Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 213: Rachel's Might

"Who told you that I'm only in a seven or eightfold realm?"

Facing Lu Laoliu's sneer, Qin Shaofeng was rather disapproving.

"Hmph, the advantage of your tongue, let me die!"

Qin Shaofeng's disapproval, angered Lu Laoliu, and with a low voice, Lu Laoliu was no longer ready to talk nonsense, and threw directly at Qin Shaofeng.


With a pounce, Lu Laoliu bends his hands, hooked like claws, and the claws are covered with a faint white light, and he grabs Qin Shaofeng hard.

That pale white aura is exactly the aura that the Spirit Vessel Realm possesses.

Compared with the innate aura of the innate martial artist, the aura possessed by the Lingmai Grandmaster is even better.

Moreover, when used, the aura is much more flexible than the previous qi.

Under normal circumstances, as long as you step into the spirit pulse realm, you can run a small amount of aura in your body, attach it to your own body, use the aura to enhance your attack power, or enhance your own defense.

Although Lu Laoliu was only in the initial stage of the first layer of spiritual veins, he didn't have much aura in his body, and he could only use a small part of it.

But even this small part of aura, attached to his hands by him, made his double claws possess extremely strong attack power and penetrating power.

call out! call out!

Qin Shaofeng just heard the sound of a heavy fist breaking through the air, hitting himself, and then he saw Lu Laoliu's gloomy and proud smiling face.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng even felt that two strong winds hit his chest.

There is no need to bow your head, Qin Shaofeng also knows that Lu Laoliu's eagle-claw-like hands have been caught beyond his own heart.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that if he were caught by Lu Laoliu, he would be thoroughly grasped.

That is definitely the end of a heartbreak!

However, Qin Shaofeng did not panic either.

What Lu Laoliu didn't see was that there was a hint of fluorescent color in Qin Shaofeng's shoulder ball.

The perceptual field of fiery eyes and golden eyes allows Qin Shaofeng to share vision with Qiuqiu, and with Qiuqiu's vicious eyes, Lu Laoliu's movements are extremely fast and fierce.

But how can you escape the eyes of the little thing that ball?



Shaking around, Qin Shao escaped Lu Laoliu's claws risky and dangerously, but Lu Laoliu caught two holes in the clothes on his chest.

His chest was bare, and the hole was exactly where Qin Shaofeng's heart was.

If it were a little bit at night, I'm afraid Lu Lao Liu's claws would be able to sink into Qin Shaofeng's chest and grab Qin Shaofeng's heart.

"Ah, why are you so stupid! You were almost caught!"

Taking a look at the two holes in Qin Shaofeng's chest, the ball screamed in Qin Shaofeng's ear.

"You can see the opponent's movements clearly. At your speed, you can definitely avoid it in advance. There is no danger at all. What do you think!"

Ignoring the little things with explosive hairs, Qin Shaofeng stepped back and pulled away from Lu Laoliu.

Avoid early?

Indeed, with the vision sharing with the ball, Qin Shaofeng could speed up his escape, Lu Laoliu's catch attack.

But Qin Shaofeng had other ideas, so he pretended to barely avoid Lu Laoliu's attack.

"Yo, the response is good!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng avoiding his own attack, Lu Laoliu was a little surprised. He did not continue to attack Qin Shaofeng for the first time, but stood still and looked at Qin Shaofeng with some playfulness.

After that moment, Lu Laoliu thought he had seen Qin Shaofeng's strength.

Hmph, that is, the strength of the general tenth realm of innate, not worth mentioning!

A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and Lu Laoliu felt a little more contemptuous in his heart.

However, with Lu Laoliu's insidious and cautious character, Lu Laoliu has not completely relaxed Qin Shaofeng at this moment.


With a flash, Lu Laoliu attacked Qin Shaofeng again.

Still attacking like an eagle's claw before, one move after another, Lu Lao's six moves directly attacked Qin Shaofeng's heart.

As for Qin Shaofeng, it was all ‘difficult’ as before, but it was ‘very lucky’ time and time again, avoiding Lu Laoliu’s attacks.

As the number of shots increased, Lu Laoliu felt completely relaxed.

Every time he attacked, the other party avoided it dangerously and dangerously.

There were even one or two times when Qin Shaofeng didn't hide in time, leaving a few faint red marks on his chest.

This completely convinced Lu Laoliu that Qin Shaofeng's strength was so much that he was definitely not his opponent.

After confirming that Qin Shaofeng was not a threat to him, Lu Laoliu had a sneer on his face.

"Boy, you're done, but don't worry, I won't kill you directly, I will torture you well, and then take you back to my Lu family and let the master of the house send you off. So, you accept your fate Come on! Hahaha!"

With a loud laugh, Lu Laoliu swept over and slammed Qin Shaofeng.

This time, Lu Laoliu used 80% of his strength in this grasp.

However, this time Lu Laoliu's goal was not Qin Shaofeng's heart, but Qin Shaofeng's Dantian.

Obviously, Lu Laoliu intends to directly capture Qin Shaofeng's Dantian this time, and then start his own torture plan on Qin Shaofeng.

Based on the previous attacks, Lu Laoliu was confident that with his own strength, this attack would definitely succeed.


Lu Laoliu laughed cruelly after feeling that his right hand had touched Qin Shaofeng's abdomen.

