Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 215: The effect of experience fruit

Improve the cultivation base of 10,000 points of experience?

This is not difficult to understand. In fact, it is based on Qin Shaofeng's own upgrade experience points.

In other words, as long as a level 1 experience fruit, you can directly cultivate your beasts and dependents to the first level of innate realm.

And this is not the point, the point is that the effect of this thing can be superimposed!

In Qin Shaofeng's original world.

"Hahaha, good baby, good baby!" A little bit of laughter was endless.

"This is the level 1 experience fruit! If it is a higher level experience fruit, wouldn't it be against the sky?"

The little ball seems to have seen it, the experience tree in front of him has skyrocketed to levels 7 and 8, and the high-level experience fruit it has produced is enough to be equivalent to a holy rank.

And this experience tree seems to have no upper limit of results. Doesn't that mean that it can bear many, many experience fruits?

Lots of babies!

So many babies!

The two small round eyes of the small ball were completely illuminated.

But at this moment, the level 1 experience fruit on the level 1 experience tree suddenly disappeared in a flash!

"Ah! Who is it? Who stole my baby!" The ball exploded instantly.

But soon, Xiaoqiuqiu thought of something, and his figure appeared outside.

"Sure enough, you stole my baby!"

As soon as he appeared to the outside world, seeing Qin Shaofeng's hand, it was the level 1 experience fruit that had disappeared, and Xiao Qiuqi gritted his teeth.

"I stole your baby?"

Qin Shaofeng gave the little guy a white look and snorted coldly: "You little thing, this tree of experience is mine. When did it become your treasure?"

Even though he said that, Qin Shaofeng threw the level 1 experience fruit to the small ball.

Qin Shaofeng was no longer in the mood to care about Xiaoqiuqiu at this moment, and he couldn't be too lost.

It doesn't work for yourself?

After seeing the attributes of the level 1 experience fruit, Qin Shaofeng immediately picked the level 1 experience fruit and planned to take it by himself.

It's a pity that the system actually prompts that this experience fruit cannot be used by itself.

This is not because you are in a state of extreme upgrade tasks and cannot add any experience, but the fruits of experience really don't work for you!

"System reminder: The experience fruit is only for the player's beasts and family members. It has a boosting effect. It has no effect on the player. After taking it, it will not increase any experience."

Just this reminder made Qin Shaofeng understand that the experience fruit is not his food.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is normal.

After all, the first ability of the level 1 experience tree is to get three times the experience gained by oneself. If the fruit of the experience works on oneself, then it is worth it?

As long as he possesses a level 1 experience fruit, after taking it, Qin Shaofeng can gain 10,000 experience by himself. Then, as Qin Shaofeng’s experience increases, the level 1 experience tree can also gain 30,000 experience, and once again bear three level 1 experience fruits.

Then, Qin Shaofeng served the three level 1 experience fruits, and...

After a series of cycles, Qin Shaofeng was already invincible.

This is simply impossible!

I didn't care about Qin Shaofeng's loss, and hurriedly received the little ball of Level 1 Experience Fruit, and smiled again.

"Hey, baby, good baby!"

The poor little guy, after losing the small treasury he had accumulated for many years, faced a level 1 experience fruit that only raised the realm of the innate martial artist, he was surprised.

Uh, maybe this is the case with the fans themselves...

Seeing Xiaoqiuqiu's excitement, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly and suddenly wanted to go.

By the way, the fruit of this experience is not for me, but for my beasts and family members, it is of great benefit!

For a time, Qin Shaofeng's mind became active.

The little fox seemed to have encountered some opportunities in the chaotic time and space some time ago. When Qin Shaofeng was in a coma, the little fox seemed to have absorbed some special energy, and then fell asleep, and has not yet woken up.

However, feeling the beast space where the little fox was, the little fox's aura became stronger and stronger, and Qin Shaofeng didn't worry about anything.

So Qin Shaofeng thought of Lord Tiger, this mutated tiger roaring lion.


With a thought, Lord Tiger was summoned by Qin Shaofeng.


There was a habitual roar of tigers, only without Qin Shaofeng's secretly instructing, every time this fellow Tiger was called out, he would roar immediately.

In the words of this guy, this is called the special domineering style of Tiger Lord.

After a tiger roar, the awe-inspiring Tiger Lord turned into a cat with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes in the next moment, and the thieves approached Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, Lord Tiger suddenly saw the ball. To be precise, it was attracted by the level 1 experience fruit in the arms of the ball.

For some reason, the moment he stared at the fruits of experience, Lord Tiger felt a feeling of extreme desire.

This desire far exceeds its desire for tiger chicks and tiger beauties.

Lord Tiger had a feeling in his heart that as long as he took that fruit, he would definitely be able to improve his realm.

As soon as he had this feeling, the tiger screamed, and he turned his head directly, no longer looked at Qin Shaofeng, but leaned toward Xiaoqiuqiu with a flattering expression.

"Hey, Boss Guang hasn't seen it for a long time!" When he leaned in front of Xiaoqiuqiu, Master Tiger opened his mouth to please.

Yes, just speak.

Master Tiger could already speak, but it was only a high-level monster beast of the innate realm that could speak. This was a rare thing.

