Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2478: Melting Avenue

The three great Dao emperors collect the Dao, but they are very concerned.

Because Qin Shaofeng said, perhaps his gods and demons realms can continue to merge with the Dao realms when they merge into a hundred realms.

In fact, there is no need for Qin Shaofeng to say more about this point, Master Li has already talked to the three Supreme Dao emperors, striving to get more avenues.

Because the three of them have the same Dao realm, they can merge into more Dao circles.

Under such circumstances, if Qin Shaofeng can integrate into the greater Dao, even if it cannot be integrated into the Dao realm.

There is absolutely no harm in that.

The Hongmeng Origin Realm was turbulent because of the three Jidao Monarchs, and the turbulence did not last very long, only a short year.

But this year's time has made Hongmeng Origin Realm a little sensitive.

Many Dao realm masters who own the Dao realm, for fear of their Dao realm being swallowed by the three extreme Dao emperors, have invested in some extreme Dao emperors one after another.

Otherwise, he would just leave and escape from the universe void.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's personnel to find many of these escaping Dao realms in the void of the universe, and suppress them one by one.

Until now, Qin Shaofeng alone has integrated ten realms outside the realm of Gods and Demons.

And these ten realms are all realms with 3,000 avenues.

As long as the three Jidao Monarchs have collected them, they can directly integrate into Qin Shaofeng's Gods and Demons Realm.

For these ten realms, Qin Shaofeng directly asked Gong Qingzi and others to suppress them.

Those Dao worlds were placed on the edge of many Dao worlds such as the Origin of the Dao world, and suppressed by those Dao worlds of Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, even if these Dao realms have three thousand avenues, it is impossible to have any trouble.

If the time is longer, there will be more or less problems.

After all, Qin Shaofeng had only suppressed everything with iron and blood, but these were nothing.

As long as Qin Shaofeng integrates these Dao realms into the Gods and Demons Dao realm in a short time, it will be considered that these Dao realms give birth to a heart of rebellion, and it does not matter.

And this time will come soon.

Qin Shaofeng knew that his Divine Demon Dao Realm was about to merge into the best 87 Dao Realms when the three Great Dao Emperors of the Gujun Emperor came up again.

In this year's time, Qin Shaofeng once again merged the three Dao realms, allowing the three Ji Dao emperors to live in.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't place these three Dao realm masters to the three Extreme Dao emperors, but chose Tang Qijian and Du Meng already Tiger Lord.

On the contrary, the bloodline of the nine gods and demons condensed from the three realms was given by Qin Shaofeng to the descendants of the three emperors.

As for how to distribute, that's their business.

In fact, for the blood of the gods and demons born in the realm of the gods and demons, the three emperors of the extreme realm were secretly surprised.

Even Master Li said that if one day, the realm of Gods and Demons will become completely real.

Then the gods and demons in the realm of the gods and demons will be the top ranks in the land of shining stars.

This makes the three Jidao emperors also full of hope.

Because they will integrate themselves together with the Dao realm into Qin Shaofeng's Gods and Demons Dao realm, and then the three of them will also fall.

But such a fall can be recovered.

Because at that time, Qin Shaofeng can fully resurrect the three of them with the power of a hundred dao realms.

Of course, this will take some time.

However, this is not in a hurry.

Because in accordance with the wishes of the three Extreme Dao emperors, it will not be too late to resurrect them when Qin Shaofeng has a firm foothold in Yaoxing Land and even completely rescued the Void Misty Realm.

If not, then there is no need to resurrect him.

Because the virtual world was not saved, even if they were resurrected in Qin Shaofeng's Gods and Demons Realm, it would still be inevitable to die, so why bother?

Qin Shaofeng complied with their wishes and promised to resurrect them one day.

Resurrect in the land of shining stars.

"Qin Shaofeng will look at you next!"

Emperor Gujun smiled slightly, his expression indifferent.

Emperor Chi Jue nodded and said, "Yes, it's up to you."

On the contrary, the Black Dragon Emperor smiled, and said with a slightly joking tone: "Boy, for you, the three of us have offended the entire Hongmeng Origin Realm. If you don't make a famous place in the land of the shining star, it is true. Let the three of us die hard!"

"Three seniors, don't worry, we will meet in the land of the shining star in the future." Qin Shaofeng said seriously and solemnly.


The three Jidao emperors nodded.

At this time, Master Li on the side stepped forward and said in a low tone: "Lonely, I will ask you three times at the end if you really want to do this. It is too late to withdraw now. Don't wait until the time, when the integration is carried out, withdraw. Come, that would be a big deal."

Although I already knew the answer, I really paid too much attention to the fusion of Lord Quinoa this time, and I had to be serious about it.

