Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 231: Dreamland

Great Eagle!

The owner of this tyrannical aura is an extremely huge giant eagle.


The blue light flashed, and a blue light suddenly flashed on the back of the giant eagle. Upon closer inspection, the blue light was surprisingly a middle-aged beautiful woman.

If Qin Shaofeng is still sober at the moment, he will find that the person here is the Aunt Lian Chenghao that he met when he first met Meng Xin'er.

As for the giant eagle, it was the giant eagle monster that Qin Shaofeng met that day and shocked him.

The people of Mengjia finally arrived.

As soon as Aunt Qing appeared, she fell directly in front of Meng Xin'er.

When she saw Meng Xin'er in a coma, Aunt Qing's face changed suddenly, but she was relieved soon.

Because she had already sensed it, Meng Xin'er had just fallen into a coma at the moment. Judging from her breath, it seemed that there was nothing serious about it.

Carefully picked up Meng Xin'er, a trace of love flashed across Aunt Qing's face.

But the next moment, Aunt Qing frowned slightly, her eyes turned, and she fell on Qin Shaofeng not far away.

At this moment, Aunt Qing discovered that there was a second person at the scene, but when she saw Qin Shaofeng's miserable appearance, Rao was a strong person like Aunt Qing, and her heart was also violent.

This boy was actually injured so badly?

The next moment, when Aunt Qing felt Qin Shaofeng's wound, exuding a trace of evil blood, she was shocked in her heart, and she came to Qin Shaofeng directly.

"This is the aura of Blood Fiend Ancestor Blood Fiend Dafa. It seems that this young man was injured by Blood Fiend Ancestor."

After understanding this, Aunt Qing did not hesitate any more, waved a pill, and then fell into Qin Shaofeng's mouth.

I don't know what level of pill this pill is, it melts in the mouth, and it bursts into a strong vitality in an instant.

Under this strong vitality, the wound on Qin Shaofeng's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the palm that had only a trace of flesh and blood sprouted out countless granules, and it quickly recovered.

In a moment, all the wounds on Qin Shaofeng's body disappeared, as if Qin Shaofeng had not suffered any injuries.

But Qin Shaofeng was still asleep, and even the breath radiating from his body was still so weak.

"Sure enough!"

Upon seeing this, Aunt Qing's face changed slightly, and she whispered a little ugly: "This young man was really invaded by the blood evil spirit of the blood evil ancestor. It seems that even if he recovers from his injuries, I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up. "

The blood evil spirit of the blood evil ancestor, but the blood evil ancestor slaughtered countless people, condensed with countless blood, and the unwillingness, resentment, fear and other negative emotions of countless people before they died temporarily.

Once it is invaded into the human body, it is quite troublesome.

Under normal circumstances, the blood evil ancestors would not use the blood of the evil spirits, because the blood of the evil spirits is extremely difficult to condense, and the blood evil ancestors are also reluctant.

But now...

Looking up, not far away from the dry corpse, Aunt Qing sighed slightly: "I didn't expect that the notorious ancestor who killed countless blood evil ancestors would die in the hands of such a young man. This is really surprising! "

Just taking a look, Aunt Qing knew something about the situation in front of her.

But when her eyes fell on Qin Shaofeng again, a pity flashed in her eyes again.

"Forget it, let's go back now, Xin'er's situation seems to be a bit wrong, as for this boy, it's better to look at his good fortune!"

With a light wave of his hand, an invisible force radiated out, and Qin Shaofeng's body was taken by Aunt Qing and returned to the giant eagle in the sky.


There was another call, the wings of the giant eagle shook slightly, and a gust of wind was set off in an instant, and then it disappeared.

However, before the giant eagle disappeared, its giant eagle shook slightly towards the **** ancestor corpse on the ground.

Then an invisible wind blade flew out instantly, blasting towards the corpse of the **** ancestor on the ground.


With a loud explosion, it was originally the corpse of the extremely dry blood evil ancestor, which was directly shattered by this wind blade.

As soon as the wind blew, there was no trace of it.

But at the moment when the **** ancestor's corpse was completely blown up, a faint blood light flashed lightly, twisted lightly, and actually distorted the space directly and fled away.

It's just that this situation didn't make Aunt Qing aware of it, even the giant eagle was the same.


Endless, spectacular waves, here is an ocean!

The deep blue water is calm without a trace of ripples, but under the deep blue water, there is a mysterious place.

I don't know how deep the seabed is, or even enter the seabed, a very deep underground, there is a mysterious palace.

The palace is very majestic, lurking deep in the bottom of the sea, still making people feel majestic.

But the breath of this palace is with a strange breath, especially the wisps of black air everywhere in this palace.

What is even more weird is that this black air is mixed with this little purple, giving the originally gloomy palace a touch of noble taste.

The more this black energy penetrates into the palace, the more intense it becomes. In the core area of ​​the palace, it is even more dense and black.


There was a shock, black air surging, and rolling, like countless small black dragons, constantly flying and swimming.


The black air suddenly dispersed a little, and a clearing appeared, revealing a burst of purple light.

An amethyst jade bed, the whole body shining with purple light, exuding this inexplicable breath, obviously this amethyst jade bed is not a mortal thing.

