Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2950: arrival

Great Northern Wilderness, Xiaoyao City!

This is a large but not gorgeous city.

Even for many people, this place can be considered shabby. If it weren't for the word Xiaoyao in Xiaoyao City, just like that force against the sky, no one would really care about this boundary.

And on the day Qin Shaofeng entered the mountain world, a group of people in black with a lot of dust on their bodies appeared outside the city gate.

"This Tianlian Mountain is worthy of that person's tomb. It is so big that we have walked for more than ten days. It is a pity that we can't get in, otherwise we must take time to explore." A black Yiren sighed.

"Even if you can go in, we don't have time to go in and explore."

Another person interrupted him, and asked the person headed: "Brother, where are we going to start now, should we get some spies and look around?"

"No, this is the realm of Xiaoyaomen. The entire Xiaoyaomen only controls such a small area. They must have a lot of eyeliners. If they openly inquire about something, they will definitely attract the attention of Xiaoyaomen." The big brother immediately shook his head.

"What should we do? Let's explore separately?" asked another person.

"That's not bad, spread it out, you go here for the old nine, you go for the eighth...I will go to Xiaoyaomen myself to investigate."

The eldest brother quickly completed the assignment, and in his arrangement, the one to explore was the earthquake-shaking city where Qin Shaofeng was before entering Tianlian Mountain.

After the allocation, the eldest brother immediately took out eight Qiankun bags.

"Here are all kinds of concealed equipment that I have prepared. Don't use these things unless it is necessary. There is only this precious resource in our business." The eldest brother ordered.

"Brother don't worry, unless it's a matter of life and death, we will never use it." Old Jiu said with a grin.

But he didn't know that he would soon be the only one who used up the entire bag.



Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the group of people who were looking for Thunder Thousand Flashes had already arrived in the world of the Great Northern Wilderness.

One of them has already started to drive towards Zhenshan City.

Now he has already begun to explore the mountains.

Since everyone has a task, everyone has been dispersed the first time they enter.

In just a short time, only Qin Shaofeng and others were left.

Qin Shaofeng knew that even if some of them wanted to do something to him, it could not be this time.

Randomly glanced in the mountains and forests, and immediately searched deep in the mountains.

Even when he moved, he didn't greet the two people behind him.

Since this place belongs to a kind of dense land, there must be some good things, and he doesn't want to bring two people who are obviously hostile to him.

He didn't want to take the two of them, but when they found out that he was moving, they hurriedly followed.

In just a short time, the traces of other people have disappeared.

One of them quickly caught up and shouted: "Brother Qin is a little slower. Since we are all helping the Chen family, we should go together so as not to be conspired by other families."

"Conspiracy to kill?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to talk to them.

Maybe he would just throw them off if he finds any chance.

But he didn't expect that this person would suddenly come over and say something like this to him.

Who on earth would conspiracy to murder him, don't these two people really know?

"Who is helping the Chen family? Besides, do I know you?"

Qin Shaofeng sneered, throwing out such a sentence casually, and immediately suffocated all the words prepared by the two of them.

Not helping the Chen family?

I rely on!

Both of them were stunned.

The person who opened the mouth was really puzzled, and asked, "Don't we know each other if we know each other? Besides, even if we are few, it is not a bad thing for Brother Qin, but we feel something that is not good for you!"


Qin Shaofeng didn't expect him to speak in this way.

"Although the two of us are not big figures, we still have some understanding of some of the unprovokable forces who cannot be provoked. It seems that there is no such person as Brother Qin."

"Some time ago, we discovered that the Chen family had a weird attitude toward you, and I also heard that no one in the Chen family can mention your name. Anyone who dares to mention it will be killed."

"Even we have been warned that we can only call you Brother Qin or something, but we must never call you by name, otherwise the Chen family will kill us when they are chasing them to the ends of the world."

This person reported three news in a row, and one news was better than the other.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had guessed long ago, the Chen family must be preparing to start a killing battle against him after this trip, but he did not expect to be prepared to this level.

"I'm just a small person with a star-level cultivation base at the sixth level, is Chen Junzhan taking such a serious matter?" Qin Shaofeng said to himself.

He still disdains to cover up in front of these two people.

Hearing what he said, the person who opened his mouth was overjoyed and said, "I don't know, anyway, I feel that the Chen family will definitely be against you. With such a piece of news, we can always be regarded as getting to know you?"

"carry on."

Qin Shaofeng looked back.

He has learned a lot about the Great Northern Wilderness during this period, but more is still in the eyes of the Chen family.

Although he doesn't like these two people, it is not difficult to hear from the words of that person before. From these people's mouth, some different voices should be heard.

"My name is Zheng Shuo, and he is Zhou Fei, both of whom are at the pinnacle of the earth and stars. What about you, Brother Qin?" Zheng Shuo asked curiously.

He seemed to behave casually, but in fact, when he knew the actions of the Chen family, he guessed that Qin Shaofeng must have many secrets in him.

Both of them are at the pinnacle cultivation base of the Earth Star Position. In his opinion, as long as they are willing to do something, it should not be difficult to get some benefits from Qin Shaofeng.

It really didn't work, he could also contact the Jiang family and several other families.

In short, he was not prepared to let Qin Shaofeng leave safely.

"I am who I am. If you have nothing else, you can leave. If you want to stay, you might as well talk to me about the Great Northern Wilderness." Qin Shaofeng couldn't tell, when Zheng Shuo spoke. , Although he was laughing, the killing intent in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

For him, the only effect of these two people was just questioning.

He didn't simply talk nonsense with the two of them, and went straight to the subject.

And his attitude is very clear. If Zheng Shuo and two of them are willing to say, then let them go on. If they refuse to say, either directly do it, or let them both go to find someone.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Shuo was stunned when he received such a sentence from him.

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