Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2251: From the memory of the family's incarnation

After possessing the Dao Realm, being able to directly swallow the entire planet world is naturally extremely convenient.

But the problem is that it is too burdensome for Qin Shaofeng to perform this way.

Even if he has the entire Origin World Space as a backing, he doesn't need to care about Dao Power.

However, for Qin Shaofeng, displaying the Dao realm that can cover a huge planetary world requires a huge amount of Dao power.

If it weren't for the original world space, Qin Shaofeng would never have such power.

But even with the support of the Origin World Dimension, the steady flow of power passed through Qin Shaofeng's body.

This is like treating the original world space as a large pool and the planetary world in front of it as a small pool without water.

Qin Shaofeng is the pipe connecting the two pools, and there is some circulation.

It is impossible to fill the small pool all at once.

As for the existence of this pipeline, Qin Shaofeng naturally needs to bear some strength.

Fortunately, the final situation was good, Qin Shaofeng succeeded.

In fact, the most difficult part is only in the previous stage.

And once the origin world space began to swallow that planet world, as long as it swallowed not part of it, then Qin Shaofeng could directly open a space gate in this planet world.

Then, let the original world space come directly through the space gate, without his medium.

Soon, this planetary world was also swallowed by the original world space, and an incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's family member returned again.

But this family avatar is somewhat different. It seems to be affected by the Dao law of this relatively powerful planetary world. As a result, although this family avatar has not cultivated to the realm of the power of the five realms, it even has a power of the realm until now. They have not cultivated.

However, he possessed and formidable potential. This time, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised by the limit realm of Dao Realm.

Family members: Jiang Haichao

Level: Dzogchen

Dao world pattern: 18000/18000 (Affected by the talented skill, the body of the gods and demons and the law of the skill god, 18,000 Dao world patterns can be cultivated.)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Gods and Demons

Talent skills: power of gods and demons

Skill 1: Eyes of Gods and Demons

Skill 2: The Law of God

Familiar: None


There are 18,000 Daoist patterns, even if it is 3,600 Daoist patterns to condense a part of Daoist power, it can also condense five Daoist powers.

However, Qin Shaofeng also understood.

This planetary world is a planetary world ruled by a family, and in order to better control the planetary world, this family has very close control of the Dao Law.

It just so happens that this family can also carry out a part of the control over the laws of this planetary world.

Therefore, for their family's dominance in this planetary world, they strictly controlled the birth of the lower star master class powerhouse.

Even if the lower star master-level powerhouse was born, they were basically members of their own family.

Otherwise, it is the strong man who submits to their family.

The incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's family members did not choose to surrender. The reason is simple, that is, the family who will submit to their family has been controlled by special means.

Only in this way can they be allowed to come into contact with the Dao laws of this planetary world and cultivate the power of the Dao world!

The incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's family members would naturally not take this path, so he took a different path and embarked on the path of cultivating the pattern of Taoism.

And the body of this dependent incarnation has reached an incredible realm because of the many patterns of the Taoist world.

Obviously, he only possesses the pattern of the Dao realm, and has not yet cultivated the power of the Dao realm.

However, the physical realm of this dependent incarnation had reached the pinnacle realm of the median star master.

Now after Qin Shaofeng conquered this planetary world, this dependent incarnation entered the original world dimension and quickly cultivated five Daoist powers.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to directly increase the power of five Taoists at once.

Thirty-six copies of the power of Taoism!

129,600 lines of Taoism!

Qin Shaofeng's realm is getting stronger and stronger, and if he continues at this speed, it is probably not impossible to reach the realm of fifty Dao realm power.

After all, the current source world space already has 28 powers of the Taoist world.

In addition, there were 16 Daoist powers, which Qin Shaofeng had not cultivated.

If this is with the help of the incarnation of the dependents, once the power of the 16 Dao realms is cultivated.

That Qin Shaofeng's Dao Realm power is about to exceed fifty.

Qin Shaofeng was very much looking forward to this, because he wanted to know that he now barely had the power of the Pangu Dao Realm and the God Demon Dao Realm, the ‘one’ of the two Dao Realms.

If he has 50 powers of the Dao Realm, will he be promoted to the Dao Realm?

It doesn't even need fifty shares, and the power of the two ‘one’s of the Dao realm has been subtracted. As long as the power of forty-eight Dao realms, he may be able to advance to the great realm!

But these are just Qin Shaofeng's conjectures, and he still doesn't know what the specific situation will be.

Therefore, he must hurry up and collect the power of the other scattered Dao realms from the Gods and Demons Dao Realm.

Moreover, there are probably more than a dozen of such Daoist power.

It is worth mentioning that after this promotion, Qin Shaofeng discovered that his Dao realm had become a little special.

Because he can directly use the power of the Dao Realm to instantly return to the original world space!

This means that no matter where Qin Shaofeng reaches, he can instantly return to the original world space through the realm of Taoism.

And he can also use the power of the Dao Realm to open a space gate in any place.

