Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2254: Confused, the truth?

At this moment, when he saw Ye Lingtian fail once again and fainted, Xiao Yue'er finally couldn't help but ran in.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with Brother Tian?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's pale face, Xiao Yue'er's originally unusually pale face turned paler, her face was full of worries, and even her eyes were faintly gleaming.

"Uh, are you?"

With a soft groan, Ye Lingtian opened his eyes lightly. After seeing Xiao Yue'er, he suddenly asked.

Unexpectedly, his question made Xiao Yue'er's face paler.

"Woo, Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you? I'm Xiao Manxue, maybe you just made a mistake in your cultivation and hurt your head, right?"

Xiao Yue'er was so anxious that she even cried.

Especially seeing Ye Lingtian's eyes still a little blank, she couldn't sit still.

"Brother Tian, ​​wait, I'll get you a doctor!"

After speaking, Xiaoyue'er hurried out.

this is?

Ye Lingtian, who was left alone, was dumbfounded and puzzled.

its not right!

Am I not playing on the computer in the dorm?

But why am I running here?

where is this place?

Ye Lingtian was puzzled.


Just when Ye Lingtian was puzzled, his head suddenly hurt, and then a powerful message came out suddenly.

He remembered that he was playing on the computer in the dormitory, and then it seemed that Hu Xiaochuan was talking nonsense, and then he accidentally moved the cup or something.

Anyway, the running water touched it!

Ye Lingtian clearly remembered the anxious vagueness of Hu Xiaochuan, Bai Xiaobai, and the boss Chen Dazhuang before he fainted.

But now, it seems a little different.

Because at this moment Ye Lingtian finally remembered his current identity.

Although he is still called Ye Lingtian, he is indeed no longer on earth now.

This world is not the earth, but a place called Shengyuan Continent.

On the Saint Yuan Continent, martial arts are respected. This is a world where martial arts are prevalent and the weak eat the strong.

More importantly, this is a magical world.

Warriors are the mainstream of this world.

Moreover, what shocked Ye Lingtian was that warriors, even weak warriors, can also have great strength, crush stones with bare hands, and hold a tripod with one hand; and powerful warriors can break the river and open the mountains and fight against thousands of troops; There are even more legendary martial arts saints who reach the heavens and the earth, overwhelm the world and destroy the earth!

He passed through and was born again!

I didn't expect to be born again!

Ye Lingtian sighed with emotion, this is the same routine as the online novels that Hu Xiaochuan often reads!

However, at this moment, a name suddenly appeared in Ye Lingtian's heart.

Qin Shaofeng!

But who is Qin Shaofeng?

Ye Lingtian frowned slightly and became curious, because he was certain of the name, but he didn't know it.

Whether on the earth or in the current world, he really didn't know, nor was it someone named Qin Shaofeng.

But when he thought of this name, Ye Lingtian felt it, an extremely familiar feeling.

It seems... it seems to be his own name.

Oh, what a joke.

The young master is obviously Ye Lingtian, but not Qin Shaofeng!

Whether it was in the past or in this life, it was Ye Lingtian.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Lingtian didn't notice that the three words Qin Shaofeng seemed to lighten in his heart, and then faintly blurred.


"Oh, if you come, you will be at ease!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Lingtian shook his head and stopped struggling with these.

"Doctor Wang, hurry up, Brother Tian is inside!"

At this moment, a very anxious voice sounded, causing Ye Lingtian to laugh bitterly.

Worse, when the memory just awakened, I suddenly forgot my identity as this world.

Alas, it shouldn't have worried that little girl Xiaoyue'er!

At the thought of Xiao Yue'er's physical condition, Ye Lingtian's face showed a trace of regret and a trace of incomparable love.


The door was retreated again, and a smaller and weak body ran in first.

"Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​how are you doing!"

Before she could stand firmly, Xiao Yue'er hurriedly shouted.

Ye Lingtian's heart warmed, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and whispered: "Xiaoyue'er, I'm fine!"

"Brother Tian, ​​do you recognize me?"

Ignoring Ye Lingtian's words, just hearing Ye Lingtian call out his name, Xiao Yue'er's small face was a joy and became extremely happy.

This made the bitter smile on Ye Lingtian's face more, but even if he repeatedly explained that he was okay, the little girl Xiaoyue'er didn't believe it and insisted on letting Doctor Wang take a look.

In the end, Ye Lingtian had no choice but to accept it.

After all this tossing, Ye Lingtian finally breathed a sigh of relief after finally letting the little girl go back.

But Ye Lingtian just breathed a sigh of relief, and the door was pushed open again.

Ye Lingtian couldn't help looking at it, but found that it was his father who came in.

The person who entered was Ye Haoran, Ye Lingtian's father, a person who loved Ye Lingtian very much.

Ye Haoran is nearly forty this year, and with a face of determination, Ye Lingtian's childish appearance is somewhat similar to it.


This strange and familiar word made Ye Lingtian excited.

If it were before today, Ye Lingtian would not be so excited, but today he has awakened the memory of his previous life. The previous life was on the earth. Ye Lingtian is an orphan. With a father in this life, Ye Lingtian would naturally be a little excited.

After finally calming down the excitement in his heart, Ye Lingtian took a deep breath in secret and shouted: "Father!"

Ye Haoran gave Ye Lingtian a surprised look, because he seemed to feel that his son was a little different today.

