Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2676: En will revenge?

"Fan Yuze!"

Fan Yuze's thinking was interrupted again.

Suddenly, only anger was left in his mind, and he was about to stop thinking about right and wrong, at least when he could no longer stay in accordance with the woman's intention, a slightly familiar voice came from the direction the two pointed at.

"This voice...who is it?"

Fan Yuze's past status was too high, so that there were not many true friends, and many people suddenly appeared in front of him who wanted to curry favor.

Right now this voice is clearly unfamiliar, and I am afraid that 90% of it may be one of them.

His heart suddenly heated up.

Even, he has already made a decision, no matter who the person is, as long as he can help him out of danger, he must be thankful after returning.

Even if you really look down on someone, you should treat them as brothers.

"I'm here, no matter who you are, please come and pick us up quickly, otherwise we will all die here." Fan Yuze saw the hope of survival, tears faintly rolled in his eyes.

The two young men at the eighth-level constellation had even more hope in their eyes.

They really can't fight it anymore.

But don't know.

The side that just yelled out the words was also not as relaxed as expected.

Perhaps because they were approaching Fan Yuze and the others, the number of Emperor Star Beasts attacking them began to gradually increase.

Even, due to too many deaths and injuries of the King-tier Star Beast, the King-tier Star Beast actually started to stop attacking.

In this way.

Although the number of star beasts Qin Shaofeng has to face has decreased, the pressure he has to suffer has increased exponentially.

Kun Feng saw this scene, naturally he didn't dare to help Qin Shaofeng promise anything.

Not to mention, Qin Shaofeng had just explained it.

I didn't dare to think too much, now if I delay for a second, they may all die here.

He hurriedly shouted: "We are also surrounded by foxes, and we have no ability to kill one back and forth here, you immediately move to our side."

His request seemed to be right, but Fan Yuze was stunned.

It was the young people of the two eighth-level stars with strange expressions on their faces: "They are also trapped. Could it be that they are also calling for help?"

"It must be so!"

As he spoke out, the girl's Brahma Heart shone in her eyes and shouted: "Those people must also be trapped. You may also be able to see that the number of imperial star beasts here has begun to decrease. In my opinion, let's break through in the opposite direction, right? Senior Brother Nine!"

Her voice became delicate.

If it were Fan Yuze before, I am afraid he would be bewitched immediately.

But when a person has a feeling of disgust towards other people, he will feel that anything the other person says is uneasy and wants to frame himself.

Fan Yuze is in this mood now.

The two young people at the eighth-level constellation hated Brahman to the extreme. Hearing her words, the person who had just spoken immediately shut their mouths.

The disgust flashed in the eyes of the other person, but he said, "Brother Nine, since the people over there can call out your name, they are obviously our own people, and they may even come here specifically to save us."

"Although they appear, other places may become weak, but brother, your blood is already insufficient, and our brothers have no fighting power. It is better to meet those people to flee in the opposite direction."

"Well, go and meet those people!"

Fan Yuze had lost the thought of thinking under the interference of the girl's Brahma Heart's words.

He only felt that Brahma was not at ease. On the contrary, even if the two brothers did not want to help him, they could not take him to death out of self-help.

As soon as the decision was made, they immediately broke through in the direction of Qin Shaofeng and the two.

It's just a moment when they argue.

The battle on Qin Shaofeng's side became more difficult.

Within a few hundred meters of him and Kunfeng, it has become an empty area.

Those cunning foxes didn't even accumulate the true value for him to the extent that they could raise the cultivation base to the fifth-order star position, and the emperor-level foxes drove all the king-level ones down.

Only 30 foxes of the third rank and above were left near them.

It was some foxes who had just entered the emperor rank, and they were not even qualified to step into their battlefield.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was really completely restrained.

Mo said it is impossible to move forward.

Even if you want to retreat, it is impossible to take Kun Feng to do it safely.

Thousands of Thunder's flashes are indeed powerful.

But they couldn't flash out thousands of meters away with them in an instant.

They have been surrounded by foxes, as long as they can't achieve an instant kilometer, a few breaths at most, with the interception of ordinary foxes, the thirty emperor-level foxes can stop them again.

If it were before, who would have thought that such a scene would happen?

Persevered for dozens of breaths.

Qin Shaofeng's face also began to turn pale.

Facing the successive attacks of thirty emperor-rank star beasts, even the tyrannical he couldn't bear it, and the blood pill had been swallowed by him again.

But if he continues to fight like this and waits, he is afraid that he will also be stuck here.

"Kun Feng, when can your friend come out?"

"I don't know, I called him just now and he didn't answer at all."

Kun Feng looked ugly when he asked.

Under Qin Shaofeng's protection, he rarely needs to do it himself, so after a while, he will shout a few times.

It happened that in the past twenty breaths, it has become quiet.

Qin Shaofeng's expression became more ugly, but under the successive attacks of thirty foxes, he couldn't observe the movement there.

"Then leave them alone, you quickly take out all the treasures given by your ancestors, and when I say to escape, do all the defenses and follow me to break through." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Escape? We don't care about Fan Yuze?"

Kun Feng couldn't help but speak.

But after the words were spoken, thoughts of remorse rose in my heart.

He was under Qin Shaofeng's blessing now, and he could still tell that Qin Shaofeng was almost unable to support it.

But Fan Yuze didn't move.

What if Fan Yuze and others ran away while they were here to attract fox firepower?

He is not a fool, knowing that this possibility may not necessarily exist.

Nodded sharply, and changed his words: "Okay!"

When the voice exited, I saw the direction of Fan Yuze's voice before, and there was a wave of battle fluctuations.

Because the 30 most powerful emperor-ranked foxes were attacking them, the four of them rushed out with very little power.

Suddenly seeing the scene before him, the eyes of the four people became strange at the same time.

Seeing this, the girl Brahma's heart had joy in her eyes, and she hurriedly shouted: "If this is the case, Brother Nine, let's get out of there!"

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