Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 258: Ziyun stays, aura?

On the ring, Ziyueye was surrounded by purple air, which was obviously the innate Ziyun of his Zi Family's "Ziyun Promise".

Obviously, the eight-fold spirit vein player from the Black Martial Kingdom also recognized who his opponent was.

But he did not give up directly.

Because his brother also went to the alchemy mansion this time, but in the end he did not come out alive.

If it were said that his younger brother died in the alchemy mansion, he would accept it even though he was sad.

After all, skills are not as good as humans, bad luck, even if you die, this is fate!

What made this player angry was that he could hear from some people who entered the alchemy mansion with his younger brother that his younger brother was killed by Zi Yueye.

It was because his younger brother with the tenth level of innate realm was unwilling to work for Zi Yueye to hunt down the medicine beast, and then he was directly killed by Zi Yueye.

Therefore, at this moment, the player has great anger in his heart.

"Zi Yueye pays my brother his life!"

With a roar, the player exploded, and his appearance was a blow with hatred.

Although this time the exchange match, it is clearly stipulated that the point will end, and you must not intentionally hurt people, let alone killers.

But the regulations are dead after all. Once the real contest is at a critical moment, how can it end?

At that time, I am afraid it will be life and death!

Moreover, this player is a real eighth realm of spiritual veins. This outbreak was extremely sudden. Even if the referee wanted to stop it, it was too late. He could only watch the player helplessly and blast with a punch. The momentum was like a rainbow. Kill to Ziyueye.

But the next scene surprised people.


The purple mist surrounding Ziyueye's body shook suddenly and surged in an instant, like a spiritual python, with a flexible twist, and with a scream, it pulled out to the black martial arts player.


A loud voice sounded, and everyone saw the imposing Black Martial Kingdom player from the previous moment. At this moment, the purple mist all over Ziyueye suddenly flew out.


After falling to the ground again, the player from the Black Martial Kingdom spit out blood, looked at Zi Yueye in the distance with a terrifying expression, and pointed at Zi Yueye with a frightening expression.

"you you……"

But before he finished speaking, he fell down suddenly, and suddenly lost his breath.


He died like this!

This is the first player to die since the exchange game!

Everyone was surprised, but what made people more concerned about was the figure surrounded by purple mist on the ring.

"Hi! That's awesome, this is the innate Ziyun of Zi Family's "Ziyun Promise"?"

"Sure enough, just a single blow to kill the master of the eighth stage of the spirit veins, this "Ziyun Promise" is really powerful!"

"Not only that, but Ziyueye's own strength is not easy!"

"Well, it looks like there should be nine spirit veins!"

"Nine layers? I look at Zi Yueye as the tenth layer of spiritual vein cultivation!"


The crowd talked about it, not caring about the corpse on the ground.

If you are inferior to humans, you die!

Besides, he took the initiative to kill first, and now he was killed by Zi Yueye, so what?

It is not desirable to do evil in heaven, and you cannot live in evil!

Some people from the Black Martial Kingdom who had made friends with the dead player were silent at the moment, and did not blame Zi Yueye.

At most, he looked at Zi Yueye with hatred.

But for such gazes, Zi Yueye was completely disregarded.

Humph, rubbish!

Ignoring those gazes with a little bit of hatred, Zi Yueye snorted coldly in her heart, and then planned to step down the ring.

But at this moment, Zi Yueye suddenly felt a sharp sword intent.

This sword intent is not only fierce, but also full of killing intent!

More importantly, this sword intent gave Zi Yueye a very familiar feeling.

He looked up, and finally Zi Yueye's eyes fell on a cold handsome face.

It's him!

After seeing the appearance of the master of Jianyi, a trace of killing intent flashed in Zi Yueye's eyes.

I remember what that kid was called Tang Qijian!

Huh, this **** is not dead?


Purple mist swept all over, and the corner of Zi Yueye's mouth showed a sneer.

That's good, it just happened to let me kill you myself.

After a sneer, Zi Yueye instantly retracted his gaze and stepped off the ring.

But when he turned his gaze back, Zi Yueye also saw a few people around Tang Qijian, which made him suddenly think.

Hmph, Zhao Yun'er is a little troublesome, but the other two people around Tang Qijian are not outstanding people.

If this is the case, then I will play with them, let Tang Qijian and the **** Zhao Yun'er know that I will offend Ziyueye's fate.

Regarding Tang Qijian, because the opponent caused a beast tide, her plan was seriously destroyed, and Zi Yueye could not wait to cut Tang Qijian thousands of times.

That Zhao Yun'er caused his later plans to suffer from family resistance, and he was also a person he hated.

This time he will never let them go.

Of course, before that, he'd better have some fun.

Without knowing it, Qin Shaofeng, who was already staring at Zi Yueye, patted Tang Qijian on the shoulder and smiled slightly, "Don't worry!"


Tang Qijian nodded and said nothing, but the sharpness in his eyes became sharper.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say much, but at this moment he was very uneasy.

Character: Purple Moon Night

Level: Ten Peaks of Spirit Vessels

Aura value: 100000/100000

Innate Spirit Root: Ziyun Spirit (Wind and Fire Mutated Spirit Root)

Talent skills: Xian Ziyun


Zi Yueye was already at the tenth peak of the spiritual veins, this was the same as Zhao Yun'er!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this, what made Qin Shaofeng care about was Zi Yueye's talent skills.

