Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 234: I wait for you

After talking with Meng Xin'er's father last night, Qin Shaofeng knew one thing.

The dream family is a branch of the fantasy family.

But because of one incident that year, the Meng family had no choice but to leave the fantasy clan and finally came to this place.

Returning to the fantasy clan is the long-cherished wish of the entire Mengjia, for which Mengjia has worked hard for more than ten generations.

It's a pity that even if the dream family appeared, an extremely brilliant genius.

But that incident in the past had a great impact on the fantasy clan, even if the fault was not in the dream family, it would be difficult for the dream family to return.

But it's different now.

The ancient bloodline of the dream family is actually the holy vein of the fantasy race.

And the illusion clan's sacred veins are extremely important among the illusion clan. Once the illusion clan's children awaken the sacred veins, no matter what status they were before, they will be cultivated by the illusion clan.

Originally, Meng Xin'er only awakened a trace of the illusion clan's sacred vein, and could not allow the Meng family to return to the illusion clan. At most, it would be a little more chance.

But after Meng Xin'er completely awakened the Saint Veins of the Illusion Race, this situation changed.

The Meng Family is only the matter of awakening Meng Xin'er to the Saint Vein. After reporting it to the Fantasy Race, the Fantasy Race immediately responded: Once confirmed, the Dream Family can return!

Such news naturally excites Mengjia.

At this moment, the person sent by the fantasy race was about to arrive.

As soon as the people of the fantasy race arrive, the Mengjia will completely leave.

Qin Shaofeng has no doubts about this, because he knows better than anyone else that Meng Xin'er not only awakens the phantom veins, but even because of the super devil chess pieces, the phantom veins have changed and become Taixu Spirit is the root of the top **** and demon.

The Spirit of the Void is much stronger than the Saint Veins of the Illusion Race.

Therefore, it is inevitable for the dream family to return to the fantasy clan.

Even after Meng Xin'er returns, she will definitely be able to cultivate the phantom race by virtue of the Spirit of Taixu.

This is what Xiaoqiuqiu said to Qin Shaofeng, because the fantasy race is not stupid, knowing who is worthy of their cultivation.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he is an outsider, so it is impossible to leave with Meng Family.

Even if he could, Qin Shaofeng would not leave with Meng's family.

Because he still has a lot of things he hasn't done himself, besides, although the fantasy clan is very powerful, once he joins the fantasy clan, he will definitely be subject to some restrictions, which may not be a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng just wanted to meet Meng Xin'er.

It seems that Meng Xin'er also understood this and finally met Qin Shaofeng.

Sitting on the grass in a garden in Dreamland, smelling the fragrance of flowers everywhere, there was only silence between Qin Shaofeng and Meng Xin'er, still a trace of embarrassment.

Can you be embarrassed?

I thought it was a dream, and then everything that should happen happened.

This made Qin Shaofeng not embarrassed to face Meng Xin'er.

And Meng Xin'er is a girl, facing such a thing, she is very shy, she will still blush.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng was the first to speak.

"Uh, that, are you okay!" I wanted to say a lot, but in the end it was just a greeting.

When the words came out, Qin Shaofeng cursed himself.

Let me rub, Qin Shaofeng, are you a man?

It’s a shame to say everything like this!


While Qin Shaofeng was upset, Meng Xiner was directly amused by his greeting.

Meng Xin'er didn't expect that after that incident, Qin Shaofeng's first sentence was actually this.

However, this also dispelled the shame in Meng Xiner's heart a lot.

Well, his face is still ruddy.

Seeing Meng Xin'er chuckle, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but become mad.

Because at this moment Meng Xin'er smiled beautifully, and the countless flowers around her were eclipsed by this smile.

At this moment, only Meng Xiner remained in Qin Shaofeng's world.

"What do you look at!" Meng Xin'er was a little embarrassed again by Qin Shaofeng's stare, she couldn't help but sigh.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't help her anger at last.

Without any hesitation, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hand and directly embraced Meng Xin'er into his arms.

Meng Xiner was shocked!

She didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to hug herself suddenly, and even panicked in her heart.

He hugged me again?

Does he want...

Meng Xin'er panicked at the scene that happened between her two consciousness a few days ago in her mind.

Here is reality, if he wants to do that, what should I do?

For a moment, Meng Xiner's whole body tense in panic.

As if feeling the panic of Meng Xin'er, Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly and said softly in Meng Xin'er's ear: "Don't be nervous, I just want to hold you!"


After hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Meng Xin'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and her tight body couldn't help but relax.

But after the body was relaxed, Meng Xin'er's face turned red again, and her eyes became watery.

This scene made Qin Shaofeng and Meng Xin'er in another part of the garden invisible. A certain Patriarch saw it, but was very angry.

"Damn, this **** dare to hug my daughter, is he looking for death?" A certain Patriarch growled with teeth and claws, even after roaring, raising his sleeves and preparing to run out to find Qin Shaofeng to settle the account.

But it was a jade hand that grabbed him and held him tightly.

"What are you doing?" Seeing her husband's face full of anger, Lin Wanyun felt helpless.

In fact, she was somewhat emotional at this moment.

If she were another person, she might be more excited than her husband.

But Qin Shaofeng is different, he is the son of Big Brother Qin and Sister Yu Xi!

Thinking of those two people, Lin Wanyun felt a little sad, but in the end she dragged her husband away.

She didn't object to her daughter's affairs with Qin Shaofeng.

