy people who had planned to be bored to try were all getting big and small.

A corpse with no great value is not guilty of conflict with others.

The boxes on the third floor can be simple!

Then, no one made any bids.

Old He is also very quick. He is already very happy to be able to make a bid. Therefore, he even said directly: "Box 36 is bidding 10 million, has no one bid? Then these eight special The dragon corpse belongs to the 36 good boxes!"

With a final word, Old He quickly entered the auction of an auction item.

Seeing him like that, it seemed that he was a little lucky to be auctioned off the eight dragon corpses.

But he didn't know. At the same time, seeing Qin Shaofeng's final word, he let out a soft breath in his heart.

Did you get it like this?

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