Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2939: Improve martial arts

"Unexpectedly, the medicinal baths obtained by the Chen family are so powerful, but with such a little thing, the medicinal power is comparable to refining ten emperor star beasts."

"It's a pity that this kind of thing doesn't allow me to increase my martial skill position."

"No! The effect of this kind of medicine is obviously related to my first use. As I use more and more, I believe the medicine that can be absorbed will decrease."

"What's so troublesome for Mao to cultivate in the Land of Bright Stars?!"

Qin Shaofeng was calculating the absorption and growth of his body, and he was about to scold his mother with anger.

The growth that this kind of medicated bath can bring to him is indeed a lot, but it is far from reaching the goal he expected.

Calculate at this speed.

Even if he grows at this rate every day, after a month, the extent his body can withstand is afraid that it will not exceed the fifth-order star position.

After slaying over a hundred white wolves, his current true value reached 39.57 million.

If they were all used to improve their cultivation, at the very least, they could make him become a powerhouse with respect to the top of heaven, and even reaching the position of saint star might not be impossible.

The reason why he was unable to improve was actually the strength of his body.

What a **** is this?

After soaking for more than an hour, he also complained in his heart for more than an hour.

After all the effects of the medicine were absorbed, he put on a clean coat and walked out of the bathroom.

When he went to the courtyard.

Chen Yuwan had already cooked the barbecue piece by piece.

According to the news from Tianxu Chong, she didn't do anything while barbecuing.

And when she saw her coming out, Chen Yuwan also specialized in a piece of barbecue, randomly cut a piece and put it in her little cherry mouth, and then sent the remaining barbecue to Qin Shaofeng.

This shows that he did not do anything.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew this.

But he would not say anything casually and kindly.

In this slightly enchanting atmosphere, after eating this dinner, he immediately drank Chen Yuwan back and turned back to the bedroom.

This courtyard is truly dedicated to the owner.

Everything here is luxurious except for the front door.

That gorgeous big bed is probably far more comfortable than any of the best rooms in this small city, the best restaurant or inn.

Compared to those who don't know how many families can only pile up on a huge floor, this Chen Family Patriarch can really enjoy it!

It's just that now this enjoyment belongs to him.

Sit on the bed.

He just got a few storage bags to lift his body, but he couldn't bear to go to sleep.

Take out a pill and swallow it.

While allowing his body to refine on its own, he was still calculating everything about the Chen family and himself.

The ancestor and head of the Chen family, since they learned that they wanted to take Chen Yuwan as a maid, they still didn't send someone to call Chen Yuwan back, obviously they had already made the plan to sacrifice her.

The better the Chen Family treats him, Qin Shaofeng knows the greater the danger.

But he will not be interested in Chen Yuwan yet.

Rather than venting his anger on Chen Yuwan, he would rather increase his physical strength as soon as possible.

Even if it's just a tiny bit.

I really don't know what kind of expression it would be when the ancestor of the Chen family brought people to kill him according to his current combat power, and suddenly he was suddenly increased by his own combat power.

"The strength of my body can only increase slowly by relying on resources, but I don't know what to do with my martial arts?"

"Since Thunder Thousand Flashes rose beyond the second level by that chance, there hasn't been any change until now."

"If I can say that the Thunder Thousand Flashes can be raised to ten Flashes, even if it is Five Flashes, and the cultivation base is raised to a Tier 5 Heavenly Star position, I will be confident that I can kill Chen Junzhan without using the Star Chaser."

"But... how should we improve?"

"System, is there any way to help me improve the proficiency of Thunder Thousand Flashes?"

After Qin Shaofeng's thoughts were fruitless, he subconsciously spoke to the system.

However, a scene he didn't expect suddenly appeared.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully upgrading Thousand Lightning Flashes. The current Thousand Lightning Flashes proficiency is thunderous three times, and the real value is 100,000."

"Is it really improved?!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly widened.

In the past, he was too lack of true value, and he also thought that the system was just a convenient tool that allowed him to clearly understand himself and could rely on true value to improve his cultivation.

But I didn't expect to actually use it to improve martial arts proficiency!

"Damn! This relationship is good! Keep improving!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully upgrading Thousand Lightning Flashes. The current Thousand Lightning Flashes proficiency is thunderous four times, and the real value of consumption is 100,000."

"System prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng failed to upgrade Thousand Lightning Flashes. The current Thousand Lightning Flashes proficiency level is 4 Lightning Flashes, which consumes a real value of 100,000."

"System prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng is promoted..."

"System prompt: Congratulations..."

A series of system prompts sounded in Qin Shaofeng's constantly shouting promotion.

Every time it is improved, only one hundred thousand true values ​​are needed, which seems to be really not much, but the probability of raising this thing almost makes him scold his mother.

After some promotion, the more difficult it is to improve later.

When he finally raised the Thunder Thousand Flash to the Ten Flash Realm, it consumed his 5.3 million true value.

Even if he has a true value of close to 40 million, this consumption makes him very painful.

Anyway, he is about to face a life and death crisis.

It is not a simple matter to fight against the powerful.

The more he can improve his cultivation now, the more chances he has to defeat the opponent.

Anyway, if he can get the true value quickly once, naturally there will be a way to quickly get it again. As long as he is still alive, isn't the true value still a simple matter?

What's more, Thunder Thousand Flash and Ghost Three Slash both need to practice!

After thinking about it, he continued to speak.

Only this time he was promoted but changed to Gui San Shan.

"system hint:……"


The system prompts keep appearing.

Perhaps it is because Ghost Three Slash only has three Slashes, the consumption is not as simple as Thunder Thousand Flashes, one consumption is a huge amount of one million.

In a short period of time, the consumption has exceeded 10 million.

Even if he still had a true value of more than 20 million, he began to sweat in a hurry.

It seems that using real values ​​to improve martial arts proficiency is not a desirable way!

If it is necessary, it is better to find a way to feel better.

He was thinking in his heart, but he had already consumed more than ten million real values, so he naturally couldn't stop at this time.


"Continue to improve!"

"Nima, this costs me 17 million in real value!"

"Lao Tzu has indeed given some on hand recently, but he can't help but consume it like this!"

"Hurry up and succeed for Lao Tzu!"

"Success to Laozi!"

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