But when Lin Wanyun was worried about what would happen between her daughter and Qin Shaofeng in the future.

After today, not only my daughter, but the entire Meng family, I am afraid they will leave here.

And once he returns to the fantasy clan, his daughter's identity will definitely change. At that time, will there be results between his daughter and Qin Shaofeng?

Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, I still don't mix it up.

After thinking for a while, Lin Wanyun finally just sighed helplessly in her heart, and stopped thinking so much.

After the two left, Qin Shaofeng and Meng Xin'er still embraced each other.

It was not until a long time later that Qin Shaofeng talked to Meng Xiner in a low voice.

It didn't take long before Qin Shaofeng gave Meng Xiner's current basic situation to Meng Xiner.

Just transformed into a family member, to be honest, Meng Xin'er felt a little panic in her heart, especially the "Taixu Mengjing" that suddenly appeared in her mind, and the two magical powers and faculties of the fantasy race she already had, suddenly changed a record such as data. This made her totally unaccustomed.

But after some explanation by Qin Shaofeng, Meng Xiner finally understood why she had such a change.

As she guessed, it was related to Qin Shaofeng's weird phantom chessboard.

Qin Shaofeng only said that this is a natural ability for him, so he didn't say much about it. Meng Xiner was also smart and didn't bother with these problems.

After that, Qin Shaofeng shared a few skills with Meng Xin'er. For these shared skills, Qin Shaofeng had asked Xiaoqiuqiu for his opinions, and he did so when he knew that Meng Xin'er was better.

Family: Meng Xiner

Level: Legend One Heavy

Occupation: Queen

Aura value: 300000/300000 (1 level Yi Jin Jing bonus triples)

Innate Spirit Root: Spirit of Taixu

Talent skills: Taixu Mengjing

Skill 1: Dreamland Reincarnation

Skill 2: Summon Dream Goddess

Skill 3: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 4: Dancing in the sky

Skill Five: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 6: Write round eyes

Skill 7: One hundred and eight yoga poses

Skill Eight: None

Skill Nine: None

Spirit of the Supreme Void: One of the top gods and demon spirit roots, belonging to the mutant spirit root, is a powerful spiritual root formed by the awakening of the true demons and the sacred veins of the illusion race, which can become the position of the demon god.

Taixu Mengjing: Special skills, because of the powerful technique of the awakening of the Taixu Spirit, only those who have the Taixu Spirit can practice. After Dacheng, you can break the emptiness, use dreams to become a world, and create a big world.

Dreamland Reincarnation: Special skills, one of the magical skills...


Needless to say, the three skills of Yi Jin Jing, Wu Kong Shu, and Xiao Li Feida naturally have to be shared with Meng Xin'er.

Sharing the special skill of Yoga 108 is because of the poor physical fitness of the Phantom Clan, so the small ball is recommended to share with Meng Xiner.

As for writing round eyes, when it comes to this, I have to say that on the night Qin Shaofeng woke up, Qin Shaofeng checked his attributes, and then accepted the system's reward for this extreme upgrade mission.

Ten-star completion: The kill points obtained within one month reach 1 million points, and you can get 100,000 points. The system randomly rewards a god-level skill, three normal lottery chances, and one special lottery chance!

Very coincidental, very lucky!

The god-level skill rewards given by the system this time are exactly what surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't be more clear about the power of writing round eyes.

In addition, Zhuanyan has a unique talent in illusion. This is an absolute treasure for the illusion race, and it is perfect to share with Meng Xiner.

There were only two remaining skills, and Qin Shaofeng didn't have any better skills for a while, so he left Meng Xin'er empty first, and then added it later.

Whether it was Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Feida, or writing round eyes, just listening to Qin Shaofeng's introduction, Meng Xin'er was shocked.

At the same time, Meng Xiner became more obsessed with Qin Shaofeng in her heart.

Dreaming unsuspectingly can indeed leave a shadow of the other person in one's heart, but it is definitely not like Meng Xiner.

But Meng Xin'er was not only a dream for Qin Shaofeng, everything that happened after this dream had made Meng Xin'er regard herself as Qin Shaofeng's woman.

It can be said that that time was an experience imprinted on Meng Xin'er's soul, which she would never forget in her lifetime.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng is the same.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng would take the initiative to hug Meng Xin'er, and Meng Xin'er was also very obedient. Apart from the initial embarrassment between the two, there was no discomfort.

It seems that it should be the case between them.

Between sharing skills with Meng Xin'er and communicating, Qin Shaofeng never said a word of love to Meng Xin'er.

Only when finally separated from Meng Xin'er, Qin Shaofeng calmly said to Meng Xin'er: "Xin'er, after three years, or at most five years, I will go to the Fantasy Race to find you!"

"Yeah!" Meng Xin'er nodded gently, turning away calmly.

But at the moment when she turned around, three words of Meng Xiner's determination came.

"I wait for you!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, did not say anything, just watched Meng Xin'er leave.

After Meng Xin'er left, Qin Shaofeng also left.

And with this departure, Qin Shaofeng went directly out of the dreamland of the Dream Family.

The next day, the dream of Mengjia completely disappeared.

A month later, the incident broke out, and countless forces in the Three Kingdoms were shocked.

Then, because of the departure of Mengjia, the Three Kingdoms began a turbulent situation.

Without the suppression of the powerful family of Mengjia, some of the forces in the three major nations could no longer bear it.

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