Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 236: Encounter Lu Family

Although it used 1 million points to purchase Lingbo Weibu, Qin Shaofeng still has 130,000 points because he completed the 100,000 points obtained by the ten-star degree this time.

On the contrary, the spiritual energy value made Qin Shaofeng very painful.

Excluding the Yi Jin Jing bonus, Qin Shaofeng in the triple realm of spirit veins had only a thousand points of aura.

This doesn't seem to be great. Reiki is naturally higher than the aura of the a priori. After the aura is changed from the aura, the value of the aura is less, which is normal.

But the problem is that Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that under normal circumstances, an ordinary spirit channel realm can reach a thousand points of aura value with only one spirit channel.

One heavy spiritual vein?

Then, Qin Shaofeng is the triple spirit vein!

Under normal circumstances, the spirit vein triple layer has 5,000 aura points.

As long as the spirit roots pass, and the spirit vein triplet reaches five thousand aura points, it is basically a very normal thing.

So Qin Shaofeng's situation is very abnormal.

This thunder body is really rubbish!

This was Qin Shaofeng's first thought.

But from Xiaoqiuqiu's point of view, if it were not for the existence of the system, it was still unknown whether Qin Shaofeng's thunder body could cultivate to the spiritual vein realm!

Even if it is cultivated, it will definitely be a lot of hardships, it is definitely not as smooth as Qin Shaofeng, and there is still a jump, jumping to the third level of the spirit vein.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care either. Because of his cultivation of the Yi Jin Jing, he had eight thousand spiritual energy points, which was three thousand more than the general triple realm of spiritual veins.

It's a pity that the equipment of the Light of the Early Spirit only has an effect on the innate qi, after the spirit pulse state, it has no effect.

Qin Shaofeng also recovered the Light of the Early Spirit, and then he didn't buy any more equipment.

The reason is simple, he doesn't have the points.

The equipment that can work on the spirit vein realm, with hundreds of thousands of points, can't be bought at all.

Huh huh!

A few minutes later, Qin Shaofeng stopped helplessly and stopped using Lingbo's microsteps.

Alas, the aura is not enough.

One minute of Lingbo's microstep consumes 1,000 points of spiritual energy. With Qin Shaofeng's current situation, it can only last for eight minutes at most.

So in just five minutes, Qin Shaofeng stopped when there were 3000 points left in his spiritual energy, and then summoned Lord Tiger out with a beckon.

The Tiger Lord is amazing now. Qin Shaofeng raised the Tiger Lord's level on the night of his awakening from the dream of the Dream Family. He reached the limit he could reach. That is to say, the Tiger Lord is already at the sixth peak of the spiritual vein. Of the monster.

Battle Beast: Tiger Roaring Lion

Level: Lingmai Sixfold Annoyance

Aura value: 600000/600000

Talented spirit root: Wind and thunder mutant spirit root


Fortunately, Lord Tiger is not like Shaofeng Qin. It has a wind and thunder mutant spirit root, and its level is not low. The sixth level of spiritual veins is generally 30,000 points, but Tiger Lord has doubled it, with 60,000 points. Internal gas value.

This made Qin Shaofeng see, but his heart was full of envy.

Sitting on the back of Lord Tiger and feeling the speed of Lord Tiger, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat satisfied.

Although he is not as fast as he can perform the air dancing technique, in general, if Qin Shaofeng does not use the air dancing technique, he will not be as fast as the tiger master.

During this period of time, Master Tiger has gained a lot of benefits. Just his level has jumped continuously, reaching the current sixth spiritual vein level. Compared with a month ago, this is a whole step up!

Therefore, for the drudgery of hurrying, not only did Tiger Lord not feel depressed, but he worked very hard.

Master Tiger's speed was very fast, so after a while, Qin Shaofeng came to a somewhat familiar place.

Asking Lord Tiger to stop, Qin Shaofeng often glanced somewhere, there was a city far away.

That was the Blue River City that Qin Shaofeng was familiar with.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to go back to Lanjiang City, his grandfather and those people were no longer there, and it didn't make much sense to go back to Lanjiang City.

Finally, after taking a deep look at the Blue River City, Qin Shaofeng motioned to Master Tiger to rush to Lianyang Academy.

He can learn from Meng Xiner, and soon after, the so-called exchange competition among the three countries.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't have much interest in such an exchange match.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved after Meng Xiner spoke out the rewards in the exchange competition.

He couldn't participate in the congenital realm, he could only participate in the spiritual vein realm.

Qin Shaofeng planned to rush back to Lianyang Academy to sell some things (the corpses of the legendary gray wolf and the inner pill of the monster beast), and then he had the money to buy the refining materials for the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and refine some first-grade nine-layer spirit pills.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill could at least increase the current self by one or two levels.

Of course, this is not what Qin Shaofeng cares about. What Qin Shaofeng really cares about is this nine-fold spirit pill, which has the effect of improving physique and spiritual roots. This will help his thunderous body improve somewhat!

First take the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and then call Tang Qijian, if possible, pull Zhao Yun'er, go to the Black Point Mountain Range, and increase the level by one or two levels.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat confident in the Lingmai Realm exchange match.

But not long after Tiger Lord left again, Qin Shaofeng soon felt something was wrong.


And there are still some not easy people!

Looking up somewhere in front of him, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly and muttered to himself softly: "There is an aura of spiritual veins, when did such a master appear in this area of ​​Lanjiang City?"

"Roar, what about him? The boss told me to kill and kill those people!"

Perhaps because of the improvement of his own strength, this made the tiger's heart swell a lot, and he wanted to kill anyone when he opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

If it were other times, Qin Shaofeng would have patted this guy's head long ago.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng said that there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said with a murderous intent: "Yes, those people are damned!"

