Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2981: Search

"It doesn't need a lot, just a little effort."

Qin Shaofeng was afraid that those who were chasing after him would catch up and would scare the woman and others.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to ask for too much so that they would not run away at that time.

"Just give some effort?"

The middle-aged woman's look became a little strange.

She wasn't the two young people she was carrying, and she could immediately hear that Qin Shaofeng's words seemed to carry deep concerns.

Especially the pronunciation of the word ‘some’ seems a bit strange.

She can hear it.

The young man in front of him is definitely not simple.

And this sentence came to mind after she asked.

Because of this, when he said this sentence, his voice was a little weird.

Isn't this kid the one sent by those guys?

The woman had guesses in her heart, but she wouldn't draw a conclusion directly.

Qin Shaofeng's caution is natural, but he feels a little relieved, but he still tentatively asked: "I am Zi Tianying, this is my nephew Zi Xun, niece Zi Yue, have not asked the little brother Gao's name? "

"Qin Shaofeng."

Anyway, the name Qin Shaofeng was never famous in the Great Northern Wilderness.

Even the Chen family back then would definitely try their best to help him cover up. He was pretty sure that uttering this name would not cause a big sensation.

as predicted.

The woman just thought for a moment, then stopped thinking about it.

Then he asked: "The little brother may not be clear, I am a seventh-ranked respected celestial cultivation base, and I have important treasures on my body, and I can exert nearly half of the combat power here. I don’t know which family the little brother’s enemy is. If he really finds it, I will clean it up for you."

She should think so.

Because the place of the Great Northern Wilderness is too small.

Even if Xiaoyao's body is overseas, it also makes it impossible for a few strong sacred stars to hide them like the land of shining stars.

Although Qin Shaofeng easily encountered one, it didn't mean that there were many strong people like Great Northern Wilderness.

Quite the opposite.

Because the resources that Xiaoyao Sect brought back in those years were really scarce, there were only a few sacred stars in the Great Northern Wilderness.

It can only be said that Qin Shaofeng's luck is too bad.

Anyone who understands the Great Northern Wilderness can meet one of the few people.

"Senior joked, how can this junior bother Senior?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently as Gu Jing had no waves in his eyes.

At first glance.

He seemed to have inherited Zi Tianying's affection.

But Zi Tianying is very human.

Able to cultivate to the seventh-ranked venerable position and still occupy a high position, how strong Zi Tianying's eyesight is can be imagined.

The identities of the other two are not ordinary.

And their current situation is really not very good, making them seem to be matured.

Especially in the face of a sense of crisis, they can definitely be called a soldier.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished saying this, the three of them all felt something was wrong.

What secret is there in this little Tier 4 Heavenly Star boy who can attract enemies that even me can't deal with?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't say anything about himself casually.

This also made Zi Tianying suspicious, but she didn't really think that Qin Shaofeng could provoke enemies that she couldn't deal with.

As for the powerhouse of Saint Star, she couldn't even think about it.

"Little friend, you don't have to worry so much. As long as you obediently do this with us, no matter who is trying to trouble you, I won't let them shoot you." Zi Tianying promised again.

The thing they are going to get is too important to them.

As long as Qin Shaofeng helps them peacefully, even if a strong saint star comes, she can't let him move Qin Shaofeng.

After all, her identity is not simple, even if she encounters a strong saint star, the other party must give her a bit of face.

Accordingly, she must kill Qin Shaofeng.

Thinking of this in her heart, how could she think that Qin Shaofeng could really meet the almost impossible existence?

"I don't know what senior is looking for, where is it? What's the trouble?" Qin Shaofeng didn't do it either.

If he must leave now, I believe he will offend the woman in front of him.

I'm afraid it will be the easiest to fight at that time.

"If we know where it is, we don't need to be all over the mountain. I can only be sure that the thing is in this mountain."

Zi Tianying briefly explained the geographic location.

Regarding other situations, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he said: "Although I am a little older, I am not an unkind person. Since you choose to help us, you don’t need to scream from the back all day. If you don’t mind, just call me Aunt Ying."

"I'm Zi Xun, the seventh-order Celestial Star cultivation base, this is my sister Ziyue, don't you think she is young, she is us... family, a famous genius girl, although only fifteen years old, she has already practiced To the ninth-level star position." Zi Xun immediately stepped forward.

Compared to Zi Tianying, he appears more enthusiastic.

Qin Shaofeng is exhausted now, but he is not interested in knowing their details.

And this cultivation level can be achieved at a young age.

Coupled with all the weirdness on Zi Tianying, he had already guessed the origin of these people.

Since Zi Xun said so, he simply didn't ask more.

Nod gently.

He then said, "Since the target is in this mountain, let's start searching immediately!"

"Heaven and Earth Spirit Liquid, since its name is such a title, I believe it won't be on the surface. We can look for some strange burrows and caves guarded by powerful star beasts as our main target."

Qin Shaofeng immediately gave his opinion.

As soon as this sentence came out, the three of them nodded again and again.

‘This kid is really not easy. ’

Zi Tianying silently defined Qin Shaofeng in her heart.

She also obtained the information before she came, so she was sure that the thing was underground.

But the boy in front of him could directly determine the direction of his search with just one name. Such a mind is not comparable to ordinary people.

I'm just curious, how could his wisdom only have the cultivation base of the fourth-order star position?

If she could know.

Just a few days ago, Qin Shaofeng had still swaggered through the market outside with a skin of a six-tiered star position, what would his face look like.

Freely control nearly ten levels of cultivation.

I am afraid that only Qin Shaofeng can do it in this world.

"We have already searched on the other side of the mountain, where to go, let's go!" Zi Tianying immediately said, giving a more precise search direction.

Look for a cave or underground cave in a big mountain.

This kind of thing is very simple to search for by their cultivation base.

But here is Tianlian Mountain.

And it is in the area where the power of forbidden force reaches its extreme.

Even if they have a treasure in their possession, Zi Tianying and others are searching very slowly.

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