Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 267: Actually playing so dark?

"No, this group of craps are actually playing yin!"

Under the arena, Du Meng saw a group of Yinyueguo players rushing to a dozen or so Nine Spirit Vessels in a row, his eyes flushed instantly, his figure squatted slightly, and he was about to rush to help.

Tang Qijian next to him, his right hand was tight, and the sharp sword around his waist had been quietly unsheathed for some time.

But before the two of them had another move, a cold sound rang out.

"What are you doing, stop for me!" It was Zhao Yun'er who stopped the two of them.


How can you stand still at this time?

Du Meng got angry and suddenly turned around, forgetting that he was afraid of Zhao Yun'er, and opened his mouth to shout something.

But when he turned around, when he saw Zhao Yun'er's appearance, his heart trembled and he almost let out an exclamation.

Because at this moment, although Zhao Yuner's face was calm, there was a trace of killing intent in her eyes, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

No, that was not a tremor, but a precursor to a frenzied burst of breath in the body.

Du Meng had seen this state once.

That was when he and Qin Shaofeng, followed by Zhao Yun'er and Senior Sister Yun, entered the Monster Beast Forest together.

That time, because of anger, Zhao Yun'er entered this state, and then an innate five-layer monster gave Zhao Yun'er a starlight, abruptly exploding, and the whole body was dead.

At that time, Zhao Yuner was at the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow.

But compared with that time, Du Meng had a feeling in his heart, I am afraid that his little sister-in-law is even more dangerous now.

All of a sudden, Du Meng immediately became a good baby, standing honestly.

However, the eyes on the ring are still full of worry.

Although Tang Qijian didn't know Zhao Yun'er's situation, seeing Du Meng's appearance changed instantly, he was not stupid either. He took his steps and gently retracted.

But the sword in his hand was still out of the sheath.

On the ring, after killing 19 people in a row, Qin Shaofeng was happy again.

Although at this moment Qin Shaofeng had already been promoted to the eighth level of the spiritual veins, resulting in the experience points gained from killing the eighth level of the spiritual veins, there was no leapfrog kill bonus, it was the same as killing the seventh level of the spiritual veins, only four thousand points.

However, the experience reward for defeating the opponent's task has not changed. It still has 10,000 points for the spiritual vein and 20,000 points for the eighth.

Although these fourteen silver moon players with eight levels of spirit veins still gave Qin Shaofeng an extra 240,000 points of experience.

In addition to the five spirit vein seven players and the nineteen people's killing experience, Qin Shaofeng has increased the experience value of 400,600 points this time.

Experience value: 527500/800000

Upgrading again!

Qin Shaofeng was in a good mood after a glance at his attribute interface.

But then he frowned, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the sixteen spirit vein nine players left in the Yinyue Kingdom didn't wait for him to speak, they rushed to kill them in a swarm.

Subconsciously Qin Shaofeng looked towards the place where Zi Yueye was, but just happened to see Zi Yueye with a gloomy expression with a smug smile on his face.

Oh, is it ruthless directly?

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, but he didn't have the slightest fear.

Even looking at those more than a dozen figures, Qin Shaofeng was proud of his heart, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Good come! Today I will open your eyes to the trash of Yinyue Nation to see how I am and crush you completely. !"


Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words like this, one of the Ninth-Level Peak Spirit Vessels players of Yinyue Kingdom couldn't help but roared, and the others were also angry.

They are the realm of the Ninth Level of Lingmai, Qin Shaofeng really dare to say that!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, instead, with a wave of his hand, hundreds of thunderballs were gathered again and blasted at the opponent's dozens of people.

But this time, the Lingmai Nine-fold Peak Realm player who had spoken before sneered.

"Qin Shaofeng, your trick is useless to us!"

As he spoke, the person shakes his hands and surrounds his body with aura, instantly sending out an aura, stirring up a gust of wind.


Hundreds of thunderballs erupted by Qin Shaofeng in the violent wind, were actually swept up in this way, flew to a high altitude, and exploded at high altitude.

This didn't affect the Nine-tier Spirit Vessel players of Yinyue Kingdom at all, and even taking advantage of this opportunity, they flashed again and again, completely surrounding Qin Shaofeng.

But no one noticed that Qin Shaofeng put three pills in his mouth without leaving any traces.

They were all the normal version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pills. With the first one, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual energy instantly recovered, and the remaining two Qin Shaofeng directly held them in his mouth.

After the aura value was restored, Qin Shaofeng consumed 30% of the aura in the first time, and used the Thunder Dune Bodyguard.

At the same time that the thunder and lightning clothes were added, Qin Shaofeng waved again, and a hundred thunderballs broke out.

But this time, the hundred thunderballs are no longer a thunderball with a hundred points of spiritual energy, but a thousand points that have been increased tenfold.

With a wave of his right hand, these hundred thunderballs instantly blasted towards the Yinyue Kingdom players around Qin Shaofeng.

"Haha, come back?"

At the moment when the thunder ball appeared, the Ninth-level Lingmai peak player sneered again, and then once again played a spiritual wind.

But this time he failed!

Boom boom boom!

As soon as his spiritual energy touched the thunderball, he was instantly exploded by a few thunderballs, completely exploding and dissipating.

