Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 293: Lian Chengjiang

For the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, the small ball is very familiar.

Although it cannot change the ultimate beneficiaries of the Five Elements Qi Luck Array, unless it is to completely destroy the Five Elements Qi Luck Array and rebuild one by yourself.

It is impossible to destroy the Five Elements Qi Luck Array.

Even Qin Shaofeng thought, Xiaoqiuqiu would not be happy.

Because Xiaoqiuqiu's impression of Emperor Lianyang is pretty good. Although thousands of years have passed, in its memory, there is always this kid who shows white teeth with a smile.

Since it cannot be cracked, it should not be broken.

Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that it possessed a secret method of the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, which allowed him and Zhao Yuner's own Qi Luck to not blend into the Qi Lian Yang State's air luck, nor to be led by the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation.

But it was able to improve the cultivation base with the help of the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, and even Xiaoqiuqiu gave out a speculation about it.

It is very possible that with the blessing of Qi Luck, especially in the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, Qin Shaofeng's skills may greatly improve his skill proficiency.

After all, with the blessing of Qi Yun, the speed of comprehension of the exercises can be improved a lot.

Even some big families in the Origin Continent use their own ethnic group's luck to bless their own geniuses, allowing them to cultivate a powerful supernatural power in a very short time.

After hearing this news, Qin Shaofeng was moved.

Because of this alone, he must also get this place.

Qin Shaofeng naturally paid attention to that military merit.

Moreover, when King Qiuhuo left, he also told Qin Shaofeng that what happened in Beiyang City this time, Qin Shaofeng could obtain a lot of military merit.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng immediately took Zhao Yun'er to the City Lord's Mansion ahead to ask for his military merits.

Only by the official records of the Lianyang State will it be recognized how many military merit points have been obtained.

But Qin Shaofeng was angry soon!

Looking at the so-called military recorder in front of him, Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to slap him and slap him to death, if he didn't worry that he was an official of Lianyang State.

Qin Shaofeng was scrupulous about the recorder, and Zhao Yuner was not scrupulous about the identity of the other party.

"What are you talking about? There is no military merit at all?" Zhao Yuner said angrily, her pretty face flushed with anger because of her incomparable anger.

In fact, she is not to blame, as anyone, at this moment, I am afraid that I can't help being so angry.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng brought her to record military merits, but he didn't want the so-called military recorder in front of him to say that Qin Shaofeng could not get any military merits.

how can that be?

It prevented the city lord of Beiyang City from betraying Lianyang State, and disrupted the plot of Yinyue Kingdom against Lianyang State, Beiyang City. These are all great contributions.

And not to mention these, the assassination hall killers that Qin Shaofeng killed were not a few, and all of them were credited, and they could get a lot of military merit.

But in the eyes of the military recorder in front of him, these are nothing.


Stop Beiyang City City Lord Lu Yuanshan from betraying Lianyang State?

Has also disrupted the Yinyue Kingdom's plot against our Beiyang City?

Oh, who can prove?

You say yes?

"If you don't have evidence, don't talk nonsense, or I have the right to suspect that you are reporting nonsense and defrauding military merit points!" At this time, the military merit recorder said the original words.

As for the killers Qin Shaofeng killed, it is still one sentence: Who can prove?

In other words, because there was no evidence, no one proved that Qin Shaofeng did these things and killed those killers.

Therefore, the military merit points are naturally gone.

The military recorder obviously didn’t know Zhao Yun’er’s identity, and didn’t care about Zhao Yun’er's anger at all. Instead, he gave Zhao Yun’er a cold look and threatened: “You’d better see where you are. This is not a place to let you go wild. Hurry up and leave for me, or I will make you feel guilty!"


Dare to threaten me?

who do you think You Are?

Looking at Zhao Yun'er in front of him, even if he felt the powerful aura radiating from Zhao Yun'er, the military merit recorder was not afraid.

Just kidding, does he need to be afraid?

As a military recorder this time, he Lian Wenyu is a member of the royal family. His surname alone is enough to make him in the entire Lianyang country without fearing anyone.

And this time, he received his cousin's order, who would dare to move him?

Thinking of his cousin, Lian Wenyu became more confident.

Even seeing that he was younger than himself, his cultivation base was a lot stronger than his own, a triple spiritual master, who was deflated in front of him, and Lian Wenyu felt extremely happy in his heart.

This Lian Wenyu was happy, but Zhao Yuner was really angry.

"Can't afford to sin? Huh!"

Suddenly, Zhao Yuner smiled.

But with his smile, Qin Shaofeng, who had been silent on the side, was shocked.

Oops, Yuner is really angry when she moves!

Feeling anxious, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously prepared to persuade him.

Don't look at Yun'er being so obedient to herself, but Qin Shaofeng knows that her Zhao Yun'er is just Yun'er in front of her, but in front of outsiders she is Zhao Yun'er of Lianyang College.

No one dares to offend Zhao Yuner of Lianyang Academy.

This can be seen from Du Meng.

Du Meng couldn't be more clear about Zhao Yuner's anger.

Qin Shaofeng is also very clear about this, and Qin Shaofeng knows one thing even more, that is, Yun'er has just become his dependent, her spiritual roots have been strengthened, and her strength has skyrocketed a lot.

