Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 270: Vs. purple moon night


Very quiet!

What happened on the ring made the whole stand in a very strange quiet.

Many of these processes seem to have happened, but in fact, they all happened in a very short period of time.

Since Qin Shaofeng took out the giant sword to counterattack, it has only passed twenty or thirty breaths.

But in such a short period of time, a dozen or so nine spirit veins plus four spirit vein ten-layer masters were actually shot to death by Qin Shaofeng with that giant sword one after another.

All this happened so suddenly that people were afraid of information.

I rub it, that's more than a dozen masters of the nine-fold spirit veins!

And there are four ten-fold masters of spiritual veins among them, are they dreaming?

The uncle of his family, who would say that Qin Shaofeng is in the seventh realm of spiritual veins, labor and capital slapped him to death.

Now, no one believes that Qin Shaofeng is just a realm with seven spiritual veins.


Seven soul veins?

Your family's spiritual vein seven is so awesome?

Everyone was shocked, so stupid, so stupid to speak, just staring at Qin Shaofeng in the ring.

"Zi Yue Ye is your turn!"

When Qin Shaofeng pointed at the Ziyueye with a huge sword in the arena, and shouted this coldly, the crowd in the stands started to boil.

"My God! Am I dreaming?"

"Too strong! Qin Shaofeng, you really are my idol!"

"Brother Shaofeng, you want a few monkeys, tell me, I will give birth to them all!"


There was a furious roar at first, but soon the attention of people suddenly shifted to Zi Yueye.

Many people from Lianyang Country seemed to have forgotten at this moment, the prestige of the young prince of Yinyue Country actually laughed loudly.

"Haha, Ziyueye is your turn, don't you hurry up and die!"

"Ha, do you think he dare to Ziyueye?"

"Fart! Just like him, can he be the opponent of my idol? Ten ways to get him!"

"Ten strokes? Don't wait a while, after this Zi Yueye went up, Qin Shaofeng directly killed him with a single stroke!"


Hearing laughter and mockery from the crowd, Zi Yueye's face was extremely gloomy.

Zi Yueye had no idea that Qin Shaofeng could do this step.

Forget the previous pair of nineteens, but this time, a total of twenty people, sixteen spirit veins with nine layers, and four spirit veins with ten layers, were all dead.

However, apart from the anger in her heart, there was still a trace of greed in Zi Yueye's eyes.

Staring at the giant sword in Qin Shaofeng's hands on the ring, Zi Yueye felt a little shock in her heart.

Heavenly level!

That giant sword is definitely a heavenly weapon!

And I'm afraid it's still a high-level weapon, I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to possess such a treasure!

You must know that the sky-level weapon was his Zi Yueye, and only after cultivating Xian Ziyun, did he inherit a sky-level one-star sword from the Zi family.

At that time, Zi Yueye was extremely happy, because with this heavenly one-star sword, it was enough for him to challenge the legendary realm master.

But now Zi Yueye is even more excited.

Such a huge sword, if I get it, even if I face the powerhouse of the legendary triple realm, I have the confidence to behead the opponent.

I want this sword!

A ray of light burst into his eyes, and Zi Yueye stood up.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng on the ring faintly, Zi Yueye said: "Qin Shaofeng, you are very good, originally with your strength..."

Originally, with your strength, it was impossible for me to shoot.

This was what Zi Yueye wanted to say.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't give him a chance to say this at all. With a fierce wave of his hand, Qin Shaofeng interrupted him roughly, disdainfully said: "Zi Yue Ye Shao is there to show off your disgusting self-esteem. Just be practical, or you Just come up, or you will shut up to the little master if you have something special!"



Qin Shaofeng's words are straightforward, but they are very popular.

"Haha, that's just a shrill fart, just go up there!"

"Heh, he shouldn't have said that Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level is not enough, or his status is too low to be worthy to fight him?"

"Shit, what the hell! I think he is scared!"

"Huh, what a **** little lord, Yinyue Kingdom is full of turtles with heads down. Look at the group of people now hiding in their shells, who dares to shout!"

Indeed, since Qin Shaofeng went through a pair of nineteen and killed all the nineteen spirit vein eightfold players, the people of Yinyue Kingdom have calmed down.

Especially in the scene just now, after sixteen spirit veins with nine layers and four spirit veins with ten layers, all of them were shot to death by Qin Shaofeng, they were completely silent.

Even if they knew at this moment that even the people of Yangguo were deliberately provoking them, they were still silent.

Why not be silent?

Why did someone come out across the street with such an awesome Qin Shaofeng!

Even many people from the Silver Moon Kingdom hate in their hearts: Why, this Qin Shaofeng is not a member of our Silver Moon Kingdom?

Of course, there are very few people who are thinking: Why am I not born in Lianyang?

Qin Shaofeng was not very clear about the people at the scene, but Qin Shaofeng was a little clearer, that Zi Yueye must be mad at this moment.

Didn't you see it?

Look, the face is green like that, such a powerful ability, only Zi Yueye can do it.

Indeed, the purple moon night at this moment is really going crazy.

Zi Yueye has not been so angry since she was born, and Qin Shaofeng's words made him understand a truth.

It turns out that people can still be so angry?

With an anger in her heart, the congenital purple clouds in Zi Yueye's body rolled out, and even at the moment, purple mist and gas leaked out on the surface of Zi Yueye's body.