The remaining thunderballs smoothly blasted into a dozen of them.

Of course Qin Shaofeng would not expect what effect these thousand-point lightning **** would do.

So Qin Shaofeng moved when the thunder ball broke out.

The writing wheel eye had been opened long ago. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng moved Wukong and Lingbo's microsteps at the same time.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng also aimed at three of the nine peak spirit vein players around him, shaking his right hand slightly, and then shaking out three silver blade lights.

Xiao Li Flying Knife-Flying Knife Three Combo!

Although it was just three combos of flying knives, under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate control, three Xiao Li flying knives shot at the three.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng swallowed one of the two ordinary first-grade nine-layer spirit pills in his mouth.

It just so happened that Qin Shaofeng's little aura value at the moment recovered instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaofeng, who was flashing quickly, his hands hissed, and the blue arc gleamed.

Lei Dun Lei cut with both hands!

At this time, the dozens of players from the Silver Moon Kingdom were a little dizzy from the thunderball.

Although because of their inner wall, they are protected from injury.

But the sight of all of them was flashed by the blue light, and it was a bit blurred for a while.

But the nine layers of Lingmai are the nine layers of Lingmai after all, even if there is a slight visual problem, it has little effect on them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, three loud noises came, and dozens of people were suddenly startled.

But what was most shocking was the three of the nine peak spirit vein players, including the one who had spoken to Qin Shaofeng before.

Originally, they also breathed a sigh of relief because they had a wall of internal energy, so that they were not injured.

The next moment, a silver light flashed and exploded on the wall of their inner Qi.

This explosion not only directly blasted the walls of their inner Qi, even because of the aftermath of the explosion, their figures retreated a little unstable.

However, at the moment they retreated, a figure flashed and appeared in front of one of them.

Then the person saw a flash of blue light, and in panic, the person had no time to react at all, and the blue light penetrated his body.


Feeling the right hand smoothly passing through the human body, Qin Shaofeng rushed to the other person before the system prompt sound.

When Qin Shaofeng's right hand penetrated the second person, the first system prompt sounded.

But Qin Shaofeng rushed towards it, and finally the master of the nine-fold peak of spirit veins.

This is the person who spoke to him before.

However, this person seems to be good, and his reaction ability is much faster than the other two.

When Qin Shaofeng flew in front of him, he had already condensed the wall of inner Qi again.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng had already prepared. As soon as Lei Qi, who had not yet launched an attack, with his left hand, he smoothly cut open the wall of inner energy that the opponent had just condensed.

A flash of blood!

The third!

Qin Shaofeng planned to rush to the next target without looking at the other's extremely shocked eyes.

But at the moment he started his hand, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a hint of crisis, and when he stepped on his feet, Ling Bo stepped out slightly, causing him to get out of his original position.


With a loud noise, a figure flashed past, blasting the place where Qin Shaofeng was before, blasting a big hole.

this is……

Feeling the strength of the opponent's move, Qin Shaofeng was startled, and the realm of perception with fiery eyes opened instantly.

I rub!

Why is it so overcast?

Qin Shaofeng almost yelled as soon as the fiery eye's perception field opened.

Because he discovered the figure who had just attacked him.

His sister was not at all one of the sixteen spiritual veins, but one of the ten spiritual veins masters who had been staying beside Zi Yueye.

Under the arena, Zi Yueye looked at the blue shining arena with a sneer.

Humph, you know you will play this trick, want to block the sight of outsiders?

But you wouldn't think that I have a countermeasure, right?

What a good day!

On the ring, Qin Shaofeng roared again in his heart.

Because at this time, he suddenly discovered that not only were 16 people coming up together this time, but even just 20 people.

In addition to the sixteen spirit vein nine players, four others also came up without knowing it.

And what makes Qin Shaofeng feel so **** is that these four people are so special that they are ten masters of spiritual veins.

Even the name made Qin Shaofeng very painful.

Purple Night Ten, Purple Night Nine, Purple Night Seven, Purple Night Six!

Am I stabbing a monkey nest?

What more needs to be said, this is just like Zi Yeba, a humanoid weapon cultivated by the Zi family!

If it were an opponent like an opponent in normal times, Qin Shaofeng would not be afraid at all.

Didn't Zi Yeba solve it by himself?

But now it's different!

Special sister, not only did four people come out this time, and there were 13 spirit veins and nine-fold enemies around?

Can't keep it!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with violence.

Since you are so anxious to find death, then Xiaoye, I will fulfill you.

call out! call out! call out!

With his right hand trembling several times, Qin Shaofeng used several Xiao Li flying knives to repel the siege of the other three major spiritual veins and ten-layer masters, and he violently retreated.


As soon as his figure flashed, Qin Shaofeng appeared in the sight of everyone, and at this moment the blue thunder and lightning on the ring finally began to slowly disperse.

When everyone saw Qin Shaofeng reappearing and was about to applaud him, they didn't want Qin Shaofeng to shout loudly.

"Zi Yueye, you scumbag, even if you are scheming, I am not afraid of my little master. If you see clearly, my little master will let you know that all conspiracies and tricks are vulnerable to absolute strength!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng made a move with his right hand, and a huge black figure appeared beside him.

That is a big sword!

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