Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2663: getting Started

"Let the old man accept him?" Elder Yun had a smile in his eyes.

After he glanced at Qin Shaofeng, he glanced at Kunfeng with a strange look.

He didn't say much, but he was more powerful than what he said.

Kun Feng, who didn't know how many rhetoric he had thought about along the way, couldn't help but lowered his head under his gaze, as if in front of this elder Yun, it was impossible to hide any small thoughts.

Qin Shaofeng knew very well that the elder Yun in front of him was already a person who had seen a lot of wind and rain, and there was no difficulty in seeing through Kunfeng's careful thoughts.

No wonder Kunfeng would bow his head.

"Little guy, are you Qin Shaofeng?"

Elder Yun looked at Qin Shaofeng and said with a smile in his eyes: "Yes, you can cultivate to the Tier 3 star position at a young age, and you can easily kill some good star beasts. It's really good."

Elder Yun's words made Qin Shaofeng's heart trembled.

Good star beast?

What kind of star beast can be considered good?

He believed in his hiding, even Fucheng couldn't see through it, but the words of Elder Yun seemed to know all his secrets.


Who is he Qin Shaofeng?

Although the Void World was illusory, it was real to him once.

For so many years, he has long been comparable to the old monsters in the land of the star.

Although Elder Yun's words made his heart tremble, there was no change on the surface.

"Elder Yun was joking. What can you think of the star beast that the brat can kill with this cultivation base?"

There was a flattered expression on Qin Shaofeng's face, but a look of pride flashed in his eyes.

His appearance was too'real'. After Elder Yun saw it, he secretly shook his head.

It seems that he is just an ordinary kid!

But why does the star lord let me pay attention to him?

Elder Yun thought in his heart.

Just as Kun Feng said, because Qin Shaofeng's performance in the ruins was too dazzling, although only the cultivation base of the third-tier star position, Fucheng had to talk about him with his teacher specially.

When Qin Shaofeng was still in retreat, he knew about his situation.

However, in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's origins were still a bit weird, which gave him the temptation before.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng’s performance, he nodded and said: "Since Kunfeng kid brought you here, he must have told you about it. Anyway, it will be a matter of time before you get started. Since you want to help him, then go to the Baishist Hall to hold the introduction. Ceremony!"

He seemed to shook his hand impatiently.

Kunfeng's eyes showed joy.

"Thank you Elder Yun!"

Kunfeng bowed to the end.

He grabbed Qin Shaofeng again and quickly left the manor.

It wasn't until they left that there was a hint of thinking in Elder Yun's eyes: "From the beginning of contacting Wu Guangyao to following them into the ruins, he actually had the ability to grab food from the mouth of a tiger, and he really did it. After that... …"

"If there is no problem with this son, it is obviously a good seedling that is rare in a thousand years. It is a good thing that the Kunfeng kid can have such a relationship with him."

"Old Hei, let the Jiu Prison come over."

His words seemed to be speaking to nothingness, but a black mist appeared in the direction where he opened his mouth.

The black mist flickered and disappeared.

Obviously, he is the old black in Elder Yun's mouth.

If Qin Shaofeng saw this scene, he would be surprised.

It was because after he and Kunfeng entered the door, he once looked back towards the front door and saw a similar black fog at the door.

Since the black mist has no breath of life, it can even be said that there is no breath.

This made him mistakenly think that the black mist was just black mist or something strange, but he never thought that the black mist turned out to be a person.

To be precise, he is a strong man.

A strong man who can perfectly conceal his cultivation base and life aura.


"That's the worship hall over there."

Kunfeng brought Qin Shaofeng to a magnificent hall.

The two of them walked all the way, and it could be said that this was the most gorgeous place Qin Shaofeng had ever seen, and it was also one of the few great halls.

From this it can be seen how much Tianxuan's line cares about apprenticeship.

Enter the hall.

It was only a disciple who was about the same age as Kun Feng and whose cultivation base was only a big star.

After hearing the origin of Kun Feng, he glanced at Qin Shaofeng at the same time, and found that his cultivation level was at least the earth star position, his eyes almost stared out.

He got started much earlier than Qin Shaofeng, but he also knew that Qin Shaofeng's getting started was the existence he needed to look up to.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly said: "Two brothers, please wait a moment, I will immediately arrange the initiation ceremony, and at the same time, I will ask the uncles and uncles who are responsible for accepting the brothers."

Kun Feng nodded directly.

The disciple didn't dare to delay at all, and hurriedly moved towards the back of the main hall. After instructing a few disciples who stayed here, they hurriedly headed away.

A full day has passed.

The disciple came back only after the temple of apprenticeship was already ready, but the people behind him made Qin Shaofeng stunned again.

Because of the face of the person, it turned out to be 70% like Kunfeng.

The man strode to the position of the teacher and sat down before he said: "The apprenticeship ceremony can begin. I am the elder of our Tianxuan line, Kunjiu Prison, and from today onwards, I will be your master Qin Shaofeng."

Kun Nine Prisons!

With this name alone, there is no need for any introduction.

Qin Shaofeng could also guess his identity.

The elder brother of Kunjiucheng, a much more terrifying existence than Kunjiucheng.

"The apprenticeship ceremony begins!"

Qin Shaofeng's apprenticeship ceremony ended under the arrangement of several apprenticeship disciples.

The complicated apprenticeship procedure made Qin Shaofeng feel speechless for a few moments. If he hadn't had the need to enter the Heavenly Jade line, I'm afraid he would have been unable to bear this complicated apprenticeship ceremony.

After more than an hour.

All the disciples in the worship hall retreated, and Qin Shaofeng respectfully bowed his head and waited in front of Kunjiu Prison.

According to the apprenticeship procedure, this last step was the step of the kungfu and martial arts that Kun Jiu Prison gave Qin Shaofeng an introduction.

Generally speaking, introductory exercises and martial arts are the most basic things.

Otherwise, disciples are prone to slack after getting started, and only what they get with their efforts can be truly cherished by them.


Kun Jiu Prison stared at Qin Shaofeng and thought.

After a long while, he patted the jade medal hanging around his waist.

Seeing black light flickering, a brand-new booklet appeared in his hand, and the few large characters written on the booklet made Qin Shaofeng's eyes a stunned.

Sky Jade Star Force!

This name Qin Shaofeng is not the first time I have heard of it.

He already knew that the Heavenly Jade Star Strength Art was a sacred martial skill, and Kunfeng cultivated this martial skill, and it would cost a great price for ordinary disciples to obtain it.

But he... even getting started?

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