Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2356: Silver Ares

Who is he and how could he have such a powerful force?

You Minglie's heart was full of shock.

Because the power of Emperor Qin in front of him was far beyond his imagination, he really couldn't imagine what the other person was.

Because his master, Nether Emperor Monarch, once said that the entire Hongmeng Origin Realm, including the endless universe and void, was simply power competition, and he would definitely not be overwhelmed by more than ten people.

But Emperor Qin in front of him was not overpowering him.

That surging power was felt very clearly by Netherworld, and the opponent's power was definitely more than that.

He has already used all his power, but now it's good, and he actually lost to the opponent.

And the most important thing is the opponent's realm.

He is just a man with ninety-nine avenues!

You Minglie's face was a bit ugly, but he soon regained his confidence.

That's right, his strength is indeed strong, and there are very few people in the same realm that can match him, let alone pressure.

But his gloomy and fierce confidence is not pure strength, he is truly the strongest and most special, but his unique Nether Burning Fire.

"Emperor Qin, right? You are really not easy. You have such a terrifying power in the realm of ninety-nine avenues. In this respect, I am not as good as you."

You Minglie shook his head, but soon his eyes became sharp.

"But my strongest is not power. Next, I will defeat you with my full strength, but you are proud enough to let me use my full strength."

You Minglie's words caused an uproar among the crowd watching the battle.

"No, I heard that right? You Minglie admits that he is not Qin Emperor's opponent?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's just in strength, but inferior in strength. Nether Mighty's strength is absolutely powerful."

"Fart, even in terms of strength, it is enough to show that Emperor Qin is terrible. Don't forget that Emperor Qin's current realm is only the realm of ninety-nine avenues."

"Hey, that said, Emperor Qin is really terrifying. Although the strongest of You Minglie is not power, his power is absolutely terrifying. Emperor Qin is even more terrifying than him. This shows how terrifying Qin Emperor’s power is. Up."

"Yes, if it is in the same realm, the terrifying Emperor Qin can defeat You Minglie with pure strength."

"This is not absolute, after all, You Minglie is the strongest, and the most terrifying, but Nether Burning Fire!"

"That's true, I can only say that Emperor Qin is a pity this time."

"Yes, it's a pity, this time I failed, no matter how strong in the future, it is impossible to become the **** of war."



The crowd was amazed, regretted, and shocked, but at this moment, the battlefield had changed.

After You Minglie finished speaking, a unique flame burst out all over his body.

The sacred flame Ziyan of the Nether Clan is a purple-gold flame, born with a noble and noble aura.

All things surrender and worship.

But when the fierce Nether Burning Fire came out, it was a grayish-purple color, and its aura was not noble.

On the contrary, there is a trace of evil, which looks uncomfortable.

Gong Qingzi also frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, but at the same time, she also felt the strength and fear of the flames on the opponent.

It seems to burn everything and destroy everything!

"Come on, Emperor Qin will let me see, your strength, and see if you can stick to a few tricks under my ghostly flames."

You Minglie said proudly, he confirmed that Emperor Qin could not be his opponent.

Even when he came out, he was doomed.

In fact, outsiders don't even know that his Nether Burning Fire possesses a special devouring and burning power, which is absolutely beyond imagination.

Outsiders only know that he has killed opponents with two hundred road realms.

But no one knows that he and Nether Burning Fire have burned more than three hundred avenues of enemies.

Even as long as it is not a person whose realm has reached the realm of the Thousand Dao Dao realm, it is a very troublesome thing once it is contaminated with his nether fire.

Therefore, in the eyes of You Minglie, Emperor Qin was defeated and it was impossible to defeat him.

But at this time, Gong Qingzi's heart gave birth to a little weirdness.

I'm afraid that even Qin Shaofeng hadn't expected that the power of the ten first-class members of Meng Xin'er and her family members would be formed by gathering Meng Xin'er and the others, and the Extreme Battle Armor would unexpectedly allow her to have Tian Yan.

However, in such a situation, only after Meng Xin'er and the others have the realm of one hundred great avenues, can they use the power of the Extreme Armor to give Gong Qingzi the sky flame under the blessing.

And only Gong Qingzi can summon Tian Yan, and change to other people, whether it is Meng Xin'er or Zhao Yun'er, even the second envoy Leng Yaxuan can't give Tian Yan in the state of Extreme Armor. Call it out.

Maybe it can be done when their realm improves again.

Now, there is only Gong Qingzi.

And at this time, the weirdness in Gong Qingzi's heart was actually when Netherworld Lie displayed Nether Burning Fire, Tian Yan unexpectedly appeared automatically.

Although it hasn't fully manifested yet, Gong Qingzi has already felt the power of Tian Yan and... longing?

