Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2429: Easily beat

This is really an accident!

The strongest of the magical spirit patterns on Qin Shaofeng's body is the Thunder Element.

After the purple thunder needle, Qin Shaofeng created a special kind of magic pattern with lightning attributes.

This is not a powerful lightning attack, but a pure attack that gathers lightning power.

Let's put it this way, this technique spirit rune is the power of lightning that can gather Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power.

Then, how these gathered lightning powers attack can be controlled by Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, it seems that there is only one spiritual technique spirit pattern, but in fact, this is a move condensed by allowing Qin Shaofeng to burst out a large amount of thunder and lightning.

That Thunder Armored Demon Wolf King is indeed immune to many attacks of lightning power, and ordinary attacks of lightning power cannot harm it at all.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's thunder and lightning power is not ordinary at all.

To put it bluntly, the lightning power Qin Shaofeng possesses is much more advanced than the lightning power of the Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King.

Therefore, this Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King is tragic.

Originally wanted to play a prestige, but in the end it was a fool.

"Human, **** you!"

Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King roared, standing in the center of the giant pit, his expression extremely angry.

Could something like this happen?

This is absolutely unforgivable!

In the Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King's view, this must be some nasty means used by this human to harm it.

It's just a human being, and dare to hurt it. This is definitely a capital crime!

At this moment, the Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King was completely angry.

Even at this moment, it has already stimulated the spiritual power of the whole body, and in the huge pit, its spiritual power has been surging.

If not, the scorched hair is probably a bit daunting.

Even at the moment it looks absolutely funny.

But Qin Shaofeng felt the terrible aura on the opponent's body.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng shot without hesitation.

Boom boom boom!

Countless lightning flashes, a large number of thunder and lightning power attacks, but came down, all greeted the Thunder armor demon wolf king.

To be honest, at this moment, the Thunder Armored Demon Wolf King was unprepared for a while because of the immense anger in his heart and a trace of disbelief.

Then things were funny.

Qin Shaofeng's attack was just injecting spiritual power to stimulate the magical spirit pattern on his body, and then he could burst out an attack instantly.

Therefore, at this moment, countless attacks, but an instant attack, made the Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King fail to make the best response for a while.

It did make a defense, but it was a bit late and a bit hasty.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng was really cruel this time, and that attack was too much.

The lightning attack erupted in an instant, but hundreds of on the road.

Even with Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power at this moment, almost two-thirds of his spiritual power was consumed instantly at this moment.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng's body is a bit special, and you don't want to wait for the spirit pattern warrior to be like Da Kui. One acupuncture point and a spiritual power spell can only depict at most three hundred and sixty spiritual power spells.

Qin Shaofeng possessed a spiritualist's magic pattern, but one acupuncture point in his body could depict one.

There were 3,600 acupuncture points in Qin Shaofeng's body.

In other words, he has three thousand six hundred spiritual power spells.

This is ten times that of other spiritweave warriors!

Therefore, the spiritual power possessed by spiritual warriors in the same realm is much more than that of ordinary spiritual masters. Even some spirit beasts with huge body and more spiritual power are not as good as those in the same realm. Netherweave warrior.

However, Qin Shaofeng is at least a hundred times higher than the spiritual power of the spirit mark warrior of the same realm!

Yes, it is a hundred times, not ten times.

Although the number of spiritual power spells possessed by other spiritual warriors is 360, Qin Shaofeng has 3,600.

It seemed that Qin Shaofeng was ten times higher than his spiritual power.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng’s spirit energy technique contains ten times more spiritual energy than other spirit energy technique spirit veins. .

Therefore, calculated in this way, the spiritual power contained in Qin Shaofeng in the same realm is one hundred times higher than that of a spiritual warrior.

In fact, this is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng dared to fight the Thunder-clad Demon Wolf King in the 50-stage realm of the spirit **** against the 100-stage realm of the spirit god.

Under normal circumstances, this thunder-clad demon wolf king of the 100-stage spirit **** can definitely defeat ten spirit beasts of the 99-stage spirit **** easily.

It is very easy to face the spirit beasts of the 50th stage of the spirit god, even if it can face hundreds of them at the same time.

One of the big reasons for this is that after the 100 stages of spiritual gods, the spiritual power that can be cultivated is much more.

Of course, the spiritual power contained in Qin Shaofeng's cultivation in the fifty-stage realm of the spirit **** is very different.

Perhaps a hundred spiritual masters of the 50th stage of the spirit gods cannot deal with a Thunder armor demon wolf king, and it is even very likely that the opponent will easily kill them.

