Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2978: checkerboard

"If you don't chase Qin Shaofeng, what are you making here?!"

A scream came from behind the chase.

But everyone's familiarity with this voice made them all look at the people who rushed over.

Yes, it is everyone.

The Yang Xingchan, who respected the heavenly cultivation base, couldn't get up because of the Ram Zun.

This makes the top of the five major families follow them.

Respecting the heavenly powerhouse is not Chinese cabbage.

Even if the five major families have them, they are very few. At least there is not a strong person who respects the cultivation of heaven among the high-level families including the Patriarch.

Fortunately, the speed of the two men is not fast, so that they can safely follow behind them.

Seeing everyone's arguments and disputes, their hearts are tight.

Especially when the ancestor of the family cannot be added, the owner of the family, Cheng Zixi, is even more worried.

"Return to Lord Gongyang, Lord Yang, we feel the breath of fighting here, which happens to be the breath of Qin Shaofeng and the ancestor of the family, so we suspect that they have fought here. It is very likely that the ancestor of the family has successfully captured the kid, but I didn't know why, I took the kid and escaped." Chen Junzhan, the ancestor of the Chen family, said.

"Getting married?"

Yang Xingchan's expression suddenly became uncomfortable, he turned his head abruptly, and looked at Chengzi.

This look really scared Cheng Zi Su and the others to death.

But before they could explain anything, the old voice sounded again.

"Don't worry, the breath here is weird."

In the suspicious gaze of everyone, the Ram Zun took out something that looked like a chessboard from his arms, and said without hesitation: "There is some faint blood around here, and it does not smell like young people's blood. ."

"Not like the smell of young people's blood?"

Everyone grew their mouths together, they didn't expect the blood to smell different.

They have insufficient cultivation.

Naturally, he would not know that his cultivation has reached the position of the holy star. After practicing the bleeding element, his eyes on the world have begun to change slightly.

For the old guy in the Holy Star position.

Cultivation to reach the position of saint star is just the beginning of a certain martial art.

Ram Zun stretched out his hand and tapped in the air before pointing towards the chessboard.

Suddenly, the two rays of light merged into the chessboard.

The chessboard reacted quickly.

But only a blood-red piece appeared on the chessboard.

"Sure enough!"

For the first time, Ram Zun's old face changed, and he looked shocked.

Everyone's heart beats fiercely.

They didn't know what had happened, but they also knew what must have been shocking, otherwise they wouldn't let the Lord Ram of the Holy Star show such a change in expression.

However, none of them dared to ask anything at this time.

"The gaze you want to pursue has penetrated into Tianlian Mountain, and the direction has not changed. It is still in this direction, and the speed has slowed to the lowest point. You can go further five hundred miles and then spread out to find."

"Although the old man's chess board can lock his approximate position, that position is within three hundred miles."

"Separate some of you and return to your respective families to bring people over."

"At the same time, order to continue. If he can capture the boy back to the old man, the old man can accept him as a disciple, and if he can be a named disciple."

This time, the Ram Zun has made a lot of money.

The people of the five major families were all shocked at how Qin Shaofeng could kill the ancestor of the family.

However, such conditions made everyone instantly give up on the life and death of their ancestors.

Become a disciple of Ramzun?

Do not!

The kid who can even plot to kill the ancestors of a family can't be killed by ordinary people in their family.

But even just find its location.

Even if they can only become a named disciple of Gongyangzun, that can make their family soar into the sky!

Under such thoughts.

Even if it was the loss of the strongest man's marriage, each one became blushing.

"Second brother, you immediately return to the family with two powerful men, and pass my order, as long as it is my married child, whether he is a strong star or a warrior in the small star position, he will quickly rush to Tianlian Mountain! "Cheng Zi ordered as if he was crazy.

All disciples above the rank of Xiaoxing must come.

To know.

In the eyes of martial arts powerhouses with such cultivation bases.

Even the cultivation base of the big star is like a baby who has just entered the world of martial arts.

The cultivation base below Xiaoxing's position can hardly be called a warrior.

Under this circumstance, this order of his is tantamount to letting the whole married family come out.

It's not just the married family who gave this order.

Cheng Zixi had just finished the order, and before Cheng Zi appeared to take the order, the ancestors of the other four major families issued exactly the same order at the same time.

Even if the three families that have helped them get married in the game world are the same.

They only promised one thing, but this thing was not promised!

not to mention.

The benefits of becoming a disciple of Ram Zun.

It's not comparable to the lost benefits of getting married.

Someone from the five major families immediately led out.

Still not waiting for them to leave.

Gong Yang Zun seemed to be carrying the orders on his back, and still able to see through the thoughts in their hearts, and said in a voice full of vicissitudes: "At the same time, pass the order for the old man. While arresting Qin Shaofeng, if anyone dares to deal with the five big families. Anyone will kill his clan!"

Such an order was given, and the people who had just taken the order and were thinking about whether they were going to kill the people of the four major families on the road put their minds away.

After all, they had seen the abilities of Ram Zun, and no one dared to provoke this sky-defying existence.

Everyone led away.

The people who stayed here, under the command of Gongyangzun, quickly rushed towards the place pointed by Gongyangzun.

The words are divided into two ends.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know, his plan was as fragile as a piece of white paper in front of the strong saint star.

But he, who has just been promoted to the fourth-order star position, is already full of confidence in his own strength.

Even if this overwhelming effect is only for everyone outside of the sacred star powerhouse Ram Zun.

With this level of confidence.

He doesn't need to rush forward regardless of consumption.

He even found a clean stone and sat down, took out some wine and vegetables from the Chen's house and ate for a short while, before setting a new goal for himself and starting his journey.

The distance of five hundred miles is indeed very close to those who respect the heavenly powerhouse.

It only took a cup of tea time to come.

But Qin Shaofeng only took a dozen breaths to eat, and he had already left by this time.

There is no checkerboard lock for Rams.

These people can only choose to divide the area in the way of family and start their own search.

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