Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2994: Worst news

"Shao Feng, if Aunt Ying is right, after you take advantage of Tianlian Mountain, with the kind of battle power of the family just now, even a dozen or eight families can be dragged down by you, and even a battle will be wiped out. Is there something stronger behind chasing you down?" Zi Tianying saw the most carefully.

Although she could not see what Qin Shaofeng's true support was.

But it can also be concluded.

During the war just now, Qin Shaofeng must have hidden a lot.

She even had a feeling.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng agreed to be with them was because he took what they said.

If he and others are plotting against him.

Qin Shaofeng may not be able to kill himself, but he can definitely kill Zixun and Ziyue easily, and it can make her helpless here.

How could such an existence be chased by a few small families?

"Aunt Ying, you can see clearly."

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and said, "But you shouldn't interfere with my affairs. Perhaps your identity is not simple, but if you intervene, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle."

"What? There are really stronger people chasing you?"

The two brothers and sisters all changed.

"That's natural, otherwise, after coming to this zone where the power of forbidden force is at its peak, even if the five big families come together, I can use the pill that I snatched from their strong hands to fight and raise them, and easily kill them all. kill."

He said all of it, and Zi Tianying's color suddenly changed.

It's really the five big families.

Such many forces, although they have no guts to attack her.

But once the fight started, she could hardly guarantee to kill them all in the Forbidden Forest.

But Qin Shaofeng has this ability.

Doesn't it mean that his fighting power in the Forbidden Martial Forest is catching up with him?

Is it even higher?

Unbelievable is one thing.

Her speculation about the person who chased Qin Shaofeng made her feel even more difficult.

Qin Shaofeng promised to help them.

Even when they were ignorant, she outrageously exposed part of his combat power, which made her more like this junior.

There was a faint plan to bring it under the door.

After all, with this idea, young people who dare to believe in others are almost extinct.


Hearing the horror of the person Qin Shaofeng really worried about, she couldn't help but ask: "Who is that? Is the cultivation level much higher than me?"

"Yes! My aunt is a 7th-ranked celestial powerhouse, even in the entire Great Northern Wilderness, she is a quasi-first-class powerhouse." Ziyue said.

"Brother Qin must not think that Quasi-First-Class is very weak. In fact, there are only a few first-class powerhouses in the Great Northern Wilderness. They will not just go around randomly. Quasi-First-class is the peak combat power of the Great Northern Wilderness." Xun hurriedly spoke.

The brothers and sisters did not know why, and they also had an inexplicable affection for Qin Shaofeng.

It's okay for the two not to speak like this.

Saying this made Qin Shaofeng smile again and again.

"I really don't know how the opponent's combat power is. Maybe it's really just an old man with a declining age. He doesn't have any combat power at all, but maybe..." Qin Shaofeng shut his mouth and shook his head again with a wry smile.

"Ram bottle?"

"No! It's impossible!"

"He is a strong saint star. It stands to reason that when you are outside Tianlian Mountain, you will never have access to such an existence, and he has been looking for Silver Moon Rabbit to heal his injuries?"

Zi Tianying is worthy of being a high-ranking member of a certain force, and even following Qin Shaofeng's words, she guessed Gongyangzun.

But she just thought about it, and immediately rejected it.

After all, the existence of the position of the saint star is as rare in the Great Northern Wilderness as the sun and the moon in the sky, even she can't easily remove it.

"I am the person who invited by the Chen family just now to help the Ram Zun obtain the Silver Moon Rabbit." Qin Shaofeng said.

In a word, the three of them shut up completely.

"What happened? You secretly attacked the Chen family because of this?" Zi Tianying became more puzzled.

The two teenagers could only nod their heads again and again.

"Let's talk while walking!"

Qin Shaofeng led the three of them to continue searching, and at the same time said: "I was invited by the Chen family because of the people I rescued from the Chen family in Tianlian Mountain, Chen Yuxin and Chen Yulu who were just killed by me."

"But because I exposed my strength, I left the bane."

"It is understandable for the Chen family to ask me to help them, but they believe that I have a complete martial skill of the supernatural rank, and even after planning to let me help them win the spot, they directly take me down and ask the situation of the martial art of super rank."

"Ha ha!"

"What? You saved the Chen family. The Chen family didn't know how to be grateful and asked for your help, but was still plotting your martial arts?" Zi Xun was immediately filled with indignation.

Ziyue was even more murderous. I really don't know where she came from when she was so young.

"Don't talk too much, let Shaofeng continue." Zi Tianying interrupted in time.


Qin Shaofeng said once again about helping the Chen family to capture the Silver Moon Rabbit.

And also said the words of the other two in the Chen family.

It was because of the words of those two that he was more careful when he came out.

"Who knew I was about to hand over the Silver Moon Rabbit, and then tried to deal with the Chen family, Ram Zun felt that I absorbed the inexplicable energy there, and even coveted my martial arts."


"Although I am not a powerful person, Qin Shaofeng, I am not a person willing to lead death."

"Since they are determined to kill me, then I want to see if they took me first, or if I stir them upside down first!"

"That said, this is the Forbidden Forest, and I am the Forbidden!"

"It's not like that."

Just as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Zi Tianying shook his head again and again.

"When you first started, it was very correct to choose to escape all the way to this battlefield that is most beneficial to you, and you should not fight those guys head-on."

Zi Tianying sighed and said, "But the advice I can give you is that your current combat power is already good. Choose to cross the Tianlian Mountains as much as possible and go to the land of the shining star!"

"What? Can he really do his best? And can he find me?" Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

He didn't expect the three of them to treat him so well.

How to say, they didn't know each other for a long time, okay?

"What is it to find you?"

Zi Tianying seemed to laugh a little bit self-deprecatingly, and said: "The Ram Zun has a weird chessboard in his hand. Don't say you have what he wants. Even if you are just an irrelevant person, he can find you. Come out and beheaded."

"As for his combat power situation, it is even more problematic."

"His body injury was given by my ancestors. Although it can prevent him from displaying combat power, it is not absolute, but every time he uses a stick of incense, he will lose ten years of life."

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