Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 282: See also Super God-level skills

Seeing that the castle chess piece smoothly merged into Zhao Yun'er's body, Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that Zhao Yuner's life was saved.

Uh, even if it can't be kept, the super devil chess piece can be resurrected.

After a system prompt, Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly at Zhao Yun'er who was wrapped in purple light in front of him.

"Hey, I hope Senior Sister Zhao will not blame me!"

"Fuck it, this is a great opportunity, others can't get it if they want it!"

There was a sound of disdain, but the small ball did not know when it appeared, and at this moment, he looked at Zhao Yuner with fiery eyes.

Don't get me wrong, this little thing is staring at that super demon chess piece, it's hot against that thing!

Super god-level stuff!

This thing is probably even more powerful than the Ziyun Sacred Sword!

But why can't I merge!

After learning that Qin Shaofeng possessed a set of super god-level props, Xiaoqiuqiu needed to see it immediately.

And then learned that the super devil chess piece can integrate into itself, allowing itself to get incomparably powerful benefits, the little thing hugged a chess piece the first time, and began to want to merge.

It's a pity that even with Qin Shaofeng's permission, that super devil chess piece did not merge with the little thing, and even all the super devil chess pieces could not merge with the little thing.

This makes the ball want to cry without tears!

Qin Shaofeng estimated that this should be because the little thing is his own contract elves, and it has not been able to integrate with the super demon chess pieces.

However, at this moment, Xiaoqiuqiu was not talking about himself. It was when he said that, Xiaoqiuqiu was looking at the pitiful Tiger Lord.

As Qin Shaofeng's war beast, Lord Tiger naturally knew the benefits of super devil chess pieces.

In the words of the small ball, it is extremely possible to be able to integrate that stuff, let alone become a holy beast, even to become a divine beast!

Lord Tiger naturally looked at this super demon chess piece.

After all, if the tiger master became a sacred animal, how many tiger chicks and tiger beauties should be posted upside down!

Yes, the purpose of Lord Tiger becoming a sacred beast is the same as that of becoming a sacred beast...

It is not that Qin Shaofeng does not intend to merge a super demon chess piece for Tiger Lord.

But helplessly, at the time of innate realm, Qin Shaofeng could only accept three dependents, and then these three places didn't have the tiger master's share.

After entering the spirit vein realm, Qin Shaofeng found that the dependents he could accept had three more places.

But unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng thought of the three of Zhao Yuner, so Lord Tiger was successfully cut in.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel a little embarrassed looking at the pitiful look of Lord Tiger.


Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but coughed, and Qin Shaofeng asked, "Hey, little tiger! Don't worry! When your master, I become a legendary master, how about letting you be the first to integrate a super demon chess piece?"

As soon as Master Tiger heard it, his spirits were instantly refreshed.

Especially when I think of my own master, it seems that he is already tenfold.

Well, based on past experience, at most one or two months, you can break through to the legendary realm!

With joy in his heart, Master Tiger couldn't help but said: "Master, really?"

"Nonsense, have I lied to you? Don't think of me as a little bit!"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng glanced, and looked at some drooling little thing facing the super demon chess piece on the illusory chessboard.

His remarks caused a little thing to blow up in an instant.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Ha ha!"

"Heh what! Qin Shaofeng, tell me clearly, when did I lie?"

"Ha ha!"



After making a fuss for a while, the small ball finally couldn't stand it and went straight back to its original world.

Qin Shaofeng is not boring to follow the tiger master nonsense.

Finally after a long time, the purple light surrounding Zhao Yun'er finally dispersed.

Ding Dong!

The moment the purple light dissipated, Qin Shaofeng immediately heard a system prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng's family member Zhao Yuner for successful evolution!"

Although the system prompts Zhao Yuner to evolve successfully, she has become her own dependent.

But Qin Shaofeng discovered that Zhao Yuner would be afraid that he would not be able to wake up for a while, so he clicked on the attribute interface in his heart and started to check Zhao Yuner's attributes.

Family members: Zhao Yuner

Level: Legend One Heavy

Occupation: Castle

Aura value: 100000/100000

Talented Spiritual Root: Star Dao Body

Talent skills: Astral, Star clone

Skill 1: None

Skill 2: None

Skill 3: None

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None


Zhao Yun'er's physical and spiritual roots have changed.

Originally Zhao Yuner was the body of stars, but now it is not the body of stars, but the body of stars.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw clearly the attributes of this so-called Star Dao Body, he was shocked!

Star Dao Body: One of the top gods and demon spirit roots, possessing the mysterious power of the stars, far superior to the stars body is the powerful physical spirit root of the final evolution of the stars body, which can become the position of the demon god.

It turns out to be the spiritual root of the body after the evolution of the body of stars, this is incredible!

At this moment, in the original world inside Qin Shaofeng's body, a little guy stared at his ultra-small attribute interface and exclaimed again and again.

That's all for the Xingchen Dao body, but Zhao Yuner, like the little fox Baixue, has more than one talent skills, and Zhao Yuner also has two talents.

Astral: Level 1 0/1000, Passive skills of the super gods, evolved from the ten-pointed star scriptures, and strengthened by the super devil chess pieces to form special super gods skills. The current level is level 1, which can accommodate ten secret stars that are ten times the power of their own stars.

