Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 252: Open inheritance

Three hours later, Qin Shaofeng left Duobao Pavilion.

When leaving, Qin Shaofeng left with a substantial income.

This time, the final result of the transaction with Duobaoge.

Not only did Qin Shaofeng gather all the medicinal materials for refining the first-grade nine-layered spirit pill, but he was also able to refine more than a dozen first-grade nine-layered spirit pills.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng had obtained the flint refining stone, and he obtained more than 170 catties in excess.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng. After all, Xiaoqiuqiu said that this Flint Refining Stone is a relatively valuable thing even in Origin Continent.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to have so many flints in a multi-treasure pavilion.

When Qin Shaofeng raised such doubts with Mo Qinglan, Mo Qinglan smiled and said to Qin Shaofeng that his Mo family owned a small flint ore vein.

Then, the small ball began to shout that it was impossible.

In the end, this little thing directly shouted Qin Shaofeng: "Snatch it! Get that vein quickly. A smelting flint vein definitely has smelting flint. With that smelting flint, your natal soldier can definitely become Hallows!"

The sacred weapon is naturally a holy weapon.

But although Qin Shaofeng also hoped that his destiny soldier was a sacred weapon.

But Qin Shaofeng is not stupid. Just looking at the legendary ten-fold, how respectful and respectful to Mo Qinglan, Qin Shaofeng can guess how terrible the Mo family is.

Going to grab something from such a family is no longer as simple as looking for death.

This is exactly the rhythm of brain pumping to death!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng automatically ignored the clamor of small things.

As for why Mo Qinglan is so, then I have to say the correct way to use flint.

The natural use of refining flint can only be used to refine medicinal materials, but if a secret technique is used, it can definitely refine refining materials and help refining improve the success rate.

This refining weapon is naturally a heavenly weapon.

Heaven-level weapons are the top weapons in the Nine Clouds Continent. Although the heaven-level weapons and the heaven-level pill, there are only five grades from one to five stars.

But for each star weapon, this gap is very large.

It is a bit shallower to explain, but a heaven-level one-star weapon can increase the spiritual energy value of a spiritual vein and heavy master by 10%.

That day two stars are double, three stars ten times, four stars a hundred times, five stars is a thousand times.

Of course, it is impossible for such a situation to happen. After all, in a spiritual vein and one-tier realm, even the ability of a heaven-level one-star weapon can't be fully utilized. Naturally, four stars and five stars are not mentioned.

But the gap between heavenly weapons is like this.

Of course, heaven-level weapons are naturally very good. A refiner who can refine heaven-level weapons is even a true refiner.

And Qin Shaofeng took out that secret technique, which can increase the success rate of refining heaven-level weapons by refining flint.

With this secret technique, with enough flint refining, as long as the ability is sufficient, it is not impossible to achieve a 100% success rate of refining heavenly weapons.

Such a secret technique naturally made Mo Qinglan very excited.

Because Mo Qinglan knew that if she had this secret technique, she would definitely be able to truly control her destiny.

Her father, her family, would not be forcing her to get married.

Therefore, Mo Qinglan didn't bear the slightest reluctance for the 100 catties of flint Qin Shaofeng needed, and even gave Qin Shaofeng all the inventory of flint in the Duobao Pavilion of the Three Kingdoms.

Not only that, in order to express his gratitude to Qin Shaofeng, Mo Qinglan directly gave Qin Shaofeng one, their Mo Jiaduo Baoge more advanced VIP token-Platinum VIP token.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this token. On the contrary, it was the medicinal materials presented by Mo Qinglan and some mineral refining materials that Qin Shaofeng liked more.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t know. At this moment, in a room in the Duobao Pavilion, an old woman was a bit reproachful to Mo Qinglan, shook her head and said, “Girl Lan, you are too rash, our Mo family’s platinum token , But you can’t easily send it out, that is, your daughter as a parent only owns one piece."

Seeing the old man's dissatisfaction, Mo Qinglan immediately smiled playfully, walked up, and shook the old woman's arm.

"Grandma Li knows all these things, but you also know the importance of this secret technique to me, and not to mention the value of this secret technique alone, it is worth the price!" Mo Qinglan said spoiledly .

At this moment, Mo Qinglan is completely glamorous and glamorous.

At the moment, she is just a little girl who acts like a baby to her elders.

Upon seeing this, a trace of kindness flashed in Grandma Li's eyes. Mo Qinglan's words were not wrong, and she understood.

But in the end she couldn't help saying: "You kid, I know all this too, but Qin Shaofeng is only a member of this small southern country. This is not worth it. If you use that platinum token to recruit people, you can definitely find one. A master of the Yuan Dan realm, that Qin Shaofeng is just a kid in the spirit vein realm, and not as good as you!"

This time, Mo Qinglan didn't speak any more, it's just that she suddenly realized that when she thought of Qin Shaofeng at the moment.

In fact, from beginning to end, except for the first moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't lose any stance at all.

Even in the face of a legendary master master like He Guanshi, he could actually ignore it and deal with it calmly.

Can such a person be simple?

Mo Qinglan knew that after obtaining the secret technique, she was really impulsive and gave Qin Shaofeng the platinum token.

