Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2361: Violent

Three days later, Dakui completely adapted to his own strength.

He became Qin's number one power this time.

As for Qin Shaofeng, it has been completely ignored.

Well, that's the king, absolutely powerful, don't care.

Then, this guy's ambition completely exploded.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't have the courage to plan to usurp the throne, he just planned to sharpen his sword to see the emperor-rank spirit beast.

Not only watching, he also wanted to chop.

If circumstances permit, he will really do it.

After all, there are many king-rank experts in Qin now, and he, the king-rank expert, cut down a spirit beast with a royal-rank spirit beast, which seems to be effortless.

Therefore, he prepared and planned to bring a group of people to crusade the nest of the emperor rank spirit beast.

But just when Da Kui was about to do it, Qin encountered a group of uninvited guests who came.

And among this group of people, there is actually an acquaintance, the Black Fiend Spirit King.

When I heard that someone was asking for trouble, Dakui didn't say a word and ran over with someone.

As soon as Dakui appeared, the black evil spirit king brightened his eyes, and whispered to a man who looked like only twenty-five and sixty, "Little Junior Brother, this is the person. I just didn’t Be careful to bump into him and be humiliated by his master."

"is it him?"

The younger brother's eyes became cold, and his breath fluctuated.

Compared with before, it can be said that the present is not what it used to be.

He could tell at a glance that this little junior brother was also a Spirit King-level spiritualist.

Although not as powerful as the Black Fiend Spirit King, he is very young!

However, what made Da Kui even more concerned about was the few people behind this younger brother.

The four middle-aged men in long robes were all spiritual masters of the Spirit King level, and even two of them were above the Black Fiend Spirit King.

But compared with the old man in front of them who had been standing behind the younger brother, that was far worse.

Because from the old man, Da Kui felt the fluctuation of spiritual power in the same realm as him.

The opponent is a powerhouse of the Spirit Emperor.

However, because of the spirit pattern warrior, there is no magic pattern that completely inspires the spirit power spell, and there will be no aura fluctuations at all.

The old man naturally couldn't feel the aura on Da Kui's body, and he didn't even feel the realm of most of the spiritweave warriors present.

All that can be felt is the spirit-weave warrior who possesses the fluctuation of the spiritist-level spiritual power.

Therefore, the old man didn't care at all.

At most, it is a bit strange and curious that such a remote area has been built by some ordinary people to build such a village gathering place.

Because of everything in front of him, if someone hadn't told him that this was a village, which city would he think it was?

The same is true for that little junior. He looked at Dakui and the others coldly, and said with disdain: "A group of villagers, you are not qualified to talk to me and ask the people behind you to come out."

He disdain, even Da Kui and others.

"Want to see our king? You are not qualified yet."

Da Kui sneered with a look of disdain.

Who do you think you can see our king at will?


Da Kui's answer surprised the younger brother, but it made him even more angry.

"So courageous, some untouchables dare to talk to me like this, you guys will slaughter all the people here for me."

The mind of this little junior was very vicious, and he actually wanted to slaughter everyone here.

Those four men were all spirit king-level spiritual masters. If they were replaced with other places, they would really be slaughtered by them.

This made Dakui and the others instantly angry, and made up their minds.

Want to slaughter them?

Then there is no need to be polite.


The senior four beside the younger brother nodded, and then rushed out instantly.

But the next moment, something completely dumbfounded by this little Junior Brother and the Black Fiend Spirit King appeared.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

With four explosions, the four of them flew back upside down at a speed several times the speed they had when they rushed out, and even smashed to the far rear.

A huge pit was smashed, and no one stood up.


When the junior brother was still stunned, and some were completely confused about the situation, a figure instantly appeared in front of him.

That grinning look was extremely hideous and terrifying in the eyes of Junior Brother.

"Young Master, be careful!"

With an exclamation, the junior brother just felt that a pulling force appeared and pulled him over.

At the same time, the old man who had already reacted came forward and struck out a spiritual spell, forming a barrier.



As soon as the barrier was shot, it was blasted by a big fist.

The old man was shocked, this is the defensive spirit of the super grade, was actually blown away by a punch?

The old man was a little dumbfounded, but he made a defense for the first time, and directly played several spiritual skills in a row.

Then, he looked suspiciously at the brawny man in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief.

This person who appeared suddenly is naturally big.

As soon as the younger brother said the words to slaughter them all, he couldn't help it directly.

At the moment the four of them shot, Dakui moved.

In just an instant, Da Kui directly blasted the four people out, and then he came directly in front of the little junior.

