Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2928: Slash the wolves

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a King-rank Star Beast White Wolf and gaining 10,000 true points."

System prompts still keep echoing in my mind.

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's true value is as high as 38 million after passing through the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods Tomb, and such a true value cannot be put into his eyes.

These king-rank star beasts are unnecessary for him, but the two king-rank star beasts at the end of the wolf pack are the greatest benefit.

Anyway, the battle must be solved by him, and he doesn't want to waste any time.

"Ghost Three Kill! Kill!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed in his heart, and the speed suddenly increased by another level.

The display of martial arts of superb quality.

Although Ghost Three Slash couldn't display the multiple combat power that resembled a thousand flashes of thunder, it did not have the speed of teleportation.

But its level of weirdness far exceeds that of Thunder and Thunder.

Moreover, when fighting, it seemed to be a combination of the lightning speed and the lightning strike of Thunder Thousand Flashes.

One cut out.

Light and shadow flicker.

He felt as if he had become weightless.

He was clearly moving forward quickly, but it gave him a feeling of air.

Especially at the moment when the knife was released, there was a kind of jurisdiction that seemed to be out of the gravity of the earth, and the whole person floated like a cloud of smoke.

The speed suddenly increased to a level that he was not sure about.

The figure flickered, and the use of Ghost Three Slashing martial arts made him raise the sword in his hand in a very strange feeling.

Then cut down.


In the eyes of ordinary star warriors, it is like an invincible existence.

The dignified king-rank star beast, under his blade, is still like a piece of paper, and it will drop a wolf head the size of an iron pan with a single cut.

With such combat power, it seems that the situation will only happen when he uses his full strength for a flash, right?

Not to mention that his figure is so floating now.

The tyrannical combat power at the moment is probably far beyond the sum of his flash and blitz.

"What a terrifying martial skill, worthy of a superb martial skill!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't think about it in his heart.

of course.

He really likes Ghost Three Slash, but he will not forget that Thunder Thousand Flashes only cultivated to the second flash.

In this contrast, the power of Ghost Three Slash First Slash seemed to be just because he had just cultivated.

I believe he will continue to be familiar with it, and he will be able to find out the essence of Yizhan soon.

At that time, the power will definitely increase exponentially.

When he thought about this in his heart, he also determined another goal, which is to find time as soon as possible to study Thunder Thousand Flash back.

Don't say a thousand flashes.

He believed that even if he only cultivated to the tenth flash level, his power was definitely above the first battle of Ghost Sanzhan.

The more I think about it, the more excited it is, the more terrifying the surge in combat power.

One person, one knife, and constantly pushing forward.

Since Qin Shaofeng was constantly thinking about things in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice, he became more and more proficient in the use of ghost three cuts, which made his figure more and more ghostly.

"This, what level of martial skill is this, how can it be so terrifying?"

"That kid is just a sixth-tier star position. With the blessing of this martial skill, he can kill the king-tier star beast like cutting melons and vegetables?"

"And his figure seems too scary, right?"

"I'm afraid that the grandfathers of the family are not as good as the speed of this figure?"

"No wonder he can wander around in Tianlian Mountains alone like his own backup, and go to such a mysterious place. This kid's combat power is too sturdy, right?"

"He...isn't he really a strong man?"

Unbelievable voices continued to be heard from the Chen family.

Even Chen Shangsan, who thought his concentration was not bad, was shaking constantly under the tremendous shock given by Qin Shaofeng.

In his mouth, there was only one repeated sentence: How strong is he?

Compared to those who had been shocked to forget everything by the scene before him, he still clearly remembered Qin Shaofeng's punching and killing a royal star beast when he first appeared.

Kill a king-rank star beast with one punch, and kill a king-rank white wolf with one blow, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

He really couldn't understand how terrifying Qin Shaofeng's combat power was.

Compared to those who have been completely overwhelmed by Qin Shaofeng's tyrannical combat power, the greedy color in the eyes of Chen Yulu, the eldest son of the Chen family, is almost about to sparkle.

His eyes kept staring at the storage bag around Qin Shaofeng's waist, as if as long as he had the slightest chance, he could not help but grab it.

One, one, another.

Qin Shaofeng killed him, and didn't mind the changes in the expressions of those behind him.

Massacre all the way.

There are hundreds of star beasts.

The star beast that made Chen's family almost pee on his pants, turned into a corpse all over the floor before he could even walk past a stick of incense.

Fighting at this level, even if Qin Shaofeng's strength of energy and blood was already as much as 120,000 for various reasons.

Even the warrior at the pinnacle of the star position is impossible to compare with him.

Rao is such a terrifying power of vitality that it has consumed most of it in this battle.

His current storage bag cannot be opened.

Even if he had obtained a storage bag from Chen Yuxin, but there was no Qi and Blood Pill, he would naturally not really let his consumption become too serious.

Seeing that only the last three white wolves were left in front of him, he took the ghost three swords back.

Falling to the ground.

Although he still gives people an invincible feeling.

But in the eyes of too many people, he is far less dangerous than before.

Ordinary people think so, the three white wolf kings are similar.

There are actually three wolf kings in a wolf pack.

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled for a long time before he looked at the three White Wolf Kings in front of him with a little understanding.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, unless one male and one female.

This group of white wolves should have two wolf kings, one male and one female, and the last one is the wolf cub they gave birth.

Just don't know why, even though the wolf cub became the imperial wolf king, he still followed his parents.

of course.

He wouldn't really care whether his guess was correct.

While guessing in his mind, he walked towards the three white wolf kings step by step with the sword in his hand.

This pace is far too weaker than before.

The three white wolf kings surrounded him almost immediately.

"Oh! Ooh..."

Three wolves howling sounded one after another.

Seeing that extremely cruel appearance, Master Chen Yulu, who was still full of greed and conspiracy thoughts just now, withdrew his gaze immediately.

"Then boy, what the **** are you doing? These three wolf kings are the strongest fighting power of the wolf pack. Even if we add up to so many people, they are not enough for one wolf king to eat. Why are you taking back your martial arts at this time? Huh?" Chen Yulu couldn't help but yelled.

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