Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 288: Shocking blade

"Zi Hongming, stop first, I see there must be something in it..."

Then Lu Yuanshan wanted to explain something, but before he could finish speaking, Zi Hongming hit him with a punch.

"I live in Nima's mouth, Lu Yuanshan, go to death for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Hongming's fist blew up.

Lu Yuanshan called an anger in his heart!

"Zi Hongming, you are deceiving too much!"

In a rage, Lu Yuanshan stopped talking, and directly blasted him with a punch.

Thinking of him, the Patriarch of the Lu Family, and the City Lord of Beiyang City, his position is noble, and his cultivation is far better than others. He has never been so insulted?

Especially when he felt that Zi Hongming made no move, Lu Yuanshan felt ruthless.


Go to your silver moon country, where you have enough days, and go to the Zi family where you have enough days. The owner of the family will not serve you anymore. I should be the city owner of Beiyang City!

After having this decision in his mind, Lu Yuanshan took a shot, and didn't keep his hands at all.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, an astonishing bang erupted from stocks over Beiyang City.

How can you underestimate the legendary seven powerful players?

That surging and amazing spiritual energy stirred the air above Beiyang City, the tide was surging, and it swept high in the sky, and even attracted high-altitude clouds.

Clouds are churning, and black clouds are densely covered.

Soon, there were only two fuzzy figures left in the air, fighting frantically.

The war begins!

The ordinary people in Beiyang City are still staying behind closed doors at this moment.

But as soon as those hot-blooded men heard that it was the people of the Silver Moon Kingdom that shot, they fought bravely one by one, rushing to the killers hiding in the dark.

Among them, a figure was exceptionally agile, shuttled among the crowds of battlefields, harvesting the lives of killers.

If it is said that Silver Moon Kingdom is a killer, then this person is the **** of death who harvests killers.

But in the eyes of those in Beiyang City, this figure must be his own master of the hermit of the country of Yang, now the country is in trouble, come to kill the enemy.

For a while, many people in Beiyang City were very fond of that figure.

But the same relative, those assassination hall killers hated the master of this figure very much.

But no matter how other people look at it, the owner of this figure is extremely happy at this moment.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a killer in the tenth realm of Lingmai, gaining the title and bonus card experience bonus, and gaining a total of 4,000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a killer in the tenth realm of Lingmai, gaining the title and bonus card experience bonus, and gaining a total of 4,000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing..."

With the success of the sneak attacks, Qin Shaofeng felt extremely happy when he heard the prompt sound from the system.

Haha, great!

Although the experience is a little bit less, only four thousand points per one, but this is of great help to my task this time!

Qin Shaofeng is now in the tenth realm of spiritual veins, and it is the same realm to him, except for the existence of Zhao Yun'er, the rest of them are completely vulnerable in his own eyes.

Even the well-trained assassins of the Zi Family Assassination Hall, if they were accidentally attacked by Qin Shaofeng, they would basically be a sneak attack.

In such a short time, no fewer than 20 killers died in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

Because it was necessary to kill a hundred people in the tenth realm of the enemy's spiritual veins, Qin Shaofeng deliberately sought out a silver-level killer with ten spiritual veins to kill.

Dancing in the air and Lingbo's microsteps made Qin Shaofeng feel like a fish in this chaotic battlefield.

But after all, because there were too many silver-level killers in his hands, Qin Shaofeng had already attracted the attention of some people.

As the silver-level killer in the assassination hall, Silver Thirteen was ranked thirteenth in strength, and his strength had already reached the tenth peak of the spiritual vein.

And unlike other silver-level killers, Silver Thirteen was not a killer spawned from the Zi Family's "Ziyun Jue", but with his own ability, he could cultivate to the present level.

In other words, he is a person who hopes to be promoted to the legendary realm and become a gold-level assassin.

Compared with other silver-level killers, Silver Thirteen's strength was much stronger, and it was precisely for this reason that he was awarded the title of Silver Thirteen.

There were only twenty people in the Zijia Assassination Hall who had the title of Silver Number.

These twenty people are the twenty strongest silver-level killers, and the silver thirteen naturally has its own pride.

Moreover, as Zi Hongming's capable subordinate, Yin Shisan was the leader among the silver-level killers this time, but he was always paying attention to the situation.

Qin Shaofeng's appearance, especially after killing more than twenty silver-level assassins, although he did very secretively, was eventually discovered by Yin Shisan.

"Damn, there is such a master, **** it!"

With a secret cry, Yin Shisan's figure flashed, and instantly rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

"Haha, it's another one. There are already twenty-five people. One-tenth of the number of people who have completed the ten-star one hundred spiritual vein tenfold!"

Looking at the killer lying in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a smug smile.

Then, after stepping over the corpse on the ground and taking away the storage bag from the opponent, Qin Shaofeng glanced down and searched for the next target.

"Well, it's you!"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on a silver-level killer in the middle tenth stage of the spirit veins, and then the short knife he grabbed everywhere in his hand tightened slightly and rushed forward.

But as soon as Qin Shaofeng flashed around, he frowned slightly in vain, and then suddenly paused, and his body instantly retreated a few steps.


