Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2867: The real tomb

"Of course not, I just feel unhappy with Lu Senyu, I'm quick to eat."

Fan Yuze was not sure about Ximen Li's attitude, but he knew that Ximen Li would not do anything to him as long as Qin Shaofeng was still useful, and he quickly began to laugh.

As a dude, he does not have the waistline of some people.

In the face of ordinary people, he is naturally extremely arrogant and domineering, but in front of a character like Simon Li, even if he is asked to lie on the ground and cry, he may not be unable to do it.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Fan Yuze speechlessly.

He also knows that although Fan Yuze's character is not good, as long as he doesn't do wicked things, it is not easy to cause serious disasters.

Looking at Gujing without a wave of glances, he spoke directly, and said, "Senior Ximen, since you have also come in, it is just right. Come and take a look at the situation here and see what you might find?"

"Find what?"

Ximenli knew that Qin Shaofeng was deliberately changing the subject.

But no matter how you look at it, it's just the most ordinary world at the bottom of the mountain, where is there anything special?

What did you find?

What can be found here?

After observing for a long time, he turned his head in confusion and asked: "Which aspect are you referring to? There seems to be nothing strange here, right?"

When he spoke, Tian Yinuo with a firm expression, and Lu Senyu, who was almost mad and shouting, also walked in.

Tian Yinuo is nothing.

He believed in his own judgment, but Lu Senyu seemed stupid.

Rao had a lot of knowledge, but he didn't expect that there would be such an existence here.

However, their appearance not only did not attract Ximen Li's attention, even Qin Shaofeng and Sharon Xing did not change their expressions at all.

The outside has been covered by a group of real centipedes, even if they don't want to, they will have to come in sooner or later.

On the contrary, after hearing the words of Ximen Li, Sharon Xing couldn't help but ask Qin Shaofeng: "Little friend Qin, did you find anything?"

"I can't say that I found it, it should be said that I have seen similar places."

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Although this is different from what I have seen, there should probably not be any mistakes. If I am not mistaken, this place should be a special space."

"No! Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the tomb of the strongest."

His words immediately stunned everyone.

We were originally here to find the tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods Tomb, and we have encountered so many hardships along the way. Is there anything wrong with finding a tomb?

Nothing feels in other people's hearts.

In Simon Li's seemingly old eyes, a gleam of light suddenly appeared: "You said...this is a tomb mansion?"

His inquiries made Sharon Hindu's face full of shock.

"I think so."

Qin Shaofeng pointed to the road ahead and explained: "If we were still at the bottom of the mountain, the road ahead would never be so straight. Moreover, the Feiheng Mountain Range gives me a very problematic feeling, so my guess is extremely good. It may be true."

The more they talk like this, the stranger the looks of Sharon Xing and others.

What guess is true?

What's wrong with the mountains?

You can't even speak well for Mao?

"If this is the case, don't we just come in?"

Ximen Li was the only one among them who understood Qin Shaofeng's words.

As the master of the star chasing gate, many things he knows are secrets of the star chasing gate.

Although most of them are useless, he has learned a lot about the world from the myths and legends.

Tomb of the strong.

That's not an ordinary catacomb.

It is an existence similar to a small world opened up in space by the strong under special power.

Although he was surprised that Qin Shaofeng had said before, he could only nod his head again and again following Qin Shaofeng's words.

"It may or may not, but what I want to say is that we have indeed entered a place where we can get treasures. If everyone is not so tired, I suggest that we should move forward as soon as possible and find the next dangerous place. , I can rest again." Qin Shaofeng's voice sounded again.

Rest before going to danger?

Lu Senyu's face immediately became difficult to look.

Because of Sharon Xing's anger, he is now close to running out of oil and the lamp is dead. Although it is not really that bad, it is not much better.

To continue on the road at this time is also a great ordeal for him.

Not to mention, how many dangers there are on the road, he can't even think about it now.

"No problem, then go to the next danger and rest." Ximenli nodded immediately.

"set off!"

Qin Shaofeng was even more straightforward.

After receiving Simon Li's answer, he immediately shouted out these words.

Set off to find the next danger.

Lu Senyu was so angry that he almost jumped up, but he knew his current position in the team, and he could only endure the words again and again.

But Tian Yinuo, who was already a little dissatisfied with Lu Senyu, didn't even turn his head, just followed.

So far.

Although Lu Senyu was still in the team, there was no one waiting to see him.

Even Sharon Xing didn't slap him to death, and he had the same mindset as Qin Shaofeng.

Although this guy has a problem, it's very likely that he will shame them at some point.

But what is undeniable is that this person's cultivation base at the peak of the star position still has a lot of squeezing value at some point.

As for the danger of this person...

Ximen Li and Sharon Xing could slap him to death at any time, not to mention, Qin Shaofeng's Tianxu Worm also left many in this person.

Since the two of them couldn't do it, Qin Shaofeng could easily prevent him from having this.

Unconsciously, a person's life was pinched by three people at the same time.

Fortunately, Li Senyu thought he was a human being.

I don't know that even Sharon Xing, who is full of murderous intentions, just looks at him like a clown, and even can't help but want to inquire a few times.

Ximenli and Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't care about Lu Senyu.

Now that they have entered such a place, what they can see with their eyes and what they can think of is just how to get in and how to get a lot of treasures.

Their speed is not slow, but this long underground passage seems to be unable to go.

Two hours in a row.

"Qin Shaofeng, do you think we have entered some illusion?"

Rao Ximenli had confidence in his judgment, but when faced with such a path, he couldn't help but ask.

Walking three miles and five miles, he couldn't feel anything.

But after two full hours, he didn't know how far he went, Baili? Thousands of miles?

Their cultivation base is strong, and the speed is even faster, how can he be surprised?

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