Damn it, if a spiritualist of the 50th stage of the Spiritual God possesses all the spiritual power of a hundred spiritualists of the 50th stage of the Spiritual God, then the situation is completely different.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is in this situation, with a lot of spiritual power, and he still possesses a special spiritual technique with magic patterns.

This burst out, the power is extremely powerful.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng exploded out of an attack that consumed nearly two-thirds of his spiritual power.

This made the Thunder armor demon wolf king completely unlucky.


With a loud explosion, the Thunder-clad Demon Wolf King was directly beaten, and then he wanted to resist, defend, or escape.

Just so stupefied, he was directly bombarded by Qin Shaofeng countless times.

When everything stopped, an extremely huge pit had already appeared on the spot, and the breath of the Thunder-clad Demon Wolf King had fallen to an extremely weak point.

It's not an exaggeration to say that the anger is suspended.

Is this the end?

Qin Shaofeng was also a little surprised, too simple and too smooth.

Although Qin Shaofeng had absolute self-confidence and defeated this Thunder-clad Demon Wolf King, it was too easy.

In Qin Shaofeng's opinion, the other party had to struggle more or less.

I don't want to, it's over.

Think about it, too, with such an attack, it is no wonder that this Thunder armor demon wolf king can't handle it.

It's also to blame this Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King for being too careless, even arrogant.

As soon as it noticed Qin Shaofeng's breath, it didn't pay attention to Qin Shaofeng.

Oh, a human being in the fifty-segment realm of Spiritual God, a weak chicken, easily killed.

It was precisely in this careless situation that Qin Shaofeng made a sudden slam, making him unresponsive.

Well, I didn't expect it at all, and there was no time to react.

Then, it was defeated by Qin Shaofeng.

Didn't die, but the distance is almost dead.

Even looking at it, I'm afraid it won't be alive.

This also made Qin Shaofeng speechless.

Originally, he didn't have the idea of ​​taking his life. At most, he would deprive him of the avenue in his body, take him under his command, and become part of his spirit beast army.

After all, it is a powerful spirit beast in the 100-stage realm of the spirit god, even if it is finally deprived of the great road in his body.

But as long as Qin Shaofeng shares his own avenue, this will not only restore him, but also make him go further.

In this way, it is possible to quickly create a spirit-weave warrior in the 100-stage realm of the spirit god.

But now, it doesn't work anymore.

"Forget it, it's okay, you die if you die."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly, blasted a burst of spiritual power, and directly transferred the Thunder Armor Demon Wolf King to the Gods and Demons Realm in his body.

Since he couldn't survive, he simply refined the Thunder armor demon wolf king directly.

The speed of income to the gods and demons realm for smelting can be much faster.

After dealing with Thunder Armor Demon Wolf Queen, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell on the battlefield of Da Kui and others.

Although in the battle power of the Spirit God level, Dakui has the advantage here.

However, the spirit beasts of the spirit beasts have a relatively high realm. Even if there are more than three hundred spirit spirit warriors, plus their natal spirit beasts, there are a total of 680 spirit gods. Fighting power, I am afraid it is difficult to be the opponent's opponent.

After all, the combat power of ten spiritual gods in the third stage of the realm could not be matched by an opponent of the spiritual gods in the ten stage realm.

The gap is big!

However, Dakui and the others used the power of Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation abruptly to trap these spirit beasts.

Even under the interference of Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation's power, those trapped spirit beasts unexpectedly appeared due to the temporary change of venue, which led to a disadvantage.

This is incredible.

You must know that the place where these spirit beasts are trapped is in the Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation. Once they fall into the wind, they will fall into the wind step by step.

Now, the time is still short, but there is no difference in substitution.

But according to this situation, I am afraid that Dakui and the others might really defeat these spirit beasts.

As for now...

Then there is no more suspense, because Qin Shaofeng has joined.

The biggest obstacle has been resolved, so Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't wait and watch Dakui and the others fight.

To avoid Ye Changmeng, he directly entered the Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation and began to deal with those spirit beasts.

Although Da Kui could also control the power of Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation, he was far worse than Qin Shaofeng.

The moment Qin Shaofeng entered, he gained control of the entire Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation, then merged into his own power, and exploded with a move that stunned the spirit beasts below the spirit **** level.

To know a spirit beast of the Spirit Saint level, it means that a Spirit Mark warrior below the Spirit Saint level can be promoted to the realm of the Spirit Saint.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose not to kill these spirit beasts, but to subdue them, and then let his own Qin Kingdom's spirit mark warriors select and accept these spirit beasts as life spirit beasts.

This can quickly give Qin the birth of hundreds of spiritual god-level spiritual warriors and more than 100 spiritual god-level spiritual warriors!

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