Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2945: Jealous

"Huh? Come again tonight?"

Chen Yuwan thought she had come to give him money.

Even if Qin Shaofeng didn't catch a cold, at least his attitude towards her should be slightly better.

Unexpectedly, he just got the money, and before turning his head, he started to push people directly.

Is it really so disgusting?

Qin Shaofeng doesn't care what she thinks in her heart.

Taking it away, his eyes showed a cruel look: "Chen Junzhan, since you are ready for everything, then I won't just wait for it, I just hope you won't regret it then."

Qin Shaofeng whispered silently, then raised his right hand and patted his left arm.

A full twenty-five days.

The increase in his physical strength to the fourth-order star position is only second.

For him, the biggest natural change was the twenty ordinary celestial worms waiting to evolve that he brought with him.

In the past twenty days, all those celestial worms became scorpion-shaped celestial worms.

Although it might not be as capable as the scorpion-shaped celestial worms he planted for the Chen family's several direct descendants, it was enough to be another method for him.

After thinking about it, he ordered twenty Heavenly Void Insects to move.

On the way from Tianlian Mountain to the Chen family, he had already allowed the Tianxu insect to invade Chen Yulu, the third son of the Chen family, Chen Yuxin, and Chen Yuwan, respectively.

According to his understanding, the Chen family also had a second son and a fourth son in his direct line.

Except these two people.

The rest are three children and one daughter under the knees of the elder, the second elder, one son and two daughters, and the third elder and five sons.

The number of Sky Void worms he can use right now is too small, making him choose a candidate through thousands of choices.

Although the elders are all in the star position, how many people can resist his celestial worm is uncertain.

And these young people are the lifeblood of those people.

Although he is not killing innocent people.

I believe that the contradiction between the two sides is exposed, some of the backhands he left on these people will always be able to play a role, and it is a big deal that the other Sky Void insects will be taken back after the war.

After thinking about it, he went out for a while in person.

As the day of qualification competition is getting closer and closer, Qin Shaofeng's importance to the Chen family is growing, and it is not just about fighting.

His actions this time immediately attracted the attention of all the Chen family seniors.

Although they didn't show up face-to-face, the various spies continued one after another.

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to know anything.

He seemed to just want to cruise around the married couple twice, and then he returned to the home of the Chen family's head.

Because he has been to Chen's house for nearly a month.

Most people in the Chen family already knew what happened when he first arrived, but this did not include the two young people who had just moved into the VIP wing of the Chen family.

Both of these two are only in their early twenties, but their cultivation base auras are all the pinnacles of the earth and stars.

Looking at the faint aura emanating from them, these two people turned out to be true masters, and at least they had seen people with blood many times.


Even if they haven't taken a shot, they can let people know that they are definitely not comparable to those young masters of the Chen family.

What Qin Shaofeng did in the Chen family can be said to be a major stain on the Chen family, and they would not let outsiders know about it casually.

Even if these two people want to help the Chen family play, they are on the list that needs to be concealed.


Qin Shaofeng's round of inspections immediately aroused the curiosity of the two.

When they walked out of the wing where they lived, they immediately heard a few voices.

Whenever those who were discussing discovered their appearance, they closed their mouths obediently at the first time.

Even just a few words.

They had also learned from this short conversation that the young man who had just passed by, named Qin Shaofeng, had the same identity as them, and was just trying to help the Chen family to compete for qualifications in five days.

Upon learning this, the two young men ran away immediately!

"That kid is the same as us, so why should he be awed by so many Chen family members, and he still lives in the courtyard belonging to the Chen family, but we can only live in the guest rooms?"

"What kind of treatment is this special? Let's go and find their Chen Family Patriarch, we must ask them to give us an explanation!"

In a rage, the two immediately rushed towards the living room of the Chen family.

I wonder if they came by coincidence.

When they walked outside the living room door, they just heard Chen Yuwan's opening.

"Father, I have given him the five thousand wild coins, but he just kicked me out after taking the wild coins, and then I don't know what he did suddenly run out." Chen Yuwan was obviously called to question .

After all, Qin Shaofeng hadn't left the house during this period of time.

Even if you need to buy something on the street, they just told Chen Yuwan and let Chen Yuwan order.

Although the movements of this trip were only in the Chen family, they were shocked.

"Accepted? Just accept it. Then you will accompany him to the auction house."


"How many heaven, material and earth treasures does the kid need? How much is the body tempering medicine? Will it be used up before coming out and turning around to remind us?" Patriarch Chen asked again.

"No, when I took him in the medicinal bath yesterday, I saw that there was half a room with the elixir in the room where the elixir was placed. I believe it won't be a problem even if he uses it for another ten days."

"Ten days, it is enough to qualify for the start of the competition. You should go back and wait. If there is any change in him, immediately let someone notify me. Before the start of the competition, you must not let him run around."


Chen Yuwan turned around in response.

As she quickly ran out of the room, she happened to see two young people who were almost sluggish in front of the door.

Regardless of what happened to the two of them, she went straight towards Qin Shaofeng's residence.

But the two young men were already stunned.

The anger burned almost uncontrollably.

The two rushed in almost involuntarily.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Chen family hadn't eased his emotions. When he saw these two people, he didn't show the slightest good attitude on his faces. He directly asked: "You won't rest in the guest room. What are you doing here?"

Hold Qin Shaofeng at all costs.

This was the order of the ancestors of the Chen family. Except for Qin Shaofeng, the people of other places, even if they were to help the two of the Chen family in the battle, were not worth his care.

Not to mention that the two suddenly broke in without permission, naturally he made him very annoyed.

"Why did we run over?"

A young man immediately jumped up and asked loudly: "Clan Master Chen, we are here to fight for your Chen family's ten-year sovereignty over the city. Even if you don't care about our little fighting strength, don't you need to be insulted like this?"

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