Of course, under the current situation, I am afraid that this can only be done in the realm of Gods and Demons. I am afraid that it will not work in other places.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng believes that his speed of collecting other gods and demons realms will quickly increase.

However, just when Qin Shaofeng was about to speed up and search for the next incarnation of his dependents, the whole person gave a fierce meal.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly received a large amount of information.

"this is……"

Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked when he felt the sudden message, but he soon calmed down.

Because soon, he discovered that this was a memory from an incarnation of his family.

But after calming down, it didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng's face to change again.

Because he found that this is the memory of the incarnation of a dependent of his own.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng laughed and continued to search for the next incarnation of the family member, and went straight back to retreat in the original world space to check the memory of this family member incarnation.

Soon after, Qin Shaofeng finally clarified the memory of this dependent incarnation.

After the reason was clear, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked.

Because he got this memory, it actually came from the memory of a family avatar who was also sent to other realms.

And the most incredible thing is that the realm of this dependent incarnation is stronger than Qin Feng's incarnation, and it has already reached the realm of superstar master.

According to the memory passed over, Qin Shaofeng knew that his family incarnation was, and his luck was also extremely good.

After entering another Dao realm, Qin Shaofeng's family incarnation was considered very lucky and came to a powerful Dao realm called Abyss Dao Realm.

The power of the Taoist world is in a state of collapse, not a collapse that is about to die, but a collapse that is broken up.

To put it bluntly, it is in a state of disintegration, the power of the Taoist world can't be condensed at all, and there is no such thing as the law of the Tao.

There is only one place in the abyss realm, and that is the abyss.

There are countless layers of the abyss, one layer and one world!

Because the power of the Dao Realm is dissipated and the laws of the Dao do not exist, the entire Abyss Dao Realm is in a state of extreme chaos.

This is a place where the weak eat the strong, and the weak are the food of the strong.

Abyssal creatures all live by swallowing, whether for survival or to become stronger, they must swallow.

But in such a realm, it was an excellent place for Qin Shaofeng's family incarnation.

Because here, there is no need to practice, just swallow it, and it can be promoted.

Even the laws of God possessed by the world avatar can help Qin Shaofeng's dependent avatar refine the abyssal creatures to gain the power to improve himself.

In such an environment, Qin Shaofeng's family avatar was really in a hunting state, hunting or being hunted all the time.

As long as it is swallowed, it can be directly improved.

If the abyssal creature in the state of the positionless star master directly swallows the lower star master, it can be promoted to the lower star master.

Even if it swallows the upper star master directly, it will directly reach the upper star master realm.

Everything here is mainly devoured!

And even if it does not swallow the abyss creatures with the power of the Dao world, as long as enough abyss creatures are swallowed, the power of the Dao world can be born.

This is all caused by the chaotic and scattered laws of the abyss road world.

All the power of the Dao realm is in a state of collapse and cannot be cultivated, but the swallowing is the law of the Dao that can induce the Dao realm of the abyss and gain the power of the Dao realm.

That is a crazy world!

The incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's family member had reached the realm of superstar master after devouring it frantically.

But not long ago, the Abyss Dao realm was invaded by a powerful enemy, and the opponent was very powerful. It opened a killing ring and caused the death of countless creatures in the Abyss Dao realm.

And at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's family avatar received information from Qin Feng's family avatar.

Even though the incarnation of Qin Feng's family members committed suicide that day, they still left behind various methods to convey the message to Qin Shaofeng.

And this powerful Dao Realm that invaded the Abyss Dao Realm was Kunwu Dao Realm.

After receiving the information left by the incarnation of Qin Feng's family member, this family member incarnation immediately knew the power of Kunwu Dao Realm and the power of Kunwu God Venerable.

Moreover, the incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's family member has also seen the power of Kunwu God.

Because the power of the abyss realm has been dissipated, it has given birth to many powerful existences in the abyss realm.

Although there is no master of the Dao realm, the superstar master-level powerhouse, I am afraid that the amount of the abyss Dao realm is definitely the top existence of most Dao realm masters.

This is definitely more than hundreds, and even the superstar masters known by Qin Shaofeng's family avatar, there are more than seven or eight hundred in the abyss realm.

If you count some ancient superstar master level abyss creatures, I am afraid that the superstar masters of the entire abyss realm may be close to thousands, or even exceed them.

Even Kunwu Dao Realm does not have so many superstar master level powerhouses.

But even in such an abyss realm, when the Kunwu God Sovereign took the powerhouse of Kunwu Dao realm that day, when he invaded the abyss realm, he suffered a huge loss at the very beginning.

In the face of foreign invaders, even the cruel creatures of the abyss, they will also join hands against the enemy.

On the same day, they rushed out for a while, two or three hundred superstar master-level abyss creatures, and countless other abyss creatures.

With such a lineup, the Kunwu God Venerable only made one shot.

But this time, it will kill all abyssal creatures, including the two to three hundred superstar masters.

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