However, this is also thanks to the small ball.

After becoming Qin Shaofeng's contract elves, the small ball could enter and exit the system's beast space at will.

For the existence of the little fox, Xiaoqiuqiu just sighed, and Qin Shaofeng was lucky.

Of course, what's more, Xiao Qiuqiu's jealousy at the super demon chess piece that Qin Shaofeng glanced at was extremely jealous.

As for the Tiger Lord replacing this mutated Tiger Roaring Lion, the small ball but the lack of interest in performance.

In the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, this mutated tiger roaring lion, Lord Tiger, is still a good monster.

But it's just a monster. In the case of Lord Tiger, Xiaoqiuqiu just said that Lord Tiger has such a slight chance to grow into a holy beast.

The moment Tiger Lord saw Xiaoqiuqiu, he felt that Xiaoqiuqiu was not easy.

After all, Lord Tiger knew that the beast space he was in was extremely difficult, but this small ball could enter, how could he treat the opponent as a normal person.

Therefore, Hu Ye consciously went to please Xiaoqiuqiu.

As a result, Tiger Lord is considered a right move.

Don't look at Xiaoqiuqiu's many thoughts, but in fact, this little thing is still a child's mentality. After being touted by the tiger's headless and brainless, it is already too happy to find North.

Then the little ball patted his chest and promised to Lord Tiger: "You tiger roaring lion is good, you have gotten mixed up with Master Everbright, Master Everbright, I promise to make you a holy beast!"

Then, Xiaoqiuqiu told Master Tiger about a few tricks of monster cultivation, and then Master Tiger found that he could speak, and his strength had improved a lot, and his cultivation speed had also been accelerated.

Then Hu Ye smoothly became the little brother of Xiaoqiuqiu, the boss of one bite.

At this moment, when he heard his little brother calling him, Xiaoqiuqiu became a little alert for the first time.

Because at this time, the little thing found that his newly acquired little brother seemed to have something wrong in his eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Xiaoqiuqiu said vigilantly, secretly tightening the level 1 experience fruit in his arms again.

What is Hu Ye's character?

Old fried dough stick, tiger ruffian...

As for the appearance of the ball, I just guessed a general idea.

However, without waiting for it to speak, Qin Shaofeng said to the small ball for the first time: "What are you doing, quickly take out the experience fruit, if nothing else, this level 1 experience fruit can raise the tiger by one level. This The fruit of experience is not the inner alchemy of the monster beast, and it certainly won't have any bad influence on Lord Tiger."

"Take it out? This is my baby!" The ball stopped immediately.

Raise a level?

Hu Ye's eyes turned green in an instant.

During this period of time, it followed the few monster cultivation skills given by Xiaoqiuqiu, and then received a large number of monster inner pills from Qin Shaofeng. However, its cultivation base has improved extremely quickly, and it is now in a high-level six-fold pinnacle realm.

Unfortunately, according to Xiaoqiuqiu's request, Lord Tiger didn't dare to swallow the monster inner alchemy at will.

Because Xiaoqiuqiu said, if it wants to become a holy beast, it is best to practice best on its own. Frequent swallowing of the inner core of other monsters is not good for it.

But at this moment, after listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Lord Tiger was even more excited about that fruit.

Unable to take a step forward, Tiger Lord was extremely pleased and smiled at Xiaoqiuqiu: "King Boss, I know this fruit is a treasure, but I am your little brother! And as your little brother of the Boss, you don’t think of a little brother. Is my strength really too weak? Do you think such a kid can handle it?"

"This..." Xiaoqiuqiu hesitated.


This tiger's head is the innate six-layer realm, it is too weak, if it is spread out, it will degrade his face.

Uh, by the way, this tiger head is what Xiaoqiuqiu called the tiger.

It comes from Xiaoqiuqiu’s evaluation of Hu Ye, the head of the tiger...

"Okay, I'll do it for you!"

After thinking for a while, Xiaoqiuqiu reluctantly handed over the level 1 experience fruit.

Xiaoqiuqiu also thought about it a lot, but Huye's little brother did not fit his status as a master.

It is also a good thing to hand over the fruits of experience to increase the strength of Lord Tiger.

Moreover, as long as the Tiger's strength increased, it would be able to help Qin Shaofeng hunt and kill the monsters. In this way, the speed at which the experience tree absorbs experience points would also increase a lot.

This is an early investment!

One more thing, it is considered that the small ball has reacted.

Although the fruit of this experience is an impossible treasure, the effect is too weak.

It's just the effect of the advancement of the innate martial artist's realm. If this were in the past, he would not even take a look at such things.

Even if you are already impoverished, you can't be so hungry and choose food!

Of course, in fact, Xiaoqiuqiu already knew, and Qin Shaofeng had already made up his mind to let Master Tiger take this fruit of experience, even if he stumbled, he couldn't keep it.

In that case, it's better to let go.

"Haha, thank you Guang boss!"

With a loud roar of excitement, Lord Tiger opened his mouth directly and swallowed the Level 1 experience fruit.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng, the battle beast Tiger Roaring Lion, for taking a Level 1 experience fruit, and his cultivation base has been improved."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng, the battle beast tiger roaring lion has been upgraded, and the current level is advanced seven!"

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