Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2714: Never let


The disciples of the Seven Stars who were watching the battle from below the ring opened their mouths as the pilot grew up.

Before the start of this battle, they had guessed that this battle must be extremely tragic, but they did not expect it to be so tragic.

Although the front is three games, it can be said that they are all one of the strongest on their side.

But before that, no one had thought that this battle would turn out like this.

Many disciples also began to have fear in their hearts.

It is true that all the people who die are from the Seven Lights Sect, but what's next?

When the peak powerhouse of the Seven Star Gate is over, and the remaining disciples face the peak powerhouse of the Seven Luminaries, what should it be like?

Will the people of the Seven Lights Sect avenge?


Liu Xuan immediately shot it out with a palm.

The force of horror immediately photographed the chair he was sitting on.

"Elder Fan, then Fan Yuze is your son, and what he said is so half-probable. Our Seven Lights Sect recognizes that, but what should we say about it now?"

"The old man has already called to stop, why is he still trying to kill my disciple of the Seven Lights Sect, or is it that your Seven Star Sect still doesn't plan to give us an explanation?"

Liu Xuan shouted furiously.

His anger had really reached its extreme.

Even the discerning person knows very well that they are here specifically for the Seven Star Gate.

It was Qixingmen who seized the opportunity before.

If they seize the opportunity, they will not be half-hearted.

But, say so.

Now it hasn't gotten to the disciples of their Seven Lunar Sect, but the two of them have lost three of them.

Isn't your Seven Star Gate showing any face?

"Come to the old man again to explain?"

The anger on Fan Shaoqing's face was much more than his.

Seeing Liu Xuan's action, he immediately ran away and shouted angrily: "The old immortal, don't tell the old man that you didn't get the news from Dong Yaoguang before you came to my Seven Star Gate. Come and tell me to explain. Are you qualified?"

"you you you you……"

Liu Xuan's eyes almost stared out.

Anger was rising from the sky.

"Fan Shaoqing, you are determined to go to war against my Seven Lunar Sect, right?"

"We are based on the relationship of the four sects, so we specifically come to fight with you in the four-sect friendship contest, but you actually let the disciples of your sect kill our disciples of the Qi Yao sect?"

"If this is the case, please also ask the friends of Thunder Sect and Xuanyin Sect to seek justice for our Seven Luminaries."

Liu Xuan's words seemed nothing at first.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find a lot of inconsistencies.

And Fan Shaoqing's attitude is too domineering, right?

The more Qin Shaofeng thought about it, the more puzzled he was.

Even if the Seven Stars knew that the three sects had not come here with good intentions, it wouldn't be directly useful for such a cruel attitude, right?

This thing really makes people feel even more weird!

Just as he was thinking about it with doubts, he saw the elder of Thunder Sect had already spoken.

"Brother Liu Xuan, don't worry, the Seven Star Sect has done too much on this matter. Naturally, you have to let them give an explanation. Otherwise, you don't need your Qi Yao Sect. We, Thunder Sect, want you to ask them for an explanation." The elder of Thunder Sect stood up.

But his statement made Qin Shaofeng notice that the smile on Fan Shaoqing's face was even stronger.

He had never seen this type of war between sects.

If the Seven Star Gate really had the power to oppose the three major sects of the enemy, this kind of performance was indeed not bad.

But the problem was that he was pretty sure that the Seven Star Gate had absolutely no such ability.

Not to mention the Seven Star Gate.

I'm afraid it's a weaker top power, and doesn't have that ability, right?

"Oh? You Thunder Sect really stood up?"

When Fan Shaoqing saw him jump out, instead of being angry, she laughed: "Your Thunder Sect is indeed not weak, but our Seven Star Sect is not muddled. If you want to intervene in the battle between our Seven Star Sect and Qi Yao Sect, we Seven Stars The door is not afraid."

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect his domineering.

At least in the lounge, there is one count, all of them were shocked by his words.

"Fan Yuze, how are our Seven Stars going to deal with this incident? Shouldn't we really have to single out the three sects with our own strength?" A disciple of Shao Guangyi asked with a worried expression.

Isn't it?

Fan Yuze's face suddenly became difficult to look.

Is this matter?

He really doesn't know!

"You don't need to worry first, I believe the sect will not take the three big sects seriously and unwisely. After all, Thunder Sect and Xuanyin Sect will not intervene in, after all, it will not benefit them at all!" Qin Shaofeng said.

Although he gave people a liar before.

But the current situation is terrible.

If the Seven Star Sect really wants to use its own power against the three major sects of the enemy, then it's going to be dead on its own.

Just thinking about it, they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Not to mention that Qin Shaofeng is only sixty to seventy percent likely to be a liar, even if they are sure that Qin Shaofeng is really a liar, at this time they are willing to believe everything he said.

After Qin Shaofeng's simple opening, everyone in the lounge was calmer.

But in the martial arts field, there is still full of fear and worry.

Just when everyone's fear is at its extreme.

Fan Shaoqing sneered again and said: "Lei Chongxiao, don't think how tyrannical your Thunder Sect is when you join the Seven Lights Sect. Today, as long as you dare to tell us to fight with our Seven Star Sect, the three elders of my Seven Star Sect in Thunder Mountain will immediately Destroy it."

"You...what? There is someone in Thunder Mountain in Thunder Sect?" Lei Chongxiao immediately took a step back.

Fear had begun to appear in his heart.

Thunder Mountain is not forbidden forest, or part of it, is not forbidden forest.

There is a treasure land they found.

After years of cultivation of the Thunder Sect, it has become the highest treasure of the Thunder Sect.

There are many strong guards there all year round.

But those strong can only protect for a while.

Thunder Sect's greatest method is the secret of Thunder Mountain.

There are many people who know the name Thunder Mountain, but few people know where Thunder Mountain is.

Fan Shaoqing spoke so absolutely directly.

Moreover, his appearance of the Thunder Sect and his undaunted performance made Lei Chongxiao even more suspicious.

He did not want to believe what Fan Shaoqing said.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If he really dared to help the Seven Lights Sect in chaos and make the Seven Star Gate runaway.

As long as they really know where Thunder Mountain is, even if the elders are fake, they only need to leak the location of Thunder Mountain, and their treasure land in Thunder Mountain is equal to being abandoned by them.

Lei Chongxiao had just been full of notaries, and he disappeared immediately.

"Why, have we done too much at the Seven Star Gate?" Fan Shaoqing asked immediately, that sturdy attitude made Lei Chongxiao unconsciously step back.

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