Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2957: Game world?

"It seems that there are too many problems here than I can see, and there is no need to think about it so much." Qin Shaofeng shook his head and whispered a few words, but his steps never stopped.

Stepping onto a path that seemed to be trampled by life, suddenly felt the world in front of him suddenly changed.

Or in other words, like entering another world.

Look back.

The original mountain forest seemed to have disappeared, but what reappeared before his eyes was a huge barrier.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing.

But he can faintly feel that the barriers here are by no means as simple as he can see with his naked eyes.

Although he can't tell why.

On the way forward, people in all kinds of clothes had already begun to appear before his eyes.

Under observation, he almost exclaimed.

These people either took knives or swords, but without exception, the combat power displayed seemed to be suppressed in some way.

"Are you... from the Chen family? Go to the city to accept the task, and then quickly come out to upgrade." A person with the appearance of a small team leader shouted at him with an unhappy face.

Into town? accept mission? upgrade?

Qin Shaofeng felt that his head was a little confused.

What is this scenario?

playing games?

"The captain, I still don't quite understand, so what is going on with the task upgrade?" Qin Shaofeng really didn't understand.

"We are now in the tomb of a strong man."

"That being liked playing games very much during his lifetime, so there is a strange power in the tomb that was built before his death, as if it made us entrants into another form."

"And we need to join forces to kill a boss in the end, otherwise no one can get that Silver Moon Rabbit."

The captain said the matter quickly.

Hearing this, Qin Shaofeng was almost stunned by his words.

After doing it for a long time, he actually came to this place similar to the game world, and it was formed by the tomb of a once strong man.


The days when he came to the land of the shining star were not short.

Even his own cultivation level seems to be very strong, but why has he never obtained this kind of cultivation method?

Not to mention learning the cultivation method, in his memory, it seems that only the Void Realm has such a strange thing, right?

Unexpectedly, there is such a world on the other side of the most terrifying mountain in the land of shining stars.

And a more pure world gamified.

"Upgrade? Hit BOSS? I rely on!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but shouted.

Seeing that all the soldiers started to move again, they quickly moved towards a group of bat-like species.

Bats under the sun?

Qin Shaofeng felt very speechless about this.

Shaking his head helplessly, he had to move quickly towards the direction of the city.

Before coming to the city.

He immediately saw a sign at the city gate.

After a glance, he finally understood that the group of soldiers was so anxious.

The narrative text above roughly means:

Due to the recent invasion of the Hell Dragon, I hereby offer a reward to one person or team to help the City Lord destroy the Hell Dragon that may reappear at any time.

In order to thank the warrior for his brave record, the city lord will give the warrior the silver moon rabbit that the city lord once loved.

Seeing the scenes written on it clearly, Qin Shaofeng was almost stunned.

In this gamified world, there is almost a pure game situation, even more serious than the system of the virtual world?

Follow the requirements of the city?

After experiencing so much, he is very clear that the mission requirements here are obviously closely related to the strength of that strong man who has fallen.

The requirement to enter here, since it is the peak cultivation base of the earth star position, if he can display a lot of combat power surpassing the earth star position, I believe he can become a person who can exceed the rules of this place.

All these flashed in his mind, and the corners of his mouth were immediately outlined.

Since I came to this city.

Even if he uses the strongest combat power, he may not be able to unfold everything in this place.

Instead of doing something, which is likely to change the rules here, it is better to follow the requirements of this city and slay that **** dragon.

Thinking in his mind, he strode into the city.

The gate of pure gamification seems to be carved out of a huge rocky mountain.

A group of soldiers stood on either side of the gate.

When looking closely.

He finally saw the soldier's situation, and for a while, a black blood bar and a number 100 mark appeared on the soldier's head.

The aboriginals in the land of the shining star may feel puzzled after seeing the 100 sign, but he came from the earth where the game is flourishing, but he understood it at a glance.

These soldiers turned out to be 100-level existence.

In this gamified city, it is obvious that everything can be suppressed.

Anyway, soldiers can't have lives.

He just took a look and strode into the city.

This city is not very big, it can even be said to be extremely small.

After entering the city, all you can see is a huge square, where NPC characters stand.

On the left front is a row of tall buildings, one of which is written on a plaque with the words of the inaugural hall.

The inaugural hall?

Foggy grass! To what extent has this former powerhouse studied online games?

Before he died, he was able to create such a real game world. If it were placed in that peaceful world, wouldn't it be mad to make money?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but spit out, and then walked towards the inauguration hall.

The inaugural hall covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters, but only four people stand in four different corners.

On the side of these people, there is a notice board on which the existence of various professions is written.

The warrior can use two-handed weapons and has a strong attack power; when his rage value is full, he can perform big moves, increasing his movement speed and attack speed by ten times for one minute.

Soldiers, weapons and shields can be picked up together, defense power against the sky; full of anger can perform unparalleled tactics, attack power and upgrade experience doubled.

An archer can hold a bow and arrow to attack the enemy at a long distance, and the attack power is relatively weak; when the anger is full, he can use the Rainstorm Pear Flower Arrow, which can shoot 108 arrows at a time.

The pharmacist can add blood to himself or his teammates, he can poison the enemy, and his attack power is weak. When his anger is full, he can use the Thunder Fury's big move, instantly increasing his and his teammates' blood by half.

Looking over the four signs, Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly appeared joking.

"The senior who made this place is indeed very strong, but he has created too few things. There are only so many professions, and the description of the profession is so crude." Qin Shaofeng uttered a word and went directly to the Warriors interface. Career selected as a warrior.

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