But at this moment, Lu Laoliu suddenly discovered that Qin Shaofeng, who was opposite him, suddenly raised his head and showed a weird smile at him.

Immediately after that, Lu Laoliu felt it, his right hand was suddenly blocked, and he could not move forward at all.

No good, fraud!

Lu Laoliu, who was close-minded, had an idea in his heart.

Looking down subconsciously, Lu Laoliu saw Qin Shaofeng's body in a daze, a blue light flashed.

It was this layer of blue light that blocked his right hand.

That layer of blue light made Lu Laoliu feel a bit of a bad feeling. Even if Lu Laoliu, who has rich combat experience, knew that there was a congenital martial artist whose strength was far inferior to him, he instantly chose to retreat.

But at this moment, Lu Laoliu suddenly heard a strange noise.


It was like the noise of thunder and lightning, and with this noise, a bright light appeared in front of Lu Laoliu's eyes.

Blue, dazzling and bright!

That seems to be lightning!

Lu Laoliu was shocked, and then he saw that the blue light lightning turned into a sharp sword, and flew towards his chest suddenly.

Vaguely, Lu Laoliu saw a familiar face in the blue light lightning.

Familiar appearance, and a strange smile that I saw just a moment ago.

By the way, it is Qin Shaofeng!

Lu Laoliu's heart was enlightened, but the next moment, he felt a pain in his chest.


With the blue light that seemed to vibrate the air, after touching Lu Laoliu's chest, there was almost no pause, as if he penetrated a piece of thin paper, it directly penetrated Lu Laoliu.


The sound of his flesh being torn apart, Lu Laoliu's eyes widened in an instant, and he looked down at his chest in disbelief.

An arm with a blue electric current penetrated through his chest, and then came out from behind his heart.

As for his heart, Lu Laoliu couldn't feel it anymore.

It seems that at the moment this arm penetrated him, his heart was directly destroyed by the blue light current.


Struggling to raise his head, Lu Laoliu wanted to say something to the owner of that arm.

But with his broken heart, he just lifted his head slightly, and then dropped weakly.

Immediately before, Lu Laoliu's eagle-claw-like hands also gave a sudden pause, and after falling down, they swayed freely a few times.


Lu Laoliu, the terrifying insidious master, just died.

This situation is probably something that Lu Lao 60 never expected.

And Lu Laoliu's last year's thoughts in this life were not surprised that Qin Shaofeng had the ability to kill him, but Lu Laoliu was a little bit strange about his own way of death.

Only earlier today did he personally grab Wang Wenwu's heart.

Now he also ended up like this.

Is this retribution?

This was the last thought of Lu Lao Liu's life.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for killing the first-tier master Lu Laoliu, gaining a higher-level kill experience bonus, and the experience tree seedlings for gaining 5000 experience!"

Qin Shaofeng pulled his arm out of Lu Laoliu's chest with a sound of the system prompt.

Lu Laoliu's death was not beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations. On the contrary, it was something Qin Shaofeng expected.

In the face of Lu Laoliu's attack before, Qin Shaofeng had deliberately acted reluctantly.

Sure enough, Lu Laoliu was fooled, thinking that Qin Shaofeng was nothing but that.

With this kind of mentality, Qin Shaofeng directly resisted Lu Lao Liu's attack by taking advantage of Lu Lao Liu's intention and displayed Lei Che.

Of course Qin Shaofeng couldn't directly resist Lu Laoliu's attack.

But with the Thunder Guard body, it's different. And Qin Shaofeng also wanted to try, just how strong his own Thunder Guard's defensive power is.

Facts have proved that the defensive power of the thunder and lightning clothing of the Lei Dun body actually exceeded Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

Even in the face of Lu Lao's 60% to 80% strength, the thunder and lightning clothes are still intact.

Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this opportunity to directly consume one-third of his internal energy value and use Lei Dunlei Qi to display it.

This was the first time Qin Shaofeng used Lei Che, and the result was the same as Qin Shaofeng thought, Lei Che's might, even a master of the first level of spiritual veins could not hold it.

That's how Lu Laoliu was killed by his own heart.

This process went smoothly unexpectedly. Qin Shaofeng originally thought that even if he used Thunder Chee to attack Lu Laoliu by surprise, Lu Laoliu would be shocked and seriously injured at best.

But I don't want to, that Lu Laoliu is really too confident in his own strength, or maybe his performance is too good, so that Lu Laoliu didn't run the aura protection.

In general, Lu Laoliu is dead.

Qin Shaofeng also knew that the power of his Lei Che, coupled with the 5,000 experience points gained from the higher-level kill bonus, also gave the experience tree seedlings some benefits.

This harvest is pretty good!


Just when Qin Shaofeng brought him 5,000 points of experience for Lu Laoliu, but when he was in a good mood, a panic scream came from the surroundings, but it was one of the six Lu family members.

After being entertained by Qin Shaofeng’s thunderballs, the seven Lu family members, except for one hapless dead, are still alive, but each suffered different degrees of injuries.

When Lu Laoliu shot Qin Shaofeng, they didn't take the shot, but watched from the side.

But at this look, they saw a scene that made them dumbfounded.

The sixth master, who was extremely terrifying in the eyes of himself and others, just died like this?

After being dumbfounded, the six people looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze as if they saw a scourge, and after a loud cry, they fled frantically.

Unfortunately, can Qin Shaofeng let them go?

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