Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2822: Shot

"Sword, cut!"

At the same time Qin Shaofeng screamed, he had already rushed into the Heaven Void Swarm.

With the strength of his cultivation, he wanted to kill the Sky Void Insect, and I was afraid that at least he would use the second flash of Thunder Thousand Flashes, and even if he used the second flash with all his strength, he might not be able to kill it.

But when this long sword is used, its power is completely different.

The first time he used the long sword, he had already used Thunder Thousand Flashes.

After personal testing, he confirmed that Thunder Thousand Flashes can merge with the power of this sword, which greatly increases the combat power.

But he didn't dare to do too much now, after all, under the eyes of Elder Lu Senyu and others, he only doubled the power of this sword.

Twice, this is already the combat power of the fifth-order venerable heavenly powerhouse.

The long sword sword energy swept across, and with a single sword, it swept away a piece of sky worm.

The two boulders have come into contact, but he dared not delay anything.

For him now, time is his life.

A sword flew into a sky worm.

Qin Shaofeng's face didn't look good, but it became even more ugly.

With this sword, he swept away hundreds of virtual worms.

But the problem is that the number of swarms is far more than ten times this number.

"Isn't it just that the defensive power is very strong? Why is it still very strong?"

Qin Shaofeng almost spurted blood, which was comparable to the attack of the fourth-fifth-ranked heavenly powerhouse. When he had many treasures, he was afraid that he could only rely on the defensive treasure that could only be used once to resist.

In addition, even any defensive baby can't bear it.

Such an attack did not make the Heavenly Void Worm hurt.

Qin Shaofeng's face immediately became very difficult to look at.

Although that sword didn't waste much time for him, it still had to change. How could it be thought that the moment the attack ended, the space in front of him would be blocked again.

The Sky Void Worm, which was at least ten times more than just now, not only was not repelled, but rushed forward again, making him not only unable to move forward, but also being pushed back.

The worrying color in his eyes only appeared for a moment, and it had become the color of determination.

With a light flip of his right hand, he took out the God-slaughtering Thunder that Lu Senyu had given him a short time ago.

If this thing really has the power that Lu Senyu said, it will definitely help him a lot now.

It may not be impossible even to deter the Heavenly Void Insect King.

But if there is no such power, even if you keep it, it won't have any effect.

"Qin Shaofeng, what are you going to do?!"

Elder Lu Senyu almost stared out when he saw him take out the Tu Shenlei.

He gave Qin Shaofeng a slaughter of the gods, but in order for Qin Shaofeng to use it at special times, even if he couldn't help him kill the Heavenly Void Insect King in one fell swoop, he could at least kill a large number of scorpion-shaped Sky Void Insects.

He could clearly see that apart from the Sky Void Insect King, the only real threat was the scorpion-shaped Sky Void Insect.

As for where Qin Shaofeng is now, even with the power he throws, I'm afraid Tu Shen Lei can't kill too many Sky Void Insects, right?

"Of course I use all the available methods!"

Qin Shaofeng's mouth wore a weird sneer. I didn't know whether it was an explanation or his self-talking voice, pouring the power of blood into it.

Within Tu Shenlei, bursts of power that made people feel palpitation suddenly spread.

At this moment, he believed the words of Elder Lu Senyu.

Within this Tu Shen Lei, dozens of weird formations are intertwined with each other, so that after the Tu Shen Lei is used, the horrible explosive power immediately begins to appear.

Tu Shenlei was too unstable, he didn't know how long it would take to burst.

He didn't dare to stay for a moment, and immediately threw the God Tu Thunder in his hand.

Even if he has tried his best.

The problem is that the Heavenly Void Insect King seems to also feel the horror of Tu Shenlei, so he actually chose to make the outer Sky Void Insect materialize when he shot.

If not, Tu Shenlei is afraid that he can really come near it.

Rao Shi Tianxu insects began to appear in large-scale changes, but because their actions were not timely enough, God Tuilei had penetrated into the huge boulder.

next moment.


Tu Shenlei shone with a white light.

The terrifying explosive power almost instantly bombarded all the celestial worms gathered near the Tu Shenlei into nothingness, even some scorpion-shaped celestial worms turned into dross under the explosion.

For a time, all the Sky Void Worms appeared briefly sluggish.

Qin Shaofeng wouldn't think that Tianxu Chong would be frightened by his attack.

Now or never.

He has already used the long sword, and also used Tu Shen Lei. If he can't get any benefits, then he really lost his wife and broke down.

Not to mention waiting for the Tianxu insects to slow down, they will never be let go.

"Flash, flash!"

"Flash, flash!"

Qin Shaofeng shot quickly, although he was still hiding himself in front of Elder Lu Senyu and others, but he was also under his continuous flash.

In a short blink of an eye, he approached the Tianxu insect.


At this moment, he immediately waved the long sword in his hand.

It's just that this time the lightning strike still consumed 5000 qi and blood.

Five times the attack appeared.

The power of his sword is almost comparable to the seventh and eighth rank of the stars.

As long as the sword passed, there seemed to be a lot of cold light in the air, and wherever the cold light passed, even the space seemed to be split.

Of course, this is just a feeling of being unclear.

Qin Shaofeng's grasp of power is extremely accurate, and it is definitely not conceivable for those who respect the heavens to tear apart a stable space like the Land of the Stars.

A strong saint star may not have that ability.

Rao is so.

The power of this sword is also extremely large.

As Long Sword Hanfeng passed by, he immediately killed the scorpion-shaped Sky Void insects that were only blocking the Sky Void Insect King.

It was another sword, killing a few more.

With just two short swords, he could vaguely perceive the defense of the Sky Void Insect King and how far he could go.

Although it is difficult to say that the Heavenly Void Insect King has turned into an incorporeal body, he cannot resist his attack now.

Qin Shaofeng is not talking nonsense.

With a wave of the long sword in his hand, it was another sword.


When the long sword fell this time, he used 10,000 energy and blood.

In just three short attacks, the consumption is far more than the sum of the energy and blood of Tian Yinuoyi and Fan Yuze. If such a thing is made known to the two of them, I am afraid that they will be scared to death on the spot?

The more at this time, the less relaxed Qin Shaofeng felt, and his eyes fixed on the Heavenly Void Insect King.

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