Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2935: Asking price

"Little guy, the second child insulted you even though he had the prior, but you have also destroyed the old man's residence, isn't that enough?" The ancestor of the Chen family couldn't help but speak.

As soon as this sentence came out, the Chen family who had been waiting for a long time immediately caused an uproar.

The discussion was really deafening.

As a member of the Chen family, the ancestor of the Chen family seemed invincible in their hearts.

I have always seen him respectfully. Where can I see such a scene?

"That kid shouldn't be tired of life, and dare to challenge the ancestors. Is he really going to make the second elder pay the price?"

"That kid just said he was going to kill Young Master and Third Young Master. Who knows if he has a hole in his head?"

"Stop talking, and see what the kid wants to say."

"How many years has it been since there is such a little guy who dare to come to our Chen family to make trouble."

"I just don't know if the ancestor will get angry after a while, whether he will be sacked or cut him a thousand times!"

The voices of discussion seemed to have guessed Qin Shaofeng's fate.

Such a voice of discussion naturally made the great elder happy, staring at Qin Shaofeng with blazing eyes.

The look in the good show seemed to be waiting for Qin Shaofeng's good show.

"Old man, do you think it's enough?"

Qin Shaofeng endured all the way. He thought that after coming over, even if he was not confessed as an uncle, he would have to discuss with him the benefits.

But I didn't expect that the first thing I encountered was the seizure of power by the family.

The first words of the great elder were to suppress Chen Yulu and Chen Yuxin.

Fortunately, the two brothers thought that the great elder was a good person, so they only cared about the fight between them.

Such a family is really rotten to the bone.

Such a family makes him sick.

Finally, the words of the ancestor of the Chen family directly ignited the anger in his heart.

His heart has even risen.

If the ancestor of the Chen family dared to say something to start the station.

Without saying a word, he slaughtered all the senior members of the Chen family, and then looted the warehouse of the Chen family to quietly meditate.

This thought just abruptly rose in his mind.

If you let outsiders know, it will be the real excitement.

The more he thought about it in his heart, the more unkind he looked at the Chen family ancestor, and he said in a deep voice: "The son is not the godfather. Since it is your son who made the mistake, naturally you need to be responsible. Ten royal star beast yuan Dan, or a treasure of heaven and earth for cultivating the flesh at the same price, let this matter go!"

When the conditions were open, he didn't intend to give the Chen family a chance to pay back the money, so he became the master.

The ancestor of the Chen family thought he was going to say something to make the elder apologize, but he was still thinking about not embarrassing the elder of the family, and he wanted to use some benefits to make it a big deal.

But he hadn't thought of it. He hadn't figured out what benefit he would use in exchange for the face of the Chen family elder, Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly said such a thing.

Ten imperial star beast Yuan Dan, or something of equivalent value?

I rely on!

"Boy, you are too good at talking? Just a word, do you want to pick up our Chen family warehouse?" The Chen family ancestor couldn't sit still at all.

He jumped up abruptly, and Qin Shaofeng's subsequent words had already been remembered before the shouting words were over.

"Since you have said so, then Xiaoye will clear all the accounts for you."

Qin Shaofeng pointed at Chen Yulu and the Uncle Ling who protected Chen Yulu, and said: "These two people were chased by wolves. If there were no Xiaoye to rescue them, they would be dead now."

"That old guy is a strong star, and it's worth five emperor-rank star beast pill, and since that kid is your young master of the Chen family, he is also worth at least fifty star beast pill."

His words immediately made the Chen family's high-ranking Lei jealous.

But his words were still not over, and he pointed to Chen Yuxin and others with his backhand, and continued: "I have rescued these people twice, once because of the life and death of the Miluo leopard, and once by the wolf pack."

"They also have two strong stars, three Chen family geniuses, and one Chen family third son. How can they be worth fifty star beast Yuan Dan."

"As for her..."

Qin Shaofeng pointed at Chen Yuwan for the last time, and continued: "This girl did a great job of roasting meat with one hand. I originally planned to accept her as a portable cook, but since you like it, you can count it as a hundred emperor star beasts."

"A total of two hundred and fifteen emperor-rank star beasts."

"My little master has never taken advantage of doing business. Since it is a one-time transaction of the value of more than two hundred star beasts, even if the little master gave it away, there will be a total of 210 royal star beasts. Or the equivalent."

Qin Shaofeng's words were extremely fast, but when all of his words were finished.

The entire Chen family was in a situation where the needles could be heard.

Don't say it is the ordinary disciples of the Chen family who have been completely shocked to the point of silly, even if it is the head of the Chen family, or the three elders, or the ancestor of the Chen family, there is no exception.

They knew for the first time that the imperial star beast Yuan Dan was so worthless.

Just being scolded by others, he had to pay a full two hundred and ten emperor star beasts, and this was a free favor.

I rely on!

Is this world abnormal?

What did I hear just now?

Long time, long time.

"Little boy, do you know what you just said?"

The ancestor of the Chen family finally reacted and asked with a trembling voice.

"The lives of these people, as well as the insults of that second classmate, are worth a total of 210 Emperor-rank Star Beast Yuan Dan equivalents." Qin Shaofeng said again.

"By the way, there is one more thing left."

Qin Shaofeng suddenly slapped his thigh and continued: "The Chen Yuxin of your Chen family said, let the little master come over and help you fight for a place. Because the little master still doesn't know how difficult it is, I will wait for your information. After that, I was calculating the price."

His words were finally finished, but the ancestors of the Chen family were completely sluggish.

He really did not expect that one day there would be an ant who seemed to be only a teenager and could not repair the star position of Tier 6 and came to their Chen family in such a big way, in front of so many people in the Chen family, and robbed him. The ancestor of the Chen family.

In just a few words, there are more than two hundred emperor-rank star beast Yuandan equivalents. What else can this be if it is not a robbery?


When the rage in his heart was about to rise, he suddenly thought of someone in his mind.

Suddenly turned his head and glanced at a young man who was still sitting in the living room drinking tea, and said: "The previous thing will be discussed, but the last thing is afraid that you are late, little friend. An hour ago, the second child had already invited Here comes a young handsome man to help our Chen family play."

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