Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2992: guess

"Boy, can you hear that person?"

Chen Lao Er was worried, and even under Qin Shaofeng's anger, he couldn't help but start thinking more.

But Zi Tianying's words made him feel at ease.

Qin Shaofeng is only a mere fourth-order Celestial Position cultivation base.

In general, the strength of this class of martial artists is only a few hundred thousand, and those who can reach two hundred thousand are very few.

Who would have thought that Qin Shaofeng's energy and blood power was ten times more powerful than ordinary people?

"Boy, you'd better hand over your things obediently. I can give up revenge for my brother, how about?" Chen Lao Er was tempted again.

Although Zi Tianying has not yet shot.

But Zi Xun Ziyue's two brothers and sisters' plea, he could not hear.

Qin Shaofeng is now in no life-and-death crisis, and Zi Tianying's failure to make a move is excusable.

But if Qin Shaofeng had a life and death crisis.

Whether Zi Tianying will make a move is not what he said.

A Qin Shaofeng makes him so difficult.

After adding a Zi Tianying whose cultivation base is unknown, he has no confidence to overcome it.

"Old guy, didn't you just say this? Why did you come to talk nonsense with Xiaoye again? Hit if you want to, see Xiaoye not use you to break through the fifth rank." Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times.

His previous combat ultimate moves were so well hidden that it seemed to others that he had consumed less than 100,000 vitality points.

In fact, it has already exceeded a million.

But the value of one million qi and blood was less than half for him.

Playing against a second Chen alone, he didn't need to consume so much.

The corners of the mouth were slightly raised.

He directly raised the sword in his hand.

"Old guy, you keep saying that Xiaoye's vitality and blood power consumption is serious. Have you forgotten where it is? Your consumption will only be ten times that of Xiaoye, Xiaoye is a forbidden warrior, hahaha!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed again.

The seemingly ordinary dialogue is actually a psychological suggestion.

With a loud opening, Chen Lao Er immediately trembled.

Just at this time.

His figure moved again.

"Ghost Three Slash, Ghost Slash!"

"Second flash, flash!"

"Three flashes, flash strikes!"

Qin Shaofeng's shot this time was exactly the same tactics against Old Chen.

Even if he knew that such a tactic would be difficult for Chen Lao Er to work again, he didn't care so much.

as predicted.

At the same time his figure suddenly disappeared.

Chen Lao Er, who was still ready to go, turned around abruptly.

His reaction was much faster than Chen Lao San.

But after he turned around, his expression was still extremely ugly.

After all, the two figures of Qin Shaofeng looked exactly the same to him.

Even if he had a relatively long time to observe, he still found sadly that he couldn't find out which Qin Shaofeng was.

"Is this the true power of the superb martial arts?"

"But how can such martial skills be the effect that the supernatural martial skills can bring?"

Chen Lao Er's face has become extremely ugly.

In his heart there are more doubts, and more intense greed.

Such a heaven-defying martial arts skill, even if it is just a scrap of it, is enough for him to take risks.

He was not the only one who saw Qin Shaofeng fighting in this way.

Zi Xun immediately frowned and turned back and asked, "Auntie, what is the matter with Brother Qin's martial arts? Does he really know martial arts? Shouldn't it?"

"Didn't it mean that there is no such thing as a martial art of genius?" Ziyue asked in confusion.

"Whether it exists, at least no one knows."

Zi Tianying shook her head and explained: "But what he has learned should be really a fragment of the martial arts of the sacred class, which makes him far surpass the martial arts of the sacred class in certain martial arts, but there must be some negatives corresponding effect."

"Besides, I can only say that this kid is a genius."


The siblings were shocked.

"The martial arts of the fragments, even if they are only very low-level martial skills, are difficult to comprehend, let alone superb martial skills. It is extremely rare for him to learn from it."

"What's more rare is his intelligence."

"If I'm not mistaken, the kind of martial arts he used in your eyes is at least a superposition of four or even five holy martial arts."

"A martial skill accelerates, a martial skill creates an effect similar to ultra-fast movement, a martial skill increases power, a martial skill forms a phantom, and finally it is the kind of magical martial skill that makes him look like a ghost."

Zi Tianying explained it, and immediately asked her brother and sister to nod their heads together.

Although the martial arts of superb rank are in the legend.

But they also didn't believe that a martial art skill of superb rank gave Qin Shaofeng so many terrifying abilities.

But if there are many sage martial arts, cooperate with the display of that sacred martial arts.

Not to mention the fragments of the martial arts of the divine rank, even if it is still the martial art of the noble rank, if it can cause the ghost-like effect, it can also make Qin Shaofeng's combat power far beyond the same.

"What? It turned out to be a superposition of five holy martial arts?"

"Who is your kid, how come there are so many sage martial arts?!"

Chen Lao Er was shocked again.

The magical martial arts skills brought such a big gain, he was really unimaginable.

But the martial arts of supernatural rank are martial arts that can only appear in the legend.

It is said that moving mountains and reclaiming sea is omnipotent.

Those are all legends. Who knows what the real situation looks like?

At least he couldn't believe that statement.

In contrast.

Zi Tianying's explanation is also the most acceptable to him.

But still shocked!

It is said that even the Lord Ram has only two sage martial skills.

And they are all inferior goods in the sage martial arts.

That's because Lord Gongyang has done so many times for Xiaoyaomen.

This kid has so many sage martial arts.

It is still a holy martial skill that can be combined into a matching martial skill. Doesn't it mean that this kid can definitely have more than five holy martial skills?

No wonder this kid is tyrannical and boundless.

He actually had this kind of adventure against the sky, and he knew so many martial arts that even he was jealous.

After all, the thunderbolt axe he cultivated was only a heavenly martial skill.

No one can learn the saint martial arts except Xiaoyaomen, so many saint martial arts appear together, it is really a heaven-defying opportunity for him.

Catch, must catch!

Since it is only a saint martial skill, I believe it is difficult to cultivate with his cultivation base without flaws!

Where is it, where is it?

As long as I can find the flaw in his phantom, he will never defeat the old man.

As for that woman...

Although she is mysterious, her true strength may not be better than the old man.

As long as the old man can take down this kid, no matter what her cultivation level is, can the old man not be able to fight but still run?

This is Tianlian Mountain!

The greed in Chen's heart became more and more serious, which made him believe in Zi Tianying's statement more and more.

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