Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 224: Cang Wolf King Cub


It's impossible for this Cang Wolf King to survive!

Just thinking together, Qin Shaofeng shook his head and vetoed it.

This system has determined that the Cang Wolf King is dead, and the kill points are all there. How could this Cang Wolf King be still alive?

For a time, Qin Shaofeng was very puzzled.

At this moment, the small ball on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the Canglang King. He got up and flew before floating in front of him.

After observing for a while, Xiaoqiuqiu suddenly realized: "So that's it, this Cang Wolf King is actually a mother!"


The Cang Wolf King with such a powerful group of Cang Wolves is actually a female wolf?

Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded after hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's words.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng thought of something.


Doesn't this mean...

With a glance, Qin Shaofeng looked towards the abdomen of the Canglang King.

Looking at it this way, Qin Shaofeng really found that the Canglang King's belly seemed a little big!

The little ball who originally discovered this seemed to have lost some interest, but the next moment, his small round face became excited, and he shouted frantically at Qin Shaofeng: "Quick, quick, cut open this Cang Wolf King's Stomach, get out the little guy inside."


Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't move for a while.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's dumb face, Xiaoqiuqiu was angry.

"What are you doing in a daze? Later, the Cang Wolf Emperor cub inside is dead!"


The Canglang Emperor?

This time Qin Shaofeng heard it clearly, and at this time, it seemed that he was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would be slow. With a trick from the small ball, an ultra-small attribute interface appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

There was only one message on that interface, one that was found out by glaring eyes.

Cang Wolf King Cub

Level: Nine Spirit Vessels

Status: unborn (maternal death is in a state of frequent death)


I rub!

After seeing this attribute, Qin Shaofeng was instantly excited


This is still the realm of the nine levels of spiritual veins in the mother's womb. Once this grows up, it will be fine.

And Qin Shaofeng also seemed to remember at this moment. When the little thing talked about the gray wolf before, he said that if the gray wolf emperor appeared among the gray wolves, there was a high chance that he would grow into a holy beast!

Without a word, Qin Shaofeng raised the Hundred Steel Sword and swiped it at the belly of the Canglang King.

At this moment, the Canglang King had been dead for a long time, his own defense power was greatly reduced, and Qin Shaofeng specially picked the wound in the Cang Wolf King's abdomen, so this time was also very smooth.


As soon as the Canglang King's stomach was cut open, a pile of flesh and blood flowed out, Qin Shaofeng squinted, and quickly stared at a place.

Then, with another hand and foot, five fleshy pink **** appeared.


This Cang Wolf King was pregnant with five cubs, and two of them were Cang Wolf King cubs!

However, Qin Shaofeng could see it at this time.

Perhaps it was because it was the Cang Wolf Emperor cub, which left these two little guys alive.

Because their other three brothers and sisters had already died.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was in trouble.

Although these two pink and tender cubs are still alive at the moment, they are afraid that they cannot survive.

Qin Shaofeng was impatient.

This is the Cang Wolf Emperor cub!

At this time, the little ball on the side shouted to Qin Shaofeng who hated iron and steel, "Stupid! Go in and find the Blood Demon Flower! Now only the Blood Demon Flower can save these two little things!"

Yes indeed!

Blood demon flower!

Why did I forget this thing?

With a sudden pat on his forehead, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly put the corpse of the Canglang King into the storage ring, then carefully picked up the two small powder **** and rushed to the home of the bear of the earth.

However, when he reached the entrance, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that the cub of the earth bear that had not been affected by the power of the gray wolf's self-detonation was still alive at this moment.

It is indeed a bear of the earth with strong vitality!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng also hugged the little bear.

After entering the home of the bear of the earth, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this place was about a hundred meters in radius, but it was completely reinforced by the bear of the earth with the strength of the earth element.

Even the innermost part was deliberately made out, a spacious cave.

Under the guidance of Xiaoqiuqiu, after Qin Shaofeng entered the cave, he finally found the blood demon flower.

This is a small tree less than half a meter high, with blood-red branches and leaves, and the entire small tree is blood-red.

But on this small blood-red tree, there are seven white flowers in full bloom.

"This is the blood demon flower?"

Seeing the snow-white flowers in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's face flashed with astonishment.

He thought this blood demon flower was red!

I don't want to, this blood demon flower tree is blood red, but the blood demon flower that blooms is white in the opposite direction.

Xiaoqiuqiu is not in the mood to talk to Qin Shaofeng at this moment, and directly urges Qin Shaofeng to say: "Hurry up! If you slow down, these three little guys will die."

"Okay, I'll start now!" Qin Shaofeng said helplessly.

In the direction of Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng picked the three blood demon flowers, mashed them separately, stirred them into a paste, and then carefully served them to the three little guys.

This blood demon flower is indeed a blood demon flower, an extremely precious holy medicine in the eyes of the demon beast!

After serving them, the two Cang Wolf Emperor cubs and the Earth Bear cubs exuded a strong vitality, obviously they could not die.

Not only that, but the aura of the three little guys seems to have slowly increased.