The reason why Qin Shaofeng said that the group of people deserved to die was because of the information fed back by his fiery eyes.

These people are from the Lu family!

It is self-evident why the people of the Lu family are here, and it is definitely for him, Qin Shaofeng.

"It seems that because of the death of Lu Laoliu, the Lu family finally can't sit still!"

With a cold smile, Qin Shaofeng patted Master Tiger's head lightly. Master Tiger naturally understood what his master meant, and quickly rushed over with a dazzling breath hidden.

Not far away, a team of people.

"What the **** is this place, it's so remote, just forget it, and I don't even have a trace of aura, I even have such a place in the country of Yang?" a bald man shouted angrily.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a pale face next to him lightly glanced at the bald man, and said weakly, "You should stop complaining, the fifth one. Our brothers are okay. Look at the third and fourth. But Running all over the country, I'm just waiting here, it's comfortable enough!"

"Fourth brother, I know this in my heart, but I just don't understand. Isn't he just a congenital martial artist? Is it worthy of my Lu family's attention?" said the bald man in confusion.

Lu family!

That's right, this team is from the Lu family.

The leader was the pale middle-aged man Lu Laosi, and the bald man was Lu Laowu.

Lu Laoliu was killed, the Lu family did not know.

However, there was no news of Lu Laoliu for more than a month, which made the Lu family guess that Lu Laoliu was too bad.

This made the Lu Family Patriarch extremely angry, because he believed that Lu Laoliu's death was definitely related to Qin Shaofeng.

But at this time Qin Shaofeng had already entered the depths of the Heijiao Mountain Range, and no one knew his trace.

Therefore, the Lu family sent a large number of people to look for Qin Shaofeng.

A congenital martial artist, who has repeatedly provoke their Lu Family's bottom line, must not be bypassed.

The most important thing is that the death of his eldest and second young master of the Lu family was also related to Qin Shaofeng. How could the Lu family give up?

If it had been before, the Lu Family had some concealment, but after Lu Lao Liu's death, the Lu Family was completely furious and had no scruples. Not only did it send a large number of people to find Qin Shaofeng's whereabouts.

Even the two masters of spiritual veins, Lu Laowu and Lu Laosi, were arranged on the side of Lanjiang City to wait and see.

Lu Lao Si and Lu Lao Wu have been here for half a month. It is no wonder that Lu Lao Wu's temper is getting more and more irritable.

After hearing his fifth brother’s words, Lu Si gave him a light look, and said, "Then Qin Shaofeng killed my Lu family’s people, not to mention whether the deaths of the eldest master and the sixth were related to Qin Shaofeng’s. The second young master's being deposed is enough to make him die ten times!"

"Hey, the fourth brother is right, but at this point, Qin Shaofeng is unforgivable!" Lu Laowu smiled grimly, and shook his hands together, smiling with murderous intent, "If this kid is met by me, Now, I must regret him coming to this world."

"Oh, is it? I want to know how you will make me regret it!"

As soon as Lu Laowu finished speaking, several people suddenly heard a sneer.

Then, one person and one tiger appeared in front of Lu Laosi and Lu Laowu.

"Qin Shaofeng?"

After seeing the people's appearance, Lu Laowu first was dazed, and then he gave a grinning smile, and said with a surprised and ferocious smile in his eyes: "Haha, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to come, Qin Shaofeng, Unexpectedly, you were so stupid that you delivered it yourself."

The Lu family already knew what Qin Shaofeng looked like, and Lu Laowu naturally recognized Qin Shaofeng the first time he came.

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but just glanced at Lu Laowu lightly, and a slight contempt flashed in his eyes.

Character: Lu Laowu

Level: Early stage of the triple spirit vein

Aura value: 4800/4800

Spiritual root of talent: soil


Qin Shaofeng was amused when he dared to say such a thing to himself when he had just broken through to the third level of spiritual veins, and his spiritual energy value had not yet reached five thousand points.

Not to mention Lu Laowu, but Qin Shaofeng didn't put it in front of Lu Lao Si, who was already in the triple late stage of spiritual veins and whose aura value exceeded 8,000.

As for the other people, let's forget it, there is no spiritual vein state, they are all martial arts with nine layers and ten layers innate, and this is no threat to Qin Shaofeng.

Unlike Lu Laowu, Lu Lao Si is very careful. As soon as Qin Shaofeng appeared, he felt something was wrong.

Because he couldn't feel Qin Shaofeng's breath, but the tiger monster that Qin Shaofeng sat down most shocked him.

Although Old Four Lu did not feel the breath of Lord Tiger, he just felt that Lord Tiger's breath was unusual.

But in this month Tiger Lord killed a lot of monsters, but at this moment Tiger Lord exudes a fierce and **** breath.

Feeling such a breath, Old Four's heart was shocked, and he secretly said a bad cry.

But what shocked him even more was that his fifth brother rushed towards Qin Shaofeng after a grinning grin. He just wanted to stop it but couldn't stop it.

"Qin Shaofeng will die for labor and capital!"

With a smirk on his face, Lu Laowu pounced at Qin Shaofeng cruelly.

But the next moment, Lu Laowu saw a few blue light **** flying towards him, and before he could react, it hit him.

Boom boom boom!

After a few explosions, Lu Laowu felt his whole body numb, and he fell down in midair.

But that's not a big deal. After he fell, Lu Laowu suddenly felt a strong wind and black shadow. When he looked up, he saw that the last thing Lu Laowu saw in this life was a huge foot.

Tiger palm!

Then, Lu Laowu felt a pain all over his body, and he didn't know anything.

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