Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2390: Tian Sheng Fruit Tian Sheng Dan

Far away?

This was originally the case, but this time the fusion of the Seven Heavens in the Spirit Dao Realm caused Li Yanjue to turn over again.

The time Li Yanjue was chased and killed when he entered the Earth Profound Sky, it was all because he had accidentally obtained a small box.

In fact, there was nothing special in that little box, only a few seeds that seemed to die.

But after Sect Master Ling Yao's research, it was concluded that they were a few seeds that didn't use the slightest aura.

And it's still in a completely dead state, simply worthless.

Li Yanjue did not give up and planted it.

But after several years, the plants were planted several times, but the seeds that were dug out several times were still exactly the same.

Even Li Yanjue spent a lot of money to purchase some spiritual liquid refined from spiritual stones to cultivate these seeds.

But this did not have any effect, and the plants were still dead as before.

All this made Li Yanjue give up.

But this time when the Seven Heavens of the Spiritual Dao Realm merged, the tremendous changes that took place had actually brought those seeds back to life.

Not only took root and sprouted, but it even thrived in an instant, but it was completely mature in three days.

Then, bloom in three days, bear fruit in three days, and mature in three days.

In a short period of twelve days, the three seeds had grown completely, and each of them had touched twelve fruits.

And these fruits are not simple, they have a very powerful and shocking name-Heavenly Sacred Fruit!

What is Heavenly Sacred Fruit?

To put it simply, it is a special fruit of the spiritual realm, an absolute holy fruit.

Because as long as this thing is consumed, it can be immediately sanctified.

Yes, a spiritualist of any realm of the Heavenly Sacred Fruit can be directly promoted to the realm of Spiritual Sage as long as one consumes one.

The specific level that can be promoted is based on its own potential and the cultivation before the promotion.

Although this Li Yanjue was not talented in cultivation, he was directly promoted to the second stage of the Spirit Sage after swallowing a Heavenly Sacred Fruit because it was the cultivation base of the Peak Realm of the Spirit King.

Although it was only the cultivation base of the second stage of Lingsheng, it was also the second stage of Lingsheng!

If you have the realm of Lingdi, it is at least the middle stage of the second stage of Lingsheng, or even the latter stage.

If the spirit emperor peak realm, that is definitely the third level of the spirit.

Heavenly Sage Fruit is so powerful.

Because of this, it has already been verified by Ling Yaozong.

Li Yanjue planted as many as 36 Heavenly Sacred Fruits.

However, this Li Yanjue would also be a human being, and immediately contributed 30 Heavenly Sacred Fruits to his Master, but he only left five.

Actually, this also avoids Ling Yaozong's suzerain, and is good to Li Yanjue, the second disciple.

Even if Li Yanjue was stuck at the pinnacle of the Spirit King, it seemed that he would never be able to make progress, and he did not completely give up.

He even found some good things for Li Yanjue from time to time, which is one of the reasons why Hu Feizhong couldn't understand Li Yanjue.

To put it bluntly is jealous.

But Ling Yaozong's love for Li Yanjue was a huge return in exchange.

Thirty Heavenly Sacred Fruits!

This is what makes Ling Yaozong 30 more spiritual masters of the Holy Spirit level.

Sect Master Ling Yao had already planned to take refuge in a big power this time.

Because this time the beast tide is too ferocious.

If there is not enough power, even if his own strength is strong, it is impossible to resist this beast wave.

Even at best, it can only protect a small number of Ling Yaozong's disciples, and the rest of the disciples might die.

Under such circumstances, the only way out is to take refuge in big forces.

But it's different now.

If he had thirty spiritual saints, this would be enough for Ling Yaozong to hold onto the beast tide this time.

After all, this time the tide of beasts did not attack Ling Yaozong, nor was it that the spirit beasts wanted to fight for hegemony in the spirit realm.

Even with this, Ling Yaozong can have a certain amount of strength, and in this turbulent period, after some baptism, he will become a great power in the spiritual realm.

It is even possible... to compete for the position of the master of the spiritual realm.

As long as the sacred fruits of these days are used to the maximum, this is entirely possible.

Although the odds are very subtle, there is still a glimmer of hope. Compared to the original hopelessness, it is much better to be left behind in order to survive.

This is an opportunity, Sect Master Ling Yao naturally intends to fight it.

Therefore, after Ling Yaozong had a lot of spiritual saints, Ling Yaozong's Sect Master began to contact some other strengths that were not far from the original Ling Yaozong.

Then, directly on the condition of Heavenly Sacred Fruit, let Ling Yaozong join these strengths.

You must know that the top power in Ren Xuantian is only at the top of Ren Xuantian. Basically, at most, there are masters of the spirit emperor level.

As for the spiritual saint, that is impossible at all.

Now that the opportunity lies ahead, many strengths have also joined Ling Yaozong.

Compared with Ling Yaozong, they didn't understand the other forces at all. After joining, they basically just sent people under the fence.

And most of it is not very reusable, completely acting as a cannon fodder.

But Ling Yaozong was different.

Somehow they knew him, and the reputation of Sect Master Ling Yao was not bad.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, Ling Yaozong has undergone earth-shattering changes.

There were also big forces to subdue Ling Yaozong and other forces, but after Ling Yaozong showed strength, those big forces withdrew.