But at this moment, a gleam of light flashed in Mo Qinglan's eyes.

Perhaps his own impulse is not necessarily a bad thing, this Qin Shaofeng may really surprise himself!

Well, even if there is a surprise, he is still pretty!


Three days later, in an inn in Nanyang City, Qin Shaofeng smiled at the pill in his hand, his eyes filled with excitement.

After leaving from Duobao Pavilion three days ago, Qin Shaofeng did not return to Lianyang Academy, but after looking for an inn and preparing for it, he began to refine the Nine-fold Spirit Pill.

This time, before refining the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng researched it, and he was surprised to find that each grade of this nine-layer spirit pill could be divided into two versions, special and ordinary.

The nine-layered spirit pill refined in the normal version is naturally less than the special version, and the effects of the two are quite different.

One-Rank Nine-fold Spirit Pill (Special Edition): After taking the first nine-fold pill, you can get an improvement in your cultivation under the Yuan Dan realm. The lower the realm, the more you can get more promotion. Each person can only take it once at most, and multiple doses are invalid.

First Grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill (Normal Edition): After taking the first grade of the Nine Layers, it can restore more serious injuries under the Yuan Dan realm, and can instantly restore all aura values.

The special version of the Nine-fold Spirit Pill is a complete one thousand ordinary-level medicinal materials, 100 human-level medicinal materials, and ten local-level medicinal materials.

Not only has the ability to improve cultivation, it can even be taken as the best healing medicine.

As for the normal version of the Nine Layers Spirit Pill, in addition to having some healing effects, the most obvious one is to restore aura value.

This time, the medicinal materials obtained from Duobao Pavilion allowed Qin Shaofeng to refine thirteen special version of the first-grade nine-layered spirit pill in these three days, as well as a full 100 ordinary version of the first-grade nine-layered spirit pill.

At this moment, what Qin Shaofeng was holding was a special version of the First Grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

"I don't know how much strength this special version of the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill can improve me!"

Looking at the pill in his hand, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed expectation, and then he slammed the pill into his mouth.

Qin Shaofeng felt the pill in his stomach instantly, that special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill melted instantly and turned into a huge medicinal power.

Under this huge medicinal power, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that the spiritual energy in his body was soaring wildly.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded, and Qin Shaofeng's eyes were instantly full of unexpected surprises.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully taking the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, his cultivation base has been improved, and his current level is the seventh spirit vein!

Seven spiritual veins?

"Unexpectedly increased the triple cultivation base?"

Hearing the system prompts, Qin Shaofeng was really surprised. In fact, his highest expectation was to raise two levels.

As soon as possible, Qin Shaofeng summoned his attribute interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Seven Spirit Vessels

Experience value: 11500/700000

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 100000/100000 (The Seventh Spirit Vessel has 10000 Aura points, and the Yi Jin Jing is multiplied by ten times)

Talent roots: body of thunder, body of demon (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Fire Eyes, Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Alchemy, Yoga 108, Dancing Sky, Writing Wheel Eyes, Lingbo Microsteps, Lei Dun Lei Ball, Lei Dun Lei Qi , Lei Dun Ninbo Shu Lei Dun Bodyguard

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: None

Task: None

Points: 130,000 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Star students (Star students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Country, and you can get a five-fold bonus by killing monsters in Lianyang Country!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Special purchase card, ball and ball small vault, Danzun inheritance

Ten thousand!

Finally ten thousand!

Seeing the aura value column, his true aura value finally reached 10,000 points, Qin Shaofeng was excited.

Because after the spiritual energy is worth 10,000 points, he can start the inheritance left by his master.

At this time the ball also jumped out.

"Quick! Hurry up and start the inheritance of the master. Once the inheritance of the master is opened, you will definitely be able to practice the master's "Pill Sutra". In that case, you will have the pill fire, you can initially refine your own destiny, and... …"

A series of words popped from the mouth of the small ball, and this little thing was also extremely excited at the moment.

Qin Shaofeng has listened to the "Alchemy" in the mouth of a small thing countless times during this time, and every time he mentions the "Alchemy", the little thing Xiaoqiuqiu is extremely excited and arrogant.

From the words of the little things, Qin Shaofeng knew that this "Alchemy" is an extremely powerful technique.

This is the statement of small balls, as for the real situation, I will know soon.

Turning his gaze, Qin Shaofeng pointed at the inheritance of Danzun in his inventory.

"System prompt: The conditions are met! Will the player Qin Shaofeng turn on the inheritance of the Danzun taught by the elderly alchemist?"


With Qin Shaofeng's voice, the system heard a reminder again.

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng successfully opened the inheritance of Danzun and obtained a copy of the special cultivation technique "Pill Sutra" with several prescriptions..."

This time, the system prompt sounded for a long time.

Because in addition to cultivating exercises, there are also countless old alchemists' memories of cultivation experience and a lot of knowledge.

Qin Shaofeng himself was the first time he was so dizzy that he was hit by a large amount of information, and immediately began to absorb and digest it.

And at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's little sea of ​​knowledge space, the mark of inheritance left by the old alchemist's avatar, slowly began to merge with Qin Shaofeng.

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