Just as Qin Shaofeng just backed away, a cold light flashed from where he was just now.

Although the night was dark at the moment, Qin Shaofeng still saw it very clearly, it was a sharp blade.

When he looked up, Qin Shaofeng realized that at some point, there was an extra figure in front of him.

The person who came was silver thirteen.

"Huh, kid, you have a pretty good reaction!" After his attack was avoided by the opponent, Yin Shisan snorted coldly.

But in fact, at this moment, Yin Shisan's heart was extremely shocked.

Because he saw Qin Shaofeng's face.

Although Qin Shaofeng was also somewhat disfigured at this moment, but at most he just slapped it at will, making his face darker. If Zhao Yuner is a person familiar with Qin Shaofeng, he might be able to recognize Qin Shaofeng in the first place.

Therefore, when Yin Shisan saw Qin Shaofeng so young, he was naturally shocked.

Actually a boy of sixteen or seventeen?

While being shocked, Yin Shisan's eyes flashed a killing intent.

With such strength at only 16 or 7 years old, this young man is a genius!

The decision was made in his heart, and then the killing intent in Yin Shisan's heart suddenly soared.

This silver thirteen hates the genius the most, because although he has a good cultivation level, he is not a genius. The reason why he can be today is because he has spent twice the effort of other people.

Therefore, for those who have supernatural talents and can surpass themselves just by practicing at will, Silver Thirteen has never had any balance.

At this moment, after recognizing that Qin Shaofeng was also an extremely outstanding genius, Yin Shisan would naturally not let him go.

To obliterate a talented genius, this is also an inexplicable pleasure for Silver Thirteen!

"Boy, you go to hell!"

With a grinning grin, Yin Shisan immediately rushed to Qin Shaofeng and made another move.

The appearance of Silver Thirteen was nothing to Qin Shaofeng.

Ten peaks of spiritual veins?

Oh, how is this?

His eyes flashed, and Qin Shaofeng's eyes instantly turned scarlet red, and comma-like symbols Gouyu appeared again around his pupils.

Write round eyes open!

Although he didn't pay attention to the person in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was still careful and opened the writing wheel.

Unexpectedly, after the opening, Qin Shaofeng made an amazing discovery.

Under the eyes of the writing wheel, the silver thirteen, which was originally as fast as lightning, was still not slow, but Qin Shaofeng could catch all the movements.

Then Qin Shaofeng saw it.

When he pounced on himself, the assassin in front of him, holding the sharp shining blade of the cold light in his right hand, rushed into his own heart.

But this is not the point. The point is that Qin Shaofeng saw that there was a faint light coming out of the assassin's right sleeve.


The appearance of this bright light made Qin Shaofeng feel abnormal, the Gou Yu in his eyes suddenly turned, and then the true face of the bright light appeared.

It was actually a blade as thin as a cicada wing.

Not big, just the size of a thumb.

But the light emitted by the blade made Qin Shaofeng feel a bit of chill in his heart.

Without hesitation, almost a subconscious action, Qin Shaofeng held the short knife in his right hand, slightly loosened, and instantly threw the short knife at the killer.

The moment the short knife was thrown, Qin Shaofeng's right hand trembled slightly.



The short knife thrown by Qin Shaofeng was directly blown away by the sharp blade in Yin Shisan's hand.

At the same time, Yin Shisan's mouth showed a cruel sneer.

With a violent flick of his right hand, Yin Shisan did not flick the sharp blade in his hand, but the blade hidden in the sleeve of his wrist came out.

What made Silver 130,000 never expected was that he just flicked it, and a flash of silver blade flashed before him, instantly knocking down the blade he had thrown out.

Damn it, was it discovered?

Yin Shisan was angry and raised his head to look forward, but as soon as he raised his head, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and then he saw a young smiling face, still with a blue light.

"Lei Dun Lei Che!"

At this time, the last word Yin Shisan heard in this life.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a killer in the tenth realm of Lingmai, gaining the title and bonus card experience bonus, and gaining a total of 4,000 experience points!"

Listening to the system's prompts, Qin Shaofeng pulled his right hand back from Yin Shisan's corpse, still falling to the ground by the other's corpse.

Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell to the ground on the side, where there was his own Xiao Li flying knife that shot down the blade of the ground.


At this moment, the blade was exactly the same as Qin Shaofeng's first glance. This is the tiny blade that is as thin as a cicada's wing. It can withstand the little Li Fei knife that consumes 10,000 points of spiritual energy, and it is still intact. .

This made Qin Shaofeng very surprised.

Now with his tenth level of spiritual vein cultivation, Xiao Li Feidao with 10,000 points of spiritual energy can kill a master of eight or even nine levels of spiritual veins in seconds.

But this little blade is safe and sound.

This blade is not easy!

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng picked up the blade and opened his eyes instantly.

Flying Feather Knife: One-star, special weapon, made of light-spirited profound stone, light and flexible, able to withstand the instillation of vitality.


Can withstand the indoctrination of Yuanli?

Although the attributes were few, Qin Shaofeng was shocked by the last sentence.

Yuanli, that is the symbol of the power of the Three Element Realm, that is to say, can this humble little blade be a weapon of the power of the Three Element Realm?

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