Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2952: city?

"Boom! Boom!"

Since the two of them can give them a fancy and arrange such a task, it is naturally not a simple role.

With the same cultivation base, the combat power is many times stronger than those of the second generation ancestors.

But when the two of them slashed and fell on the little beast that seemed to be just ordinary, they made two extremely terrifying sounds.

Amidst the roar, the little beast seemed to have received no harm at all.


There are two more calls.

It looked like a rabbit, but it was a little different.

But no matter from which aspect, it was just the little hand of a herbivore, suddenly jumped up and bit at Zheng Shuo in one bite.

"Damn! What the **** is this, it's clearly a herbivore, why would you bite me in turn?" Zheng Shuo jumped up in shock.

Speaking of the appearance of a small beast, no matter how you look at it, it is so harmless to humans and animals.

But the two people's full blow cut it down, and they couldn't cause any damage to it.

Even if its bite ability is not strong, it is enough to scare people.

This is the situation for the two of them now.

"Thunder Fury!"

"Heaven Heart Sword!"

In shock, the two of them immediately took out their skills at the bottom of the box.

The little beast stubbornly resisted this kind of attack, but was only chopped off a few hairs. Other than that, it didn't seem to have any injuries.

However, the powerful shock force blasted the little beast away.

This thing... seems familiar?

Seeing the defensive ability of the little beast, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

The little beast in front of him seemed very similar to something he had seen before.

At first glance, they are harmless to humans and animals.

But the attack was far beyond what they should have been.

Defense can be called a perverted existence, but that kind of thing is the same thing as the little beast in front of you?

When he was thinking, he saw the little beast rushing up again and again.

Through a moment of watching the game.

Qin Shaofeng has roughly understood the ability of this little beast.

Perhaps it has undergone strong reinforcement, but because of its original nature, as a herbivore, its combat effectiveness is already extremely weak.

After what kind of strengthening, he couldn't fight with Zheng Shuo and Zhou Fei at the pinnacle of the earth star.

we can even say.

If it hadn't undergone that kind of change, I'm afraid ordinary people could treat it as food.

It is precisely because of that kind of reinforcement that Zheng Shuo and Zhou Fei, both of whom were at the pinnacle of the earth and star position, could only knock them out again and again.

"Is there something like that here too?"

Qin Shaofeng murmured in a low voice, with deep worries in his voice, but also a strong taste of expectation.

The little beast in front of him was naturally similar to something he had encountered.

The attack is strong and the defense is stronger.

What Qin Shaofeng looked forward to the most was naturally that the true value it could bring was more abundant.

It is precisely because of the mass killing of this thing that he can go from a small star-positioned pauper to a local tyrant with a real value of 40 million.

Over there is-a ghost slave!

The behavior pattern and various changes of this little beast are too much like the ghost slave in his memory.

Look at it for a moment.

Qin Shaofeng lost interest in watching the game.

Even though this little beast was once stronger than the ant, it was no more than a rabbit and mouse, and it was not worth paying attention to.

Even after ghosting, the true value it can bring can't make him care.

In that case, he naturally didn't mind to watch the battle between the two sides.

In a short while, he was already on the top of the mountain.

Take a leap.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, the tallest tree, he finally saw the world in front of him.

This look immediately made Qin Shaofeng's eyes shocked.

I thought that what he was in was just a world in the mountains.

It should be similar to the Feiheng Mountain Range in the Tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods I entered before coming here.

But really see this area within the forest.

He only understood the changes.

Although they are all in the deep mountains, they can be compared with the thirty-three mountains and thirty-three passes there.

It is more like a city in the mountains.

In the deepest part of the mountains, it is a huge city.

"Damn! Your kid is too loyal, right?"

When Qin Shaofeng was observing and thinking, Zheng Shuo's voice came from his subordinates: "We worked so hard to deal with that weird little death beast, so you just left us and escaped?"

"You two are the pinnacle powerhouses, if you can't handle even a small hand that is not as good as a rabbit, you don't need to look for anything here." Qin Shaofeng didn't even twist his head, he was already looking at the distance. That huge city.

"Damn! What do you mean by your little bastard? Why look down on the little beast just now?"

Zheng Shuo was immediately angry.

But he believed that Qin Shaofeng didn't know how terrifying the little beast was.

Even when he was extremely angry, he wanted to tell the situation of the little beast first.

But he hasn't waited for anything.

Qin Shaofeng had already jumped down from the tree.

"It's not a rabbit if its biting ability is slightly stronger than that of a rabbit? If you are ordinary people, it will indeed be troublesome if you encounter such a rabbit." Qin Shaofeng did not finish.

But what he meant was already very obvious.

And no matter whether Zheng Shuo understood it or not, he lifted his leg and walked in the direction where he found the city just now.

For that city, he didn't even plan to ask.

After all, Zheng Shuo didn't know much about it.

Most of them are hearsay.

not to mention.

He believes that something that should be coming seems to be coming too.

Since it can't be long to go forward, I have to go to that city. I believe that many troops who came with them will also search in that city.

Those who have arranged it long ago, I believe they will not wait for him to get there.

Is thinking about it.

A rustling sound came from the forest not far away.

A moment.

With a tall weird vine-like plant was cut to pieces.

Six people came out from behind the vines.

"Huh? The Sun family haven't come yet?"

The young man walking in the front asked.

Qin Shaofeng still had an impression of this person.

This person seems to be a member of the Jiang family. I remember that when the head of the Jiang family gave orders, he seemed to take special care of this young man.

I believe that even if this young man is not a direct child of Jiang's family, he must be inextricably linked to Jiang's family.

As for the five people around him, in addition to two of them from the Jiang family, there is another group from the Luo family.

This time the competition seems to be the Chen family, Jiang family, Luo family, Sun family and Cheng family.

Where he was exposed, it was obvious that he did not hesitate to lose his worth, but also to betray the two who were with him. Now the Jiang family and Luo family have also arrived.

Listening to them, it seems that the Sun family is among them.

This one is really interesting!

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