Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2369: The origin of the spiritual world

The completion of the construction of one hundred and eight cities meant that Qin Shaofeng could arrange the Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation.

Qin Shaofeng always felt that something was wrong, because he was a little restless during this time.

And he could feel it, not from Gong Qingzi's feeling on their side, but from the feeling of being in this spiritual realm.

It seems that something big is going to happen, and it is dangerous.

This feeling has become more and more obvious in the recent period.

This also made Qin Shaofeng have to speed up and urged to continue, so that the one hundred and eight cities could be established quickly.

In fact, if it were simply 108 cities, it was nothing to the manpower under Qin Shaofeng's hands.

Even with the current manpower of Qin State, it only takes half a month to complete it.

But the problem is that these one hundred and eight cities need to be arranged for the Zhoutian Hunyuan formation.

Therefore, these one hundred and eight cities cannot be built casually.

This requires some deployment.

Even before the construction of these one hundred and eight cities, Qin Shaofeng personally went over and urged the framework before the formal construction began.

But because of Qin Shaofeng's needs, it was necessary to perfectly reflect the power of Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation, which was a little more complicated.

This has led to the formation of a somewhat complicated situation in each city, and it will naturally take some time to build it.

However, the construction is finally complete now.

So next, is the official opening of Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation.

However, before again, Qin Shaofeng still had to draw the spiritual power of the spirit stone veins into the 108 cities.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng had to choose a very helpless method, which was to traction one by one city.

There is no way to do this, although his body has now recovered, the strength of the body of an ordinary spirit-strike fighter.

Even in terms of spiritual consciousness, he has recovered a lot.

But with these restored spiritual consciousness, Qin Shaofeng's coverage of three to five hundred meters was already somewhat reluctant.

This is even more needless to say, with the divine consciousness pulling the spiritual power, there are 108 cities covering a radius of thousands of miles.

Isn't this embarrassing him?

I can only work hard and work again and again.

In this way, even if Qin Shaofeng was fast, it would take five or six days.

The State of Qin was completely established, no matter how secret it was, no matter how secretly it acted, such a country was established.

Moreover, it still spans the built city of thousands of miles, which is regarded as Qin State is located in a remote area with thin spiritual power.

After all, it is such a big place, how can it be completely hidden from people to discover?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had already prepared for the battle.

In his opinion, maybe Ling Yaozong would hit the door.

After all, the situation on his side, even if he is strong alone, he is the only one.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many spirit emperors Ling Yaozong possessed, he was afraid that there would be some.

Under such circumstances, how could Ling Yaozong, who had suffered a big loss, stop looking for him?

Qin Shaofeng was mentally prepared long ago.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised. After that loss, Ling Yaozong didn't even look for it again.

Not only Ling Yaozong, but even the Tianjiang Empire and the Tanglin Kingdom did not have the slightest motive.

Even the Tanglin Kingdom must have noticed that he was making a big move here.

But they did not move at all, which made Qin Shaofeng very strange.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know, although both the Dongling Kingdom and the Tianjiang Empire attached great importance to the emergence of Qin.

Ling Yaozong wasn't really afraid of Qin Shaofeng, so he didn't care about Qin Shaofeng.

The reason why there is no movement is that something big happened during this time.

The real big thing!

Because the Seven Heavens in the spiritual realm actually began to show signs of fusion.

This situation is something that has never happened since the existence of the spiritual realm, which shocked all the strong.

In the beginning, this kind of fusion only appeared in the Lower Third Heaven, and the human Xuantian and Earth Xuantian were the initial fusions.

However, there is nothing special about the connection of the lower triple heavens, it is just a channel connected in one place.

When the fusion started, nothing unusual appeared, and no one noticed it.

Even the place between Earth Xuantian and Tian Xuantian is the same.

When someone noticed it, it was already after the fusion of Tian Xuan Tian and Huang Ling Tian.

This happened a year ago, and it seems to be the time when Qin Shaofeng entered the spiritual realm.

In fact, it can be said that after Qin Shaofeng entered, the spiritual realm began to merge.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know this, and he didn’t know what kind of abnormality he caused when he entered here when he was swallowed by the spiritual realm and resisted by his own gods and demons realm. .

In fact, the Lingdao Realm had far more big bars than Qin Shaofeng had imagined.