And on this amethyst jade bed, there was a woman sitting face-to-face.

The woman is very enchanting, she has an exquisite figure and is plump enough to make any man crazy.

Especially the long hair scattered around the waist, with a faint purple, giving people a great sense of seduction.


Suddenly, the woman who had closed her eyes suddenly opened her eyes.

This is even more remarkable.

Autumn waves are like water, beautiful eyes and starlight, with a touch of charm, enough to hook the soul of any man.

And not only a man, but a woman may lose consciousness for a moment when she meets these two winks.

But at this moment, these winking eyes flashed with killing intent.

"Another one died?"

Xiu Mei wrinkled lightly, and the winking woman raised her jade-like fingers and tapped it lightly.


At this point, there was a sudden creak in front of the winking woman, cracking a spatial crack, and then a faint blood light flashed.

The attractive little mouth of the winking woman directly sucked the faint blood into her abdomen.

But after a while, a trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the winking woman.

"With just such a little blood essence, it seems that the strength of the humans in this place is really too low, even the low-level demon servants are far inferior, so I don't know when I can restore my cultivation level, let alone go further. Up!"

Winking was very lost, but even if it was lost, the aura of temptation radiating from her body did not decrease, but increased.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly, the winking woman seemed to have sensed something, and there was a sudden burst of light in her eyes, and then a black light flashed out with a beckoned hand, and an extra screen appeared in front of the winking woman.

A picture appeared on the screen, and Qin Shaofeng touched Meng Xin'er's chest, uh, it should be said that Qin Shaofeng pressed the super demon chess piece into Meng Xin'er's chest.

Well, it's all chests!

But this is not what the winking woman cares about. At this moment, the winking woman's winking eyes are staring at Qin Shaofeng in the picture, and then they say in shock, "True devil breath!"

"It's a real demon breath? How is this possible?" Seeing something incredible, the winking woman was full of horror.

"The true demon has disappeared even in my demon world. Now, even if my demon world is the demon emperor, I don't have the aura of true demon, just inherit a trace of true demon blood."

The winking woman murmured to herself, and then she burst into endless ecstasy in her charming eyes.

"It's great, no matter why the boy possesses true demon aura, as long as I get that true demon aura, even if I can't become a true demon, my bloodline can be improved. By then, not only can I restore my cultivation base, but also make rapid progress. !"

"In this way, I will be able to take revenge!"

With that, a trace of unforgettable hatred and killing intent flashed in the eyes of the winking woman.

But soon, the winking woman calmed down, and her eyes fell on Meng Xin'er in the picture.

"Unexpectedly, on this small island in such a remote area from the Origin Continent, the descendants of this ancient holy race actually exist!"

"Dreamland reincarnation? That's the people of the fantasy race! Then this is a little troublesome."

With constant light in her eyes, the winking woman suppressed the excitement in her heart, frowning and said: "It seems that you can't be reckless. Even if you want to go, I will at least recover some cultivation skills."

The glaring woman's gaze fell on Qin Shaofeng in the picture, with a charming smile at the corner of his mouth, with the tip of his tongue poking out, gently licking that seductive lips, and smiled: "Is it Qin Shaofeng? You can't escape from sister's palm Heart..."


Far away in the mountains and forests of Lianyang Country, a huge black shadow flashed by in vain, creating a violent wind.

But the next moment, the huge black shadow twisted slightly and disappeared immediately, as if it had entered a certain space.

This shadow is naturally the giant eagle and aunt green.

And this forest is the same forest where Lian Chenghao took Qin Shaofeng to pick up Meng Xin'er.

As for the sudden disappearance of the giant eagle, it was not that it flew away, but that it entered a secret space.

A secret!

This secret realm is exactly where the dream house is-Dreamland!

There are many powerhouses among the three nations who know the Dreamland of the Dream Family, and they also know that the Dreamland of the Dream Family is also a secret realm full of spiritual energy. One day of cultivation is equivalent to ten days of outside cultivation.

But no one dared to fight the bad idea of ​​Mengjia's Dreamland, because he didn't have the courage and the strength.

There used to be a legendary pinnacle master from the Black Martial Kingdom. He went out to travel because he wanted to break through the legendary realm.

After the master came back, it was already decades later.

At this time, this master was already a strong man in the Yuan Dan realm, and traveling abroad let him know the value of the Dream Family Dream Realm.

This caused greed in his heart, and then he wanted to rely on the cultivation base of the Yuan Dan realm to force the Meng family to submit.

But in the end he didn't wait for him to enter the dreamland of the dream house, but at the entrance, he was smashed by an eagle, which shattered the original pill, and died.

And not only him, but also several Yuandan realm friends who traveled and made friends with him were buried with him.

As soon as this matter spread, the strength of the Meng Family was completely shocked.

That is to say, from that time, no one paid attention to Mengjia's Dreamland anymore.

There are very few people who can enter Mengjiameng.

The last outsider who entered the dreamland of the dream family was ten years ago.

Today, Mengjia’s Dreamland once again welcomed a guest.

The only difference is that this guest is unconscious.

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