As if aware of his father's abnormality, Ye Lingtian moved in his heart and hurriedly said: "Father, I have cultivated my inner qi!"

Ye Lingtian didn't know why the inner qi that he hadn't cultivated for a long time has been cultivated by him now, which is also strange.


Ye Lingtian's words shocked Ye Haoran's heart slightly.


Doesn't it mean that Tian'er has entered the realm of warriors?


Ye Haoran was in a daze. He naturally knew about his son's affairs. The situation at the peak of body tempering in seven years had already convinced him that the mysterious man said that his son was really the Nine Suns.

Nine Yang Juemai, the first Jue Yang in ancient and modern times, nine Yangs enter the body, and never enter martial arts for life!

So Ye Haoran no longer expected Ye Lingtian to enter the realm of warriors.

I didn't want Ye Lingtian today but said that he had already cultivated his inner energy.

In shock, Ye Haoran immediately took a step forward, grabbed Ye Lingtian's right hand, and entered Ye Lingtian's body with a force.

It's really inward!

Feeling the place of Ye Lingtian's dantian, a breath of breath suddenly appeared, and Ye Haoran's heart was shocked.

how can that be?

Didn't that person say that Tian'er has the ultimate pulse of Nine Suns, it is impossible to step into the martial arts?

But now why is Tian'er already cultivating inner Qi?

At this moment, feeling the faint inner energy in Ye Lingtian's body, Ye Haoran's heart was extremely complicated.

Did that man lie?

No, with that person's strength, he would never deceive himself like this, but Tian'er now...

For a while, Ye Haoran felt a little confused.

It was not until a long time that Ye Haoran put away the complicated emotions in his heart.

"Okay! Tian'er, you really cultivated your inner energy!"

Ye Haoran smiled slightly and said happily to Ye Lingtian, but at this moment he sighed slightly in his heart.

Alas, even if it is cultivating inner energy, Tian'er is now almost eighteen years old, and his future achievements will definitely not be much better!

What's more, it took Tian'er seven full years to cultivate internal energy. This is only the internal energy of the acquired martial artist. What if it is the inherent energy of the innate martial artist?

This Jiuyang Juemai Zong is not like that person said, can't step into the martial arts, but it is definitely not suitable for martial arts!

Tianer can't go on like this anymore!

Although Ye Haoran was smiling on her face, she kept patting Ye Lingtian's shoulder lightly with a look of relief.

But at this moment, Ye Haoran had a decision deep in his heart.

Maybe that thing should really be taken out by itself!

If it were the past, Ye Lingtian would not have noticed the abnormality of his father at the moment, but awakening the memory of his previous life, Ye Lingtian had the eye to look at people's faces.

However, he didn't know that in his father's heart, there were so many thoughts in a short moment, and that decision. If he knew, Ye Lingtian would not have any smiles at this moment.

Although he didn't know his father's thoughts, Ye Lingtian didn't break it. He still pretended to be addicted to breaking through to the martial art realm, asking his father for his cultivation experience in the martial art realm.

After a while, Ye Haoran told Ye Lingtian again, after some basic conditions of martial arts realm cultivation, he hesitated, and finally took out something and handed it to Ye Lingtian.

"Tian'er, this is a low-grade profound stone. Now that you have cultivated your inner energy, you can also cultivate with profound stone!"

Black stone?

Ye Lingtian's eyes suddenly burst out, and his heart jumped.

Profound stone, a peculiar ore bred from heaven and earth, contains the purest profound energy between heaven and earth.

The martial artist relies on absorbing the profound energy of the world to cultivate his own inner energy.

However, under normal circumstances, only Innate Martial Artists are qualified to practice with black stones.

The martial artist of the acquired realm is a bit wasteful using black stone to practice.

Ye Lingtian didn't think that his father actually took out a low-grade profound stone and let him practice.

You should know that in the Ye family, his father can now get three low-grade profound stones every month.

It can be seen how precious this profound stone is.

"Father, I..."

Ye Lingtian looked excited, but before he could finish speaking, Ye Haoran shook his hand gently.

"Okay, you can take it. I don't need black stone anyway. You have just broken through to the realm of a martial artist. If you use black stone to cultivate, your cultivation speed will definitely be faster!"

After speaking, Ye Haoran turned around and left.

But as soon as he left the house, Ye Haoran looked back at Ye Lingtian and sighed slightly.

Alas, if you use profound stones to cultivate, Tian'er probably knows his own situation. This is a good thing for him.

With this sigh, Ye Haoran left, and the figure and the dark night quickly merged together.

But at this moment, Ye Lingtian's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of light, and there was an unprecedented brightness.

"No, isn't my father called Qin Feiyang? So now he is called Ye Haoran?"

"No, I am not me, I am not Ye Lingtian, Ye Lingtian is not my name!"

"By the way, my name is..."

As if remembering something suddenly, Ye Lingtian's eyes became clearer.

But the next moment, as if a force came, his bright eyes were once again covered by a layer of mist, and his eyes were instantly blurred.

"No, I am Ye Lingtian, and my father is Ye Haoran!"

He whispered to himself, Ye Lingtian's eyes brightened again.

But this time, there was not the firmness that appeared at that moment before, and there was just the confusion before.

And this trace of confusion quickly disappeared.

Ye Lingtian returned to normal again.

If this is normal...

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