Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2943: To kill

"What a shameless guy, borrowing a knife to kill someone unexpectedly borrowed us, brother, why didn't you kill him?" One of them jumped up suddenly.

Compared with his attitude, although the others are not as good as his, they are not far behind.

The nine brothers, except for the eldest brother who brought the news, all rose into anger at this moment.

"Not to mention that this guy snatches things that should belong to them, but even the people related to the roots don't want to let it go. If he finds a chance, he wants to kill someone with the knife. It's really hateful!"

"What kind of grievances between them have nothing to do with us, but this **** dared to borrow a knife on us, it is really horrible!"

"Brother, do you want me to kill them all?"

When several people learned of what happened, they all rose in anger.

But the reason for their anger was not because of Lu Senyu's shamelessness, but because they borrowed a knife from them.

The ants, who have a small cultivation base of the stars, dare to use their group of super powers of the stars as guns.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Brother, did you find this guy? If he remembers it, I'm afraid things will be difficult to handle. Do you want me to kill him?" one person said.

It is to kill again, but the reason is more alternative.

The eldest brother shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Although I have received news from him, I did not personally come forward, and know that most of the people involved in this matter are dead, so you don't need to worry so much."

"So much the better."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

When they learned that Lu Senyu had already defected to the Super-Rank Force Four Elephant Sect, they had already begun to feel tricky.

Their existence really needs to be kept secret.

When facing Qianyunmen, even the entire Jiangcheng.

Since within its scope, there are no people with too strong cultivation base, they can destroy Jiangcheng invisible.

Even three days have passed, and the news of Jiangcheng's slaughter still hasn't come out.

But change to a larger force.

Even if it is only a high-grade force, because of such a force, there are already strong people in the position of Saint Star.

Even if the number is so small that it can be ignored, it still exists.

They came here only to search for the whereabouts of Thunder Qianxian.

Moreover, having Jun Zhan and Han Yue temporarily living in Thunder Sect makes them more careful, after all, their identity makes this matter absolutely impossible to let outsiders know.

"Brother, we seem to have lost all the leads!"

A man in black opened his mouth with an ugly look, and said: "Although Qin Shaofeng is unlikely to have a clue, it is also a direction for us to pursue, but he was killed by that bastard's selfish desires. Who else can we go to now? ?"

"Seven Star Gate?"

Speak alone.

But before the others turned their heads, he slapped his face severely.

Suddenly, an angry voice reappeared: "The Seven Star Gate can have a clue, even if I get a martial art that I don't know about, even if I can only guess a trace of a super **** martial art, I can't use it. Come as a gift."

"And if he really wants to send it out, the people of the Seven Star Gate will only detain him, and use it to continue to extract information from him, and will never send him to the place where he will die."

After the man finished speaking, he was extremely angry and stepped on the boulder beside him.


There was a muffled sound.

The boulder was suddenly embedded in the ground.

When the breeze blew, it could blow a layer of lime on the stone.

The foot of the man in black obviously trampled the stone into dust, but he couldn't tell from the outside.

This shows that the anger in his heart has gone to the extreme.

"Purely killing someone with a knife, this guy should really kill!" Another person was extremely angry.

The eldest brother in black also took a while to calm his anger.

Holy star position cultivation base.

Although not a big shot where they came.

But when they came to the land of the shining star, their mood began to gradually change.

What they say is the existence of the sacred star, but they are played with by a small sacred ant as a fool.

How can they not be angry?

"Okay, when the trash went with the boy Yun of the Four Elephant Sect, it seemed to have sent the treasures of the people around the Sanguis. Right now, it's the celebrity beside the boy Yun, who can't be killed in a short time."

The eldest brother sighed: "Qin Shaofeng, who should have known the news the most, is also dead. It seems that we have to explore other aspects."


Everyone's expressions became miserable.

One humanity: "The places where humans gather in the land of the shining stars seem to have been explored by us, and then we have to explore the places of those other races. Those poor mountains and bad waters are disgusting!"

"Okay, we don't have time to worry about these things now. If we can't find the news as soon as possible, we won't be able to eat after we go back." The eldest brother interrupted everyone again.

With a wave of his hand, everyone immediately followed and left quickly.

As for where they want to find next, naturally no one knows, and no one will find the slightest trace of them.

But just two days after they left, the Jiangcheng incident finally broke out.

Jiangcheng can be regarded as a subordinate force of the Seven Star Gate.

But as several groups of people searched, they could not find any news about the murderer.

The entire Jiangcheng once seemed to be on fire from three feet underground, and it has been burning for a whole day.

Although they could still see the former boundary of Jiangcheng, they couldn't even find anything, and besides the breath of death, there was no other aura in the air.

Such a terrifying slaughter in the city really attracted the attention of many big forces.

However, the group of people in black did a great job.

After several days of searching, the results that can be obtained are only those who are very strong, or many people do it together.

But while those ordinary people were still searching.

Thunder Sect.

Mountain behind Lei Lin Peak.

For most of the Thunder Sect disciples, this is a forbidden existence, because the one who lives here is an existence that even the Thunder Sect master cannot provoke, Jun Zhan!

At this moment, Jun Zhan is holding a hip flask and is toasting to the sky.

A beautiful figure suddenly arrived, interrupting his excitement, and at the same time took out a piece of gravel.

The gravel is not the size of a thumb.

The moment he took it out, Jun Zhan suddenly stopped that seemingly decadent movement.

"Someone came over there, and he really tracked him down on Kid Qin Shaofeng! It's a pity, it's a pity...hahaha!" Jun Zhan laughed a few times, raised his head, and poured the drink into his mouth.

"Really the person over there? What a pity?" The girl was Han Yue.

"It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng is now... hehe, even if they don't, they don't want to get anything from that kid, you go back! This thing just doesn't happen." Jun Zhan confessed casually and continued his previous actions. .

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