Time is not short.

Ten interest, thirty interest, fifty interest.

The time for a stick of incense soon passed.

No matter how you look at it, the crack in the mountain in front of you seems to have only appeared because of the changes in the mountain.

But after so long, Sharon didn't come out, so everyone had to think about it.

"Why hasn't Uncle Sha come out yet? Brother Qin, do you think there is something like a dragon tortoise inside?" Ximen chasing the moon was already waiting a little impatiently.

"To shut up!"

Qin Shaofeng and Ximen Li shouted angrily together.

Even if Ximen chasing the moon was not an ordinary person, he was taken aback by the two people's sharp shout.

But soon, he had realized it.

There are so many dangers in this mountain, he is not looking forward to good things, and even talking nonsense.

Qin Shaofeng really couldn't do anything to him.

But his grandfather Ximenli did not slap his face, and that was already very lucky.

"Sorry, I'm talking nonsense, but how come Uncle Sha hasn't come out yet?" Ximen Chayue still said worriedly.

"Either it is too deep, or there is discovery, or there is weird, such a narrow mountain crack, and there is a big array of odd men and gossip outside, and the possibility of danger should not be very high."

Qin Shaofeng spoke with a gloomy face, but the weight of his words made everyone clearly feel.

"Or something weird?"

The mood of Ximen chasing the moon was also affected by Qin Shaofeng.

Only Simon Li smiled bitterly.

The entrance specially trapped by such a large formation, the possibility of dangerous star beasts inside is really not too great, as for the existence of dragon tortoise, it is not easy to appear here.


A burst of laughter suddenly came from the crack, and it was Sharon Xing's voice.


Sharon Xing got out of the crack and laughed: "As expected, little friend Qin Shaofeng, if the old man had heard the three possibilities, I would really not believe it!"


Ximen chased the moon in a daze, and hurriedly asked: "Grandpa Sha, what did you find inside, why did you come out so long?"

"Didn't little friend Qin Shaofeng say everything? It's too deep, there are discoveries, and there are also weird." Sharon Xing wiped Ximen Chayue's head and laughed.

With such a sentence, Lu Senyu, who also saw it, was stunned.

Qin Shaofeng said three kinds of things, but they were all right?

"Is there no danger inside? It's in the mountains, and it may be the place where a certain strong man's tomb passed by." Lu Senyu asked.

"You also know that there is a tomb mansion inside. If you want to build a tomb mansion, will you allow snakes, insects, rats and ants to roam around your coffin?"

Sharon Xing immediately drank coldly.

He finally had some understanding of Qin Shaofeng's targeting of Lu Senyu.

This guy looks like an old thing, and seems to have a lot of experience, but in fact it is just a little older than the flower living in the greenhouse...flower...

Just a small flower, what right does it have to point fingers?

"If this is the case, then our trip will not come in vain."

Qin Shaofeng ignored the changes in their respective expressions, and directly answered, "Although the danger inside is not as troublesome as we were worried about, it will definitely exist, so we still can’t be careless, Senior Sha, please give details of the things inside. Tell me, I want to think about it."

"It should be."

Sharon Xing nodded immediately, and while starting to describe the situation inside, he also drew a picture on the ground.

According to him.

This crack seemed to lead directly to the bottom of the core of the mountain, and there was a strange stone gate there, maybe there was a mechanism, but he didn't dare to test it.

But he faintly felt the presence of danger near the Shimen, and there was a strange feeling.

It's as if he can't come back here as long as he enters the stone gate.

It is precisely because of these that he will come out directly to find them.

"It seems that my guess is indeed correct. This is indeed one of the entrances to the tomb mansion, but it is definitely not an exit, and the only thing we have to expect is that the exit is not in the place where the dragon turtle is trapped." Qin Shaofeng immediately stopped him. The idea came out.

But his statement made everyone feel the hairs on their bodies erect.

Especially Lu Senyu, who fled all the way by himself, was almost frightened and collapsed.

"Well, there seems to be only these things that we need to care about in this industry. If anyone doesn't want to go in, I will give them a map and let them go to the next mountain on their own."

"Because we don't even know where we will appear, people outside don't have to wait for us, just move on and go to the next floor to wait for us."

After Qin Shaofeng's words were finished, he looked at everyone.

I saw everyone collectively dumbfounded.

Seeing the treasure in front, even Tian Yinuo and Fan Yuze had the idea of ​​looking at the past.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already described the dangers clearly.

Makes them hesitate.

Soon, a firm look appeared in their eyes.

Fan Yuze first spoke: "Junior Brother Qin, since I accompanied you to die, unless one of you and I die, I will not leave you alone."

"Why don't you say that we don't have that strength?" Tian Yinuo immediately interrupted him, and he said with a glance: "We two are incapable of leaving. As for Elder Lu... my master asked me to follow you, even if it is dead. I'll die behind you."

His words can be said to have sold Lu Senyu too late.

Before they came, Luo Yusheng didn't say much to Qin Shaofeng and Fan Yuze, but he raised their ears to make demands over and over.

This trip must be based on Qin Shaofeng.

Even Lu Senyu, who has the status of an elder, is absolutely not allowed to go beyond the slightest.

But on the way, Lu Senyu has already crossed more than once.

"Elder Luo also asked the old man, since you must go, then the old man will sacrifice his life to accompany you." Lu Senyu said.

In his words, there were too many strange emotions.

This time even Simon chasing the moon could clearly hear Lu Senyu's dissatisfaction.


No wonder Lu Senyu.

The task he got was just to get the compass and other things, and he didn't need to follow Qin Shaofeng and others to walk around in the mountains to find death.

But plans can never keep up with changes.

He came to benefit from Luo Yusheng, so he naturally had to act according to Luo Yusheng's requirements.

Qin Shaofeng was just the opposite.

Qin Shaofeng's arrival was completely forced. Since he could find good things here, and there was also the coercion of Ximenli and others, he naturally had to find benefits for himself.

This is the difference between them, and it is also an unchangeable difference.

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