Da Kui will not be merciless to those who dare to order the massacre of their Qin.

What surprised Dakui was that the old man's reaction was good, but he didn't let him succeed.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a few eggshells.

Da Kui's gaze showed a trace of disdain, and he whispered in his heart.

"Purple Thunder Fist!"

The purple light of both fists flashed, and a layer of thunder was immediately covered.

At the same time, the old man was completely shocked.

Originally, Da Kui blasted the four of them into a state of unknown life and death, which made him feel that something was wrong.

After that, he burst the ground-level super-grade defensive spirit barrier in an instant, making him even more shocked.

Now the opponent's fists flashed with purple light, and there was a powerful spiritual technique, and at this moment, the spirit power fluctuations that broke out finally let the old man determine something.

"Are you the Spirit Emperor?"

The old man cried out in exclamation, but he was completely dumbfounded by the little Junior Brother and the Black Evil Spirit King beside him.

Especially the Black Fiend Spirit King, he has great knowledge.

Well, I just don't know Dakui's name.

But just more than three months ago, he easily pushed Da Kui back with one move, even hurting the opponent.

But why is he the Spirit Emperor now?

"What is the spirit emperor, I am a spirit mark warrior." Da Kui said dissatisfied.

Then, he shot it, and didn't give the old man a chance to speak at all.


With a punch, a spiritual barrier broke again.

The old man was shocked instantly, did not dare to say anything, he directly blasted a layer of spiritual barriers to protect himself and his master.

As for the black evil spirit king?

Who cares about him?

Da Kui thoroughly demonstrated the power of the imperial-level spiritweave warrior, and the violent attack method with one punch was powerful and simple.

The barriers laid by the old man were blasted away one by one.

"Wait, this subordinate, there is something to say, these are all misunderstandings, you and I are both imperial-level powerhouses, and you are not used to such unnecessary misunderstandings."

The old man yelled, cold sweat on his body.

It was the first time he encountered such a violent imperial powerhouse.

There are indeed some warriors among the spiritualists. They are good at adding various amplifying spiritual arts to themselves, so that their physical body and power can be greatly increased.

This can burst out a powerful force, which is called a spiritual warrior.

But the old man said that he had never heard of spiritweave warriors.

But these are not important anymore, what is important is the person in front of him, powerful and terrible.


Da Kui suddenly became dissatisfied: "This is a misunderstanding. How dare this little **** slaughter us? This is still a misunderstanding? I said, you old man, why open your eyes and tell lies!"

The old man suddenly became bitter.

What status, temper and character do you want the young master?

Saying this with his character, but also...

It's really normal.

But who knows, how fierce you are?

That junior brother also seemed to see something was wrong, and even seeing Da Kui's terrifying attack, he was a little confused.

He was completely frightened, and he dared not speak anymore.

When Da Kui spoke, his movements did not slow down, instead he attacked more fiercely.

No, it's dangerous to go under this situation.

The old man was a little panicked.

If he were alone, he would not be afraid, and even dared to really fight Da Kui.

Whether you can win or not, let's talk about the battle.

No matter how bad he is, he is sure to escape.

But the problem is that he is not alone now, it is very difficult for him to protect the young master behind him.

"This friend also asks you to stop. We are from Ling Yaozong. This is the only son of our Sect Master. If you are..."

"Fuck, you old man dare to risk this uncle?"

Before the old man had finished speaking, Da Kui was angry.



With a bang, Dakui broke out completely.

This time, the magic pattern of the spiritual power technique that was portrayed by Qin Shaofeng, but the magic pattern of the spiritual power technique on Da Kui's body, was integrated into the acupuncture points in his body.

This is the place where Dakui's body could have been able to depict the magical spirit patterns, once again vacant.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng deliberately portrayed the spirit patterns of other spiritual power arts.

And one of them was the spirit technique that Qin Shaofeng had used a long time ago, a very commonly used skill.

"Thor's Hammer!"

Da Kui roared, and a huge thunder and lightning condensed Thor's hammer appeared in his right hand.

Da Kui also needs weapons, and for Netherweave warriors, the weapons that are displayed with the magical Netherweave are the weapons that are suitable for them and are the most powerful weapons for them.

And the magical spirit pattern weapon Qin Shaofeng gave Dakui here was Thor's Hammer.


As soon as Thor's hammer appeared, it was a huge three-meter hammer, which was grasped by Da Kui, and instantly exploded all the spiritual barriers condensed by the old man.


So many spiritual barriers were destroyed in an instant, and the old man also suffered some backlash.

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