Although such adjectives are a bit strange, the facts are pretty much like this.

Therefore, Gong Qingzi did not hesitate anymore, and directly summoned Tian Yan.


The next moment, Gong Qingzi's body burned, and it turned into a flame-wrapped state.

While seeing such a scene, You Minglie smiled and laughed.

"Hahaha, Emperor Qin, I'm not mistaken, are you planning to use flames against me? Are you underestimating me?"

A trace of anger flashed in Nether Lie's eyes: "Although my Nether Burning Fire is not the sacred flame purple flame of my Nether Clan, it is also a very powerful bloodline fire. What kind of flame do you think it can compete with my Nether Burning Fire?"

At this moment, the crowd at the scene also absolutely dazzled Emperor Qin.

Compete with Netherworld Flame?

Are you the Sacred Flame Purple Flame of the Nether Clan?

But Gong Qingzi said coldly in Qin Shaofeng's voice: "If you can beat it, you will know."


You Ming was fiercely angry, but he thought that Emperor Qin had some abilities, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

This Emperor Qin was actually an arrogant man, which disappointed him too much.

"Since you are so confident, then I will see how capable you are, don't let me turn to ashes in an instant."

After finishing the last word, You Minglie made a move instantly.


The fire is like a pillar, rising into the sky.

Under the control of You Minglie, that Nether Burning Fire directly bombarded Gong Qingzi.

But in the next scene, not only he, but everyone present was completely confused.

Because at the moment when You Minglie attacked Gong Qingzi with his own Nether Burning Fire, the sky flames on Gong Qingzi's body were fierce, and then with a...

It seemed that he couldn't wait to greet him directly.

Then, with a bang, the flame of Tian Yan directly covered the flame of Nether Burning Fire.

Nether Burning Fire, which has always been able to burn everything, was actually swallowed at this moment.

What's the situation?

Everyone at the scene was confused.

"This is impossible?"

You Ming Lie was shocked, with an unbelievable look.

He clearly felt that his Nether Burning Fire had really been swallowed, as if he had encountered a nemesis-like existence, and was directly swallowed.

This feeling is no stranger to him.

But the problem is that in the past, he enjoyed the situation of swallowing others, but now this feeling is about him.

His ghostly burning fire was swallowed.

"No, it's impossible, something must be wrong."

Nether Lie roared, and then crazily injected even more strength, planning to strengthen Nether Burning Fire and swallow the opponent's flame.

But I don't want to, his increased output is actually fueling the opponent's flames, causing the opponent's flames to skyrocket instantly and swallowing even more crazily.

And this skyrocketing is incredible.

The overwhelming flames collapsed and exploded, not only swallowing all the Nether Burning Fire released by Nether Lie.

Even You Minglie himself was directly swallowed up.

Then, there was a scene where Netherworld Lie confronted the enemy, and soon after, a pile of ashes appeared.

Only this time it was his turn.

The battle is over!


Suddenly there was a huge shock, and at this moment the entire War God Realm became bright.

Then, the figure of the housekeeper appeared.

The steward who appeared directly in the entire God of War Realm, magnificent and huge, extremely stalwart.

As soon as the butler appeared, he announced a news.

"Emperor Qin cleared all the battles and gained the name of God of War in the God of War."

Then, no more.

Because after this announcement, the butler completely disappeared.

But this change caused the entire War God Realm to boil, and even the outside Hongmeng Origin Realm became a little crazy.


A God of War appeared again in the World of War God!

This is news that can set off a huge wave in the entire Hongmeng Origin Realm.

But at this moment, the crowd watching the entire battlefield in the God of War Realm was completely boiling.

"God, I won, Emperor Qin actually won."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, unimaginable, Qin Emperor actually defeated the genius of the Nether Clan with the cultivation base of the ninety-nine avenue realm?"

"Isn't this a dream? Is this Emperor Qin really so powerful?"

"The facts are in front of you, and the butler has also appeared. Do you think you are dreaming?"

"The Emperor Qin is mighty!"

"Yes, Emperor Qin is mighty, Emperor Qin is invincible!"

"Emperor Qin is mighty, Emperor Qin is invincible!"

"Emperor Qin is mighty, Emperor Qin is invincible!"

"Emperor Qin is mighty, Emperor Qin is invincible!"



To witness the birth of a God of War, even if it is only a God of Silver, is a very proud thing for the crowd present.

And this is such a powerful Emperor Qin, it can even be said that compared to the previous Silver God of War, Emperor Qin's hundred battles are the most difficult.

Because his opponent is You Minglie.

With the cultivation base of the ninety-nine avenue realm, defeated the Nether Lie who possessed one hundred and fifty avenues.

Such a record is enough to stay in history.

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