Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2502: Elder Wang

After learning about these things, Qin Shaofeng knew the situation of this sect battle.

Since it is the place to suppress the power of vitality and blood, what is the best place to do such a deletion than the Forbidden Forest?

Qin Shaofeng estimated that most of the ruins had restrictions on the number of people entering.

In other words, the Seven Star Gate only has a certain quota for entering the ruins.

Anyway, the number of people entering is limited, so naturally it is necessary to enter a powerful warrior.

And this wide spreading net can definitely find a suitable warrior.

However, if it is really chosen, it would be a risky adventure.

It's really a risk, if it succeeds, it will probably be able to join a big force like the Seven Star Gate.

If it is unsuccessful, then there is no need to say more, it must be dead in the ruins.

Although Su Meixin didn't mention the situation of the ruins, Qin Shaofeng actually knew it, but she didn't.

But Qin Shaofeng also guessed that the ruins are definitely extremely dangerous places.

Even the Zongmen battle in Jiangcheng this time was very dangerous.

Because when the time comes, there will be someone who will circle a range in the Forbidden Martial Forest, and then drive in a large number of star beasts.

That's right, this time the sect war is hunting star beasts.

And the number of star beasts is extremely large, the lowest are low-level star beasts, and the higher ones have high-level star beasts comparable to the big star position warriors.

This is a big deal!

And this is definitely not just the handwriting of a place in Jiangcheng.

Qin Shaofeng raised such a question, and Su Meixin nodded and answered.

"Yes, this time the Zongmen battle was jointly held by several surrounding big city forces. These are all the forces under the Seven Star Gate."

After Su Meixin finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something. She was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would refuse, and she said: "However, don't worry, the Zongmen battle we let you participate in is just for Jiangcheng's results. You only need to complete it. Certain results can keep our current position at Qianyunmen, that is enough."

"Oh, is that so?" Qin Shaofeng understood.

Thousand Cloud Gate does not expect much good results, but this is actually some way.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

This sect war, he is naturally going to participate.

It was actually held in the Forbidden Martial Forest, and most importantly, several big city forces joined forces to enclose the star beasts in one area, and even among them there were high-rank star beasts equivalent to the realm of the big star.

Such ability, Jiangcheng alone is definitely not enough.

So this is the fact that many forces have joined forces, and perhaps the Seven Star Gate has also taken action.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't like this. The most important thing was that he would be able to kill a large number of star beasts by participating in this sect battle.

There is no need to deliberately search, and there is no need to worry about being siege.

Because there will definitely be a lot of people who will enter at that time, even if there are a lot of star beasts, but they are scattered, so be careful and naturally there will be no situation of besieging star beasts.

The only thing to worry about is whether it will be killed by others in this situation.

In this sect battle, as well as the level and number of star beasts killed, the results are determined.

And what proves the star beast is only the right ear of each star beast.

There is a special way to determine the level of the star beast based on the blood in the right ear or its appearance.

Some people will definitely appear at that time to **** other people's star beast's right ear.


The thought of being able to kill a large number of middle-rank star beasts, even high-rank star beasts, Qin Shaofeng felt a little eager.

Taking a look at Su Meixin, Qin Shaofeng said, "Then what kind of remuneration do you Qianyunmen plan to pay to invite me to participate in this Zongmen war?"

Qin Shaofeng’s words made Su Meixin happy, and she immediately said with joy: "This will definitely satisfy you. Brother Qin, come with me, and the elder Wang of the Seven Clouds of my mother will come to talk with you later. ."

"Yeah! Yes!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded and followed Su Meixin away.

Su Meixin did not bring Qin Shaofeng directly to Qianyun Gate, because she was worried that Qin Shaofeng would think more, so she brought Qin Shaofeng to Qifu Tower.

Soon after, a somewhat plump middle-aged woman appeared, she was the elder Wang mentioned by Su Meixin.

The opponent's cultivation base is not high, only the first-order big star realm.

If such a warrior enters the Forbidden Martial Arts Forest, Qin Shaofeng is sure to kill the opponent.

"Presumably this is Young Master Qin Shaofeng Qin, the little girl Wang Xianglan, a miscellaneous elder from Qianyunmen!"

Elder Wang smiled all over his face.

But this made Qin Shaofeng a little speechless. It looks like yours is in your 30s or 40s. Are you still a little girl?

And also doing chores?

Although it is only the cultivation base of the first-order great star realm, it is also a warrior of the great star realm!

Thousand Cloud Gate is so atmospheric, so that a big star warrior can mess with it?

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng understood that the elder Wang in front of him must be very shrewd.

Therefore, he didn't mean anything, and he said directly: "Elder Wang is polite, and you don't need to say anything. At this point, I just want to know how much money you Qianyunmen can give me!"

This person is not simple, he went straight to the subject?

Elder Wang was taken aback for a moment, but soon recovered, still smiling.

"This remuneration is naturally satisfactory to Young Master Qin. She wanted to come to Mei Xin and didn't tell Young Master Qin in detail about the points gained in this sect battle, right?" Elder Wang asked.

"Well, she just said that you can get points by killing star beasts. I want to get different points for all levels of star beasts!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Of course, the stronger the star beast, the more points it will get after the hunt."

Elder Wang nodded and said: "With the right ear of the star beast as a proof, a low-level star beast with a star counts as 1 point, and a star beast with nine stars is 9 points.

Intermediate star beasts have 10 points for one star, and nine stars are 90 points. As for high-level star beasts, they start with at least 100 points. "

Elder Wang said with a smile and glanced at Qin Shaofeng, and said, "As for us, Qianyunmen, the remuneration given to Master Qin is actually very simple. 1 point equals 10 gold yuan."

"Golden Yuan?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and the price of 10 gold for 1 point was already very high.

But for Qin Shaofeng, what he needs is not gold dollars, if he can, he wants to exchange for something better.

As if seeing what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Elder Wang smiled slightly and said, "Of course, if Young Master Qin can earn more than 1,000 points for my Qianyunmen, we Qianyunmen will also prepare other rewards for you."

"For example, some of our martial arts training in Qianyunmen, as well as special pills, and even..."

With that, Elder Wang glanced at Su Meixin who was standing outside the door, and her voice became soft.

"If you look at someone, there is no problem at all, as long as you can get enough points!"

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