Especially the two Cang Wolf Emperor cubs, there was a ray of blood shining from their bodies, and the blood was getting more and more light, finally forming a blood cocoon.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, with this Cang Wolf Emperor's aptitude, taking the Blood Demon Flower can really awaken the blood!"


Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly when he heard it.

But before he could speak, he heard a rumbling noise outside, and with the noise, the ground vibrated slightly.

"Oh no!"

Xiaoqiuqiu yelled suddenly, and sighed with a little annoyance: "I should have thought about it a long time ago. If this earth bear and that blue wolf king die, there is no strong monster beast aura, other monsters will definitely come over! "


Other monsters?

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, combined with the movement at the moment, his face changed suddenly.

"I wipe it, it's no joke!"

It's really not a joke, but here is the deep area of ​​the Black Point Mountain Range, and this random emergence is a realm with seven or eight levels of spiritual veins, and it is not uncommon for a legendary realm.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate to hold the Hundred Steel Sword in his hand, and according to Xiaoqiu's statement, dug out the blood demon flower, and then was brought into the original world by Xiaoqiu.

Not only that, even the three little guys were taken in.

After doing all this, Qin Shaofeng directly performed the dance technique and flew into the sky.

Flying out of the cave and seeing the gray wolf corpse not far away, Qin Shaofeng was in pain.

These are all points!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't collect it, because at this moment, not far away less than a kilometer away, a large number of shadows were already rushing.

Moreover, the figures with a few powerful auras are extremely fast, obviously they are all powerful legendary monsters.

"Forget it, this time I have enough harvest, just give up these gray wolf corpses!"

With a slight twitch of his face, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate at all, but flew away quickly and left.




Less than a minute after Qin Shaofeng left, the place was surrounded by a group of monsters with a strong aura.

The stocks are astonishingly powerful, and the breath is swept into the air!

They were all powerful legendary monsters.

There are even a few legendary monsters of the nine-fold realm among them. It seems that these monsters finally sensed that the aura of the two earth bears of the overlord of this generation finally disappeared.

They have long coveted the breath of the blood demon flower, how can they stand it now?

This rushed up, without the suppression of the strongest, these monster beasts finally had a big battle.

It was another earth-shattering battle, but this time, it was all a melee.

However, Qin Shaofeng couldn't see this scene anymore.

Qin Shaofeng at the moment had already flown far away.

No way, the strength is too weak, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't dare to stay longer when such a huge monster appeared.

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng hid in a small cave and panted to rest.

On his shoulder, the small ball is vigilantly sensing the surrounding situation, and will warn Qin Shaofeng once it finds danger.

Thanks to the presence of the ball, Qin Shaofeng was able to rest in peace.

In fact, for nearly a month, when Qin Shaofeng rested every night, it was a small ball to help him guard, which made Qin Shaofeng fall asleep peacefully, and after a rest night, he could continue to fight the next day.

Although Xiaoqiuqi still displayed his demeanor from time to time, and occasionally a word or two of undue strokes popped out of his mouth, Qin Shaofeng was already used to it.

And after this time, the relationship between the two has become much closer.

At this moment, Xiaoqiuqiu was on alert, and Qin Shaofeng was rest assured.

After resting for a while, Qin Shaofeng opened his attribute interface and checked it.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ten Innate Peaks

Experience value: 99999/99999

Occupation: Devil

Internal energy value: 752000/1012000 (Innate Ten Heavy owns 115000 points, the Yi Jin Jing bonus is eight times, and the equipment bonus is 10%)

Talent roots: body of thunder, body of demon (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Fiery Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Alchemy, Yoga 108, Sky Dance, Thunder Ball, Thunder Ball, Thunder Cut, Thunder Ninjutsu, Thunder Guard body

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord (Tiger Roaring Lion)

Equipment: Face of First Spirit, Chain of First Spirit, Belt of First Spirit, Ring of First Spirit

Task: Extreme upgrade

Points: 1.03 million points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Star students (Star students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Country, and you can get a five-fold bonus by killing monsters in Lianyang Country!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Special purchase card, ball card small vault

Family members: Qin Yueer, Bai Xue

When he saw that his points reached 1.03 million points, Qin Shaofeng smirked.

During this period of time, the monsters Qin Shaofeng killed basically recovered their corpses to the system in exchange for points.

It is also for this reason that Qin Shaofeng has 1.03 million points at the moment.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng felt another pity in his heart.

"It's a pity, the corpse of the gray wolf in that place is gone. If all are recycled to the system, I'm afraid I can reach several million points!"

This is true, the group of gray wolves is completely dead this time. Without speaking, there are no fewer than 20,000 gray wolves in the Spirit Vein realm alone.

Even if it is worth 100 points, it is more than two million!

It is a pity, but no matter how pity it is, it is useless.

After a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng put away the attribute interface of the system, and his spiritual power explored the original world in his body.

In addition to the experience tree in the Origin World, there were three more guests at this moment.

A yellow fluffy bear, two scarlet cocoons.

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