Although Zi Yueye's spiritual energy was not as great as Tang Qijian's, Qin Shaofeng was not calm after seeing his talent skills.

Xiantian Ziyun: The strongest skill that can practice "Ziyun Promise" exercises with the wind and fire mutation roots. Once it is used, it can transform the aura in the body into an innate purple cloud, possessing the ability to not disperse the purple cloud and the aura. .

"I wipe it, Ziyun will not disperse, and the spirit will be endless? Can this be exaggerated?"

Looking at the attributes of Zi Yueye's talent skills, Qin Shaofeng cursed inwardly.

At this time, the small ball jumped out, disdainful.

"What is this, but it's just a little tricky technique. What's all the fuss about?"

Xiaoqiuqiu is really disdainful. It seems that "Ziyun Promise", which is regarded as a treasure by foreigners in its eyes, is totally a big hit, nothing remarkable.

Seeing Xiaoqiuqiu, he seemed to know a little bit, Qin Shaofeng immediately asked humbly: "Oh, is that right? Then what kind of exercise is this time? Tell me about it!"

It seemed that he had finally regained the feeling of the old man, Xiaoqiuqiu started to be proud again, and he explained to Qin Shaofeng proudly.

Xiaoqiuqiu deserves to have been with the old alchemist for a long time, and he knows a lot. After some explanation, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

It turned out that Zi Yueye's innate Ziyun, the ability of the Zi Yueye to remain unspoiled, does not mean that Zi Yueye's aura is infinite, nor is it true that it will not be broken.

In fact, the innate Ziyun cultivated by Ziyueye is the special power transformed by aura, and it is also a kind of aura.

And this kind of innate Ziyun aura, but it needs to be continuously tempered with aura to condense it.

To make an obvious analogy, ten points of aura can condense into a little innate purple cloud.

So this Ziyueye seems to have only 100,000 aura points, but in fact this is an innate Ziyun aura value of 100,000 points, which is probably several times stronger than the aura cultivated by ordinary people.

This is also the reason why Zi Yueye had only driven a purple mist before, and could directly kill an eight-fold spiritual vein intermediate master.

The purple mist that surrounds Ziyueye is actually a congenital purple cloud.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu's estimation, Ziyueye's innate Ziyun should be three to five times stronger than the average person's aura.

Therefore, naturally the player from the Black Martial Kingdom can be directly killed.

And whenever Zi Yueye's aura was not enough, he could transform some innate purple clouds to supplement his aura.

Although the aura value of Zi Yueye at this moment is only 100,000 points, in fact, his condensed innate Ziyun is afraid that the aura value has exceeded 300,000, or even 500,000.

It is a bit similar to the Yundan and Secret Star in Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er, which can be regarded as a gaseous element.

But for such a situation, the small ball expressed disdain.

"This so-called Xiantian Ziyun also made people realize in advance that the Yuan Dan realm has the ability to condense the Yuan Dan with spiritual power, and it is precisely because of this that this kind of innate Ziyun between spiritual energy and spiritual power , It is much stronger than the general aura, but..."

Speaking of this, the small round eyes of the ball is even more disdainful.

"But this kind of exercise, once cultivated, can transform his own spiritual energy into such a nondescript state. He really cultivated his own holy-level exercise! I can guarantee that the person called Ziyueye cannot condense at all. Chu Yuan Dan, because of his innate purple cloud condensed Yuan Dan, I am afraid that it is more than ten times stronger than ordinary people's difficulty!"

Speaking of the last, Xiaoqiuqiu seemed boring, and simply returned to the original world.

After listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, Qin Shaofeng also felt relieved.

It turns out that this Zi Family’s "Zi Yun Wu Ji" still has such a drawback, which is really a pity.

However, this is a good thing for myself.

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly in his heart, but he still did not relax his vigilance against Zi Yueye.

No matter how difficult it is for this purple moon night to condense the essence pill, it will be after he reaches the pinnacle of legend.

The strength of this Zi Yueye now cannot be ignored.

In this case, then...

Unable to look at Tang Qijian beside him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little hesitation.

He wanted to persuade Tang Qijian, because with Tang Qijian's current strength, he was afraid that he would definitely not be Zi Yueye's opponent.

Not to mention that Zi Yueye's realm is already the tenth peak of spiritual veins, even in the same realm, with the ability of that innate Ziyun, Tang Qijian is afraid that it will lose more and lose less when facing Zi Yueye.

But Qin Shaofeng also knew that if he really opened his mouth to persuade Tang Qijian, he wouldn't listen to Tang Qijian's character at all.

It might even have a counterproductive effect, directly stimulating Tang Qijian.

Then the situation became even more out of control.

Forget it, the boat will be straight at the end of the bridge, and we will wait until that time.

And this is still a few days away!

After all, the second round of the game will take more than ten days.

"Take advantage of this time and get more medicinal materials. My master has left countless pill prescriptions. Now there are several pill medicines for improving cultivation. It seems that I can try to refine it!"

"Well, it's so decided!"

After making the decision, Qin Shaofeng felt relaxed.

It didn't take long for the first round of the trio competition to be completely over.

Qin Shaofeng and others naturally advanced as they wished.

But when Qin Shaofeng and others got the list of their own game sequence in the second round, they found a big surprise.

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