More than two thousand?

This is true, but Qin Shaofeng only thinks that even if the spiritual realm exceeds 2,000 avenues, it will only reach 2,350 at most.

This can't be more.

It may even be in the early 2000s.

But actually?

This spiritual realm already has more than 2,900 big roads. To be precise, there are 2,937 roads. It is only a mere 67 roads away from the perfect state of that road of 3,000. That's it.

Speaking of which, the origin of this spiritual realm is also very strange.

Because this spiritual realm was originally a special realm created by a famous strong man in the Hongmeng Origin Realm.

That strong man is very powerful, and he has become the great emperor in countless eras in Hongmeng Origin Realm.

Even when he became the emperor, the nether emperor of the nether clan was not born yet!

Not even the Nether Clan appeared!

Although the Nether Clan is famous because of the Emperor Nether, and powerful.

But in fact, before the birth of the Nether Clan looking for Emperor Nether, it has existed for more than a hundred epochs.

Being able to exist for such a long time also shows that the strength of the Nether clan is not low, it has not reached the top.

The appearance of Emperor Nether Monarch made the Nether Clan one of the strongest forces in the Origin Realm of Hongmeng.

And the age that is not known how long before hundreds of epochs is the age of the founder of the spiritual realm.

He was the existence at the peak of that era, and the oldest emperor.

The number of avenues is meaningless to him.

He doesn't know how many epochs, he can't improve his strength.

This is a desperate thing for a strong man who is over the top.

Therefore, that strong man did a lot of things in order to improve his realm.

And this spiritual realm was the product of that time.

It is the special Dao Realm refined by that terrifying existence by means of the sky.

This special Dao Realm has the ability to reproduce Dao by itself.

As long as you have energy, no matter what energy, space, death, or life, as long as it is energy, it can absorb it.

Even the power of time can be absorbed by the spiritual realm.

Then, avenues multiply within it.

However, the strong man did not create a spiritual realm that swallows everything. The spiritual realm has the ability to operate, and as long as it avoids it, it will not be swallowed.

And even if someone was swallowed, it was only being included in the inner space, and there might be situations where the realm of cultivation level was suppressed.

But if you stay for a long time, you can recover.

Of course, it also depends on luck.

Yes, the spiritual realm will not absorb other people's cultivation of the Dao, or even the power of the realm of any cultivation.

It will only reproduce its own power by absorbing the energy of external existence.

It is not the ability cultivated by other creatures!

Because in the eyes of that strong man, any power cultivated by living creatures has impurities.

Then even the power cultivated in the Hongmeng Origin Realm has some aura, and the power of the cultivator.

What he wants is the purest power, the power that allows him to improve.

Of course, even if this kind of pure to the extreme power of the Great Dao can improve him, it will at least wait for this spiritual realm and Dao to reach its full state.

When he created the spiritual realm, he had already set it up, and the spiritual realm would give him a signal as soon as possible.

When the time comes, just take it back directly.

And when the Dao Dao reached its perfect state, it was when there were 3,000 Dao Dao in the spiritual world.

Although such reproduction, the speed will be extremely slow.

But this is fine, because to the strong man, time has no meaning at all.

Even if he was in the Hongmeng Origin Realm, he had reached the realm of immortality.

He has time to wait.

But what about the facts?

After the spiritual realm reached three thousand avenues, there was no feedback of any information.

And the inner self is produced, a kind of other power.

The reason is very simple, this is because the strong man who did not know what realm he has reached is no longer there.

Even now, even the Emperor Netherworld, I am afraid that he has never heard of that one.

Because this existence has disappeared long ago.

No one knows where he went.

Some people say that the existence has fallen.

Because someone is, that being has left.

Leaving from the Hongmeng Origin Realm, breaking through to a higher dimension.

Everyone talked about it, but no one knew it.

And with the passage of time, no one knew the name of that existence.

Then, over time, even his name has been forgotten.

After hundreds of epochs, people only vaguely knew that there was once such a strong man.

But I don’t know how specific it is.

As for now, even if it is the oldest existence of the Nether Clan, I don't know what kind of strong people have ever been.

The strong, even the strong at the apex, will disappear completely under the passing of time.

All proofs of existence will disappear, leaving nothing!

The most terrifying force of time!

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