Super God order!

See also Super God Rank skills!

In addition to Qin Yue'er, Qin Shaofeng once again saw the second super **** level skill.

Qin Shaofeng never expected that Zhao Yun'er could also awaken super god-level skills.

And after seeing the attributes of the star realm, Qin Shaofeng was shocked again.

Can hold ten secret stars that are ten times the power of their own stars!

It was still a secret star, and compared to the previous secret star, there were two fewer stars in the star realm.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that the power of Zhao Yun'er's secret star could be worth ten before.

Although Zhao Yun'er's aura value at this moment is still only 100,000 points, once Zhao Yun'er condenses ten secret stars, the total amount of aura value is equivalent to tens of millions!

Qin Shaofeng instantly became messy in the wind!

Sister Zhao, can you not be so strong!

This makes me very stressed!

The star realm was already very good, but the next star clone caused Qin Shaofeng's pain again.

Star clone: ​​Level 1 0/100, special talent skills, clone formed by the power of secret stars, can be used for training and fighting. The current level is level 1, which can condense three star clones, possessing the same strength as the body.

Nima, the star clone?

Isn't this girl a multiple shadow clone?

It's just that this star clone is even more powerful, and it actually has the same strength as the body.

And you can practice, fight, and warm your bed.

Uh, not this one.

But just for these, Qin Shaofeng was already amazed.


Sister Zhao, you are not giving people a way to survive at all!


With a soft groan, Zhao Yuner woke up.

Qin Shaofeng hurried forward, helped Zhao Yun'er up, and asked caringly, "Sister Zhao, are you okay!"


Zhao Yuner had just awakened, and she seemed a little confused at the moment, but soon she seemed to think of something and exclaimed.

"Didn't I get a punch from Zi Taikang? But why am I all right now?"

Zhao Yun'er seemed to be surprised when she found her body without any injuries.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng slowly explained the matter to Zhao Yun'er.

Of course, these remarks are almost the same as what Qin Shaofeng said to Meng Xin'er, because it is a treasure.

Zhao Yun'er seemed to trust Qin Shaofeng very much. What Qin Shaofeng said, she believed it.

With Zhao Yuner's attitude, Qin Shaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after the explanation, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, his face was slightly stern, and his tone slightly increased: "Senior Sister Zhao, you must not be so reckless in the future. If I happened to have that treasure, you would be dead now. It's gone!"

Although Qin Shaofeng's tone was aggravated, Zhao Yun'er's words fell into Zhao Yun'er's ears, but Zhao Yun'er was a little bit sweet.

However, Zhao Yun'er seemed a little dissatisfied with what Qin Shaofeng called herself, and she couldn't help but whispered: "By the way, Shaofeng won't call me Senior Sister anymore, just call me by name, just call me Yuner!"

When it came to the end, Zhao Yuner's voice became much smaller, she was no longer as generous as before, and her face turned reddish.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say a word, just clasped his hands tightly, hugged Zhao Yun'er, and snorted softly: Hmm!

Qin Shaofeng is not a fool!

Zhao Yun'er ran without hesitation, using her body to block a fatal blow for herself. Is there anything more to say?

Just thinking of Meng Xin'er made Qin Shaofeng feel a guilty conscience.

But Qin Shaofeng put it aside for a long time.

I rub, this is not on the earth, if you don’t want to be monogamous, I will accept it all if it’s a big deal.


After embracing Zhao Yuner for a while, Qin Shaofeng began to select skills for Zhao Yuner and share them.

A castle-level super demon chess piece, but Zhao Yuner can share five skills.

Except for the cloud pill technique and the pill scriptures, Qin Shaofeng couldn't share these two skills evolved from inheritance with Zhao Yun'er.

But Qin Shaofeng had trouble with what skills he shared with Zhao Yuner.

Yi Jin Jing?

Don't be kidding, Yi Jin Jing is the most aura bonus.

But Zhao Yuner has a super god-level skill in the star realm, and still needs Yi Jin Jing?

And even if Zhao Yun'er has Yi Jin Jing, the bonus is only to add one hundred thousand points of aura to 300,000, but the secret star condensed from her star realm is still only one million points. Not ten times three million after the addition of three hundred thousand points.

Because the secret star condensed in the star realm was only ten times that of herself, Zhao Yun'er's total aura value was only one hundred thousand, not counting the Yi Jin Jing bonus.

Therefore, Yi Jin Jing, a great weapon for ordinary people, is inferior to the tasteless skill in Zhao Yuner's eyes.

Yi Jin Jing doesn't need it, neither does that glaring eye.

However, Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, and then decided to share it with Zhao Yuner.

As for other skills, Qin Shaofeng just felt unnecessary.

Romantic Swordsman?

Zhao Yuner possesses the star combo in "Nine Stars Secret Technique", which is not inferior to Xiao Li Feida.

Sky dance?

Lingbo Weibu?

Sorry, "Nine Stars Secret Art" has Starlight Escape and Nine Stars Phantom, but the Saint-level body technique.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that besides writing round eyes, he seemed to have some use for Zhao Yuner, and the other skills were not very helpful to Zhao Yuner!

I have to say that this is the benefit of having a strong heritage.

After all, the "Nine Stars Secret Technique", no matter how you say it, is also a powerful holy level technique, which has many good skills.

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