It can be said that Ling Yaozong today is not what it used to be, and has become extremely powerful.

This made Hu Feizhong extremely envious, but his envy was nothing more than that.

He also hoped that he could obtain a Heavenly Sacred Fruit, even a Heavenly Sacred Pill.

The so-called Heavenly Sacred Pill is actually an elixir refined from the Heavenly Sage Fruit. Although a large amount of precious medicinal materials are added, the refined Heavenly Sage Pill is not very effective.

The reason is simple, one Heavenly Sage Fruit can produce at least five Heavenly Sage Pills.

But the Heavenly Sage Fruit can directly affect anyone and directly become a spiritualist powerhouse of the Spirit Sage level.

But the Heavenly Sacred Pill, it can only allow the powerhouse of the Spirit Emperor level, and at least the powerhouse of the Spirit Emperor Eightfold Realm, to have the possibility of being promoted to the Spirit Saint.

If the spirit emperor was in the pinnacle state, it was basically a 100% chance.

It's just that such a heavenly sacred pill, although it can be promoted to a spiritual sage, it makes future cultivation a little difficult.

But even so, the Heavenly Sacred Pill can attract a large number of Spirit Emperors.

Especially those spirit emperors who are close to the old and dead, they all want to use this opportunity to promote the spiritual sage cultivation, and increase a lot of life.

It's worth mentioning that the spiritual masters did not use spiritual power to temper their bodies at first because of their special spiritual skills.

At most, it only relies on the large amount of spiritual power in the body to warm the body.

But such a method has no effect at all for extending life.

Even if it reaches the realm of the Spirit King, it is still the life span of an ordinary person, and at most it is a hundred years old.

And even if it reaches the realm of the Spirit Emperor, the life span is generally one hundred and twenty years old, and even more than one hundred and fifty years old.

Only after reaching the realm of Spiritual Sage, the spiritual power in the body undergoes a qualitative change, and it becomes possible to temper the body, increase the strength and vitality of the body, and then it is possible to extend the life span.

Lingsheng can live at least seven or eight hundred years.

If the cultivation base continues to improve, every level of the spiritual holy cultivation base can bring a lot of life.

What's more weird, in the spiritual realm, the spiritual master of the first level of spiritual sage, as long as the person does not die, even if the talent is poor.

It can also take hundreds of years to continuously accumulate the spiritual power in the body, and then improve the realm.

Such a cumulative spiritual power breakthrough, even if it is worse, it will be absolute for two to three hundred years to raise one level.

Yes, absolutely!

As long as a person does not die, it will be a matter of time before the Lingsheng-level spiritualist in the spiritual realm reaches the peak of the spiritual sage.

It's just that if you want to reach the realm of spirits and gods, it would be extremely difficult.

But this is enough for the spirit emperor whose lifespan is exhausted, as long as he can become a spirit saint.

Because once they cross this threshold, they will have a life span of thousands of years, even thousands of years.

Sect Master Ling Yaozong will very well plan that he will take the 30 Heavenly Sacred Fruits in his hand and leave 20 for Ling Yaozong's people to consume.

In this way, Ling Yaozong would be able to have twenty more spiritual saints.

Moreover, directly taking the Spirit Sage of the Heavenly Sage Fruit, the cultivation speed is naturally different.

As for the remaining ten Heavenly Sacred Fruits, he directly refined into Heavenly Sacred Pill.

More than fifty Heavenly Sacred Pills were enough for him to win over many sect forces.

It can make Ling Yaozong stronger.

Hu Feizhong naturally looked forward to getting a Heavenly Sacred Fruit, no, even if it was a Heavenly Sacred Pill, he was extremely eager.

But not the same.

Because the twenty heavenly sacred fruit had already been rewarded by his master, he originally thought he could possess one heavenly sacred fruit.

But the facts proved that he really didn't understand his sect.

Because in the entire Ling Yaozong, there is a special place with a large number of elders in retreat.

Once a spiritualist whose lifespan is exhausted, if he has the cultivation base of the spiritual emperor realm, then he can perform a special kind of spiritual technique-forbidden spiritual technique!

This kind of spiritual forbidden technique can confine the spiritual power of the body and achieve the sleep of alternative means.

Even if the life span is only a few months, it can survive for decades, even hundreds of years.

Ling Yaozong possessed such a method. Once the sect's powerhouse lived for less than three years, he would use the spiritual forbidden technique to fall into deep sleep.

This is actually a kind of cultivation method, but the possibility of raising the realm of cultivation is very slim.

Usually the sect suffered a catastrophe, and let these sleeping masters lift the spiritual prohibition and explode the last power, which is the last way to save the sect.

If it really reaches this point, it will be completely exhausted.

Ling Yaozong also has such a sleeping master, and even many of Ling Yaozong's suzerains in the past have fallen asleep with this method.

The purpose is to contribute the last bit of strength to Ling Yaozong's possible crisis.

Once the forbidden spirit technique is touched, unless the cultivation realm is raised, otherwise, there is only a dead end.

But with the Heavenly Sacred Fruit, it is naturally different.

And Ling Yaozong has such a sleeping master, but there are as many as a dozen people.

Therefore, those twenty Heavenly Sacred Fruits are not as important as Hu Fei.

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