The three Jidao emperors did not feel unhappy about this, on the contrary they understood very well.

"Master Chen, don't worry. The old man is a dying man. If he succeeds this time, the old man will live again and have an infinite future."

A light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Gujun.

He had already decided to contribute his last force to the virtual world.

Death has long been doomed.

The current situation actually gave him a chance.

Because if he can use Qin Shaofeng's hand to resurrect in the land of Yaoxing, then he will have a wonderful new life.

Although Emperor Chi Jue did not want to be alone with the Emperor, he nodded and said in a very serious tone: "Don't worry, Lord Li, I have fully considered it. And I believe that Qin Shaofeng will let us reunite in the land of the star. of."

"Hahaha, me too, I won't regret it."

The Black Dragon Emperor is indeed a bold person. He laughed loudly and said: "In the Void Realm, the Black Dragon Emperor is already invincible. Then the next place should make me invincible in the Land of the Stars."

Hearing the answers of the three, Master Li was not surprised, but nodded solemnly, then turned to look at Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Then we can start!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded because he didn't speak.

Because of the current situation, there is no need to say anything more.

Only when others resurrected the three Jidao emperors in the land of the shining star can he repay them for their sacrifice today.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng directly opened his own gods and demons realm.

At this moment, several of them are in a very empty space.

This is regarded as Master Li's place, only Master Li allows to enter.

Moreover, this place is very huge, although it can't let Qin Shaofeng's gods and demons realm fully manifest.

But it is very easy to just show a part of the fusion of the Taoist world.

And this year, when the three Jidao Monarchs collected the Dao and Dao Realm, they all integrated them into their Dao Realm.

Although it was not completely tempered, it was considered preliminary tempered, and it was directly integrated into Qin Shaofeng's Divine Demon Dao Realm, and it was also convenient for Qin Shaofeng's Divine Demon Dao Realm to be absorbed and refined.

"Haha, let me do it first!"

At the moment when the Gods and Demons Realm appeared, the Black Dragon Emperor laughed, and a dazzling world emerged behind him.

This is his realm!

The Dao Realm of the Great Dao Monarch is extremely powerful, even if it is presented in the Hongmeng Origin Realm, it can also exert powerful power.

At this moment, the realm of the black dragon emperor emerged, and then suddenly twisted into a huge black dragon.

At the same time, the Black Dragon Emperor also turned into a ray of light and plunged into the huge black dragon.

Suddenly, the entire black dragon seemed to be alive, swam abruptly, plunged into the realm of the gods and demons directly like water.

At the same time, the entire virtual world reverberated with a big laugh.

"Today, my black dragon fell for the virtual world!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge black dragon that had plunged into the gods and demons realm was instantly disintegrated, split into countless powers of the realms, and was tempered and absorbed by the gods and demons realm.


The entire virtual world shook fiercely, and a roaring cry sounded.

At this moment, it seemed that the virtual world was crying.

This is a phenomenon in the virtual world where the emperor of the extreme path has fallen.

The Black Dragon Emperor has fallen?

At this moment, in countless places in the entire virtual world, some strong people were shocked.

But the next moment, something that shocked them even more appeared.

"Today, I Chi Jue fell for the virtual world!"

Another voice sounded throughout the entire virtual world, and the virtual world cried again.

Emperor Chi Jue has fallen.

However, before many powerful men were shocked, the voice of the lone army emperor appeared.

"Today, I alone have the honor to fight for hundreds of millions of creatures in the virtual world, and may my world be immortal forever!"

After speaking this sentence, the emperor of the solitary army stepped directly into the realm of the gods and demons.

There is no Dao Realm to follow, because he has integrated the entire Dao Realm into himself.

Fully integrated!

At the moment he stepped into the realm of the gods and demons, it was not the power of the realm that split out, but the great road.

Moreover, these great avenues are so pure that they don't need Qin Shaofeng's deliberate tempering at all to become part of the realm of Gods and Demons.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's Dao of Gods and Demons increased rapidly.

At the beginning, it was only an increase of two, but when the emperor of the solitary army joined, Qin Shaofeng's gods and demons realm increased by 150,000 in an instant.

This is already half the number of avenues in a hundred realms.

But when Qin Shaofeng quickly melted the avenue, the entire virtual world was in chaos.

In such a short period of time, the three strongest emperors of Jidao fell in a row.

What happened to this?

And what did the last words of the three emperors mean?

What is the virtual world?

What are the three Jidao emperors fighting against?

For the virtual world?

But where is the virtual world?

Could it be the emptiness of the universe or a powerful treasure in the source realm of Hongmeng?

Or the invasion of foreign enemies?

There are too many doubts in everything, but unfortunately no one knows.

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