At this moment, the only four players from the Silver Moon Kingdom who are still alive by Zi Yueye, Zi Yewu, Zi Ye Si, Zi Ye three, and Zi Ye Yi (the one who was abolished by Zhao Yuner is Zi Ye Er), they all felt Zi Yue Ye body Uploaded an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

For a time, all four of them dared not say a word.

"Good! Good! Good!" Zi Yueye smirked and shouted fiercely, "Qin Shaofeng, since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill you!"

During the speech, Zi Yueye's figure flashed and jumped into the ring in an instant, and he did not pay attention to the referee and the rules of the game at all. After skimming over the ring, Zi Yueye was together with one hand, and the palm of his right hand shot out with purple energy. A purple palm print!

Ziyun Palm!


A muffled thunderous sound suddenly erupted from the ring, as if the air was exploded by this purple cloud palm.

Everyone saw a huge three-meter palm print, which was instantly shot out by Zi Yueye and hit Qin Shaofeng straight down.

Seeing this somewhat familiar purple palm print, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with anger.

When he was in the illusion land of the alchemy mansion, he was hit directly into the cliff by a palm like Zi Yueye, and almost died of serious injuries.

Although because of the following things, I got a big chance.

But that's it, Qin Shaofeng still has no good feelings for Zi Yueye.

Seeing the other party at this moment is repeating the old trick again, which makes Qin Shaofeng feel angry.


With a cold snort, Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised the profound iron heavy sword and waved at the purple giant palm.


A wave of violent energy slammed, and hit the purple palm prints, and finally a huge explosion broke out.

Two by two offset!

"Huh, that's not bad, you still have two more troubles!"

After Qi Jin collided with the giant palm, Zi Yueye finally landed on the ring, and then said softly.

But as soon as he finished his words, Qin Shaofeng laughed sharply.

"Ha, Ziyueye, can you not pretend to be so forceful? You have 50 or so people from Yinyue Nation qualify for the second round of the exchange competition. Now there are four or five kittens. In the time, your players from the Silver Moon Kingdom died in my hands just over fifty, fifty one!"

At this point, Qin Shaofeng paused deliberately, looked at Zi Yueye whose face had changed again, and laughed at the past.

"So, I don't just have two shots, but a lot of shots. So, don't yell out of your mind, you don't feel ashamed, I still feel ashamed!"

The last two so in a row made Zi Yueye furious again.

But the crowd at the scene was surprised!


Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, they really didn't notice, but after thinking about it carefully, it was just as Qin Shaofeng said.

This time, Yinyue Kingdom was promoted to the second round, as many as 56 players, plus Ziyueye was 57.

Except for Zi Yeer who was previously abolished by Zhao Yuner, five players with seven spiritual veins, twenty-three spiritual veins with eightfold, eighteen spiritual veins with ninefold, and five spiritual veins with tenfold, these players from Silver Moon Kingdom Qin Shaofeng's hands all the damage!

This is really over fifty, reaching fifty-one people!

After Qin Shaofeng's reminder, everyone realized this.

It turned out that so many people died in Yinyue Country, and only five players were left, including Ziyueye.

Even speaking carefully, let alone an hour, in fact, half an hour has not passed since Qin Shaofeng first took the stage to now when Zi Yueye took the stage.

I heard that the organizer intends to let this second round of competition last for ten and a half days.

But now...

Many people couldn't help but look at the empty place in the silver moon country player area, and an idea appeared in their hearts.

This will not be the second round of today's competition, it will be over!

With this thought, many people admired Qin Shaofeng even more.

It really is an idol!

But that Ziyueye was extremely angry!

"The advantage of tongue!"

Although she was very angry, Zi Yueye was so angry that she didn't know what to say. In the end, she shouted furiously, and then shot Qin Shaofeng again.


Zi Yueye flipped her right hand, tapped her index finger lightly, and a burst of purple finger energy burst out instantly.

I rub, this is the Six-Medition Excalibur?

Seeing that Zi Yueye made such a gesture, Qin Shaofeng's eyes instantly widened.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng also reacted in time, and understood that this was not a six-channel divine sword, but a qi similar to sword qi.


Amazing momentum!

Feeling the breath of that finger air, Qin Shaofeng thought two words.

But Qin Shaofeng's reaction was not slow. With a flick of his right hand, Xuan Tie's epee instantly crossed his chest.


The sound of the impact sounded, and the moment that purple finger air hit the profound iron heavy sword, a few sparks were shot.

With the hardness of the profound iron epee, there is no trace.

But Qin Shaofeng is not anymore!

Qin Shaofeng felt a huge force blast at the moment that the fingers hit the profound iron heavy sword.

The explosion caused the profound iron epee to tremble violently, and Qin Shaofeng's mouth was numb, almost causing the profound iron epee to shake off his hand.

What a powerful force!

There was a sharp light in his eyes, which was extremely disgusting for Zi Yueye, but Qin Shaofeng had to sigh with emotion.

This Ziyueye's strength is really strong!

Qin Shaofeng was surprised and emotional, but Zi Yueye opposite him frowned.

This giant sword has amazing defensive power. My purple flame fingers did not leave a trace.

In that case...

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and Zi Yueye lightly waved her right hand, with a purple light sword in her hand!

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