This brings Zhao Yuner's power to herself at this moment, I am afraid that she can't control it!

If this is once furious, then the shot will definitely not matter.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng was still a step slower.

He couldn't move his eyes, he couldn't see Zhao Yun'er's speed at all, so naturally this shot was too late.

Because she seemed to perceive that he was about to make a move, Zhao Yuner's breath was shocked in advance and Qin Shaofeng retreated.

Just withdraw lightly, useless force.

However, with Zhao Yun'er's strength, Qin Shaofeng couldn't resist for a while, and could only fly out in depression.


After a chuckle, Zhao Yun'er's whole breath exploded, and a ray of light gushed out of her body, which made Zhao Yun'er look like a goddess wearing a starlight. The only thing that was bad was that this goddess seemed to have on her face. Murderous!

"Very good! This is the first time someone dared to speak this way in front of me in this tone. In the past, even Yufeng provoked me and was not like you. You are fine. This is the first time that Zhao Yun'er has met someone like you. !"

Zhao Yuner said this in a calm tone, but Lian Wenyu was shocked in a cold sweat.

What a strong breath, what is the origin of this girl!

Wait, she just talked about the little princess, and she also said her name.

Called Zhao...

Damn it!

She is Zhao Yuner!

After waking up in an instant, Lian Wenyu was instantly dumbfounded.

Because at this moment he suddenly remembered that there was also Zhao Yuner in the Yang Academy.

It is said that compared with their little princess, there is an unusual Zhao Yuner.


After understanding Zhao Yun'er's identity, Lian Wenyu wanted to say something for the first time.

It's a pity that Zhao Yuner will give him that time?


Qianqian raised her jade hand, and Zhao Yuner slapped it instantly.

This palm seemed innocuous, but it fell into Lian Wenyu's eyes, but it made him fly away.

Lian Wenyu had a feeling that if he was shot with this palm, he would not die, and he would definitely be seriously injured. There was no third possibility.

But at the moment when a palm fell, Lian Wenyu felt a flower in front of him, an extra figure, and then heard a familiar chuckle.

"Why Junior Sister Yun'er got angry, no matter how much he is an official from Lianyang State?"

This person who suddenly shot in front of Lian Wenyu's eyes was dressed in a light white shirt with a jade crown. He was a teenager under twenty years old.

Although young, the strength of this person cannot be underestimated.

Seeing him gently waved his hand, he lightly caught Zhao Yun'er's palm, and then looked at Zhao Yun'er with a smile on his face.


Zhao Yun'er didn't seem to be surprised by this person who appeared suddenly, instead, there was a trace of such an expression on her face, and she gave a cold snort.

"It really is you, Lian Chengjiang!"

Lian Chengjiang?

This name is familiar!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng rushed back again, just in time to hear Zhao Yuner's cold snort.

Huh, wait, this name?

Cheng Jiang!

Cheng Hao!

What is the relationship between this person and Yun'er's fifth senior brother Lian Chenghao?

Qin Shaofeng finally remembered why he felt this person's name was familiar.

Because the names of the other party and Lian Chenghao are only a word difference!

This person was Lian Chengjiang, one of the four generals of the royal prince that day.

"Haha, it's been a long time since Junior Sister Yuner!" Lian Chengjiang smiled lightly.

Until then, that Lian Wenyu breathed a sigh of relief, but he no longer dared to say anything to Zhao Yun'er.

He even regretted it in his heart at the moment.

Fuck, I knew this chick was Zhao Yun'er, what am I going to do with her!

At this moment, Zhao Yun'er did not look at Lian Wenyu again, but looked at Lian Chengjiang with anger with both eyes, and said in a bad tone: "Young Master Lian Chengjiang gave me a close-up, Yuner is not what you are qualified to call, let's be honest. Did you mean this?"

"Ha, look at Yun..."

Lian Chengjiang smiled softly, ready to say something, but when he saw Zhao Yun'er showing signs of doing something, he immediately changed his words: "Junior Sister Zhao, you have wronged me. The record of military merits has always been cautious, especially this time. Some things are even more so, if you don't believe it, ask!"

With that, Lian Chengjiang's eyes fell on Lian Wenyu who was beside him.

Lian Wenyu was shocked instantly.

But then he suddenly wanted to understand.

Zhao Yun'er had already offended herself, and looking at the other party like this, she was afraid that no matter how much she pleased, she would not be able to change her impression of herself.

In that case...

Lian Wenyu's eyes flashed, and Lian Wenyu gritted his teeth abruptly: "Yes, recording military merits is originally very rigorous. This time it is a special situation. It is impossible to record only by dictation, and even if someone sees you kill. The enemy, that can't prove anything, let alone get military merit points."

Since it has been offended, it is simply offended.

Lian Wenyu didn't believe that, with his cousin Lian Chengjiang, Zhao Yuner dared to do something with herself.

And no matter what Lian Wenyu said, that is also a member of the royal family of Lianyang Kingdom!

Could this Zhao Yuner really dare to kill herself?

Lian Wenyu didn't believe it anymore.

Seeing Lian Wenyu's words, Lian Chengjiang's eyes flashed with a hint of color.

But Zhao Yuner was angry again.

"You..." Angrily suddenly, Zhao Yuner showed signs of doing something again.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng stepped forward and stopped her.

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