Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2645: This plan is good

As soon as he entered the ruins, a powerful man like Kun Jiucheng had suffered even more powerful suppression.

But it can still maintain a certain strength in an instant.

After all, this relic has existed for too long, even if it was the strong man who was once the Taixu Gate, blessed it with a strong restriction.

But with the passage of time, the power of these prohibitions has run out.

If it were the period of complete victory, even a strong man like Kun Jiucheng would probably not be able to enter the ruins.

In fact, the imperial star beasts in this ruin were far different in strength than the outside world.

Because they have survived in this ruin for many years, the physique of these star beasts has become different from the outside world.

Has fully adapted to the suppressing power in this ruin, and its strength is not complete.

Even if they left this relic, the strength of these star beasts would be a step behind the star beasts of the same realm.

In a word, it is unrealistic to use the Emperor Rank Star Beast of this place to measure the strength of the Heavenly Star Realm Martial Artist.

Even compared to the imperial star beasts outside, there are huge differences.

Although there should not be much difference in the power of qi and blood, the strength is different.

However, this made Qin Shaofeng completely understand that if he wanted to increase his martial value, this seemed to be his best opportunity right now.

Therefore, after a while, Qin Shaofeng began to encourage Kunfeng.

Without him, it is to encourage Kun Feng to go out and look for the Emperor Rank Star Beast.

It's not a fight, it's just searching for the location of other emperor-rank star beasts to facilitate the subsequent hunting.

Kun Feng was also moved when he heard it, so he ran to discuss with Fucheng.

Fucheng didn't agree very much at first, but after Kunfeng repeatedly assured that only searching was not hunting, he agreed.

In fact, if you stay here, there are five or six people.

Then the remaining half of the people can search for other emperor star beasts.

However, Fucheng understood that if his uncle came in, it meant that this ruin was about to be opened, or had been completely opened.

Then the same powerful people from other big forces must have also come in, which leaves them with little time for these disciples.

Therefore, after repeated consideration and repeated guarantees of Kunfeng, Kunfeng let go.

For Qin Shaofeng, his goal can be regarded as achieved.

Because he intends to use an excuse to hunt down the emperor star beast.

Yes, Qin Shaofeng intends to fight the Emperor Star Beast alone.

This is not a problem for him.

He already knew about the imperial star beasts here. Compared with the real imperial star beasts, the strength was a lot worse, let alone the situation where the power of qi and blood was suppressed.

This may be related to the place where Taixu Gate was originally established.

Because this place, according to Kunfeng, was the sheep farm where Taixumen used to breed star beasts and cultivate the star beast Yuandan.

Therefore, the strength of the star beast here is probably not only not valued by the Taixu Sect, but it will even restrict it.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng, Kunfeng and others left this place.

Begin to explore the other emperor star beasts.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng also acted with Kunfeng and others.

But after exploring a couple of imperial star beasts, Qin Shaofeng finally made a suggestion.

"Everyone, I think the speed of our exploration is too slow. Two or three hours have passed, and it was too slow to explore two Emperor-rank star beasts." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Slow? Nothing!"

Kun Feng looked puzzled, "It's less than three hours, this speed is faster than before, OK?"

"That was the situation before."

Qin Shaofeng said: "But now, your brother-in-law has already come in, and that means that strong men from other forces have also come in. This shows that this place will be thoroughly developed. As for what will happen after thorough development, you too Are you all clear?"

Qin Shaofeng's words changed the expressions of Kunfeng and others.

It should be understood that this time the major forces are not the only ones in the celestial realm such as Kun Jiucheng.

There are still some other strong stars in the outside world!

Even the Bagua Gate and the Four Elephant Sects of the two superpowers have not yet entered into the Heavenly Star Realm!

This is an agreement of several major forces.

Even if it is finally able to enter the strong, then the principals of several major forces such as the Seven Star Gate must be advanced.

The powerhouses of the Four Elephant Sect and the Bagua Gate, as well as the powerhouses of the stars of the other major forces, have to wait to enter later.

But now, I'm afraid it is not far from the agreed time.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the expressions of Kun Feng and the others, and then said: "Although the imprisoning power of this ruin is now strengthened, as agreed, there will be other martial artists of the Celestial Position realm entering this place soon."

"Even if they need a certain amount of time, or refining some imperial star beasts, they can adapt to the oppressive power of this place and give play to part of their strength. But..."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed and said solemnly: "Even if it's only a part, but a part of the strongest heavenly star realm, I am afraid that even the weakest strongest heavenly star will be several times stronger than Fucheng Senior Brother. At that time, I'm afraid The Emperor Rank Star Beast is nothing to us."


A few people were quiet, because they found that Qin Shaofeng was right.

Although they all absorbed the imperial star beast essence pill, before entering, the Seven Star Gate had already stipulated it.

The more imperial star beasts killed and the more imperial star beast element pills obtained, all of them can get some rewards and contribute to the Seven Star Gate.

In this way, they can improve their status in the Seven Star Gate.

Therefore, the more imperial star beasts killed, the better.

"Then what do you say we should do?"

Suddenly, someone asked.

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and that was what I was waiting for.

But his expression didn't change much, he just said in a deep voice: "Separate, we will all separate to detect the traces of the emperor star beast."

"Separate? Is this too dangerous?" someone said immediately.

"What are you afraid of? We are only exploring the location of the Emperor-rank Star Beast, not hunting the Emperor-rank Star Beast." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Yes, we are just exploring, not hunting."

Kun Feng's eyes lit up, and he said with excitement, "Qin Shaofeng, you are paying good attention. If this is the case, we will be able to explore more areas and find more imperial star beasts."

A few people had their faces enlightened and realized that it was really like this.

After all, they are not hunting the emperor star beasts, they are just looking for the position of the emperor star beasts.

And their group of people are all cultivated in the tertiary, fourth, or even fifth-order star realm.

Even if it is discovered by the Emperor Rank Star Beast, it can escape calmly.

This plan is good!


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